
That's the percentage of people in a country that agree and support with our economic views that could win a war.
That's the percentage of people that need to sympathize or at least not join a counter-revolution, allowing a revolution to succeed
If your country is 15% communists willing to take action and 50% people who couldn't care in the slightest, it's time for you to take direct action and create an illegal organization with the intent of taking over.
If your country has reached these percentages and you refuse to do anything, you can not call yourself a revolutionary.

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America is not 15% communist, everyone who isn't a fascist looks at it and goes "well that sounds good but capitalism won the war and the USSR failed" then go back to being liberal or just straight apolitical. Also read Mao, you're not getting anywhere if you don't spend years building a large constituency among the overwhelming revolutionary mass.

Attached: quote-to-read-too-many-books-is-harmful-mao-zedong-32-45-28.jpg (850x400, 46.93K)

There is more likely to be a fascist revolution my dude. Way over 15% of Americans would be on board. Especially cops, soldiers, and veterans.

that pic is why stalin is superior to mao
most theory that is commonly thought to be mao's innovations such as the mass line or that class conflict intensifies under socialism were first formulated by stalin, mao merely gave the catchy names

It's not even close to 15%. 15% is around the rate of Americans who would welcome socdem reforms or want socialism (the latter being less than 1% of the total population and that's being generous).

The problem with worrying about how many people are fascist is that we - well, most of us anyway - already live in a fascist state, which has adopted fascist ideals and whose ideas are formed by literal fascists who occupy high places in institutions. Fascism as oozed its way like a giant blob into public consciousness and has festered, more or less unimpeded, since its advent. The only arguments our society offers against fascism, generally, is that "it's mean", which is a deliberately weak defense offered as a sop to the people who don't necessarily like the fascist order, as many did not at the time most of the world's governments went fascist. So long as they (the fascist institutions) can raise an army to defend fascism, it would not necessarily matter how many there are, although the number of committed fascists in the population is quite high.


Mao was referring to the Chinese education system in that pic, it's wildly out of context, you'd know he's not an anti intellectual if you read Oppose Book Worship

Hello, Zig Forums. Go away, Zig Forums

How is any of that /pol? Zig Forums believes their fascism makes them special snowflakes, when they are in fact the most mundane thing imaginable. Fascism is literally everywhere in the media.
Why else do you think George H.W. Bush, whose family were literal Nazi collaborators, became president?

Liberals will never want Fascists to have power. Sure they use them but they will never want them to control the Means of Production.

Even the fucking USSR knew this.

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But USA doesn't have 15% communists…if there was, that would easily translated into elected member of congress and senators.
There's nothing. If you are an american and a communist, you ought to get out of there. Go to Cuba or DPRK and become a spokesperson…the american who switched USA with Cuba/DPRK. You have a lot to teach to those people…which will come in handy in case of war.

Not as easily as you'd imagine

The Trump administration's nonsensical economic policies are causing the economy to begin to stagnate. Economists are predicting the economy may crash in a year's time.

The progressive branch of the democratic party is going further left (think Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, Jealous, Warren, Ellison), making vaguely left wing solutions more appealing.

As the economy struggles and the left becomes a more appealing option, I think that only bodes well for the left, whether revolutionary or not.

There is no way 5% of America is 'communist' let alone 15%. Has anyone ever been outside? I live in the midwest and it is hard to find a liberal, let alone a socialist. There is absolutely no organization that could conceivably channel any sort of economic resentment and outrage into anything productive for the left.

Economists have been shitting there pants saying the end is nigh in 6 months for the last decade, the overall economy will be fine. Its the wage rate that fucked, but brainlets only look at GDP.

There was a close call just earlier this year where some were adamant it was going to happen.

Nah, the next crash is probably going to be worse than 2008.

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how did you calculate these Magic Numbers exactly?

it's an estimate.

True but if you look at gdp in 2007 and 2009 they were basically the same, s&p 500 was 50% lower in 2009 than it was in 2007 though which disproportionately fucked richer people.

Fascism defiantly has to be higher than that, If fascists rebranded and shed the historical baggage Ill bet the majority of conservatives and many centrists would be on board.

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Do not be afraid comrade. The more capitalists there are, the more bullets we can shoot thus the more fun the revolution will be.

Im nervous because historically fascists and nazis have been much smarter than leftists on a strategic level. They were actually able to win elections in "democracies" that lose faith in moderates, while almost all leftist besides social democrats completely abandon elections. Basically fascists have realized its easier to game the system than be puritanical losers… Seem to me the same mistake is being made in modern times.

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