Not really. The people who want to demonize the left do so. Barely any need to scheme - I mean, they're frequently dishonest, but they're exactly who you'd think they'd be and they're doing what you'd expect them to do. I mean, Zig Forums deliberately spreads blatant disinfo about the left - but again, it's Zig Forums, and you know they're full of shit and they're frequently caught doing it.
Not so much a "world order" - but among elites, I believe the question is frequently raised of a global competition between neoliberal capitalism and the more authoritarian nationalist capitalism of Russia and present day China. I think this is genuinely how a lot of these people view things - non-capitalist ideology doesn't come into the equation and both factions typically dismiss any of the negative impacts these options have on workers. Over the long term, I think America (my focal point, here, full transparency) has absolutely been phasing in more authoritarianism than they phase out - a lot of people in-and-around the military industrial complex simply see themselves as the most important people on Earth. So they're quite ready to trample on rights and pursue the full power that technology can afford them to maintain enforced "order" over society - and they're hardly inhibited by our political serfs, while our big private "entities" are typically more than willing to sell to the government.
We saw some of the biggest stuff with Dubya - a whole embarrassing era of crackdown on dissent (most of which was in reaction to things which most Americans would openly despise today). Towards the end of his presidency, Obama curbed some of the power with actions taken against the NSA - but he also continued chasing Snowden, left Gitmo open, and realized some of the Patriot Act powers like warrantless assassination of American citizens. Record deportations, too - he actually was pretty heavyhanded in many ways.
So, Trump came along - promising renewal of expired Patriot Act provisions, re-equipping police forces with military equipment (something he's already done, if I recall, reversing one of Obama's few good decisions), going after the press, going after net neutrality, going after "cyber-bullying," and generally being very forward about his intentions to crackdown on the public.
The cycle is something like this - Republican president elected, drinking age goes up, government goes after "dirty music," police get more "thorough," various rights fucked with, etc. -> Democrat president is elected, goes "easy" with a lot of this, but only looks good by comparison, and doesn't do enough 'good' to prevent the next -> Republican president, who continues a more active role in this ongoing gradual march.
It could be way, way worse.