Crisis in the Kremlin thread: NATO gets smacked by the Warsaw Pact edition

It's that time again Comrades, Lenin is young, and new October is coming.
Normal difficulty, 1985 start.
Who will the politburo elect as General Secretary?
Grigory Romanov, Adropov's steadfast protege within the party leadership?
Mikhail Gorbachev, the rising star of the party?
Victor Grishin, an unlikely but ambitious hardliner and close supporter of Chernenko?
Or the longstanding, if unambitious, party grandee Andrey Gromyko?
Or perhaps the politburo sees another, more appropriate candidate to lead the Party in this difficult time for the Union.

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Create a new guy and have him be Juan Posadas.

forgot to switch flag?
either way, sounds fun, seconded

Custom. Do Trotsky.
It let's us restart the Korean war, and gives us the option to nuke the US

There’s no Posadist flag so I have to make do.

Make a custom stalinist.

Custom leader options for reference are as follows in any combination.
1. Confrontation
2. Conservative
3. Coexistence
4. Friendship
1. Full Control
2. Conservative
3. Moderate Control
4. Liberalisation
1. Planned System
2. Conservative
3. Mixed System
4. Market System

he's not me

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changed my mind i really want a Stalinist too

Confrontation, Full Control, Planned **That should get you Trotsky*


i'm not sure about the meaning of those and how they work out so i'll just agree with leninhat if he posts again to clarify on "stalinist"

coexistence, full control, planned system.

coexist, full control, planned

Full Control
Planned System

full control
planned system

Confrontation, full control, planning.

While the politburo is nigh unanimous on the questions of economic policy and the relations within the socialist camp, the members are divided on the issue of policy towards the imperialist camp with three votes cast for reviving the policy of peaceful coexistence, three votes cast for keeping the course of Andropov and Chernenko and two votes advocating more active confrontation with the imperialist camp.

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Full conrol

Confrontation for a change. We always went conservative.
Full Control and Planning.

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Ok confrontation
I change the vote

Let's play smart this time. No more attrition between us and the CPUS Congress (Gromyko vs Stalinists)

Comrades, do we really want to spen all of our money on detente? I think the new GenSec should be a person believing in Coexistance.

Tbh we should go full gorby
But all of you are fucking LARPers

[Just to set some sort of standard I'll obviously try my best to let everyone participating in the thread have a chance to vote, but should I be lenient with time for changing your votes/being tactical during stalemate situations or just try pass motions as a plurality comes about? Basically plurality or majority voting rules?]


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Democratic centralism dictates that a consensus should be reached to ensure unity in the party. I'd say simple majority in small issues and a 2/3 majority in big decisions

i think that title belongs me to thank you very much

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Nomeklatura did nothing wrong workers deserved it


i vote for coexistence, since this thread is just going to behave in a stalinist manner anyway, might as well make it so that when they do, it doesn't represent a problem

As no more members seem to be changing their votes the policy of coexistence wins out narrowly with 5 votes over confrontation with 4 and conservative with 3.
The politburo elected to raise up to politburo membership and skipping the candidate stage as well as appointing to the post of General Secretary a steadfast party member who is thought to well reflect the tendencies dominating the CPSU central committee and will act in accordance with the collective leadership of the Presidium. Some call the policies in favour a 'return to the 60s', something Comrade Gromyko has denied in a recent Pravda column.

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This isn't a return to the 1960s, it is a reinvigoration of Leninism!

First off, history. What happened in response to the strikes and unrest in the DDR in 1953?

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I fully agree with this comrade and I want to add that there is nothing wrong with returning to the 60s. We are only preserving the stability of the Union, corrupted by revisionists!


we used the army to control protests

I say use the tanks. The GDR is our biggest friend, we cannot allow any revisionism there, even if it neans worse relations with the west.
Polite sage for double post

bring forth the tanks!

Use the army (this is the historical choice).

use army to controll

It's possible to get two victories (NATO destroyed, communism achieved) in one run, right?


Yes and yes, you can keep playing after a victory, but it gets kinda weird and buggy from my experience.

army keep then tanks for the huns

No, tanks are for the Czechs.

I mean the Germans ARE the Huns but whatever

What? They aren't

Transfer Power to Moderates

Hun is british slang for German: it comes from the Kaiser saying "We will descend upon them like the Huns" about the Chinese during the Boxer rebellion. Polite sage.

Huh, didn't know that

The situation was dealt with in a managed manner without much issue.
Next, in 1956 an unrest in Hungary, fanned by elements of the government, erupted into a dangerous anti-soviet uprising with fascist pogroms to boot. How did the socialist bloc react?

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Use army to control protests

Transfer power to the moderates: they remain an ML state but under the guidance of Nagy, who is a comrade.

Transfer power to moderates


requesting your removal

Narrowly avoided nuclear war there

Crush the revisionists with tanks

Crush the renegades with tanks.

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Changing my vote to using the army.

Use army to control protests

Transfer power to moderates, we can set leninism later anyway.

Warsaw pact armed forces intervened and pacified Budapest, putting an end to the unrest.
In 1961 we launched Vostok 1 on board of which comrade Gagarin completed an orbit of our planet and returned home safely.
Did this great achievement change Soviet policy in regards to popular superstitions held by some elements of Soviet society?

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Nothing really changed.

Strengthen atheist propaganda

sorry user, swing and a miss :-(

tanks in space?

Full atheist propaganda
Spookbusting time!!!

i mean..

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nothing changed, atheist propaganda doesn't really do much, and it just pisses people off, so it's not worth it

Ok then nothing changed

Nothing changed

Rise of Religion, brought to you by Orth-Bol Gang

This achievement certainly didn't call for any meaningful change in policy. We simply advance ever onward towards socialism and the stars.

It is now 1968 and in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic Alexander Dubček has taken to carrying out reforms that some feared would lead to a capitulation of the Warsaw Pact and the socialist bloc as a whole to the western powers. How was this dealt with?

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Turn a blind eye, the West are our friends!

I don't think we've ever done so, so try turning a blind eye. I doubt they'll immediately turn to the west, you can keep their favor unless you fuck up in other ways.

Limit them, turning a blind eye is risky but there's no need to invade: Dubchek is no ally of NATO.

tanks! even more than before!

I said tanks only for huns
Chehs are our friends do fucking nothing


The decision was made to not interfere in Czechoslovak affairs and let their government proceed with its program of market reforms and general liberalisation.

In the late 60s there was a increasingly intense debate within the party concerning economic problems within the Union. With the removal of Khrushchev the management of the economy became a major point of criticism by Brezhnev and Kosygin. Old-style economic planning became increasingly discredited and competing theories of cybernetic planning and optimal planning were being developed.
A soviet economist named Lieberman has published an article in Pravda arguing that the complexity of the soviet economy is too great to be efficiently managed by the state and that only decentralisation and reintroducing the profit motive into enterprises will be able to boost productivity and improve living standards. Did the party latch onto these ideas?

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Present the idea of automation.

fully implement Liberman's ideas

Present automation




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The Lieberman's article was responded to by several articles in Pravda over the following weeks by other economists as well as cybereneticists, among them Lenin prize winner Viktor Novozhilov and Victor Glushkov, criticising Lieberman's methods and theories. The current of cybernetics and statistical planning has gained traction within Soviet academia and the party as a result with their projects remaining on the table for Gosplan and the Central Economic Mathematical Institute.

By 1975 it seemed that most of the frontiers of outer space available to us had been reached and the question was posed as to the immediate future of the Soviet space programs, their funding and their competition with the US space program.

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Make peace with the United States; it's time to put ideology and silly space toys behind us!


send the space tanks!

The race grows into an armed conflict

Made by Posadist Gang

Peaceful space race continues.

Peaceful space race

Peaceful space race continues.

space tanks

Peaceful Race continues >>269252 Sorry this a Jhurshovite thread so no confrontation


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Fucking idiot.

fucking pussy

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Peaceful space race