I know that ⛏️rotsky was a butthurt traitor and modern Trots tend to be insane, but what are some criticisms of ⛏️rotskyism on a theoretical level? I haven't read him yet but permanent revolution seems like a fine concept.
I know that ⛏️rotsky was a butthurt traitor and modern Trots tend to be insane...
Well, then read him.
You can't even talk about permanent revolution, since it is the concept as you imagine it, not the one ⛏️rotsky was actually proposing.
You got me there. I guess I just want someone to "redpill" me on ⛏️rotsky, since I never see people actually talk about his ideology. I'll read him but I am working on other lit.
Need theory?
>>>/marx/ has got you covered.
Ismail is a literal Dengist who probably hasn't even read Marx's Capital.
Ismail has only read Hoxha,Lenin and Furr
Even most hoxhaist hated him(thats why he turned full dengist)
Really makes me think
Flag from an old Larp thread sorry
there's literally a thread on /marx/ for reading kapital
well for one he constantly changed his mind opportunistically, so you can't really criticize a single body of ⛏️rotskyism.
leftcoms fuck off
Yup this too
This is a cockshottist board now. You fuck off.
I just finished TANS and have been reading Laws of Chaos and Classical Econophysics, what does that have to do with leftcom shitposting?
Reminder that cockshott is juche gang
He's closer to a leftcom than a dengist. You know, since he actually wants to abolish capitalism.
what does this have to do with anything? some dipshit leftcom is alleging, with no evidence, that the /marx/ board owner hasn't read Capital and that he's a Dengist. and no, recognizing qualitative differences between China and a capitalist system isn't Dengism, Deng was a criminal.
He was a fucking anisemitic bigot incel and died alone.
Deserved it.
In which he hasn't posted once.
he has though
There are none. If ⛏️rotsky won over Stalin USSR would advance towards socialism and it would help other states do the same. ⛏️rotsky was right on almost every account.
There are none. Stalinites can only resort to conspiracy theories, antisemitism, and personal attacks. The only legitimate criticisms of ⛏️rotsky come from anarchists.