Incel general

How to deal with being an incel.

Hello guys, I think this is the best board to start, because the incel concentration is probably high enough to allow serious discussion. Why are you an incel? Do you see hope with the collapse of capitalism? Do you want equality in the dating market?

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Nice pics but fuck off m8

thanks grew them myself

Timestamps plz

Ramona Flowers?

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Is that you on the pics. If so please let me know where you get that estrogen dog, shit's looking hella tight my nig.

No thanks.

I don’t really identify as incel. I’m a very mild autist (Officially diagnosed with PDD-NOS, school thought it was Aspergers and that’s what was on my IEP, but never got an official diagnosis) and I have problems with social anxiety. It’s not so much that I get rejected by women as I’ve never had the nerve to approach one. That said, I’ve never been a part of this cult of positivity that claims if I had tried, something good would have happened, I think I’ve just saved myself a lot of embarrassment.

That's the price of love, now take this shit elsewhere.

That’s the purpose of the thread.

Also, think trying to use the Boomhauer method in this day and age is a bit dangerous.

ok fascist

Either post more of that girl or fuck off. We don't need this cringy incel bullshit here.

It’s true though.

And a communist ought to at least reject commodity fetishism.

No, it's not true, you doof.
You just admitted to finding all hair colors to be warning coloration.


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I meant bright ones that don’t naturally grow on a human head.

Maybe in the 80s it was a symbol of rebellion, but in the Year of Our Lord 2018 it’s more a sign of mental illness and personality disorders.

No such thing as incel. Only volcel. In many countries there's prostitutes you can use. If you're incel and marxist Jim Profit is pretty much essential, video related especially. I prefer not to self identify by that term though since I dislike the self hating/wannabe normalfag aspects of that community and I am not really a truecell anyway. I prefer the term Doomer honestly, at least in regards to myself.

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Honestly, you either need to continue working to improve yourself by either working out or getting better at socializing, or you need to learn to accept yourself for who you are.

I don't wanna be a dick but if you're an incel, then you're doing something wrong if your goal is to get laid. It's a process. Reflect on yourself and make some friends who are a positive influence (easier said than done) and try to improve yourself every day. Don't go into every relationship with a woman expecting sex. It'll sort itself out eventually.

You can do it user. You can do it.

In a communist society, discrimination by use of capital will not exist

Discrimination for being boring, fat, tall/short, ripped, conversational, annoying, etc will exist

That is all

Moderators wont exist anymore(hopefully) so we would be able to talk shit about roasties with impunity at least

Hi Jim.

You have three options: rope, cope, or dope.

how about you fucking worry about important things instead of what your fellow angry wojack face doomer protagonists will think of you, dipshit

Dope every time honestly

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I heard what you meant. I know what you mean.
And I mean you identify as an "incel" because you buy into this r9k bullshit. Stop parroting those people. Stop being a fool who carefully constructs ways to being a bigger fool.

He just said he didn't self identify as a incel roasite

I said I don’t identify as an incel.

But a broken clock is right twice a day, and the observation is true enough.

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Tfw no hookah gf

Do you know how I can tell you've never read Capital?

I don't care if I have never fucked a girl, because we have much bigger problems to face on this planet. This whole inceldom is nothing else than peak individualism.


Someone anchor or just straight up delete this shit thread.

lol your reply doesn't make any sense, but OK.

Typo in reverse.
Fucking incel ☭TANKIE☭.

Pardone. In between shower and DVD. Not paying attention anymore.


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What's your problem with people riding the cock carousel? I'm sure there's a seat empty for you to sit on. Imagine being so bitter about not having sex you want others not to. You could just be happy or at least not care about other people being happy or having sex yet you let your envy make you spiteful, its really childish.

No such problem here my brother, come join the light and get a wife instead of a "girlfriend".
we emphasize responsibility above all in relationships, and don't listen to the "marriage should be abolished" marxists

Everyone is spiteful about something

Eh the trappings of marriage contribute to a lot to men's problems, but this is getting more into MGTOW and MRA territory than Incel admittedly.

I can't really sympathise with incels since I'm a bislut and love sucking cock. But if I was a straightfag I'd probably be pretty fucking bitter.


Marriage as an institution maybe, but there is nothing wrong with it if it's enforced by the parties partaking in it and not by other authorities, the most frequent argument I hear from the MGTOW community is that marriage is unfair because of divorce settlements, such things wouldn't exist in a post-capital society, or at the very least not be as extreme as today

How the fuck did you arrive at that from someone dying their fucking hair (something people have been fucking doing long before generalised commodity production ever existed).

Should I be happy for porky when he participates in daily gourmet feasts with expensive champagne while I eat ramen and beans everyday next?

Lol, top liberalism and pure ideology you got there. You're a liberal aren't you? Get the fuck off of this board and don't come back.

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I'm bi but I sympathize with them, if just because I am fairly misanthropic

Oh yeah of course it would rendered null by getting rid of capitalism, I just would highly recommend everyone to getting married until the dictatorship of capital has been overthrown which could be fucking never

Socdem indeed

You know what else is really fucking old? Mysticism and superstition. Are spirits and magic real because people have believed in them since time immemorial? We’re supposed to be materialists. I don’t expect us to all wear burlap sacks, but go too far into the fashion meme and it becomes obvious you’re just an idealist liberal playing communist.

Ah yes, the wisdom of 'porky shouldn't eat good food, he should eat ramen and beans every day like me'. How about you focus on getting yourself some of that champagne you want so much or just suck it up and stop caring so much about denying other people champagne.
Moreover your comparison is retarded, no one is exploiting you into not having sex, no one is getting sex at your expense, you're just not part of the picture and are salty as fuck about it.
It says a lot about you thinking of sex or companionship as a commodity too, you're a disgusting excuse for a person which is hardly surprising because you're a falseflagging Zig Forumsyp desperately baiting every week.

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sex is for perverts

goddamn, someone explain this latest take to me

Communism isn't about cutting people down to fit a procrustean bed, you insufferable socdem twat. Should everyone be crippled to make things fairer on the physically disabled? Should we all be lobotomised to bring us down to your level?

Confusing a person with the commodities they possess.

Oh yes, I am the disgusting one for commodifying sex when women constantly and knowingly self objectify themselves as sexual objects constantly. And yes, I am not having sex because i treat women like a commodity, we all know how much chad doesn't treat women like a commodity and how much the average women loves to listen to misogynistic hip hop where they are referred to as nothing more than prostitutes and whores and they HAPPILY sing along with the lyrics.

Yeah. That's the reason I don't get laid. Not because I lost the genetic lottery and 20% of the men will always fuck 80% of the women if the sexual free market is not regulated. yes indeed.

Communism is about class hatreds, just as much as I hate porky fr living in the lap of luxury and use this hatred this foment revolutionary fanaticism I also hate people who won the genetic lottery who have sex.

can you please post your porn elsewhere, this is a blue board


Can the mods please ban this guy, he ruins every thread he’s in.

How are you even a leftist, you do realize it will get even worse for you under communism? since you wouldn't even be able to compensate your social ineptitude and """inferior genes""" by accumulating capital.
Inceldom defeatist reasoning doesn't belong in Zig Forums, maybe you'll find more company over there at Zig Forums

Jesus fucking christ, you're missing the point so badly you've ended up in orbit around goddamn neptune. My point was that it has nothing to do with commodity fetishism. If people were to dye their hair in a communist society for example, it couldn't be commodity fetishism because there are no fucking commodities in a communist society.

Which hilariously enough, you are doing by getting this bent out of shape about fucking hair dye.

That's not what class is. You're literally just as dumb as idpol types who think that white men constitute an oppressing class.

1. objectification does not equal with treating something like a commodity you illiterate
2. even assuming women self-objectify this doesn't make viewing sex or companionship as a commodity as any better.
You seem to be under the delusion that this view is some sort of moral flaw, when in fact it merely betrays the fact that you're an underdeveloped infantile person who is incapable of mature interpersonal relationships.
Its also hilarious that you immediately jumped to talking about how you don't get laid and the realTM reasons for it as if i had asserted any reasons for it. The perpetual victim mentality is strong with this one.

Its about class struggle and you're not struggling against anything, face it no one is exploiting you, no one is having sex at your expense. You're literally not involved at all, you're irrelevant to all the sex going on in the world. Your interests are no in the slightest conflicted with those of people having sex in the manner of class interests, you're literally just infinitely salty and want to bring people down to your level in the most pathetic way.

This, a few months ago he would get banned as soon as he posted because everyone knew he was a Zig Forumsyp, did the mods forget or something?

I am salty and the sexual free market will one day be regulated to be equitable and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Pure ideology, a whole different world is possible under communism and the sexual free market will be regulated under it. You do not belong on this board.


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People fucking each other of their own free will is not a market you fucking retard. The only "sexual market" is fucking prostitution, which will not exist under communism: eliminating the possibility of you getting laid once and for all.

Yes it is. It is a market, a brutal one that must be dismantled.

there is no "sexual market" under communism you dumb swed, if you honestly believe women do not want to fuck you because you're genetically predisposed to disgust them, then how exactly do you expect communism to help you with that? or are you some larping American who got meme'd into thinking communism is when the state gives you mandated gfs?

I’m aware that people use shit like clothes and hair dye as a form of self-expression, I’m saying that this cultural phenomenon is a form of fetishism. It would be fetishism under communism as much as under capitalism, though maybe not commodity fetishism. It is a sort of superstition humanity has held onto for a while.

No, I’m saying you should not post anywhere.

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The sexual free market will be regulated under communism and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop, under communism women will not be disgusted by me because my genetics will no longer matter under a post capitalist system, how hard is this to get? Communism will be five me a loving gf and there is nothing you can do about it. You oppose this because you want to maintain the status quo of haremization and 20% of the men having sex with 80% of the women.

I will post wherever I damn well please and you are powerless o stop me.

Yes, but the mods have the power to stop you.

In order for something to be a market an exchange must be occurring. Are you really autistic enough to think that most people are exchanging sex for money and/or commodities?

Okay, feel free to hold that position, but stop abusing marxist terminology in order to justify your (frankly non-marxist) worldview.

alright thanks for making it clear you're baiting

The mods are currently asleep, in any event I have dozens of clear vpns so even still they are powerless.

Communism will dismantle the sexual free market and one day I will have a loving relationship thanks to it. Deal with it.

my sides

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Are you honestly saying this doesn't happen? It does. People exchange sex for money and social clout in a round about way constantly, their value being derived from their genetics.

I'm not baiting.

That is correct.

brainlet GANG

their value is derived from money itself, you don't need to be born a chad for a prostitute to agree on fucking you, it's the money that is at play, which will no longer exist under communism.

No, you won't. Even if we end up in some hideous fascist society that would do something as horrible as force someone to sleep with a cunt like you, you won't be loved. If fact you'd probably have your cock cut off in your sleep.


I don't want to fuck a prostitute, it's dehumanizing

You are incorrect

So is aesthetics a non-materialist superstition then? Things don't actually look good and we don't form aesthetic preferences or associations?

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So is being forced to fuck someone.

LOL, keep telling yourself that someone will feel affection for someone they've been forced to fuck. They'll resent you to an even greater degree than your average whore resents a john.

Nobody will be forced to fuck me, the underlying materials conditions will change because the sexual free market will be regulated and i will enter into a relationship with my looks match and it will be a loving one.

maybe girls will talk to you if you stop acting like a histrionic faggot

I think autism match is closer to the truth. Too bad woman are less likely to be autistic.

I'm not histrionic, not in meat space anyways, but girls love histrionic men as long as they are good looking. Girls won't talk to me because I'm not good looking and because the sexual free market is unregulated and they are allowed to all be plowed by a tiny elite of wealthy and good looking men.

Indeed, and EVEN autistic girls get plowed by the chad sexual bourgeoisie because the sexual free market is unregulated.

i guess you're keeping your eyes on advanced plastic surgery and gene modification therapy then? or maybe you just don't have any clue what material conditions are and are just a dumb faggot using big words, hmmm

They won't talk to you because you're a fuckhead. Ugly dudes get laid all the damn time, even when they aren't rich.

Anyone who has read basic economics realizes how bad price controls are. Now what if a populist government decided to fix the price of something to zero? It would 100% gaurentee that dissappearance of that item from the market. When you think about it, isn't that essentially what has happened when the government made prostitution illegal? By setting the price of sex to zero, it's impossible for those who need it most to acquire. Price fixing encourages hoarding, and leaves producers with no incentive to make more. for the billion+ men living in socieities with no sexual free market, they're essentially subjected to a sexual venezuela with zero ability to climb out.

look at the retard and laugh

It’s not merely aesthetics, I’m talking about attributing social power to objects, that this crap is used as a false form of self-expression.

Self-expression should be about personal development and creativity, not the consumption of goods produced in factories by machines in the truckloads.

Material conditions isn't a "big word", yes plastic surgery will help but not that much, plastic surgery can only do so much anyway. It's more that the culture will change because the sexual free market will be regulated and the elite men will no longer be allowed to haremize society.

And? Plenty of good looking men who are "fuckheads" are constantly getting laid left and right, there goes your argument. This is why the sexual free market needs to be regulated.


Personal development and creativity is all well and good but surely aesthetics is part of that, especially creativity?
If you admit that aesthetics is a real phenomenon the recognition of which and function in society is not non-materialist then you must acknowledge that clothes have not only a functional but also aesthetic quality no?

They do, but they also have social properties, and this is where the superstition lies.

Or maybe you could stop being a fuckhead?

Holy fuck my sides

girls are histrionic faggots

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