Is this the FBI or is it safe?

Is this the FBI or is it safe?
Post your known infiltrated organizations or your firearms ITT.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know the people should be armed and all that.
still scared of guns, I really really don't like them.
look at what happened in that Kerch college in Russia today

t. never shot a gun


can a thread be considered an organization?


Just post with your VPN if you're that worried
Being a card carrying gun toting leftist really sounds like asking to be on a watch list in the US, which is why I ask. That and general interest in what otherwise sounds like an org of other like minded people interested in arming the working class.

good worker

if I ran the FBI, people would definitely be working to infiltrate it. It's pretty new, so maybe it's not inundated yet.

The SRA seems legit, the guy that started had a little history of it posted somewhere. The founder left after a while because he was a socdem, and most of the other members were anarchists and communists.

I mean, it's essential that the working people are armed. This organization is really small, and was started as a joke, but it's evolved into a real thing. We can't use the NRA, since it's super right wing and supports filthy capitalists and everything we stand against, except the actual gun rights.

They seem kind of LARPy and also not very secure, if it isn't a honeypot (which it might be, but I doubt it since they don't seem to encourage any illegal or subversive activity) it's still probably heavily infiltrated.

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Joined it, havn't got a gun yet as I'm not sure where to get a gun that's not just supporting the big company domestic manufacturing financial interests that got the NRA to become ever so powerful. There is probably one or two Feds at your local chapter, they probably are the ones encouraging really dumb decisions like terrorist acts, not attending any rallies as bodyguards for protesters, or encouraging going to some pozzed shooting range.

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Nope. There are no FBI agents in the SRA.

They're legit and legal. There are bound to be feds watching it, but that goes for any decent org.

It needs to define what it wants to be very clearly. Is it just a club for leftists to hang out and shoot guns and do some advocacy? Is it a paramilitary group? It kinda feels like it wants to be both. The former is well within their constitutional rights, but the issue with the latter is that there are liability issues and laws in many jurisdictions regarding paramilitary activity that opens up the organization to a lot of problems (the alt-right found this out after UTR). The John Brown Gun Clubs seems squarely in the latter as is Redneck Revolt.

Also seems to be a reaction to the NRA flying whole-whole towards the right. One time, Robert F. Williams (the author of "Negroes With Guns") helped arm black communities in the 50s for self-defense purposes and was an NRA chapter chair. The Monroe, N.C. chapter of the NRA he founded was called the Black Armed Guard.

Yeah I'm worried about gun ranges spying on them for the government. Gun ranges in America typically require photo ID so it'd be easy enough for the range to feed everyone's information to the feds – so even if the group is not infiltrated it wouldn't be hard to figure out who the members are. But I support the idea in principle.

Another group out there is the Pink Pistols which is an LGBT gun rights advocacy and self-defense group. They have some fun slogans like "Pick on someone your own caliber" and "armed gays don't get bashed." That's true. There was a spate of robberies in my neck of the woods targeting the gay population and then a dude shot one of the robbers during a stickup. There haven't been any robberies since.

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We will shoot them with the guns they sell us. Guns in the US are mostly a monopoly if you're not getting anything used, and even then you may have to get some new part for the used gun .

If it's really legit I might seriously consider it.

good luck with that, the websiter doesn't even work.
probably just an FBI ip logger

The website is having some issues right now.

One thing I also hear from Zig Forums trolls is that the right has all the guns and in one of their stupid civil war fantasies the gun owners would not sell to leftists. Well I'll tell you where I live the gun owners don't give a damn who they sell guns to as long as the bare minimum legal requirements are met. The only color they care about is green. Go to a gun show and there will be cars in the parking lot with Mexican plates and you know there's shady business going on there. If drug cartels can arm themselves better than the Mexican military thanks to "patriotic" all-American gun dealers then the barriers to entry here are pretty low.

I did go shoot with one of their chapters and it was a lot of fun? Just as a social outing to shoot with likeminded people for a few hours on a weekend morning; tfw when no cute commie bf. That's the extent of my relationship with it. And people bring all these fun toys. I'm sick of going shooting and being stuck in a lane next to some guys that are like "aim for the black one!" (referring to their targets) then they both chuckle. Shit's annoying.

And I will add that paramilitary border militias also recruit at gun shows. So you'll see some Minutemen-style militia with a booth and then these guys from Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon etc. down the aisle buying rifles with cash no questions asked – in the same convention hall. It's pretty eye opening.

Of course there will be feds, but that's unavoidable in the US. It seems fairly tiny so it wouldn't surprise me if their site is just shit.

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Methinks the SRA should ally with the Pink Pistols and other """progressive""" gun clubs. When the gun range owner asks for ID, you wouldn't need to worry about straight up exposing yourself as a socialist to some classcucks with funny ideas and/or glow-in-the-darks.
The SRA should also evaluate the gun ranges they plan to use. Are they owned by a member? Are they owned by a fellow traveler? Among other questions to answer.
Feel free to criticize my suggestions or call me a faggot.

From looking at Pink Pistols social media before, they seem kind of "libertarian"-capitalist from what I've seen. I don't know anyone with direct experience with them tho.

Same. After the revolution there arguably still should be some form of gun control or restrictions. Too bad you're usually branded a "liberal" or "revisionist" on here for making that common sense claim.

I'm worried they're going to start showing up in full LARP at these ranges. Stupid. I'm not up to anything but I still like to be as normie as fucking possible at those places.

I don't think that will happen. Their subreddit was very put off by the LARPy shit Austin Red Guard and Redneck Revolt have done.

Didn't hear about this.

Well that's good. RGA are like turbo-edgy dipshit morons who will get themselves hurt or put in jail and I think at least one already has. And I think Redneck Revolt ended up settling for a consent degree with the city of Charlottesville basically saying "get lost and don't come back" – along with about a dozen fash groups.

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Because its not "common sense". Gun control does nothing do address the total intentional homicide rate or the reasons people commit shootings in the first place. At best it may drop the total gun death rate, but never the actual total homicide (factoring out self-inflicted homicide, accidental homicide, and homicide done in self-defense). Chicago has some of the highest rates of homicide yet has some of the most restrictive gun laws. Vermont on the other hand has some of the most lax and yet some of the lowest (again factoring out self-inflicted) rates. The entire gun control argument is based on fear and misinformation on guns rather then statistics, hell if we wanted to target the guns that actually kill people in most gun related homicides we would target handguns not rifles. And that still wouldn't drop the rate.

So school shootings are now a global phenomenon? Fuck this universe

It's my feeling that guns and urban areas don't mix very well. Vermont and North Dakota (which I think has the highest per-capita gun ownership rate in the U.S, or near to it) are very rural states where owning a gun is obvious common sense. Manhattan… it's harder to justify.

I don't know about other countries but the gun debate in the U.S. overlaps over a rural vs. urban cultural conflict which also overlaps with the Republican and Democratic parties. Then you get some anomalies like Bernie Sanders who is to the left of the Democrats and represents a rural state and is pro-gun at least in relative terms (although he moderated somewhat as his national profile grew) which throws people for a loop.

Like if you live in rural America which is seriously gigantic, you can shoot at targets in your own damn backyard in a lot of places. The cops (lol at relying on the cops in any situation tho) are not reliable and are basically going to be there an hour after they get called to scrap you off the ground. My uncle would blast poisonous snakes in his backyard with a shotgun. But a lot of this doesn't apply for the urban population.


Any lefty Zig Forums discord?

Well I can't disagree with any of that

Not really big on discord, but an IRC channel would be alright. Pretty sure it would be DOA or I would make one.

While I wouldn't be surprised if the Feds are watching them, they are explicitly avoiding any kind of militia branding and are mostly concerned with education and training. That said, the whole "Rifle" part weeds out liberals, and all the ones I met in it are genuine communists of some tendency, so they're better than say, the D.SA for example.

My understanding is that they more or less have
It's funny you should say that, they're literally in the middle of doing just that.

That's good.

That's also good.

not saying i'm going to try and set up a leftist gun club in the uk since im too inept in every way to attempt such a thing but does anyone better informed than i have any idea how or even if such a thing could be organised here? As far as i know firearms among civilians in the UK are pretty much restricted to farmers and aristos who hunt and go to shooting ranges for sport.

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Have you tried setting up a farming commune so you can own guns? Shoot up some pygmy deer.

Honestly I'd be game.

Those are some pretty auspicious digits tbh

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FBI or dumb memers

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the chapo book isn't all that bad tbh

Definitely a memer.

These pics remind me of these Nazi accounts where these guys will post a picture of guns next to Siege by James Mason and shit like that.

One difference though is the Nazi ones are really uptight about the arrangement and OCD in that way. The communist ones show a pile of stuff (though I'm sure he spent 45 minutes arranging it to look like that).

Exactly what I thought. There are a number of “soviet”, “nazi”, and even “jihadist” groups that have been infiltrated by the O9A or Temple ov Blood and simply larp as true believers of the aforementioned groups simply to promote their chaos worship.

The moment you get your hands on a gun, the feds are going to be monitoring practically everything you do with much greater scrutiny. I’m not entirely sure if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Yeah but you already have a gun to defend yourself with if they come knocking at your door

stop this meme

Right, and then you can just walk away after killing bobbies.

That would be epic tbh.

If you kill enough…

Haha, that's what you think, socdem.

Good on them. Hearing this really makes me want to join, but I am a no-gunner and in California

Why do they even bother with the tacticool shit? Do all those attachments even improve one thing on the guns?

even a single barrel shotgun is more than enough for what you probably need

Jesus Christ, is California really that bad? If you can't get anything, just buy a glock at the very least.

Don't rag on the single shot break action yo, Maoists in India have made it work for them, not to mention it's almost impossible to break, probably one of the best survival weapons you can have other than maybe a .22 bolt action

No. A direct outcome of capitalism corrupted by a few, and with much more violence coming down the road.

this, everyone should read Heroes by Bifo if you wanna understand mass shootings

Why would a state socialist regime need liberal UK style gun control? In a society without reactionaries, incels, gangs, or alienation, of what purpose does gun control then serve?

I know next to nothing about guns or the laws surrounding them, so I'm basing this statement on memes. any good gun guides that don't involve lurking Zig Forums

Basically the only good shit you can add to a gun is a sight

Here's a guide, if you know next to nothing about guns, and have no experience shooting, get a .22 rifle or pistol, they're cheap, like under $200 cheap, so is a 20 guage single shot shotgun, unlike 12 guage, 20 guage isn't quite as scary but still has a satisfying kick, Walmart sells one for $99 assuming California Walmarts have guns.

c'mon fampie how are you going to blow the porkies out of their bunkers?

California is bad but you can still get some decent stuff

I assumed we were talking legal shit

t'was a joke amigo

There's only one leftist party today that advocates for arming the working class.
They'd take your guns

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no thanks

That and a flash hider & tripod | bipod.
I might also include the double mag to shave a quarter second but you can jerry rig it with tape.

Why not seems like they're on point.

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Wally World doesn't sell guns in Cali. I know this for a fact.

Yeah, you can still buy them other places though, especially if you don't live in the Bay Area or LA.

School shootings typically happen because of deep alienation from society - not simply because people have guns.
Happy people don't shoot up schools, but depressed, angry people without access to guns will still find other ways to cause destruction.
If you want to end school shootings, solve the problem of widespread depression and alienation among children.

Russia might still be socialist

Rolf. Yeah just build Eden.

Not necessarily, you can buy shotguns somewhat simply, just tick a few boxes in a form, make sure you have a gun safe or something along those lines, and wait for a police officer to show up to inspect your gun cabinet to make sure it's secured properly, best thing is that the police have to give a reason why you shouldn't own a shotgun, it's mostly when you want any other kind of gun (Say, a Lee-Enfield for example_ where you'll be facing much more difficulty in getting a firearms license

At least we aren't Japanese levels of gun laws, jesus fuck they make ours look like Texan gun laws.

There's a YouTube channel called English shooting which goes into more details into UK gun laws, unfortunately he has had to stop making videos because of legal stuff.

All the LARP groups - be them left, right, or center, are absolutely all fed shit.

Buy black market

The trot-ML divide is meaningless, and has been sense 1991.

Pretty brainlet take. It is also something a fed would advocate… mmm.

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