How was Nazi Germany pre war doing economically? How was it attained?
More importantly, how was the average worker wage?
How was Nazi Germany pre war doing economically? How was it attained?
I'm too tired to give specifics, but I'll at least bump your thread. The Nazi Party was originally a labor party that rose to power, in part, because of the economic problems that came from WWI.
Shit. Weimar republic was not as degene.rate as hitler made it out to be, but it was shit. Working condition were better during the first years of the reich
It was good for porky
they privatized a lot of national services.
Just debt my shit up
That is pretty much it, along with large infrastructure projects like the Autobahn to get the unemployed into reasonably well paying work and a somewhat comfortable lifestyle.
If you can provide for the key-holders of your power then you can pretty much get away with anything.
Just go read Wages of Destruction.
That book is massive and basically a one stop shop
It was cuck shit.
Their own are always the first to be cucked by nationalists and fascists.
Mostly caused by Militarization and Hitler Employing massive Amounts of population in Vanity Projects like the AutoBahn Modernization (And No Hitler didnt build the Autobahn Network he simply made Modernized it in some ways)
The DAF guaranteed Bare Minimum SocDem shit and organized Holidays and Cruises through KDF
the German Goverment between 1933-1939 Racked up Massive Debts both to Domestic and foreign Lenders in order to Re-Militarize using the MEFO Program
If Hitler couldnt find an excuse to Declare a war and delay the Debt Payments then Germany was going to be suffering a Debt crsis by the 40s
mfw I freeze to death in the Soviet winter after being forcibly conscripted into the Wehrmacht in order to serve as the foot soldiers for Hitler’s imperialist designs in the East but hey, at least I got a good vacation! Feels good to be an Übermensch
sayonara simians
no more simians
It really bothers me that the swastika is slightly off center. Was there an actual reason for that? Feels like it would have been much better looking if it was to the far right, exact center or left of the field.
All humans are simians, you should just keep using the 'baboon' thing don't try to be special
Also this is just another thinly disguised 'were the nazis socialist' thread. They weren't. Like even by American standards.
has there ever been a book that BTFO'd stormfags harder?
Almost everything is socialism or communism to American right-wingsrs
Symbols that are slightly off-center are more noticeable when the flag is flying. Point in case: Bangladesh, Portugal etc. The Nazis notably used two flags, the one with the swastika exactly in the center was the national/party flag while the off-center flag was used as an ensign. This way the swastika would be more visible on the sea (important because you wouldn't want to be confused with a Soviet vessel, kek)
False. It claimed to be, but share of workers in NSDAP was below share of workers in Germany.
False. Because of the concessions German Capitalists made to Social Democrats to prevent Revolution. Capitalists needed some force to roll everything back (not unlike contemporary austerity measures, yes). That was the reason NSDAP got enough support to seize the power.
How many shitposting Zig Forumsyps do we even have here?
Genuinely interesting thanks
Creating their own currency that banksters in whiteface couldn't speculate on was a good start.
You know the difference between communism and Not Socialism?
National socialism actually worked.
This is reddit spacing.
It had to start a landgrab war to survive
Wasn't the Nazi navy flag based on the Nordic Cross flag, with the Swastika in the old Imperial Navy flag (Reichskriegsflagge)? Ironically enough, the Nordic Cross flags are very popular amongst Germany's new right-wing populist movement, but not because of that but because the Conspiracy of 20th July with Stauffenberg proposed such a flag without the Swastika for the new German state. The Third Pic is something you see in every German city during a right-wing demonstration (aka every monday).
Probably Blackshirts and Reds but it also blows out liberals at the same time.
I'm going to read the two together soon, should be fun
Muh communism worked by stealing the wealth of the rich, middle class and the poor!
Okay boomer, go take your meds
Do another line of adderall.
that sure sounds depressing
It's actually correct,it's called colectivism.
Funding from the Brits and the Americans obviously.
They had different designs from back then too
this is ironically true though, accusing people of being Zig Forums posters just for stating facts makes you look retarded
Read "Wages of Destruction" storm cuck
It's not theft to take back what's stolen from you
Why would German right wingers want to use Stauffenberg’s flag?