Hello, this is first time I am posting here, so I can't be sure if posting this is against the rules or not. I am a brown person living in a poor brown country. I started using 4chan without knowing about about Zig Forums, and how most posters on the website dislike coloured people etc. Inevitably, all the "race-realist" and White supremacist propaganda reached me, and it has made me extremely depressed. I cannot be happy unless I can disprove all the race-IQ theories, and how we are complete savages not even fit to be called humans etc. I am surprised to find that an anonymous board with completely opposite views exists, because Zig Forums people make it seem that their "race-realism" is the ultimate truth, and the greatest "redpill", and the theory that we are all equal human beings is "liberal propaganda". What is leftypol's opinion about race realism and scientific racism? Can you help me reject these ideas from my mind?
How to undo alt-right brainwashing?
Other urls found in this thread:
not everyone here rejects race realism completely
most people just think it's truth value has no bearing on politics
why do you even care about that trash?
Outside of dousing yourself in soy? Not much honoestly. Pol has been so successful because it is an idealogical eco chamber that sacrifices the self indentity. In a way, it is the purest form of marxism there is.
Because of the sacrifice of the self, pol is not a single voice. It is instead a thousand different voices. This means that the topics on pol are typically ment to seem justified 100% times over when in actuality it is just the manner in which the topics are displayed that convinces people into their craziness.
The best thing you can do is just realize that all of their “facts” can just be ignored as those facts will change. Don’t worry about some dumb number about Autism Level or some We Wuz Kangz tier shit that pol has drummed up to attempt and validate the alt right.
The altright is, was and always will be shit.
can't spit out redpills OP
you gotta be realistic and honest from now on, be careful what knowledge you ingest.
Start with this one
just to go to church, they decry evolution as the work of Satan all the time there.
we are all created equally in the eyes of God :)
evolution and human biodiversity? they're not facts, they are satanic lmfao
There's tons of non-subsaharan admixture in madagascar.
You need to get REDpilled, son
In no way does this stop socialism from working.
Also, take a few of these:
/pol is not the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Alt-right🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, you dont understand the politics discussed on /pol ironically because you are indeed a subhuman retard
Probably because their crime rate is wildly underreported, due to not having a functional judicial system
Screenshot from US state department website, for what that's worth.
That's very sad. :( Should I kill myself because I am a low-IQ subhuman?
no one is claiming that all people of X group are stupid
polygenic traits have normal distributions
You can't disprove it because it's true. Shitskins are subhumans and being a spic mongrel with shitskin subhuman ancestry makes you demi-human ape creature, not a human.
Why did you get upset over Zig Forumsyps when most of them aren't even white either.
Reminder that the majority of Zig Forumsyps are american and amerimutts are not white.
Burkina Faso murder rate: .37
Equatorial Guinea: 2.31
Ghana: 1.68
Sierra Leone: 1.7
United States: 5.35
Belgium: 1.85
Lichtenstein: 2.69
*checks pure white Eastern Euro countries*
Estonia: 3.19
Ukraine: 6.34
Lithuania: 5.25
Russia: 10.82
Typical. Yet Zig Forumstards never seem to be bothered by the fact there are very good reasons not to take UK and Japan's murder rates at face-value. They don't seem to be skeptical about the fact that Japan's police rule any death they cannot easily solve a suicide and it just so happens that Japan's suicide rate exceeds even the murder rate of the United States….
I have never encountered a suggestion for what the real figure might be for Haiti. The only thing I've ever heard that came close to being substantial was:
that's pretty pathetic, even by leftycuck standards
No where else on earth is human life cheaper than in Apefrica. Nowhere.
In words that you can understand:
Baboon gets hurt by CIA and imperialist forces who fuck up Baboon states but still try to shoehorn muh aid and microfinance. BURGER BURGER BURGER TRY TO STOP BABOON.
Now post your skin colour. Timestamped photo.
If you honestly believe those African countries are that safe, by all means, create a vlog detailing yourself hiking alone through Sierra Leone and Equitorial Guinea to show the racist drumpf supporters how wonderful people of color truly are (oops, leftists have already tried this, and they wound up DEAD)
You know why Eastern Europe is so shit?
I don't wanna
How about you go backpacking through Estonia and then Burkina Faso and report back to us the results instead. The truth may be much more shocking than you think. If you live to the tell the tale.
Like my fellow travelers and the US State Department, I doubt the record keeping abilities of the developing world.
I will grant you that looking at national figures isn't a good way to tackle this problem, but neither is it a way to disprove it.
There are too many confounding variables at play, some that we can't possibly control for.
We have to either look at experiments in the post-industrial world or wait a few decades for widespread GWAS to identify pertinent genotypes and then compare their distribution across different populations.
Kinda overlooks the fact that one can stumble into violence in any country if you stumble through the wrong part of it and the wrong situations. It's not like travelers are particularly good at judging those type of risks as readily as natives
Buddy you're an actual retard if you believe that Burkina Faso has a 0.37 murder rate. Not all government statistics are created equal. Through sheer infrastructure and bureaucratic sophistication alone, your claim that the homicide rate of Burkina Faso is correct and that the UK's or Japan's is under inflated is just plain wrong. Wrong and stupid. Stupid and wrong.
Literally the opposite
Many African countries are only have level one travel advisories (Equatorial Guinea is level one btw):
Meanwhile, the US state department has a level 3 travel advisory in effect for El Salvador. So, for all the wise-acres ITT who are hanging onto the word of the state-department as proof that African countries must have the kind of wild murder rates that you see in Latin America then how come the state-department hasn't moved up the travel advisory on many of these nations?
Not that it would prove anything if they did, they put down Iran as a level 4 kek as if that wasn't a purely political choice!
since apparently the US state department wasn't a legitimate source, here is a UN report that says many countries have a good deal of under reported crime, particularly in places where the police are least trusted (failed states). I also grabbed some screenshots for your viewing connivence because it's 228 pages long, and tbh all I did was ctrl+f under reporting.
I don't think anyone is claiming that West African countries are more dangerous than El Salvador.
The only downside to McCain's death seems to be all this crossposting from Zig Forumsyp retards
Like I granted earlier, I don't think there is a path towards proving race realism through comparing national statistics. Too many confounding variables. So this isn't a claim I would be shouldering.
Just tell them about real commnism
I never said this, only that you guys are more than happy to accept official statistics where its convenient for your narrative and discard them where it isn't. Even if not all gov statistics are created equal, don't you think its a leap to go from that assertion to the kind of claims that are being made ITT. For instance, for Burkina Faso to just be equal to the US in murder its rate you would have to multiply the official rate by 14.
While its not impossible that it could be off by that much, I just haven't seen any evidence indicating that it is off by that much.
honestly, even if Japan and the UK's murder rate are under inflated, it may very well be true, that is fine, but the rate at which is under inflated and the rate at which Burkina Faso is under inflated is just not comparable, I mean we're talking about nation states here where mad Max conditions prevail on the roads and villages in between major towns and cities and sometimes even within said major towns and cities themselves
also the thing with the Japs, let be honest here, suicidality is a still a legitimate part of their culture, I don't think there is much there, they are still genuinely honor based so I dunno have you been to Japan? there is no way they're killing each other in droves the way you were intimating and that it is all being covered up and marked as suicide, Japs are genuinely docile
With a bullet to the brain you disgusting piece of shit. Actions have consequences, your Zig Forumsbrowsing must be punished.
Watch Contrapoints' video on incels. She goes into how catastrophic thinking informs political ideology and how difficult it is to get out of it. This is definitely applicable to your situation. It's a struggle, but understanding the phenomenon helps.
INB4 hurr liberal tranny is cancer
Fuck off. Her stuff against the alt-right is fine. There's very little political stuff on YouTube that's any better.
The best way to understand how brainwashed you are is to understand how the false left-right paradigm operates and read actual books that are based on objective reality, not someones subjective opinion, which may or may not have merit.
Dude of course with respect, but even having the shittiest production value ever Paul Cockshott's videos shit on Contrapoints ones anyday
The Yakuza operate openly in Society in Japan to a level that isn't seen in Organized Crime anywhere else in the 1st World, Japan is an extremely corrupt borderline 1 party state, Culture does play a part in such but the reality is that the Murder Rate in the country is insanely high and purposefully concealed.
Also, when we're talking about Murder Rates using the phrase "killing each other in droves" is wildly hyperbolic since we're only ever talking about deaths per 100,000 or some other large population measure, so the reality is that even failed states, whilst there is rampant crime that is severely underreported, it's not as if anyone is arguing that if you walk the streets you're going to get executed in the street, there are different circumstances in each state.
Literally everyone here is a former Zig Forumstard. You're fit right in.
cant undo the truth, kid
Man think of it this way.
Even if they were correct (which they aren't, I'm pretty sure most of them don't actually know how bell curves work), there will always be white people fucking stupider than you. And there will always be white people smarter than you. And if you were white, there would always be brown people smarter than you. And yellow, and purple and pink and so on.
Race conflict is not the central conflict. Your life always has meaning and that meaning is not derived from your supposed "race" and it's social standing. If anyone tells you different, they're just a cunt.
Go suck a black cock
Problem solved
It's not this one, if it exists at all.
This place is chock full of former Zig Forumsyps who dipped their reactionary views in red paint because that shit is basically normie-tier mainstream right now and they don't wanna be seen as normies.
I second that suggestion.
race realism is bullshit and rests on a foundation of mystical beliefs that have no baring in reality. Race realism is the ideological part of western imperialism that serves to conceal the fact that under capitalism, we are all molded into shithead untermenschen, a disease that can only be cured by communism "the real movement which abolishes the present state of things." a movement in which we will build El Hombre Nuevo, the new man. Join us, comrade
LMAO go away Zig Forums. I can't believe people are responding to such an obvious bait thread.
Its literally the opposite. Marxists have debated empiricists for centuries. Marxists must believe that human thought itself is not solely predicated on chemical processes. They must treat reason not as an emergent property, but something transcendent. Its literally belief in god and unicorns with extra steps. To become a communist you have to reject all useful epistemologies.
on like pg 50 of this pdf right now. Its peak delusion, with ACTUAL reification of things like "thinking about thinking can produce an infinite chain of thoughts which cannot be contained within the physical confines of the brain, since the brain is finite". Hopefully I don't have to explain why this is wrong to you.
"Race realists" are anything but. They're not interested in reality or any sort of analysis of race, they're interested in soothing stories about how their whiteness makes them special snowflakes. It's not even about an actual scientific theory or observation of data for them, it's purely feels.
Also Autism Level tests are basically worthless for anything aside from detecting considerable mental retardation, and vaguely sifting out the average from the baseline Autism Level tests were designed to look for. (From the perspective of the people who make the tests, anyone below 120 is abnormal.) The difference between 94 and 104 Autism Level is barely noticeable, nor are psychologists particularly interested since both people would be considered fit for manual labor or cannon fodder and generally ignored for the rest of their lives. Scores above the 115-120 range basically just tell how good someone is at taking Autism Level tests.
t. 150 Autism Level person who's pretty much a dumbass failure at life with nothing to show for it.
How do you trade those autism points in for buckeroos? Need 2 kno…
There are retards in every political movement
really really false
also really really false
anecdotes aren't evidence. It is very well possible that you did test 150 Autism Level and are a failure, since other mental traits such as conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and agreeableness are required for "success" in the colloquial sense, as well as a real desire for this success. On the whole, high AuTiSm LeVeLs are required for complex tasks, there is no denying this since the way in which AuTiSm LeVeL is defined makes it almost tautological.
Can you tell me what tasks require an Autism Level far above 120 and, more importantly, why they require an Autism Level of 140-150?
I thought not.
posting infographics about niggers and twitter screenshots about women in videogames
You can't. The info disproving "race realism" is out there, the stats and studies are brought up with regularity and are dismissed off-hand because these Zig Forums racists just don't care.
They really don't. Some of them you could change their minds, sure, but from a practical perspective it's a waste of time.
Don’t even bother. He is nothing but a mechanical materialist. These people were discredited centuries ago, but they still keep popping up for some reason.
Thanks for Rafiqposting. Thank you.
every time with you people
I'm beginning to think this board is majority female
Answer the question I asked the last dipshit before you come back to this thread.
They also are useful for predicting failure at uni etc
Like so
Also do you even know what a heuristic is and how asinine you look by throwing around words you don't even understand? Probably not on both counts.
Autism Level indeed.
explain? the poster that I was replying was casting doubt on the heuristic of Autism Level purely on the basis of his own anecdotal experience of going nowhere in life despite having a high Autism Level
reading comprehension is circling the drain these days
IQ and being a decent person aren't correlated, and you don't need a high Autism Level to contribute to society.
Okay, I'll make it easier. Define "heuristic".
You are allowed to cite Wikipedia for this one.
"soft" methods of analysis that can give you meaningful information about a subject (in this case, individual and group differences of intelligence) while not being 100% perfect all of the time and rough around the edges in their ability to form perfect predictions 100% of the time
And what does that have to do with whatever word salad you posted about hurr durr muh heuristics and muh I.Q.?
that poster's anecdotal experience of going nowhere in life despite having an Autism Level of 150 doesn't invalidate the concept of Autism Level as a meaningful heuristic with good predictive power
These are not an anecdotes son, these are the heuristics actual shrinks apply to the tests that measure the construct known as the G factor
In fact he was precisely unaware of the heuristic actual shrinks use for high G factor individuals and thought his under achievement was atypical and that normal high G factor individuals are effectively equivalent to the ones two standard deviations above the mean
Conklin, A.M. (1940). Failure of highly intelligent pupils: A study of their behavior. New
York: Teachers College, Columbia University.
Durr, W.H. (1964). The gifted student. New York: Oxford University Press
Shaw, M. C., & McCuen, J. T. (1960). The onset of academic underachievement in bright
children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 51, 103-108.
False, that poster never denied the G Factors use as a heuristic, and in fact gave examples of how these these heuristics are used in the practice of psychology
In fact his experience of going nowhere in life, sadly confirms the G factors utility as a heuristic in a way he was not aware of
So if you'll satisfy my curiosity which are you, barely human cannon fodder, socially normative, or an underachieving failure in life?
all works out
I (the poster in question) never said that an anecdote was proof.
Intelligence testing primarily serves three functions in the educational and overall system of our organized society:
- Sort out those who are grossly defective and must be eliminated through various means.
- Sort out those who are average enough to be useful as laborers, and define gradients between them, but ensure that they are never allowed into the upper echelons of society
- Sort through the members of the uppermost scorers, who will be given advantages throughout life and trained to believe that their intelligence and status are special and awesome.
That's it. The test was designed to check for inferior function (i.e., everyone who doesn't fit into the last group), and especially to enforce the sortition of some into the first group. Is the testing for this based on valid principles, and can it be used to make meaningful predictions? Probably. But the most important function of the intelligence test is sortition into one of these three categories.
You would be amazed what doors open up based on that fucking score alone. Most just piss them away because they don't know any better, and in the end you have to benefit from the old nepotism to get anywhere in society, but it's like night and day. It's also amazing how much members of each sortitioned group are conditions to see the other as something utterly alien, and make great leaps of logic to prevent themselves from even considering the existence of someone in the other group. (Although in the first group, this is not really enforced by preventative stupidity but by their own limitations, although they are typically conditioned through brute force to live their lives in absolute terror before they are snuffed out.)
high Autism Level children usually regress to the mean when they reach adulthood, pointing to high Autism Level children going on to underachieve in life isn't especially interesting, high Autism Level adults are more meaningful
I do OK for myself, I dropped out of grad school and just do freelance php work now
well, I mean, there is nothing I can really disagree with in this post except for the nepotistic bit honestly, also while it is true intelligence testing merely revolved around screening out the potatoes in its nascency through time the tests have become much more sophisticated than merely separating the retarded from the normal
also on second re-reading i disagree with the last portion of your posts, Autism Level scores provide meaningful ceilings for people in terms of what they can realistically expect to get out of life, independent of so called social pressures and conditioning
Son, Newtonian physics is still used to calculate artillery trajectories
Measuring the G-Factor in children is what Eye Kyu tests are for
Unsurprising a large part of the G factor is processing speed
Amusingly the heuristic that applies in the field for adult high scorers is good odds of mental illness
So underachieving failure, eh?
Did you regress to the mean?
[Pic related]
For example? :^)
I'm not talking about someone's personal ceiling (that ceiling would be dependent on environment anyway, environment is not fixed, but it's not unreasonable to make an assumption that certain people aren't going to be effective doctors). I'm talking about how the sortition affects how institutions that screen for intelligence - primarily the schools and the military - will treat you, and what sort of conditioning someone is going to be raised with. The part about nepotism is just me saying that regardless of how many favors you get on account of the sortition, you have to play ball or you're out. I never said that nepotism literally gives you a higher Autism Level score (although it certainly can, either indirectly through better access to practicing the test, or directly because the people administering the test can and do exercise their own biases whether they're allowed to say it or not).
Again, for the sortition between above average and genius to mean anything, you'd have to envision a strict social category of geniuses that doesn't really exist at the very top. The rulers like to tell us that they're the best and the brightest even past the above-averages, but their actions and shortcomings demonstrate that they are not especially gifted nor so far beyond the rest of us that we need to grovel at their feet. There certainly have been attempts to make a sortition into that 4th category to form the eye of the pyramid, but that tier of sortition doesn't get the kind of awed reverence that is taken for granted compared to the sortition into those three categories I mentioned. Everyone knows the top of the meritocratic pyramid is a viper's nest of people who can barely keep control of what they have. It's the machinery owned by the tier of above-averagers that has the real power, should they choose to claim it.
Then you'll never be happy, tbh. You're better off trying to divorce yourself from IdPol entirely. Don't think of yourself as a "brown" person, but rather a person. An individual.
well, I Mean, except for when they are measuring adults, in which case they are measuring for g factor in… adults
yeahhhhh I guess I'm underachieving but not a failure, I'm not so sure I regressed to mean as I consistently score at least one sd above the mean well into adulthood
well I'd grant you that meritocracy in so much as it even exists is not perfect but the people at the top are still significantly of above average intelligence even still, and yes this even means people like George w bush or Paris Hilton, even they are of significantly above average intelligence compared to the mean, it hurts but it is true
most of the true super high Autism Level mutants are just autistic weirdos who end up crowding the hallowed halls of the university math departments, maybe philosophy departments too, that is the place where you will without a doubt always find the true intelligence mutants of our eras
nobel laureates are routinely above 140.
lol sure. you should probably just let me keep reading but if you insist.
Particularly about the argument of how we cannot be reduced to chemical processes. It really is a matter of belief in my opinion. The recursive argument wasn't very convincing, and reification was the only way I could see any point in it.
You say that speaking, gesturing, writing, etc. are non-chemical (or perhaps more generally, non-physical is what I mean to say), I suggest you start with that point of contention.
Are you suggesting Paris Hilton got any of her money through merit? She's pure inheritance all the way. She's also completely irrelevant to holding the machinery that controls our society, except for the fat stack of cash she inherited that she's not really doing anything with except blowing on whatever the hell she buys. I'm not going to knock Paris Hilton's intelligence because I barely even register her existence at all, but I don't think her intelligence has anything to do with why she has a fuckload of money.
GWB iirc was around 110-120 range (info got released somewhere). Also largely inheritance into an aristocratic family rather than merit alone, and it's recognized. That's why libs kept making the GWB-is-a-chimp memes.
You wouldn't happen to have a sauce for this would you? :^)
^OP take heed
Oh man the mods are going overboard again
Ok 110 aautism level poster, if there's one thing I want you to take away from this 50-200 years ago low Autism Level people were regularly doing things that people scoring 120 now think are the preserve of super high Autism Level freaks
First of all, race realism does not mean that one race is intrinsically better or worse than another. Race realism means that the races are built differently with different strengths and weaknesses that don't necessarily overlap. In other words, stop thinking in terms of which race is best and start thinking, "… at what?" Blacks for instance are great sprinters. Whites have greater empathy, which is usually a strength (higher capacity for social trust), but is also easily subverted (turned toward out-groups instead of in-groups).
It is worth understanding that you will be most comfortable with people like yourself, people that you understand because they have similar physical and mental attributes as yourself. Find peace and harmony in that.
Lets make this a simpler query since compiled data on nobel laureates is hard to come by.
Consider that the average physics major is ~130, and of those majors, only a few become great in their field. Do you think those who become great physicists have higher or lower Autism Levels than the ones who underachieve on average?
Regardless, it appears that it takes on average an Autism Level of 130 to be *good* at physics. This is above 120.
Yes retard because heritability of Autism Level goes from around 0.1-0.2 in the US to ~0.8 as an adult. In childhood environment affects performance but this goes away by adulthood, something not so well understood at the time of that program.
It seems as if none of you are actually ex-Zig Forumsacks at all.
well this isn't even an Autism Level test, this is just retarded
Also not to mention that fluid and crystalline intelligence are two different things, and Autism Level test measure crystalline intelligence in particular. Measuring the Autism Level of feynman during his prime would render a much higher Autism Level if it had deteriorated like everyone elses does with age.
why do you guys keep talking about "autism levels" and why would you ever want to be more autistic?
ima be real with you…
being an outlier by any metric isn't all fun
really makes ya think
It's almost like these tests are biased towards a certain way of processing information.
yes, the way in which we value the processing of information. We don't value the big brained processing of whales that remember thousands of minute landmarks over thousands of miles because this isn't functionally useful to us. It is certainly a great complex process, but it isn't useful. Autism Level is defined in such a way that it is PRECISELY what we care about.
Not only that, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY correlated substantially with mortality rates, crime, and so many other factors that one would care about on a societal level. Get over yourself.