Do you think that there is a plot in order to demonize the Left and bring about an authoritarian World order?

Do you think that there is a plot in order to demonize the Left and bring about an authoritarian World order?

I mean, the news is against people who came out to fight Fascists, if you read everything science is trying to find a means to make it so that people will accept their fate via Autism Level and Intelligence genes. Like bring about a new Divine Right of Kings. The USA is increasing its military, Trump is going after Russia and China (I know I know but they are all that's left.)

I honestly believe that unless the Left strikes soon, we're gonna be in a World of pure shit and there will be no hope from getting out of it.

Attached: Media hates ANTIFA.jpg (1059x188, 29.44K)

Of course it is in their interest. I wouldn't call it a "plot" though.
Conspiracy nonsense. America is already a police state anyway


yes, it happens in europe too and i'm afraid that it's already too late to stop the process.
also ruling class propaganda is getting worse and worse, they are openly advocating slavery now. i expected a kinda trashy but entertaining documentary flick about the roman empire when i chose to watch "the roman empire" on netflix and got blatant, utterly disgusting propaganda. i had to stop watching after 5 minutes when the narrator claimed that the romans were masters [of slavery], that slavery "worked" for hundreds of years and that spartacus was a vengeful "terrorist" and pillager. netflix offers some good stuff, but this was too much. i'll cancel my subscription next month.

Not really. The people who want to demonize the left do so. Barely any need to scheme - I mean, they're frequently dishonest, but they're exactly who you'd think they'd be and they're doing what you'd expect them to do. I mean, Zig Forums deliberately spreads blatant disinfo about the left - but again, it's Zig Forums, and you know they're full of shit and they're frequently caught doing it.


Not so much a "world order" - but among elites, I believe the question is frequently raised of a global competition between neoliberal capitalism and the more authoritarian nationalist capitalism of Russia and present day China. I think this is genuinely how a lot of these people view things - non-capitalist ideology doesn't come into the equation and both factions typically dismiss any of the negative impacts these options have on workers. Over the long term, I think America (my focal point, here, full transparency) has absolutely been phasing in more authoritarianism than they phase out - a lot of people in-and-around the military industrial complex simply see themselves as the most important people on Earth. So they're quite ready to trample on rights and pursue the full power that technology can afford them to maintain enforced "order" over society - and they're hardly inhibited by our political serfs, while our big private "entities" are typically more than willing to sell to the government.

We saw some of the biggest stuff with Dubya - a whole embarrassing era of crackdown on dissent (most of which was in reaction to things which most Americans would openly despise today). Towards the end of his presidency, Obama curbed some of the power with actions taken against the NSA - but he also continued chasing Snowden, left Gitmo open, and realized some of the Patriot Act powers like warrantless assassination of American citizens. Record deportations, too - he actually was pretty heavyhanded in many ways.

So, Trump came along - promising renewal of expired Patriot Act provisions, re-equipping police forces with military equipment (something he's already done, if I recall, reversing one of Obama's few good decisions), going after the press, going after net neutrality, going after "cyber-bullying," and generally being very forward about his intentions to crackdown on the public.

The cycle is something like this - Republican president elected, drinking age goes up, government goes after "dirty music," police get more "thorough," various rights fucked with, etc. -> Democrat president is elected, goes "easy" with a lot of this, but only looks good by comparison, and doesn't do enough 'good' to prevent the next -> Republican president, who continues a more active role in this ongoing gradual march.

It could be way, way worse.

Yes, it is a normal process when capitalism is in decay, fascism will arise.

Fuck off Zig Forums

They made the authoritarian world order about 30 years ago, everything since has followed from that. That's what's hilarious about the NWO conspiracies, they still think it's some hypothetical future instead of realizing the USA was the NWO all along, and many of those conspiracy guys actually think America is the good guy. It's silly.

Yes and No. There is absolutely a plot to bring about an authoritarian regime, but it won't be under Trump. Trump is far more analogous to Kurt von Schleicher(Hitler's predecessor) than he is to Hitler. A corrupt businessman more interested in trying to suck the remnants country dry than leading. Who ever comes after Trump will be the next demagogue to whip the nation into a frenzy. If you read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion(Zionism being a current political ideology and that being their handbook, circa 1897) it spells out very clearly that the final phase is global communism, following civil wars all across the world(see current rising tensions in America, the EU, South Africa, the Congo, Sudan, Somalia, India + China & Japan's looming economic troubles). So the modern left is being put in a pressure cooker now so that they can explode onto the scene in 2020, while Trump permanently poisons the well in the minds of Americans on Capitalism, Nationalism, and Individualism.

lol believing the left is going to do shitall and is being supported by Big Evul Shadowy Conspiracy Men

The left is a pipsqueak that exists to be stomped on, and there aren't many in the left who even have the ability to conceive of something more than a set of canned ideas without any wider context for implementation. There's almost no willingness to grow some balls like Lenin or Mao, and even those who do basically just want to copy Lenin or Mao without understanding why their tactics won't work in the 21st century.

Tbh, observations about Trump poisoning the well and creating a good opportunity for the (actual) left are correct. The Zionism stuff is bullshit, however.

You think that groups like Patriot Prayer and etc would be used to fight it in the USA. It's pretty obvious that a bunch of civic lolbertarians might be financed by Capitalists.

I don't think Zig Forums is some sort of evil scheme by Capitalists. Just a bunch of tards that got post-ironic.

this is just what happens when you have multiple ethnicities fighting over a piece of the zero sum pie on an intranational basis

no cohesion, no proletarian unity, no unifying culture, just pure concentrated racial cold war

Despite appearances and their own incompetence, the rulers are still steering the ship and things are going good enough for them and enough Burgers. Trump isn't really a sea change, he's just a reflection of what America actually is at this point. I'm guessing Trump will win again, then a Demoshit will win and they'll keep playing the good cop/bad cop routine. It's entirely possible things will go completely to shit before then, and I definitely don't see normalcy continuing past 2028-2029 that's when everyone's going to lose their social security checks because the government won't levy new taxes, and the existing taxes generate less revenue because the tax base is cannibalized, and once the checks stop the economy contracts further…). I figure around 2025 America will launch a major war if they don't start sooner (don't see it happening until America can accrue more of a military advantage, right now any war America would want to fight would be a clusterfuck, or else they would have pressed on to Iran a decade ago).

Lol just a dispassionate read of the Protocols of Zion, acknowledge it was written in 1897 and then compare it to the last century. You can find free audiobooks of it on youtube, they're less than 3 hours long. I'm not saying that the Jews run the world or anything. But that book is a 20th cenntury guidebook for global conquest, and if you read it and compare it to history, it's very clear that someone somewhere is following it.


Idk how what you're writing here relates to what I wrote exactly. I'm not saying revolutionary leftist activity will effortlessly burst forth in 2020 and have some sort of divine, unchallenged ascension. But attitudes towards American neoliberalism/neoconservatism and the GOP (followed by the DNC) are getting quite hostile.

But Trump also represents a general repulsion in America towards these rulers - even the shallow party line interpretations of the 2016 election reveal this; Republicans take the "change voter" emphasis route, while Dems still blame the Stein voters in a few northern states who lost them the votes they think they deserved by default. In doing this, the Dems inadvertently point out public dissatisfaction with their own party while the Republicans' celebration of the peeved public ignores their own 3 million vote popular loss. Even in such a stupid frame of the election, we get a nice look at how Clinton, Trump, and their respective parties were massively reviled. And now Trump alienates pretty much everybody by continuing both the shitty policies of other presidents and his own massively shitty pet projects.

Trump is, in fact, one of very few incumbents who would have a chance of losing in (or before!) 2020 - honestly, starting a war would possibly be his most reliable strategy. But the public is repulsed, and there's hardly a reason to play it down.

I think you could do this with a lot of outlines of strategy - maybe I'm wrong, I think that similarities tend to exist.

No, i think there are a bunch of edgy, LARPing liberals who wish it was 100 years ago.

antifa are just larpers. Killing cops is great. Smashing windows of businesses if fantastic. Not organizing, that's bad and just leads to more capitalism.

Trump isn't really a change though, not even in a superficial sense. His big selling point was that he was not going to cut social security (even though he will) and generally keep the system going as-is, except it will be okay for a white guy to say nigger on television again apparently. Even the Republicans know they can't gut social security right now, Bush Jr. tried that and every old person went apeshit. That's literally the only reason Obama had a Congress to squander in '09-'10, moreso than any anti-war sentiment or the economic crash (the Demoshit takeover in Congress was before Bear Stearns shit the bed anyway). Trump lets the Republicans avoid their ideological commitment to entitlement cuts, at least superficially, while getting their tax cuts and military pork, and the plebs are told they can say nigger on television again which is the dumb sort of shit they actually care about that the rulers don't care about one way or another (they've already suppressed the blacks so they won't get another BPP or even an MLK, and white identity politics is beneficial to both parties, to the point that even some Democrats are testing the waters on it).

Trump isn't losing because when it comes down to it, the ideology of Reaganomics really does have a hold on enough of the population and they actually believe in it, even while they bitch and moan about the rich and how their standard of living is deteriorating. There are just not enough people who are willing to campaign on more taxes and more government programs (and funding those programs long-term would be problematic because historically they require a large laboring tax base to function, and that tax base is shrinking for a variety of reasons outside of anyone's control). The Democrats aren't even trying to win, because that would imply that they have to deliver something and they have no intention of doing that.
Trump also has the best chance of any Republican of winning election, although the Trump bump is not that much. There aren't a lot of Republicans who are so disgusted with Trump that they'll vote Democrat, and there are enough /pol edgelords who will vote Trump for the lulz to make up for them. I think most of the Rethug field vs. Clinton ends with a Republican win, perhaps with VA going Repub (Washington bubble and MIC will back any orthodox Republican over Clinton easily) and maybe one or two tossup Repub states going Democrat. (Clinton campaigned so terribly that she was actively trying to lose the midwest, she'd be lucky to flip anything besides MI against an orthodox Repub opponent and even that is unlikely.)
I don't see the factors that led to Republican gains changing before 2020, unless something really drastic happens in which case there might not even be elections. Start a war and we're guaranteed Republican rule, but I think if they were going to start shit in Iran they'd have the propaganda machine running full blast now like they did leading up to Iraq 2.

Yes, COINTELPRO, which is still de facto in effect.
Maybe or maybe not. The ruling class's stake in US imperialism is about profiting from the journey; the destination is ambiguous. I imagine John Birch Society types would love a Protestant monarchy though.
This one is more about the media, which profits off of emotionally charged and controversial topics. Nearly any expert in psychiatry will tell you that I Q being a valid and useful metric doesn't even come close to justifying genetic determinism.
In political terms, it is not meant to change people's minds as much as it is intended to pander to rightards that already believe in Social Darwinism and a just world.
American politics are absolutely untouchable for the left. The antifa kids are merely a symptom of this: radical ideology in the US is literally role playing. If anything our best shot is after shit and fan have made contact, because it would finally burst the American reality bubble.

Not really, no more than usual. However, the currently existing authoritarian world order is coming apart at the seams and its enforcers are lashing out at the real and imagined threats to it. The neoliberal elites have painted themselves into a corner by banishing all opposition from the mainstream discourse bubble which has been getting more incoherent and out of touch, especially since 2016. They're rapidly losing legitimacy and their only response is more repression, austerity, and endless war.

The left is amorphous and lacks the organization and resources to take power. The best we can hope for is a bourgeois revolution.

The people who see this are repulsed by the trend. The people who don't are repulsed by his (and his followers') behavior. Even people within the trend seem to bear some resentment towards his consistent failing of US international trade interests. There's little reason to ignore all of this - Trump, aside from sheer incompetence and image issues, is not a substantial change in policy. What he is is a visible change in American attitudes and a potential liability for America as a superpower. Even Dubya inspired a lot of hate at the time, but by 2016 Iraq was plainly a taboo issue. Trump already has him beat in bad poll numbers, poor popular turnout, and popular despisal - imagine his legacy in 10 years or so. There's no reason whatsoever not to take advantage of this. Even Clinton's hilarious failure has helped to discredit idpol.

Not really. The public isn't just default retarded - raise the bar and they'll come along.

To add, Trump can be used as a symbol of all that's already been done wrong - Democrat Cops of America types already point out his similarity in immigration policy to the Obama admin.

There's a plot to make the people who are powerful look better than they are. Always, under every system, it's completely generically true. It's at least 40% of what stupid primates do with power. Sometimes the smarter primates try looking good being good, but that also drives it towards 80% of what they're doing with power. I've got mixed feelings on that.

Lolook here: there's always a plot to demonize leftists. The people who run the world would rather have their O-bombers funding the military to create exploitable desperate people abroad than people who would increase their own nation's social mobility for real, because they see themselves being in the class that stands to lose rank if social mobility increases for real and which stands to gain rank for creating crises they can later look good fixing. Leftists when they're honest are against the zero-sum world, but being against the zero-sum world only makes sense over a longer governing horizon than is usually adopted.