The Alt-Right Is Taking Over Renaissance Fairs

Who would have guessed that white nationalists are into LARP :^)

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In Europe these are called "medieval markets" or "castle festivals". I know a few people from these things. Most of them are anti-right liberals who hate racism and all that. They are massive escapists so they might be open to far-right talking points but I don't think this is an urgent issue.

I thought it was more funny than something of immediate importance.

Yeah, of course it's funny. Especially in the ex-colonies like the US, Canada or Australia these events seem to be rip-offs for LARPers, in Europe these festivals usually have some traditions and hate right.wing pundits. I just wanted to point out the difference.

pls don't, that article is just baseless click baiting and fear mongering for liberals

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Sieg heil motherfuckers, Hitler did nothing wrong.

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And Zig Forumstards say we're "strawmanning" when we call their entire philosophy "Humans Vs Orcs".

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"White people" weren't a thing until the 1600s. You are being even worse than the daily beast right now.

Whiteness is an anachronism. The conception of a division between white and black was a product of modern chattel slavery. In fact, slavery as an institution wasn't originally racialized. Prior to colonization, the division between slaves and non-slaves was a division between Christians and non-Christians, which presupposed the irrevelence of race. You can have dark-skin and be a Christian, you can have fair-skin and be a heathen. But with colonization and chattel slavery, there began a need to translate the division of Christian and heathen into white and black. Why? Because if a slave converted to Christianity, then he would have to be freed. This also coincided with modern secularism, and a superior race is a more secular concept than a superior religion. "Whiteness" therefore is a mythological anachronism born of the modern secular (read: capitalist) age, as the concept reinterprets the historical conflict between Christendom and heathenry as a conflict between the white race and other races.

Nationhood didn't exist until the advent of the bourgeois epoch, and nationhood didn't encompass the whole of Europe. Irish people weren't considered white and in some cases were treated worse than black people. Are Jews white? How about Finns? How about North Indians and Iranians (they share the same Aryan heritage as the rest of Europe anyways)? How one defines whiteness is ultimately just a political trick. The fact is that prior to colonization, people did not identify as white, and even when they did afterwards, the conception wasn't inclusive.

It certainly predates that. People who lived in a racially homogenous land, and were surrounded by racially homogenous lands for hundreds of miles, had little concept of race, but iirc medieval European ethnographers drew heavily from earlier Arab ethnographers who had catalogued the physical geography of their's and adjacent parts of the world far before modern chattel slavery.

I believe the current scholarly consensus is that this has been a bit exaggerated, or rather misunderstood. Regardless, that happened well after the period we are talking about.

Tribal typography prior to colonization wasn't based on race as we know it, because the conception of race as we know it today hadn't come to being. A tribe isn't a race isn't a nation, and they shouldn't be confused together. Medieval scholars would regard the idea that "white" heathens and good Christian men from separate tribes are ultimately the same people as heresy.

This is my point. Whiteness as a category of understanding history obfuscates more than it clears up. All the conception can potentially encompasses is a mythology that can and is used to justify white "nationalism".

Saying that these lands were "racially homogenous" is mystifying of the facts. Race and therefore racial homogenousness is a modern concept, one that isn't as clear-cut and straightforward as it immediately seems today (which was my point about the Iranians and the Irish) let alone a thousand years ago, where the very notion didn't even exist. The fact of the matter is that under the traditional parochial agrarian life, the tribe just down the river is seen as just as foreign as those from many miles away. It is only with the development of modern commerce and the modern state that territories could even been seen as a unified people removed from religious or tribal particularism, and this is just referring to the limits of nationhood and not race. And the fact of the matter is that these disparate peoples were disparate, and did not have a common culture or even language to communicate to bring them together.

next you're going to be saying poc attend poc cultural festivals

oh wait. PoC are lazy dumb shitheads that need whitey people to organize their festivals for them. whoops.

Never seen a white person organize a powwow for us.
Stupid nazi dipshit. Kill yourself.

Yes, great white European traditions like pretending to be a green orc named “Kromkar Da Yooper”

Can't make this up

No, my bad, the ancient white European tradition is pretending to be Heinz The Barbarian.

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Makes me think this has deeper meaning. Seems the reason behind their racist human vs orc mentality is jealousy of non whites.

In some instances, yeah. There is jealousy that non-whites seem to be getting lots of help, and perceive it frequently as it being at their expense.

What they are jealous of - with regards to their perceived image of non-whites - is not being constrained by civilization and its values. I frequently see fascists associating with orcs or some other evil race, or the Horde in Warcraft, because they have a carte blanche to be savage, violent and tribalistic. Qualities that they see as good and yearn for whites to come back to.

Requesting that Orcs vs Humans screenshot.

When I started looking into white supremacists in my area I noticed a whole bunch of them liked to go to ren fairs.

Basically what I meant to say. They see other races as allowed to do what they themselves want to do.

Doesn't the Wolin Slavic and Viking festival in Poland attract a lot of far right types though? Maybe I just got that impression because a lot of the NSBM/Far Right Pagan Black metal groups I listen to upload pics from there all the time, like pic related.

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Water is also wet

Part 3 is up:

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I hate this shit so fucking much. LotR is a beautiful series of fiction but it's hard to even talk about it now because right-wing Internet queers keep comparing their own IRL bullshit narrative to it. It's especially ironic because Tolkien himself despised Hitler and Nazis.

LotR is super anti-imperialist and is focused on the death of paganism and victory of Christianity over all pagan myths, heroes and villains. It truly is one of the few positive things anglos have ever contributed to the world. Nazis in the west only like it because it had an all "white" cast. America is literally Mordor and I will fight anyone who claims otherwise.

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But don't only the black men and dark-skinned orcs support Sauron?

Fascism relies heavily on mythology and distorted history. What do you expect?

How? Don't they just replace an evil king with a bunch of kings to rule specific races except for the hobbits?

He was a Franco supporter. If he saw the current state of Britain he would definitely support orcposting.

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The rule of slaver Sauron is replaced by feudal kings.
It's historical materialism comrade.
LOTR is super dialectical too.

LOTR is a piece of fictional pre-history. Middle-earth eventually gives way to our current earth. It truly is dialectical.

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this is why i prefer scifi

t. 80 Autism Level mud living in the west

You don't care about "western civilization" or have any idea what it could be. You are shit, kill yourself no amount of "race realist" pseudoscience will make you a winner.

Wow I’m right, you’re a mutt that feels inadequate so you attack whites because you have no history

I think most people would feel pretty proud about not being white at this point.

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The orcs were canonically the most technologically advanced race in the setting, having undergone an industrial revolution. In fact, a big part of orc conquests included setting up factories and mills and forcing the native populace to work them.

That orcs have been reimagined as these barbaric primitives in the popular Western consciousness speaks volumes about still lingering imperialist attitudes.

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Orcs, like amerifats, had been breed to despise everything that their masters wished them to hate. They are imperialist foot soldiers. In the films they even have that weird bloated look that a lot of american military guys have.

Did he just cast "death" as an ender? Fucking cheeser.

In other news:

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Speaking of which get a load of these old burgerfats having a 1k+ comment meltdown over socialism outpolling capitalism among the youth

Lmao, boomer genocide when?

Also this little gem:

I find it weird that they bang on about how great western civilisation is but then wank over the barbarians who absolutely hated civilisation.

Reminds me of a rather ironic fact that the Prussian eagle so loved by the alt-right was the original symbol of the medieval Saint Maurice, a black man.

holy shit, when I was in college some motherfucker tried to get me to partake in that shit.
They fucking spent hundreds of dollars to buy acutal fucking chain mail and shit, they would parade to the nearest park and fucking hit each other with fucking blunted swords. I went one evening, I lied and said I had homework and noped out of there, as I was leaving I saw there were a crowd watching and laughing at them
you can keep your fucking medals but you wont have your dignity

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To be honest i would LARP at least once just to see what it's like.

there's nothing more pathetic than LARPers, they are sore losers that couldn't pass for professional re-enactment and historical parade groups

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They have always been the ones who want to live in the past.

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i really should just go to bed

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The cuckoldry is obvious. Words on a picture adds nothing to it.

And how do you figure my timezone, eastern seaboard or something?

links it to the maymay, calm your mammaries

The right has dominated the reenactment scene for quite some time. Pretty much every reenactment group I'm following on normie book is a thinly veiled alt-right hotspot and even back in my time of doing HEMA and Modern warfare reenactment it was filled with edgelord nerds, the exact type that you would totally expect would go on to be alt-right.
If a reenactment fag isn't alt-right, high chance he's a reactionary tory revisionist tosspot like Lindybeige.

this is news? we already knew they were huge dorks. of course a bunch of them are going to be into this shit. why does the msm have to write one of these dumb ass articles every time they observe alt right losers doing literally anything?

the alt right is a relatively small group of bitter failures who spend all of their time online. they aren't taking over shit. middle class boomers and a tiny sliver of independents got trump elected, not an impotent e-coalition of racist weebs, gamer's rights activists, libertarian pedophiles, and neofascist larpers. the only thing the alt-right ever accomplished is getting journalists to write about them.

Hey can one of you faggots bake this for me?

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What happened here was the media discovered that alarmism and declinism also work on liberals.

A bunch of media slept on the Nazi beat and are now churning out articles based on old information and derived from work Done by anti-fascists and spread on Twitter mainly

so those fat loser permavirgins hitting each other with fake swords at my college are actually alt right?

makes sense i guess


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if you watch footage of the patriot prayer and antifa protests literally every single person on the right wing side is overweight and ugly. meanwhile the antifa side has very few fat fucks.

really makes you think

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In america anything related to anything european is reactionairy as fuck because americans are mentally handicapped.

In europe almost without exception people into medieval, fantasy or pagan shit and stuff are anti-racist nerds.

Thats not impressive at all, hardly anyone does hema.
this is advanced autism

Hema isnt larp though, its a martial art.



There was recently some debate about the video game "Kingdom Come" which is supposed to be a "realistic" portrayal of the middle ages, and the developer Daniel Vávra was one of the driving forces behind Gamergate and makes dubious statements more than often that might associate him with the alt-right. So liberals unleashed a super autistic debate about black people in the middle ages in Germany (the publisher, Deep Silver, is German and the game plays in Bohemia which was part of the Holy Roman Empire), and it was similarly misleading/dishonest as you point it out.

Liberals due to their sheer incompetence and ignorance always strengthen the right because they make themselves look either deceiving or stupid. I mean, YES, there were black people in Europe, but only in trading centers in the Mediterranean or in Moorish Spain, to pretend that in some Bohemian village you could easily find the knights Tyrone and Jamal is beyond ridiculous. This actually portrays the predicament libs have in every debate with fascists, they always argue on the fascist terms, instead of addressing why they are wrong in general. Sure you can be like Shaun on YouTube and try to factcheck every retarded thing Molyneux or Southern spouts out but you just end up perpetuating the debate on their grounds. Whether or not there were black in medieval Europe is an absolutely autistic debate, but fascists excell at retarded debates being autists themselves. There is no greater gift you can make to a fascists than trying to debate whether or not medieval Europe was white. It's a Zizek has said, fascists are wrong even when they are right.

Kingdom Come is still a good game though, actually.

The concept of a nation is much older though, but was of course not perceived along racial lines. I would say the great Empires such as Persia or Rome were the first ones who really stratified the concept of a "nation" as a way of governance.

Every Black Metal band east of the Oder-Neisse line is ultra-fucking-right, sadly, because I like some of those. But yeah, libs don't go there.

I fucking hate this so much. Everytime something gets thinly associated with the "alt-right" liberals basically hammer this down so much that it eventually becomes a meme the right can use. This is because liberals embody capitalist ideology and can only of brands and other things as commodified, hermeneutics entities. This is why Harry Potter is "lefty-liberal", WH40k is "right-wing" because in the minds of liberals the brand imposes itself on the people, so to speak.

"Nation" and "state" are two different things. Rome didn't conceive of itself as a "nation."

That's not what I meant. Romans had a concept of nationes within their empire. Along these lines (self)-governance was organized, so was recruitment, and the rights that come with Roman citizenship would be given to an nationality as a whole.


Nigga you trying to start shit up. It's more entertaining and interesting to watch than modern fencing.

It's cool to see more technical swordplay but at a certain point one might as well just take up historical fencing for "realism". What can we do with it besides adhering to history?

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That game fucking sucked ass tho. It had lot of historical innacuracies.
The guy who did that game was also writer on Mafia which was also innacurate as shit

I'm solely talking about swordplay, dummy.

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I was about to compare it to frisbee golf when I realized that would be completely unfair to frisbee golf, which is played in 40 countries with over a hundred thousand registered players, and had a presence in the 2001 World Games. I guess if doing pretty much anything physically active that's vaguely competitive can be considered a "sport", then sure it can be a sport, but don't go acting like people get into it for anything other than LARP.

Except fencing is an actual fucking sport with an Olympic presence and their swords are made with sport in mind, rather than dulled historical reenactment weapons.

That's pretty much what a sport is, dummy.
Exactly. HEMA is largely made up of fencing.
Just like in HEMA. Obviously.

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So an electric current runs through HEMA swords that register when a hit has been made?

Yeah, I thought not.

Fencing is the sport, HEMA is LARP masquerading as a sport.

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And this is why the right gets swole and the left stays weak.

Especially if that “purpose” is to swing fucking medieval weapons around.

You don’t need to be “swole” to fire a gun and you don’t need to be “swole” in the traditional sense to do most physical labor. It’s just for looks and for dweebs into neomasculinity bullshit to try to reclaim their masculinity because they don’t realize that gym bro shit is essentially one form of being a fucking dandy.

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Funny how the vietnamese is literally swole and still get killed by americans and aussies by the hundred thousands.

Stay weak.

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Way to denounce an entire sect of modern fencing.

Watching a sword in motion with the correct technique is nothing short of beautiful. It makes martial sense. I find little of such in Olympic fencing. Do you know that the "fence" in fencing comes from "defence"? Why then does the "right of way" exist, wherein one may gain the advantage even if both are struck and realistically would be dead? The martial aspects of fencing has been removed in favor of making the acquiring of points its main focus. It doesn't help that the "weapon" you posted no longer adheres to any historical form of a sword with its pistol grip and overly flexible blade. Movement is now restricted to an almost 2 dimensional plane and, of course, no grappling.

Indeed it's a sport. But it is no longer swordsmanship. What makes swordsmanship different from fighting with daggers or polearms if not the sword itself? If your "sword" doesn't even bahave as a sword would then how are you supposed to learn it? It is now more a representation of the duel rather than actual swordsmanship. So people turn to HEMA for that, where swordsmanship is treated as a martial art and practised as a sport. You do realise that people get interested in how swords were used thanks to popular culture, right?

You're almost like a modern boxer ranting about classical pugilism.

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Who cares. Its not like commies care about culture or identity. Its just another form of "opwessive classism".

So this post is, in a nutshell

I hate to break it to you, fam, but people don’t fight with swords anymore. Fencing works the way it does because it is a sport, not a combat training exercise.

Doing combat training exercises with blunted historical reinactment weapons is LARP unless you’re doing it to rehearse a reinactment, in which case it’s just historical reinactment. There are people and institutions that will provide you with real, useful non-LARP combat training if you want.

Yes, nothing says muh proud culcha and idenniny like painting yourself green pretending to be an orc named “Kromkar Da Yooper”

Nothing like dressing up as genrikh yagoda and confusing all the jewish kids.

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wouldn't historical reenactment be LARP though?
Since you are roleplaying as some soldier from whatever battle?

In a sense, sure.

But historical reinactment tends to be more like a sort of play that’s rehearsed beforehand, whereas LARP is based more around just pretending to be something else and interacting with other people who are also pretending.

academics really need to be purged.

if you really believe that then you should carry out a revolution by hanging yourself