Veteran here. Gonna be honest with you, I think most of you are retarded but still better than normal Zig Forums. I don't need to white nationalist hillbilly riding my dick. I need free shit cause I'm not equipped for this normie life and i dont want to be.
Life on the field makes sense. You know who the boss is, none of this shit about management transfers, human resource departments, etc. Hell I'd rather endure a military tribunal than a civil court case again.
Yeah, you do evil shit. You're supposed to. You don't use guns, you ARE the gun. You're the gun of Western imperialism and you kill fucking children because they looked suspicious. And the sound of a high caliber round going through their skull is still less damaging to your psyche than their whimpers leaving them alive to just die slower in human trafficking.
You're a murderer and an asshole. But life makes sense. That's a luxury. Nothing makes sense in the "civilized" world. You all worry about where your next paycheck is going to come from or how you're going to pay rent, but I guarantee you if you stop propping up the military industrial complex and bring troops home you're going to have way worse problems on your hands. You have no idea just how valuable a Republican is to your own self preservation. All those dick moves against your pensions and social security are a necessary element to jack off the beast of the huge military they concocted and now can't control. So they just keep it docile with funding, funding, and more funding. Constantly giving a red rocket to that big dog so he stays a sleepy dog.
Pic related of the only commie I ever liked. He's right about everything. I sure as hell didn't get PTSD and a twice broken collar bone just to have some pedophile little prick tell me what's acceptable and unacceptable shit posting.