Daily reminder. A rose is a symbol representing the death of Rosa and there is nothing that liberals can do to apologize for it aside from bending over and taking the communist dick while saying sorry.
socdem should filter to class cuck tbh
Hatefucking a socdem twink is peak praxis
Where are our drawfags at? You artists know what must be done.
Fucking drawfags fell for the capitalist meme, getting money from drawing furry
But Rosa was a Soc Dem. There are two kinds of Soc Dem the capitalist kind and the Luxemburgists. Pretty sure this "SocDems killed Rosa!" meme is something created to help disable the left.
At the time Social Democrat meant something totally different, even Lenin called himself that.
genuine social democracy is the most powerful ideology on earth.
from the far left, a desire to radically reshape society
from the centre-right, the ability to wear a suit and bore people.
the locked-in commitment to social democracy in ideological terms makes rightward compromise far more difficult than it is for the assorted far left who fall into line critically supporting the labour party come election time. you may buy off a democratic socialist with all women shortlists because they don't know enough capitalist economics to object to your austerity budget in the midst of a recession on anything but emotive grounds (and anyway, the tories austerity budget is worse), but you cannot pull the same trick on a social democrat by definition.
something something cart before the horse. doesn't matter anyway since we're all dead.
she was literally killed at order by a social democrat, gustav noske
her whole struggle in the spartakusbund was against the social democrats
fuck off porky. also, it's not rose.
noske wasn't a social democrat just because he called himself social democrat in order to fool workers.
noske was the definition of a reactionary, he was in cahoots with freikorps and the most reactionary german aristocrats. do you take a piece of crap for a cake when someone puts cream on it also?
rosa was a longtime member of the spd, but she eventually left, because the spd was overtaken by bourgeois-liberals and reactionaries in 1914, after bebel's death. she joined the spartakusbund which itself was part of the newly founded uspd. so was ernst thälmann, by the way. uspd was short for UNABHÄNGIGE SOZIALDEMOKRATISCHE PARTEI DEUTSCHLANDS and it was founded as continuation of the old social democrat party, because the spd under the traitor ebert wasn't social democrat anymore at all. today's spd isn't social democrat, but bourgeois-liberal. die linke/pds has been traditional social democrat for the past 25 years, but is now about to be undermined and corrupted by liberals too.
You still mad?
We are the only succesful leftists.
If you think socdems are successful then you're actually a neoliberal.
Socdems like fascist exist to palliate revolutionary movements.
there are audiophiles of interviews that clearly state that noske wouldn't have given such order without the SPD leaderships and directly Eberts approval
is this some kind of joke wordfilter? let's see
If you call putting a bandaid on the problem success, sure, very successful. SocDem is an extremely fragile system and only works when the nation has enough money (See third world SocDem Venezuela). It also embitters the wealthy so you have to walk around eggshells around your masters.
And to be fair, I'd much rather live under SocDem (first world) than whatever the fuck America is. I'm not saying it does no good. It does do good. It's just a temporary placeholder for the actual solution.
Nerver trust them
Successful? How can you not see that with the fall of the USSR social democracy died too?
Maybe we should make it a symbol that represents the death of ALL communists?
Y'all enjoy being the same, after all.
And, sure, you might oppose this idea.
But I honestly, like, unironically see no drawback of having no communists left on Earth.
Can you think of one? I can't.
It's not like the Earth would die or disappear with the disappearance of communism.
In fact, I think it would thrive.
in the netherlands Troelstra of the Social Democratic Worker's Party tried to stage a revolution in 1919 to come to the aid of rosa and lenin, very epic
satanist bastard
"Since 4 August 1914, German Social-Democracy has been a stinking corpse."
- Rosa
"Social democracy is objectively the left wing of fascism."
- Stalin
Kind of hot tbh just hoping he was an edgy Stalinist and not a le fashy daddy xD
Soviets always were, always are and always will be class traitors of the highest degree and nothing less than Nazis in socialist clothing.
The undeniable fact that they signed a treaty with the Nazis and happily collaborated with them and would have continued collaborating with them had they not been betrayed by the Nazis is proof of this.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
How are you guys socialists but have so much disdain for proletarians
Or is this just another club for disaffected white men who don’t actually have any beliefs.
How bout you start being the vanguard
I'm waiting on my ET comrades to arrive.
You are white shut the fuck up. Go back to r/chapotraphouse.
if you have these left beliefs, i reckon yall should start acting like it. like cool, you read marx and shit. doesn't make you anything. go out there and do something about it, raise the consciousness. or else you're just some nihilist
struck a nerve huh. chapotraphouse is literally this board tho. a bunch of chauvinistic white guys calling themselves socialist.
internet left and internet right have this in common: they're all useless white dudes, couldn't get a job, bad grades at community college, so they make web politics their identity. difference is, e-left punches up, alt-right punches down.
y'all are on your way to PEAK SOCIALISM but the chauvinism is problematic
What's this boards position on niggers?
Long live posadas
Long live comrade high commander
look at does dubz
Is this really a thing? Do socdems really act more favourably to nazis than communists?
I've never been an ideological leftist, I don't think a Marxist utopia is tenable and I think that a market economy isn't inherently evil, yet I've always been deeply suspicious of anything vaguely smells like fascism. Media harassment, laws passed without oversight, "preserving our heritage", etc. always sends alarm bells ringing in my ears.
Who are these socdems that are open to Nazi talking points?
I'm 99% sure everyone here is a WN who just became a Leftie when they realized it would help them if they adopted a Marxist understanding to the World.
speak for yourself
Is this some sort of new Zig Forumsyp tactic in spamming the board
You aren't really fooling anyone
never forget that bernsteins stupid theory got btfod by Rosa so hard that he had her killed
is this real
yes, read this:
me, 1920s: social democrats are objectively fascists so there's no point allying with them against the openly declacommunists
me, 1940s: why the fuck didn't socdems ally with the communists against fascism when they had the chance? i don't remember but i bet it's the socdems fault.
me, 1960s: social democratic state with full employment is bad because the state is inherently bad and individualism is good and work should be abolished but trade unions complying with incomes policies are class traitors
me, 1980s: what the fuck why is the government shutting public services while ramping up the power of the police and legislating trade-unions to death while pursuing a policy of intentional mass unemployment? this is the socdems fault for being unelectable / not staging a communist revolution in the 1960s / killing an individual given disproportionate importance by people who supposedly look at material conditions and the balance of class power rather than subscribing to a great (wo)man theory of history.
twist ending: it's too late for any critical alliance with the status quo, we end with the oceans boiling either way and frankly it was probably dialectically inevitable from the start. our one hope is that the rich cook with us on earth.
A dictatorship of proletariat is the closest the world has come to communism .
When are the Democrat Cops of America going to realize how badly they're being conned by the candidates they endorse?
The amount of vitriol directed toward social democrats is really quite unjustified. Perhaps many social democrats really do believe in "social democratic capitalism", but they still promote reform to help the exploited. Why all the strident opposition?
sorry, bumping
What. Anyone with a brain or knowledge of 1940`s soviet union would be aware that Stalin had planned to attack Germany at some point and was just buying time with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. In fact, the whole soviet trade surpluses point with the nazi-Germany was to make them more dependent on soviets and thus buying more time since they military were not in a position to act.
Social Democracy died with Allende. The western powers no longer tolerate it. The old comprises are slowly being done away with and should never be resurrected as they were the result of imperialism and exploitation of the third world. Global communism or global extinction of the human race. The choice is yours. There is no fucking compromise. You will realize this as the third world becomes prominent enough to challenge the west and all talk of muh benefits are conveniently removed from the agenda as your national bourg scramble to replace the precious super profits that they can no longer extract from abroad.
Allende wasn't a socdem
Currious to mention that V.Lenin was leader of SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC labor party of Russia.
Rosa Luxembourg was also member of three Social Democratic parties.
That's the whole point.It was not social democracy that murdered Rosa. It were the members of Social democratic party of Germany the Freikorps.
yeah it was. ever since WWI, socdem means rosa killer now. the meaning changed.
Honestly, I am fine with that. Reformist doesn't work, and it's harmfull, because it prolongs the revolution.
exhibit 1: an essay by Post Keynesian (i.e. socdem) Joan Robinson
>The Marxist theorist Ernest Mandel accused Robinson of misinterpretations of Marx similar to those of Rosa Luxemburg.
She belonged to three Social Democratic parties.