Nu Dr. Richard Wolff economic update video, fuckbois! Special guests: Sex workers' advocates Chapo Trap House
Nu Dr. Richard Wolff economic update video, fuckbois! Special guests: Sex workers' advocates Chapo Trap House
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Joe Rogan & Abby Martin discuss pornography
Abby Martin: "There's nothing wrong with the porn industry. I don't understand why people are against porn"
epin :DDD new story from uncel Wolff :-DD
It's like pottery
Also Chapo hasn't been good since like January of last year and the Chap subreddit is an absolute dumpster fire of liberal cringe
You are a redliberal
There's nothing wrong with porn.
why do all these California edgy red liberal types have the same stereotypical look of beard+glasses+balding?
I know the soyboy thing is just a meme but these people seem to try real hard to make it look otherwise. a huge population of white people like these exist and they all look exactly the fucking same.
Go to firing line, don't stop at GULAG, go directly to firing line.
Yes there is a lot wrong with it
Wasn't talking about abby you stupid fuck.
Why are americans so desperate that they have to put on a pedestal everyone that is barley left wing? jesus christ
only the stuff wit yo ugly mama in it
im a mod there and kind of h8 it by now, the chapo style of discourse just gets tired after a while
i mean this place is cringy as well but with more nazbols
lmao this comment reeks of insecurity. Who cares what they look like
she cute tho
No doubt, She's also anti imperialist and a good journalist.
But heroine?
C'mon what the fuck
ban more liberals you fag
since when is Will a fat ass?
any other requests? thinking of going rouge and out with a bang
Oh yeah? Well at least we don't think Alexandria Cortez is literally Lenin
It's you're fault than lad
I quit listening for a while but I'm so dialed in to that Brooklyn podcast sphere that it's weirder not to.
Sticky a post about how supporting sex-work is anti-socialist liberal bullshit that hurts women and everyone who supports it is basically a rapist.
even the actual redditors didn't need a "/s" with this one
I listen to E1, The Sitdown, Cum Town, and Red Scare. Gotta complete the set.
Dude I can understand wanting to fuck Dasha but c'mon
they look like their moms dress them
I spend probably 2 hours a week thinking about how if I just could get Anna in a room with me I could fuck her no problem.
That insult is usually used for people who in clothes that are cutesy, a bit infantile and slightly overdressed.
More like Crapo Brap (Out)House
only boomers think that, even reddit socialists accept she's only a succdem.
Critical support for Comrade Hordeum Vulgare in his struggle against brewery and distillery imperialism!
There are like 5 serious nazbols here you meme, do your fucking job better instead of complaining about how this place is also bad.
Is AOC a zionist? I've heard some weird stuff being said about her with regards to Netanyahu and Palestine
Pretty sure she doesn't actually know anything about the entire conflict and has allowed her original position of "hmm these palestinians look like they're having a bad time" to some kind of wishy washy nonsense that ends up implicitly supporting Israel. So in other words, succdem gonna succdem, she really is almost completely politically illiterate.
what the fuck
who is who in this interview?
she took john mccain's rigor mortis cancer cock up her ass on twitter the other day so yeah probably
Holy shit why are they all obese?
this is like a bad ms paint comic but without the ms paint, it's just bad.
I agree, but this whole thing is terribly written and the argument sucks. It will actually make people support prostitution. Awful.
t. rapists
omg did you guys know he's 76 years old? I thought he was like 65 tops
Josh Blakely was forced to stop hunting for paedophiles and is too afraid to leave the house in fear of being attacked if someone recognises him from the six-month online hate campaign.
The 38-year-old, from West Kensington, London, said: ‘I fear for my own safety now. If someone recognises me from what they have done I could be attacked by people thinking I am a sex offender.
People attack sex offenders in their society and people might think I am a sex offender if they see this online.
‘It’s taken my identity away from me, it’s taken my freedom away from me. They control my life.’
Blakely believes members of a paedophile ring, who feared he would target them next, stole images of him and created dozens of fake social media accounts, videos and website to wrongly paint him as a sex offender.
The trolls even photoshopped images of Blakely to make it look like he had publicly demonstrated in a campaign to reduce the age of consent to six years old.
Blakely said: ‘They have taken serious allegations to the police about the hunting community to try to get people arrested
It’s very dangerous. They even posted up my home address and made threats to come and get me.
‘I am waiting for them to use my personal image to set me up and potentially use my “profile” to pretend to be me to groom a child.
‘Then they would use that evidence to set me up for an arrest and possible imprisonment for something I’ve never done. That is really scary for me.
He said: ‘I have this fear that someone will recognise me and think I am a sex offender and I will be attacked or even killed.’
I don’t even go out and socialise anymore, I am single and shut myself in my own home like a prisoner.’
Blakely said he’s struggling to get a job because every time employers Google him ‘sex offender’ is the first thing they see.