Board Volunteer Applications

It's that time again. Send an e-mail with your motivation, how often you'd be able to moderate, your timezone, your moderation style and whatever you think will help your chances. There'll only be some slight timezone-based discrimination if there aren't enough good applications, but don't let that discourage you from applying if you're american. The more the merrier.
Applications will be open for a week or two, depending on my schedule and how quickly I can get good applications.
Send your application email to [email protected] and make sure to include a keyword or phrase which you also post in this thread so that your post history can be vetted. Don't pick something too generic someone else might pick, I don't want to see three people pick "stalin did nothing wrong" as their key phrase.

Attached: janitor.png (305x341, 261.7K)

Zig Forums still doesn't let me make threads in mod.php so here's proof for whoever needs it

fucking lmao

Where is ## Board Owner, geniuses?

Busy. I just do the vetting, only BO can add new vols. If you were hoping for some kind of conspiracy you'll be dissapointed.

Attached: shrug.png (693x541, 185.74K)

I'm pointing out that it looks sloppy.

Translation: you might get less applications than you could've.

My code: 1926

Meh, to much trouble. More questions that job interview.

thank you for your contribution comrade

Code: 616100

code: derde keer goede keer

code: hue hue brbrbr

Because I'm sick of the gore/bestiality/spamming during midterms
Stalin did absolutely nothing wrong

posting ITT to confirm I approved of this

Hey mate I always wondered, by now why do you keep posting with that name? Is it just like a legacy/nostalgic thing? or was it always ironic

It's always been ironic


You're hired. Rest of you can pack it up.

Attached: eyebrows.jpg (236x129, 9.13K)

very cool

Attached: BREZHNEV BROS.png (305x258, 70.95K)

Code: baboon

Liar, you were all about that blood and cum.

promote this man!

Code: the Russian Revolution was a Shakespearean Tragedy


your dedication to the cause brings me great joy

This guy makes a good cop. I vote him for new cop

Attached: hmm.png (622x962, 544.09K)

Head mod of leftypol NOOW!

Attached: 29720bf01d9f200f8a5d8b1114ed99df805895ca.jpg (255x191, 11.27K)

Attached: 17a.png (680x672, 270.63K)


Attached: 0d2b9bf32924c9231d1dd8ba85be66a532819dfce9091356f7f158365033e814.png (500x476, 456.52K)

On the kinsey scale how gay do you have to be to apply to be a janitor?

Doesn't anyone on the left have the ability to create something as meme-worthy as "Soviet Mario" anymore?

Y'all need to embrace the pol or you'll never meme again.

grow up

Aww, come on don't be like that.

Gonna wrap it up this weekend, send an application while you can.
the competition isn't too tough, trust me

code: Big Facts




Can I be a board volunteer? I have very thin skin and will ban anybody that I don't agree with, just like we're supposed to.

Friendly reminder that Zig Forums is the actual leftist board and this shithole is just another SJW subreddit!


If you've been paying any attention at all for like the past two months moderation has gotten a lot better.

Zig Forums will always have a persecution complex, no matter the reality of things.

Zig Forums's lack of flags shows how uninterested they are in discussion

And Zig Forums still doesn't have ML flag.

except we do though? we have the tank, stache and hat.

lmao wtf someone responded to this with a webm of a guy fucking a tied up dog and it got deleted

oh i've seen that one before
it's just Zig Forums posting bestiality, they do it all the time because they can't argue.
traditional values is having dog porn on your computer to own the libs.

I think we've nearly destroyed this board. These freaks can't even defend it anymore lmao.

e-mail a username (not placeholder) and placeholder password to [email protected]
your username should have no info related to real life or persisent online personas
and change your password when you first log in

requesting wordfilter "Elizabeth Warren" to "Warhawk Warren" she will be more relevant in her 2019/2020 campaign

are you the kind of fag that constantly antagonizes people with your illiteracy and then gets banned so he posts it on Zig Forums with "GOD DAMN SJWS BANNED ME AGAIN FOR NO REASON"

Attached: maximum brainlet.png (474x711, 90.48K)

Is there a timeframe for when we should check to see if we've been added?

no, but BO will probably post it here

Attention: Zig Forums has been taken over by anti-DPRK pro-Christian socialist janitors

Calling all DPRK supporters, militant atheist communists and ☭TANKIE☭s to seek salvation in the >>>/juche/ idea from this counter-revolutionary shithole

Attention: Zig Forums has been taken over by anti-DPRK pro-Christian socialist janitors

Calling all DPRK supporters, militant atheist communists and ☭TANKIE☭s to seek salvation in the >>>/juche/ idea from this counter-revolutionary shithole

Attached: Great Comrade Kim Jong-un.jpg (1122x701, 94.17K)

I've added the two volunteers who emailed me, and am currently waiting on the remaining two.

it says my username and password isn't correct

Email me about it.



Attached: 0a4a89e71bfb78b6d4699bbf2194cd89025af639a1d5f50ee923747b53f7721e.jpeg (467x700, 53.47K)

ok and what his this got to do with anything?

what the fuck is with this nigger replying to his own post

unstickied, one potential volunteer still hasn't emailed me, but this thread has been up long enough.

codeword: IndiaAnon
I have the drive & the time to help out.

Love you long time.

Attached: raised eyebrows.gif (400x225, 921.74K)

I return after a long period of being stuck without internet or a computer. If we need Australian timezone vols, I'm here.