Soyboy Leftist Owned

Another thread to show how I pwned you stupid commies. One of your pinko soyboys JaliosWilinghart got rekt by me.

You commies have no honor and can't debate properly. He didn't even know there was a difference between white nationalism and white supremacism and he thought Hitler was a white nationalist stupid cuck. You all hate white people!


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Right on Missouri Patriot. If this was Dunbroch these traitors would be hanged drawn and quartered by me and Merida.

What does that mean pinko? You got nothing on how I pwned you?

Alle heil Corona, all hail Dunbroch, all hail Arendelle!

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people still use this site?

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Bringing in supplies to help out my fellow Patriots as we own these soyboys!!!

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Fuck off faggots go suck each others' cocks back in deviantart you normalfag classcucks

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It's not Hail Hitler it is Hail America. 14/81 Hail America.

Hitler was the White Race's enemy and a Socialist Satanic Jew.

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Homosexuality is a sin and a conspiracy by the Satanic Jews.
Plus that is a fallacy and an invalid argument.

That is fake news.

That's an ad hominem fallacy and an invalid argument bonehead!

Which is why the Nazis were so free market and had a capitalist system, oh wait they didn't you stupid cuck!

You probably worship that Ukrainian Stalin!

Leftypol is just like Thanos from Adventures Infinity War. You Commies want to kill 200 million people just like Thanos.

I am sure I look much more handsome than any of you soyboys. I am the perfect symbol of masculinity.

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no u

I beg your pardon?

Then kill yourself nigger because you are fucking faggot

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You look like a soycuck LARPer

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Found this while going through your page.

JFC, what kind of autism do you have?

That is an invalid argument.

Oh so now you are attacking me for having Autism? You immoral Satanist Leftist!