Today I've made an important step in my life. Now I'm an official member of the DKP and this is my membership book.
What I want to say? Get off your computers and start organizing with people! No excuses!
Today I've made an important step in my life. Now I'm an official member of the DKP and this is my membership book.
What I want to say? Get off your computers and start organizing with people! No excuses!
Is DKP the Cult one in Krautland or is it KPD?
Wasn't there one called SPD?
Congrats OP. Could you enlighten us on all the alphabet soup of Sozialisten?
Based German tankbro
Those are the succdems (really mostly neoliberals now)
Call me when there's talk of an armed struggle, otherwise you're just larping.
I don't see how getting yourself arrested is helping anyone
that's weird
The only people we hate more than Romans are Judean People's Front.
I don't get the reference. I'd say, the one resembling cult the most is MLPD.
Shame on you, user.
SPD is literally the SocDem. The party of Marx and Engels, the one with the Gotha programme, the one that gave name to Second International. It got hijacked by centrists by WW1 and gave contemporary meaning to SocDem. After WW2 they officially washed their hands of Marx and became liberals. Linke is new SocDem.
Well that's just why I've heard of them.
I don't follow German politics much.
Wohoo another dengist shithead
dengism with social benefits.
It just werks.
pretty ironic
I don't know what your party is like but I would just say: be good to your comrades, be respectful and friendly, be supportive to one another.
but don't take any shit from anyone and don't let anyone convince you to do something stupid or compromising. there are a lot of wannabe-dictators and manipulative types in political organizations who just want to abuse other people - don't take their shit. if you encounter someone like that you need to tell them to fuck off.
the 5 points program of the DKP lead me to second-hand embarrassment, it could as well be from the SPD
plus it is / they are pandering to those who confuse leftism with xenophilia (advocating for open borders etc)
Wan't the SED the party of Honecker?
What are your responsibilities as party member? How much time do you have to spend for the party?
I'm thinking about joining the party, but I fear they would kick me out for not spending there enough time. Also, democratic centralist organization looks like big circlejeck.
This is what I fear, I do not want to join a church. But there surely is fuckton of people which can be fun to be around, and many can surely help me to get to a books I can't get to.
In both Erich and Margot Honecker joined the KPD (1990) after being expelled from the SED.
Congrats on entering a irrelevant and completely ineffective party
the KPD seeks unity though
and wants to work with the DKP
criticizing okay but if someone joins the latter then don't just shit on them
but i sure as hell wont do anything like that
thanks for being active though and taking matters into your hand
i respect that
Do you suggest joining AfD instead?
Now join Aufstehen and engage in entryism: it unironically works, look at Momentum.
probably one of those PdL drones where you can be "very effective" by being a left fig leaf on privatization, rising rents, continuing H4 and fucking over workers with false promises
it's very efficient
Willkommen Genosse!
Stärkt die KP!
kommunistischen Gruß!
Here is my SDAJ Membership card btw (?) book (?) idk
Actually not too much. You have to come at least once in a month to a group meeting and pay your membership fee. I didn't had the feeling, that they force you to do something. It was also my first concern, that it could be like a cult. I told them from the beginning, that I can't do every job which they would offer me. I'm just contributing as much as I want and they respect my decision. And in regards of circlejerk: You can have a different opinion. They will disscuss with you, but they don't punish you, just because you disagree.
Offcourse, you can attend to every protest and every activity. But it is really up to you, how much you do.
Danke! But why don't you just want to give it a try? It is a good experience to meet like minded people.
sounds good :)
I wish the US had a decent communist party. Congrats though on your new membership, comrade!
too stupid, too awkward, i'd be a burden and dont even have the option to really participate in anything where i live
so i'm always glad to see people like you taking it upon them and do something i could only dream of
I know this mindset and this was also keeping me from becoming active. But when I joined the party, I told my comrades from the beginning, that I will need some time to become familiar with them and that I can't do every job immediately. And they had no problem with that and said, that I can contribute how much I want.
I know this sounds like a motivational calender quote, but you are too harsh with yourself. When I joined my party, I also thought that I'm "awkward" and a "burden". I asked my comrades what they think about me they told me, that they are very happy that I decided to join them and they said, that I don't have to worry. Just do how much you want and you feel good. Don't force yourself. Your comrades should respect this, otherwise you are free to leave.
I can tell you: You are not stupid, not awkward and definitely not a burden. Even Lenin said, that we must use the people which we have, because we don't have anything else.
We have to work with the material, which capitalism gave us, otherwise we shouldn't call us communists.
Just try it, don't think too much. If it works, it is great. If you don't feel well, you can leave. There is nothing what you can lose, you can only gain new experiences.
can't argue with that, you're right
ok, i'll do just that then
not right away, but maybe next week, giving it a try, at least write an e-mail i guess
Good to hear, I'm very glad you have changed your mind.
i'm still scared of the idea and don't think i'll be able to do anything, even when i give it a try, but i should at least do that much
its not like its gonna make anything worse when i mess up, they can always just deny me in worst case
Good on you user, I just wish my country had a communist party that is not succdem larpers, I'd be all over that
When I read your messages, I can relate to you very well, because I had the same worries.
This kind of thinking is contraproductive, because it is blocking your full potential. And this step can be scary and the first meetings might feel uncomfortable. But later you can be proud on yourself, because you made it. Der Mensch wächst mit seinen Aufgaben. And be careful with these kind of thoughts. Like I've said before, these thoughts are harmful and contraproductive. And I can tell you, these thoughts have no rational substance. Perhaps you could do psychotherapy? I don't mean it as an insult, I just speak from my personal experience.
What is difference in policy between DKP / KDP / MLPD (The cult?) respectively?
i've got years of therapy but actually learning the lessons, it just doesn't seem to work in practice
at least not as good as i'd hope for but i guess i did some progress at least
and joining a party seems like something my therapist would advice me to do (well, leaving out the orientation of it and all that)
MLPD is maoist, they ended up supporting the "revolution" in libya and celebrate the end of the DDR
the DKP until a while back supported the EU and acted rather opportunistic, becoming an extension of the "Left" party, but went through some changes and is struggling for a ML party line
the KPD was founded in the DDR and can thus legally claim that name despite the ban of the KPD in west germany
apparently they started out as "anti-stalinist" but are now your regular old ML "tankies"
they are pushing for unification of all MLs but the DKP doesn't seem quite as into it
they also seem to be in favor of "antimonopolistic democracy", i'm not sure if i might've misunderstood something but it seems they reject the leading role of the communist party in such a movement
don't know about the DKPs line in that regard