The Underground Reich

The Underground Reich
How American and Britain created the Third Reich and then saved it by turning it into NATO
These articles are an info dump on the "underground" elite networks of fascists and their terrorist mercenaries. GLADIO, NATO, Al Qaeda, etc. A very important issue to understand, as the continuity of fascism (from Jim Crow America to modern empire) is a covered-up history that is key to understanding the imperialist state, terrorism, and counterrevolution.

I posted this in another thread, but thought it could use its own thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So the IDEOLOGY guy is a Fascist?

Not sure user.

yeah he actually is cryptofash
but read the actual meat of the article


Who said this brainlet tier shit?

Was CORNMAN a Fascist? I mean, he singlehandy destroyed the USSR by murdering Stalin, Beria, and Stalin's successor who I forgot.

Was Marx a fascist? I mean the guy spent most of the time arguing with other socialist. Plus his best buddy was a bougie

thanks redkahina

Jokes aside, this can be useful. This is like well written conspiracy theory stuff, and even if some of the accusations are fucking ridiculous, the general idea is one we can agree with, that late capitalism seems to be increasingly turn to far right and neofascist forces to save itself and distract from the core problems. But it’s written in a way that’ll convince a good number of the Qanon crowd that it’s real. I suggest we start spreading this, not like as a meme, some good ole pysops, maybe get a few of those middle aged single moms on board then, boom.
We’ll get our own commie milfs in a matter of two months.

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Movies are fascist.
Television is fascist.
Video games are fascist.
Sports are fascist.
Novels are fascist.
Social media is fascist.
Narcotics are fascist.
Alcohol is fascist.
Restaurants are fascist.
Fashion is fascist.
Dating and casual sex is fascist.
Music is fascist.
Dancing is fascist.
Board games are fascist.
Camping is fascist.
Fishing is fascist.
Going to the park is fascist.
Clubs are fascist.
Meet up interest groups are fascist.
Anime is fascist.
Manga is even more fascist.

Proper revolutionary praxis is to sell all your possessions except for a plain mattress, plain clothing or a robe, preferably made from a coarse material, portraits of Comrades Marx, Lenin and Stalin and a cat o’ nine tails (and acquire these things if you don’t have them already). Every day, kneel before the portraits of Comrades Marx, Lenin and Stalin and focus on some action or thought you have engaged in that was fascist or imperialist, and then administer three blows across your back with the cat o’ nine tails. Do this for at least an hour whenever you have time off. Spend what time you have left preparing bland food (spices are imperialist), purging the spirit of ⛏️rotsky from your house with incense and rehabilitating the image of Comrade Stalin on Twitter. This is the ‘’only’’ non-fascist lifestyle.

this but unironically
t. phil greaves

It could work, but I don't it's retarded enough. Need more sensationalism

Hillary Clinton is the Fascist who is behind all of this.

And the fascist are pedophiles

who want to turn the frogs gay

But that’s actually sorta implied, she’s not behind it all, but she’s a major figure in the conspiracy theory. And so I Soros lmfao, it’s fucking perfect.

Don't trivialize it, most of the claims in these articles are sourced. EG, this guy really was NATO chairman:
GLADIO really existed, see years of lead.

Hale hortler

speaking of fascists
These fascists during the Charlottesville protest have ties of the military and weapon contractors

shits crazy

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some were in the military and some worked for defense contractors yeah. IMO the movie falling down with michael douglas playing the defense contractor who flips his shit is pretty much a character study in someone turning into a fascist.

taxi driver is better though

you guys have me hoping that this is all one real big plan by the far right to revive the far right instead of just a gigantic dumpster fire created by liberalism but then I realized this crap is your version of qanon

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No NATO are Nazis because…

holy fuck how many times do we have to explain this to you?
get it through your thick skull you dense motherfucker.

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SRFU UROPOOR (yes I spell it UROPOOR because that is the only thing you might not be abl to understand your Autism Level numbers are inflated and our real Autism Level is 110 btw) so are u scared uropoor? And now if they had some germanic runes on a blue flag? It is nothing. The world is american! You can upload whatever your want in hope to tarnish the reputaton of the US but you won’t be able to!! YOURE FUCKED KIDDO.

Don't fucking post Maoist Third Worldist shit here unironically you massive faggot cuck

The years of lead is the best example of how nato treats fascists they back us to stop the rise of leftists and then discard us when we become a nusance
Just because they use us to guck you doesnt make them far right

I know my post was deleted (and me banned because you fags cant handle an opposing viewpoint) but where the fuck did I call you liberals
And while they arent communists they are anti monarchist fascist etc etc and thus on the left

Fucking brainlet, you have to support socialism to be on the left. Fuck off with your false dichotomy fallacy.

lol u mad brah? Read Settlers.

If you're not a Third-Worldist you are an imperialist.

This is somewhat unrelated but I remember Zizek saying once in one of his speeches that he feels inherently "like a fascist". As if he was predisposed to liking the ideas of fascism and discipline and so on. He however in the same speech or a later one qualified that he believes leftist movements should also provide a discipline "self-work" ethic to prevent the right from monopolizing it.

Sakai thinks Mein Kampf is a good read.

This. He initially was pretty racist but this moment of solidarity destroyed the preconceptions capitalism put over him. Also he hates Nazis.

Fully half of Mao's little red book is exactly this.

essential reading, along with this

I need to read Mao then.

It's just authoritarian imperialism. Fascism at least had unparalleled beauty. There's nothing redeemable about this.

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good recommendation

you're a fucking idiot

Do you really think it's appropriate to use the label of a movement that aimed for genetic idealism and achieved the highest standards of human health and beauty to refer to a movement built upon fat cargo-shorts mart sharters? Fascism had public beauty, health, and collectivism going for it. Neoliberalism dehumanizes the public in the worst possible way through consumerism and individualism. They share authoritarianism and imperialism, but their perspectives toward the public are polar opposites.

So Lenin and Stalin were imperialists?


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yeah these are all the same

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The Nazis didn't build Nuremberg. Most of the buildings in that photo predate them by decades or more.

So if they aren't as autistic as you then it's not real fascism?

Do you fucks seriously believe there's no difference between races considering all the evidence that proves otherwise?

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why are you ammerimutts so obsessed with race
is it because you have no idea which one you fit into?

Like what?

Nice spooks.
This is pretty much obvious. Even if black people are dumb or whatever, genetic engineering is gonna make it a non issue.

material conditions>race anyday

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When you prove a difference between race then what happpens? There still a huge gap between me saying that poland is not the same as congo and advocating for imperialism or whatever you are advocating for these days.

Very simple. Look up the Autism Level differences between races.

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Answer me
I Races are different, than what?

Don’t bother whenever someone posts something negative about fascism the PIDF comes out of the woodwork.

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Why are you so obsessed?

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Sky du Mont
Eyes wide shut


That's it?

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Zig Forums internet defense force

leftcoms suck but every once in a while they make a based post like that

The Nazis were tacky as fuck

Top shit

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This is literally what the term "deep state", when referring to the US and its allies, originally meant before Trumpcucks drove it into the ground.

Gee, I wonder why the Deep State would cause the Deep State to be hidden.

Please don’t