Anti-America thread

Anti-American thread, this thread is for all your Anti-America posting, Death to America!

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Hello Zig Forums I see you're still as reluctant to lurk for literally two seconds before making screencap threads as ever

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I don't hate America. I actually like America despite its flaws. I wish them well.

It's the 3rd Worldist Christ-chan.

Sooner or later he was gonna become a Nazi.

since this thread is about anti-capitalist nazi stuff, can someone post some amerimutt memes

i mean i should be opposed to amerimutt shit but i think its funny

shit BO wordfiltering a n t i a m e r i c a n into anti-capitalist damn

Daily reminder that America's proles are highly reactionary and that contrary to the liberal mainstream view, it is the professionals that are the most right wing and not the "lower classes." This is entirely consistent with the MTW perspective on the domestic politics of core countries. Relying on the enlightened intellectuals will get the nascent amerifat left nowhere.

No it's not.

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My type of thread

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Daily reminder that any form of UBI is retarded and takes power away from the working class.

IF he became a Asserite I can tolerate it otherwise he's a bitch nigga

Really there's two kinds of amerimutt memes, ones that are about Americans being retarded because of being impure and ones about Americans being retarded just because its innate to their culture and history and the latter should be perfectly acceptable on the Left

They also trigger the shit out of American Zig Forumsacks. I've seen a 4chin Zig Forums faggot literally claim that we invented the Amerimutt meme to "divide the Right" kek

Also there's overtly pro-Leftist ones like this

I'm fine with you posting anti-Am.erican shit just don't do it using retarded Nazi propaganda there's plenty of good Soviet and Chinese (and DPRK) anti-Am.erican propaganda that is about 1000 times better than Nazi/Fascist ones

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Nice thread

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Why the fuck are reactionaries so god damn schizophrenic jesus christ

This is what amerifats actually believe.

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Nazis were smarter than modern neo-Nazis and thought the KKK were idiot brutes. Officially Nazi Germany had little problem with races other than the Jews and the Slavs and its "solution of the jewish question" was supposed to be more nuanced and elegant than random lynchings by American mongrels squatting on the land of Aryan Indians.

So do Nazi actually think what they did to the Soviet Union wasn't 10000 times worse than what the KKK did or


Ami Go Home remix

It had more to do with the randomness of their methods than the killings or their targets. If the KKK had gone about exterminating blacks in a “sophisticated” systematic way, then the Nazis probably would have liked them a lot more. Although this does betray a misunderstanding of what the KKK was all about. They never sought the extermination of blacks, merely their subjugation and perpetuation of Jim Crow apartheid. To this end the lynchings of the KKK actually make sense, since the intention was to intimidate blacks into submission through sudden and random violence.

I agree.
Which is why we need to nationalize key industries, the banks and put the land under government ownership.
Socialism with american characteristics when.


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meanwhile in an alternate universe

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Tbh we really do need to revive a specifically American socialism, at least in inconography and aesthetics.

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Nah we should just let america continue to diminish.

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At this point they're more likely to end up as the global final boss, there is no hope for the rural south and any urban socialism is going to be rendered toothless by the liberal masses

isn't that just Deleonism?

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I've read deleonism.
Its hardly different from anarcho-syndicalism.
Its not an ideology fitting for a super power.

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What makes America a superpower is why everyone despises it, including some of its own citizens.

If the US became communist the entire american continent would become communist.
And then probably europe, china and russia might ironically not turn communists…
But yeah it'd more american.

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America will never become communist so you can stop fantasizing. It will hopefully go the way of Yugoslavia by the end of this century.

You mean balkanize and then have a massive civil war/internal genocide?

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What's wrong?
I thought you eurofags wanted communism.

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Kek what

Seems like an appropriate end for a blood thirsty empire that has slaughtered countless men, women, and children in the third world and systemically prevented them from liberating themselves for decades.

If America’s Empire collapses then that’s good, but there’s no reason to destroy it as a nation.

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Yep, you have to be an idiot to think this is a “mistake” on his part

Communist USA would be fucking awesome

If tsarist Russia can be a reactionary shithole and become Communist, the US can too.

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This. Nazis thought the KKK were pussies and disorganized louts who just sat around drinking. When the KKK was at its height it was filled to the brim with WWI veterans you can understand why they weren’t eager to work with them from that perspective.

Except US is a massive anti-communist shithole.

Anti-American is sectarian and nationalist and not anti-America.

"Anti-Americanism" is an exagerated and provocative shorthand to mean stating the truth about america.

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What I don't like about the amerimutt meme is that its giving credit to the alt right.
The reason why america is doing worse is not because we're getting more stupid.
Americans have always been stupid.
The problem is that a more efficient authoritarian power (China) has taken power away from the united states.
And instead of voting left wing to alleviate the situation people believe in non nonsensical conspiracy theories.

so was Tsarist russia

sure, whatever. although caricatures of americans existed before that.
the problem is capitalism, comrade.

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Can anyone explain to me what would actually happen if the US adopted a gold standard.
Because that's the main thing conspiracy theorists in america go on, the federal reserve.

The largest and most glaring problem in returning to the gold standard is that there is simply not enough gold in the world to cover the quantity of currency presently in existence. To put it another way, even if the US were somehow able to purchase the world's entire gold stocks (in itself an impossible proposition) there would still be nowhere near enough gold to cover the total value of dollars in existence. It is estimated that the total amount of gold that has been mined in the world is equal to about 142,000 metric tons. Assuming a price of $50,000 per kilogram (corresponding to around $1550 per troy ounce), that equals about $7.1 trillion: not enough to cover all circulating money and deposits in the United States, let alone the entire world. A return to the gold standard would require a massive devaluation of the US dollar, precisely the scenario that many gold bugs feel that the gold standard would prevent.

Furthermore, this calculation only applies to the US. If all the world's other countries were simultaneously trying to do the same thing then this problem would be exacerbated. In addition, if the US were to follow the policy of buying the world's gold as outlined above then a large number of the actual dollars would have ended up overseas and the US would have the metal. Presumably, the US would then have to create more dollars for internal use, which would hardly be a counter-inflationary policy.

In addition, gold has gained several industrial uses in the last century, particularly the tech industry and some medical uses, as well as traditional uses in jewelry. The ensuing hyper-deflation of a return to the gold standard would devastate the jewelry industry (no one but the filthy rich is going to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a 14k gold wedding band, never mind 24k) and the tech industry as the extensive use of gold interconnects in chip packaging would send component prices through the roof.

TL;DR - Not possible

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It's literally impossible. Profits must raise or capitalism ends and one of the only sufficient ways to do that in the late 20th Century was to remove the gold standard. Once capitalism does something like that to preserve itself it can't be undone. That's why trying to fight climate change within capitalism is stupid and futile.

Also this

To be fair, the USA now is a literal ZOG Occupied Government Government and USA is kickstart another war to increase Porky's Profits,

The Chinese are using Capitalism against the USA. You know, use the Rope to Strangle them.

lmao the EU is basically Germany's tool to strongarm the rest of Europe

Not anywhere near as am*Rica. b*Rgerbitches are beyond repair

Time to murder BR leftist cucks and shove White Phosphorous Grenades up their ass…then ignite them. Just like we used to do, fucking scum.

Is this intentional? It it a word filter?


Fuck off Zig Forums.

I think he means that the USA influences Israe.l(zog)

Eh wha?

Nice video

Cool, parteigenosse.