Gritty thread

Apparently this is a new "econ-left" meme, so I think we should support and indulge it.

post your gritties

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Other urls found in this thread:

shit meme tbh

beggars cant be choosers, tbh

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please take this shit back to reddit and stay there

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jesus christ

Flyers are fucking trash, and their mascot reflects this.

very Reddit tier
the only one I really like is the "good night alt right" one on that Twitter post. It just clashes so well with Pepe screaming at him for some reason.

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They're trying to force a meme. And all they do is find pictures and other memes, then just put Gritty into them. I haven't even heard of Gritty before. Pepe became popular because he was not a part of any major culture (Gritty is already a Philadelphia mascot) and therefore could become part of every culture, just had to be adapted (there's even commie and anarchist pepes).

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no user, the liberal is you

lol I'm just fuckin around

Anyways Gritty seems to be real popular with the Chapo crowd. Feels very National Lampoon but like National Lampoon the early 70s.

I like the idea of stealing sports team stuff though like furry mascots and other crap like that. I dunno it makes sense to me in an American context.
Need an orange monster to defeat an orange monster my friend

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Go away, liberal.

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I'm starting to like this meme

Wew rando user fag declared a funny meme liberal

Gritty is #cancled

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What is this autism?

Keep doing it. It will work this time.



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especially stealing from philly fans

At first this meme seemed too forced to me, but as I scroll down and see more, I can't help but audibly kek

Please, share which ones made you 'audibly kek'.

The left cant meme because of nofun nerds like you

These suck.

Rafiq already wrote about why the left can't meme and I think he makes some good points. Basically, for memes to be funny and spread they have to have an element of making fun of another group, which the left isn't ready to do. The target of left memes are capitalists, fascists amd right-wingers. Right-wing people make fun of everyone, sometimes even themselves, because their position is the status quo.

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Frogger vs the hairy RAPE MONSTER.

I don't know what is more cringe

Goddamn, this is next level shit.

Y'all need to watch this shit.

This meme really is quite cringe tbh

The left can't meme because of "memes" like this

'just fuckin around', this cunt tells us. 'We're not liberals', one of his images tries to say when referring to those who wave this crap about as if it's gonna bring about socialism, or even that it's just a first step towards it. No, fuck off, near-unimaginable self-discipline will bring that about coupled with detailed and regularly-updated planning. It's tempting to say that we are going to have to review our plans as if they are the source code of important software because it really is the only analogy that I can think of right now. No, what you have here isn't an attempt to create something that's simultaneously coordinated and growing, and it is going to be another excuse of a movement which will be drowned out by the other noise almost as quickly as it sprung up.
If you are going to save any parts of this wreck at all, then you had better involve some coordinating practices and drive people towards READING THEORY AND HISTORY. That is what we need more than anything else right now.

Some of these are funny, but the whole thing feels forced. I can't quite put my finger on it, but if I had to guess it is because Gritty is too righteous. It's just a funny puppet saying what we all are already thinking. There is no element of bitter irony or self-deprecation. It's somewhat like Moon Man but Moon Man is an older meme invented back when Neo-Nazi screeds on 4chan were tongue-in-cheek expressions of nonconformism and not something many people really believed. Nowadays when nazis use Moon Man it's trite and cringe because they're just unironically spewing their masturbation fantasies.

The lasting appeal of Pepe and Wojak is because they are not perfect, even if they agree with you. Pepe is an angry, ugly pissant even if he can be smug. Wojak is pathetic, dead inside, even if he sees the world for what it is. They really are a representation of the imageboard psyche, there is a kernel of bitter weariness in those characters. Meanwhile Gritty is obviously made by normies who think that a meme is when there's a funny thing. As a result it is not as biting.

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Hockey is a proletarian sport.
t. Leaf

There's no bite for you because you aren't an unkempt, unshaven flyers fan with a hangover

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