>Right wing projection

Why does the right engage in absolute pathological levels of projection on the left? Pretty much everything they actually believe, they project onto the left.

In reality, the left actually have almost an obsessive need to understand right wing pathology due to the fact it's the ruling ideology and behind our shitty social and class norms, while the right doesn't give a single fucking shit about engaging any left wing point or thought in good faith. Most left wingers could actually explain the political and philosophical genealogy of right wing thought better than right wingers.

The vast majority of terrorism in the west in carried out by the far-right, followed by Islamists, who are another far-right conservative movement

Right wing goals are in the end, for ethnic cleansing and brutal subjugation of lower classes and people they deem "Degenerates". Hate crimes and other acts of political violence in the west are carried out by the right of politics.

Back to the first point, the right actually never, ever bother to engage in left wing points ever in good faith and in fact, one of the biggest problems with the left you can say is it that is too polite, cares too much about "norms" and takes too much of the right wing bullshit in good faith and at face value.

Meanwhile, lets just ignore the Nazi atrocities all throughout WW2 and the fact that right wing juntas had extremely fucked up sexual torture and violence to levels that not even Beria engaged in.

What causes the right to engage in such fucking crazy levels of projection?

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Right-wingers are unironically schizophrenic

It's the pedo shit that is the most funny

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The left is controlled and fueled by the media, college brainwashing, more pathologically controlled by empathy rather than by reason and logic or on building a strong society. Fueled by selfish deprived passions and desires. Hence the claim that they are an "echo chamber". Even here most people support communism only because they'll get free apartments and other things from the government. They don't care about what happens to society at large if the nation becomes socialistic.

you have never read a communist author in your life you fucking mongrel, have you?

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Incidentally, most rightwingers would claim they were socialist as well, in fact a lot of left liberals say the same shit too.

the left doesn't exist, you're just rich bourgeois kids making pretend

die a thousand deaths you pink haired tranny freaks


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frankfurt school is modified marxism to unite marginalized first world castes against the government to achieve socialism since the working class lost interest in the ideology by the later decades of the 20th century.

The Writings produced by the Frankfurt school and Gramsci whose Cultural Hegemon theory was their Ideological Predeccesor was more about the effect of Capitalism on culture with Some Intersectional theory spliced in
What was the Entire Cold war?

They want a plausible justification and good reasons for doing what they instinctively feel. For decades the materialist worldview was pumped into them. They learned to evaluate everything from a materialistic and rational perspective. As convinced Marxists, they were ruled by cold, clear reason, not by feelings. Mind and stomach, not heart and soul, were the driving forces behind events. In their heart and soul, many of these former Marxist workers are already Not Socialists; only their materialism keeps them from breaking with the false gods of the past.
- Heringsblatt, Nazi speaker and propagandist

You use the word "bourgeois" like a toddler who just heard there parents use it, and wants their friends to think they're smart so they repeat it to them. For a group of people who supposedly hate post modernism, Nazis sure are fine with rendering words meaningless.

why pink though
blond, brunet and black are looking way better


Nothing says "fuck you daddy" like pink hair though.

Why are right wingers so historically and philosophically ignorant?

If they weren't then they wouldn't be nazis. Duh.

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Cultural Hegemon theory isnt Intersectionality its more about the Culture that Capitalism and Super structures in General build to keep themselves in power and the need to create a New Socialist / Workers culture to end Capitalist Cultural Hegemony

i had it red once, but more natural looking, i thought it looked cute tbh
if fucking daddy is what they want they should just find one into that, not ruin their looks

nazis are just autistic fantasts and event too stupid to just be ancaps

Sasuga Nazis

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Also my favorite

lol if only

The inverse of this argument is we're just jealous poor people
or naive middle class suburbians
suck my dick nigger


Ok buddy

What literature? Fucking mein kampf? Nazis were anti-intellectual.


Going into right wing political spaces is always so fucking bizarre because it's largely just them whining about why can't they be racist anymore and complaining about shit THEY THEMSELVES are responsible for. It's like that time at the RNC where Clint Eastwood yelled at a chair for 15 minutes blaming Obama for shit that was literally all Republican policy and caused by the Republicans.

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Reminds me

Imagine believing this simultaneously
Not surprising though for petty bourgeois ideology

Like how Nazi propaganda simultaneously presented the Jewry as poor, stupid, filthy ghetto rats and all-powerful wealthy conspirators

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That was Julius "Feels > Reals" EBola


The problem with this argument, is that the right spends all it's time on the internet, and they imagine if white person will see multiracial couple on the movie, or ass in music video, he somehow bill be genocides.

He's great because his philosophy revolves around people who don't exist and never existed, and dumbfucks still take him seriously.

Evola believed that while plebs should follow traditional values™, the elites deserve a carte blanche to all kinds of fun. He'd probably approve of the Satanic Democrat Pedo Rings the right is losing its shit over now. Hillary is Evolian Gang

In reality the right, the rich and the scumbags are the establishments. Left wing has always been the anti-establishment.


You wouldn't acknowledge that those are two different groups saying those things?

So was the Soviet Union right-wing?

You know that's wrong; the far-rightists in the church would like nothing more than to tie the pedos to stakes and burn them in front of the congregation. It was the NYT and WP that were defending Francis against the archbishops letter. The left reacted to the anger of the right against the pedos by defending Francis, doesn't that say something?

Galaxy brain

Then can we admit that "right/left" wing are just relative, and say about as much as "new/old"
Sorry, but I find it fucking tiresome to see useless labels used so liberally :^) in these discussion.

Soviet Union was never the establishment. Despite it faults it did support third world revolutions and tried it's best.

Elaborate. White nationalists definitely say both.

pick one and only one friend

the cognitive dissonance on that guy holy shit

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Imagine believing that the NYT and WP are “left-wing” outlets or that it isn’t righties who are the most “degenerate” of them all.

This is one that sticks with me a lot - hearing right-wingers go on about the evil garbage-knocking-over Nazi-brawling antifa "terrorists" when I grew up like 2 degrees from both the Olympic Park bombings and the Knoxville Unitarian Church shooting.


I was just gonna say, not only do righties accuse the left of their own worst aspects, but also accuse the left of mutually exclusive flaws. At once, we're some how both bleeding heart idealists, and cold clinical soulless materialists.

remember, every leftist is a noodle-armed weakling soyboy but also a dangerous and violent terrorist.

Sounds pretty much like me tbh

Most of the Right wingers are from countries that actually experienced Communism,like myself.
NatSoc is the only way to go for anyone in Europe/Australia/NZ,i'm not so sure about America however.Maybe in the future if they regain 70-80% of the population.

Not really.
The world needs global cooperative agreements to enact socialist policies and egalitarian economic systems to get rid of imperialism, and most importantly, to set a halt to the environmental problems the earth is doing nothing against.
National socialism benefits no one but the rich, it's not beneficial nor productive.

So, at least 50% of the world population lived under communism… Lucky bastards…
I bet you are 15yo

The schizo-right just gets crazier and crazier.

If you can lump everyone on "the right" together, then I can do the same to the left.

Regulating a Capitalist system is a Catch 22

Yeah it's probably the same reason why they did that

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That semen does not belong to you, thot.

Seriously though when will libs learn that posting shit like this actually emboldens amerifat reactionaries? They love the fact that they terrify and disturb left liberals.

Sucks to be them lol

Reminder that your boy Corbyn ignored multiple allegations that powerful pedophiles were operating in Islington. I guess he thought it was right wing fake news, eh?


the left is anti-Jewish capitalism while asking for funds coming from Jewish capitalists. the left are just edgy kids who trynna be hero for saving the poor through their ideology rather than help the poor directly. the left are just college cunts who think they are so smart that they figure out what's the problem of the society and its the Capitalism because they think large businesses doesnt care about workers and the poor even though most of the poor spend their money for vanity instead of saving it up and become rich. the left were just bunch of hypocrites who asks for their parent's money who works for a Capitalist company

aka typical blairite shit flinging

What "vanity? A lot of people nowadays have to choose between rent and groceries. It's the rich who engage in conspicuous consumption.

thank you for your valuable insight, burgerbro

Except it doesn't, really. 99% of the Left's arguments about why people vote conservative/right-wing comes down to "cynical self-interest" or "they're brainwashed by the former".

As for the rest of your post, and the rest of this thread, it's an incoherent mish-mash like every Zig Forums thread on "the Right". Really, what's there to debate?

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Lot of self-awareness right here.
It does make sense, actually. It's the lolberts and fashies that pretend they aren't two sides of the same coin.

I didn't want to get bogged down in autism over what defines the Tru-Left versus liberal centrism or whatever.

And they're both politically irrelevant outside maybe cutting regulations/taxes (and even then that's less of a libertarian ideological victory than it is a conservative donor victory)

Zig Forumsacks please fuck off

ohhh shieeet look guys everyone that hates left is an amerifat hohoho Im so kooool AK47 hohohoho fuck Capitalism

ohhh look guys that fucking left-hater should die, he thinks that everyone who disagree with him is a trust fund baby omgggggggg he implies that see his statement ohhh shiieeeet I am prophet Stalin fuck yall capitalist

The American status quo is not even remotely symbolic of political theory in general. If anything, ideological diversity in the US is almost nonexistent. It's different flavors of the exact same neoliberalism.

There were none.

If antisemitism is bad, then why doesn't it actually incur any disadvantage to gentiles, aside from jews and golems disagreeing with that notion?

Ah, well.

The tens of millions of white Europeans that died beg to differ.

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You believe that there are only two opinions, opinion left and opinion right. You talk about this shit for an ego boost because you are a failure. By announcing that you think there is something called opinion left and opinion right in an infinitely complex world you are revealing that you an idiot and nothing you say afterwords should be taken seriously. I immediately dismiss somebody the moment they let me know they believe in this shit. There are literally pictures of trump and Clinton together. It's right in your fucking face and you are so braindead you play a role in the scam, yet you are the one qualified to lead us to a socialist Utopia? I want greed eliminated from existence, but I also want control of every aspect of my life. I don't need much, just something to work with, then I want left alone forever and every action I take will be voluntary. There is never going to be one inch of progress made in your retarded movements until you aknolwedge that this is why people deal with the capitalist system. If I could wave a wand and this world was instantly balanced and I could learn or work as I please, yeah cool. The moment you go "give us all your stuff, give us control of your lifee, you are good at math so you have to do math from 8am-8pm every single day, no. Aknowledge that a business has operating costs , the person putting together the business needs back what they put in, then after that all profits are split evenly among every worker. Jeff bezos and a warehouse worker will make the same amount after he gets whatever he needed to build the factory. Nobody needs a fucking million dollars a year to live a wonderful life, they do that because they have the same mentality as rapists and want to control people for a high. I'm fine with mansions, but the goal of society should be every single person having a mansion. Build an unbreakable floor , then a limitless ceiling. That is the only possible way you can ever sell an empathy based economy to these sick NPCs.

Read a fucking book you schizo and try to have some fucking humility, your galaxy-brain hot takes are intellectual farts in the wind.
Faggots like you playing 'babby's first politics' should have stayed in 2006

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The direct result of gentiles thinking jews are worth saving or catering to even in the slightest.

Not to mention the balfour declaration, versailles, etc.

But you posted a smug anime girl so I'll stop here because I literally cannot win and you will say something like "Fufufufu, he believes in the balfour declaration, listen up brainlet there was actually the Zimmerman telegraph and Mexico and fufufufu the German dude who let that slip actually confirmed it fufufu ohohohohohoooo"
And then I can't say something like "oh yeah but the Balfour declaration with the promise to give Palestine to the jews was made one year before the big 100 day offensive of the US and while the Balfour declaration was made Britain was still in an extremely unfavourable losing state and the US was dragging its feet.

But I guess Britain just had magical confidence but that doesn't matter because, and I loathe to admit this, I have not read Das Kapital, so you'd be right again. Fufufu.

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you can't make this shit up

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Yes, surely it was the jews that are to blame why Germans wanted to exterminate Slavs.
I'm amazed how you retarded mongrels can in the same breath masturbate over Hitler and Nazi germany
AND call Poles, Russians and similar BASED WHITE BROTHERS while the former tried to eradicate the later.

I wonder what would have happened to you mutts in a world where Nazi germany won.

Contemporary fascism in the west takes the form of 'white nationalism' an amorphous ahistorical, largely american-derived phenomenon, it has little to do with the concrete beliefs (few as they were) of german 30s fascism apart from borrowing many of its aesthetics as fascism always does with everything.


yeah fuck you evil Nazis! who you are to kill innocent aliens? well we communists caused 7 million of our own people died from starvation and thats how perfect system works! killing people from other race is evil doing regardless of their intentions, fuck you Nazis why you have to kill Slavs while our ideology can do it easily….. FUCK YOU NAZIS I HOPE YOU ALL DIE


a caricature of your own self.

Because democracy trends towards centrism. You're as likely to get "gas the rich" as a platform as you are to get "gas the jews"

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They started two fucking world wars
What kind of mental gymnastics are you even trying to do here
IS THIS the famous american education that I keep hearing about
Must be that 3% Prussian 40% McDonalds grease DNA doing.
Nice sperging out