I decided that perhaps we should have thread dedicated for Africa. With massive population growth,rise of literacy and life expectancy and Chinese investments there is quite a lot going on there. Perhaps there is someone who has knowledge on the subject mater could share some information and info graphs on the subject mater.
Africa general
Other urls found in this thread:
here have a documentary
What could I do personally to help people out in the African continent? It seems like the most useful and fulfilling way to spend my life to be honest. What kinds of professionals do they need out there?
What they need is no imperialism.
Imperialism is when you take their natural resources, exploit their native population, and then just leave them to their own devices. If the West were less imperialist we would take responsibility and help these poor lads out.
It's true. Despite best efforts of some of the governments into investment of education and healthcare, Africa is still suffering from massive capital flight and lightly put unequal trade.
You misunderstood that person. He meant that Africa needs help by ending foreign imperialism.
How the fuck am I going to solve that for them? Stay in the West and spread socialist propaganda?
What a waste, we need to go back to shipping in only bullets and getting everything.
Can someone give me a material analysis to help refute the Zig Forumstard claim that "niggerz were still living in mudhuts while we wuz colonists an' sheeeit with gunz, this makes the huwite man superior"? In other words, why africans weren't supposedly as advanced as the yuropoors? Didn't it have something to do with agriculture and food being abundant therefore not needing to invest in technology as much which leads to other tech from that tech being invented? Someone help me out here?
As far as I know lot of it is duo to geography. West Europe has warm climate and fertile lands plus good access to the sea. It resulted in high population growth. It also had good geography for industrialization. Europe was also influence a lot by Chinese from which they got gunpowder and proto-industrial nations like again China and India.
Africa was on at least a parity with the rest of the world up until the worm started turning around the renaissance and discovery of the Americas (and African polities were generally far more powerful and socially/technologically advanced than most European powers before then). Dominating the New World trade routes pushed Europeans into dominating the world, but white people were fairly weak and backwards compared to everyone else up till then. Axum alone could have wiped most of Europe like a dirty bum.
Still best explain Zig Forums that Europeans not only enslaved blacks but also practiced feudalism and child labor to finance early colonialism. Child employment lasted in England well into 20 century.
Why do you need to refute that? Mudhuts are a superior way of living, development is bullshit.
The communist revolution.
primmies pls go
It's a fundamental misunderstanding of historical and technological development. History isn't a game of Age of Empires where you're just trying to climb up the tech tree and "typewriter beats paper beats clay tablets for writing"
Prior to capitalism, inventions and progress were made when there was a demand for them. The Inca had a robust trade network which involved Chinese-level accounting, but they didn't invent paper until 200 years before their collapse. Why? They had developed an accounting system based around knotted string which they were so good at, they didn't need to write things down.
Honestly I'm just paraphrasing Kurlansky's "Paper: Paging Through History" but even if you just read the introduction to the book you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.
There is no refuting it because Zig Forums is pig ignorant and you can never give them evidence that's good enough. Aksum, the Kushites, Mali, Ghana, Songhai, the innumerable pieces of African art and sculpture, it doesn't matter how you try and argue because they don't really fucking care. 'Mud huts' is just the window dressing for their dumbass bigotry.
Infrastructure is key.
Kill the bab.oons.
I've read Cod and Salt by him, great stuff. I had heard he came out with a new book, Milk, but I've never heard of Paper, sounds interesting.
this. the implication that development for development's sake makes one people superior to another is an utter lie.
Before the white race: mudhuts
After the white race: slums, garbage and aids
Oh thank you white manĀ®, you are clearly our lord and saviour.
i want an african gf
Meet an international student from Africa or something
Read Nkrumah