How to destroy the alt right

Should we give the alt right their "race war?"
Because it won't be an actual Nazi masturbation fantasy. It will literally be leftists, liberals, conservatives, and minorities on one side (98% of the population), and the far right on the other (

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not sure if pol or naive 'ancom'
either way retarded gtfo, can't be arsed to explain

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Naive ancom. Not necessarily advocating, more looking for an exploration on it. I've frankly been freaked out by the spread of racism and anti-semitism in the US, but I'm hopeful that the vast majority will still stand against it.

Trump is a buffoon, but one very hopeful thing is that he's finally started making unequivocal statements against racism. I'm sure it has nothing to do with his personal views, but even as a PR stunt, it's a good sign because it will hopefully do less to embolden racism in America.

Because that's what happened in Israel right? It's not like everyone sane has left, dissidents get silenced, and the population has slowly been radicalised such that Netenyahu is effectively considered a centrist, and the average housewife is, by normal standards, a bloodthirsty psycho.

I don't want to believe that that's where the political right is headed.

In a way, this rise in ultranationalism almost seems inevitable. But I want to get past it, because it can only be destructive. Culture follows technology, so with air travel, it's inevitable that people mix more. An isolationist backlash is easily predictable in the face of that. But since the intermixing is inevitable, these nationalist movements can only be destructive. I want to minimize that destruction.

Mods, if you hate this thread, please anchor it and don't ban. I made it in an impulsive, emotional moment.

I still think the right is losing the culture tbh. More Americans now say immigration is a good thing than probably ever. I mean when even Zig Forums is having debates over whether trans people are acceptable or not… the fact they're even debating it is noteworthy.

The white nationalists spent several years organizing and building platforms and then they blew it in August 2017. Hate crimes are also on the downward slope. They went up in 2017 according to the same report that published this timeline, but according to preliminary data they're expecting a moderate decline in 2018.

The bad thing is that the hard core on the right has gotten more hardcore.

I've posted about this before but I think the alt-right is a lot like the New Left. Mark Rudd, the former Weather Underground guy, did not make the comparison himself but he talked about how the New Left operated and it reminded me of the alt-right. Their politics are very much wrapped up in a highly performative, self-expressive mentality where if they only "express themselves" (the tiki torch rally, guerrilla hate flyers, etc.) then the masses of whites who (they believe) secretly agree with them will wake up and you'll have the Fourth Reich. But that hasn't happened.

The New Left thought the same thing and they had a highly performative kind of politics. They started organizing around 1965 or so and then by 68 they were running down the street waving big Viet Cong flags and causing a lot of chaos. But the masses didn't wake up. And then why the thing fractured, some of them turned to this totally useless terror campaign; "expressive" acts of violence that also failed to wake up the masses.

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Nice, that's a really interesting comparison. I hope you're right.

lol what. who made this shit

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Those were largely anti-Muslim hate crimes after 9/11.

Source is from here:

Also, Sam Hyde is basically a rebooted right-wing Abbie Hoffman. They both wrote similar "culture-jamming" books that present themselves as guides to insurrection. It's like "woah, they're really blowing my mind" and playing with irony all the time. There was a speech I watched Hoffman give in the early 70s where a conservative in the audience asked him if he was or ever had been a member of the Communist Party, and Hoffman replied "Hey lady, we're way more radical than the Communist Party; they're a bunch of squares! They're conservatives compared to us."

I think some historians have theorized that the New Left was also coming out of the collapse of traditional institutions on the left like the Communist Party and the labor unions. Well you can see institutions on the right in decline, especially the religious right. While the New Left was playing around, the right was disciplining itself. It took another decade to mature but when Reagan came along the party was over.

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That's a really interesting point. It's such a hideous reaction, though - these violent, hateful, exclusionary reactionist movements are such a far cry from any kind of Burkean traditionalist conservatism. I wish there was a stronger outcry from the old guard conservatives, and I'm disgusted that there hasn't been more of one.

everyone is racist though, they're just not allowed to express it. in the context of an open Nazi masturbation fantasy even the mildly racist guy who just thinks PoC look funny would go full nazi exterminationist. that's quite a gamble you're willing to have and reveals just how little you know about the situation on the ground.

No, that's inane bullshit. It's just you and your cretinous little Nazi friends.
The vast majority aren't fantasizing about hurting other ethnic groups. The common, subtle racism people have is when their misconceptions, stereotypes, or feelings toward groups affect their actions in subtle ways. That's something everyone experiences. Only fucked up retards actively want to hurt other groups.

liberals, which conservatives are, side with fascists every time when push comes to shove
the alt right remains a meme as there's no need for the state to start cranking out stormtroops to fight against the left yet since the left is basically dead in all developed nations

I don't think you'll find salvation in a rebooted Burke, who was counter-revolutionary from the start and was reacting to changes in patterns of deference and command brought about by the French Revolution. One of Burke's big things was the idea of "prejudice" being a virtue, and what he really meant by that word was everyday practices that one does automatically without thinking. I saw someone on Zig Forums the other day talk like this where he was driving through some town and saw people out doing their shopping, conducting business so on, and he said "America is great again." It's not like people weren't doing that a few years ago. But for him, this idea of "normality" meant that all has become right in the world again.

Where conservatism becomes consciously ideological is when everyday practices are challenged from the left. The right has also always attempted to mimic the left. “To destroy that enemy by some means or other,” Burke wrote of the Jacobins, “the force opposed to it should be made to bear some analogy and resemblance to the force and spirit which that system exerts.”

You'll see Zig Forums say today how they're the "real counter-culture now." But it's hard to say a counter-culture can even exist when there is no longer a hegemonic culture to rebel against.

I don't want to predict the future, but I generally don't think communism is in the cards but neither is the alt-right for that matter.

whatever helps you sleep at night. you don't have to fantasize about "hurting people" 24/7 to fight in a Nazi masturbation fantasy (or any war for that matter) when it finally starts. are you a woman per chance?

I see right through this B.S. because you guys only talk like this when you're talking to the left because you want to sound spooky and menacing. But when you talk among yourselves you're either blackpilled about the total disorganization and incompetence of your own organizations, or you're retreating back into MAGA normality with boomer memes as something to trust in, when a year ago most of y'all were saying that normie-tier stuff had been taken over by the Jews.

Anyways, wake me up when the Nazi stormtroopers are at the gates.

global apocalyptic Nazi masturbation fantasy will be in full swing by 2030 because of climate change and crop failure, I guarantee it.

That is going to kill millions of people and plenty of them will be white. I'm sure we'll all stop running from tsunamis to see if the person running away next to us is our ethnicity. People don't give a shit when there's a crisis occurring, go outside.

And you're the one saying "whatever helps you sleep at night"? And every day the white population in the U.S. declines and ages further, at least in relative terms. The white command centers for this Nazi masturbation fantasy will be housed inside assisted-living facilities.

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"Alt-right" is a circlejerk of contrarian manchildren and Republican voters that dislike Trump solely for his pro-Israel stance. They are a non-issue that is only useful as a scapegoat for liberal hacks.
In any actual case of shit hitting the fan, these people are not at all likely to take up arms for any cause. They are whiny lumpen retards that achieve sexual climax by typing "niggers" on the internet, not actual reactionary insurgents.

I think you underestimate lumpen retards. Even the original Nazis were a loser fringe party. It's just that they seized upon economic discontent, and directed it at scapegoats, which allowed them to ascend to power. As soon as these hateful, pathetic retards get the excuse and okay to act out their depravity, they'll become a violent mob.

Lol the alt-right is already destroyed. They've been dead since charlottesville.

Why do people still care so much for sam? He's effectively unknown outside of a few dozen people on the chans.

non whites are low Autism Level animals the slaughter will be unprecedented, 1 white will be able to take out 100 non whites

You shouldn't underestimate them. But who are they really? How are they organized? How are they networked with each other? Those are the most important questions. When they showed up at Charlottesville you had this mix of newly-minted 4chan kids but also a bunch of gangsters (the real leadership) who had been in the cause for awhile. I mean just flat-out white-power types who would've been in skinhead gangs 20 years ago. And some of them were in skinhead gangs 20 years ago.

Dangerous but also basically just stupid crooks and once they started getting outed and in some cases arrested on serious felony assault charges, it turned out a lot of them had felony priors for all kinds of shit. And most of these guys are posting on sites like Zig Forums and TRS nowadays. But even with all that activity there is less organization than what William Pierce accomplished.

They always have debates about how to weed out the real hardcore neo-Nazi types from their groups because of the liability, but those guys are really the rank and file and that hasn't changed.

Just making a comparison.

And right now they are desperate for a lifeline. Trump's tweet about white farmers in South Africa gave them hope, but let's not forget the Reagan administration in the 1980s supported actually-existing Apartheid South Africa and vetoed congressional sanctions against it – so Congress overrode his veto. Right now they've got … a tweet? This is threadbare.

All US populations are declining except for the Hispanic immigrants, whom are mostly found in the border states, not across the entire country.

The ones that come from Alexander Slavros, you know Atomwaffen and etc are literally that. They literally only have killed people so that their name can be found out and that they scream to everyone that THEY ARE FUCKING HARDCORE.

Also this isn't really a good thing for us. The Liberals are just gonna pretend to be edgy but they will still do their shit. Trump isn't gonna build the wall because Capitalism needs slave labor but he's still gonna scream about raping illegals. Europe will be the same as they will scream about ISLAM and RAPEFUGEES but they will keep them because they need a scapegoat to divide the working class and like I said slave labor.

That's depressing and a good point. It's like people don't realize it's real life, they think they're playing a fucking game when they literally attack people. To say it's reprehensible is an understatement - they're disgusting.

I'm American, but last time I was in Asia I met a number of Europeans in their late teens/early 20s who were deep into that bullshit, telling me about African rapists. I lived in poor parts of West Africa for years, and I literally wanted to punch them, they were so full of shit.

The wall is purely symbolic, it's gesture politics. He doesn't actually need to make an effective barrier, a half-assed, woefully understaffed wall is plenty to garner support from lumpens.

Capitalism is gonna keep racism alive because they need it to sustain. Literally read Karl Marx.

Literally everything from Liberals is symbolic. Some will pretend to be left, some will pretend to be right. But in the end they only give a shit about Capital.

In the USA Democrats don't give a shit about minorities despite how much they scream about ORANGE HITLER and the Republicans don't give a shit about Whites despite how much they scream about it.

Yeah. I can't predict the future but my feeling in the U.S. is that Trump is a disaster and it's going to end badly. Whatever agenda the GOP had has tanked and the administration is mired in scandal. But if I had to guess we're probably going to get someone like Kristian Gillibrand as president or something like that and a return to "normalcy."

I mean look at Beto O'Rourke in Texas. If he pulls off an upset he will be on a straight path to the presidency. He has people "fired up" but he is really like Obama in that he's a pro-Wall Street centrist who speaks platitudes about how "we are all Americans" in this high-drama style that makes people feel warm and happy. He is what Democrats want. People are comparing him to a Kennedy and they mean that in a positive way. Well, the Kennedys were awful, shallow, celebrity politicians.

under which circumstances? people like you are a joke, you live in some cloistered heavily armed guarded christcuck missionary compound in the Gambia for a month and think you are an authority when it comes to actual African behavior and criminality

die screaming you self righteous shit for brains

The USA is gonna fucking die.

I lived in villages. I did development work on the ground. You dismiss that kind of thing because you're a pussy who's terrified of the world around you. You should kill yourself, doing so would improve the lives of everyone unfortunate enough to have to deal with your retardation.

uh huh. you did development work with an NGO that ensured you were safe and protected from the realities of Africa and think you have anything meaningful to say about what life is actually like there or what africans are actually like. take your head out of your ass. typical white shitlib, you don't know what you don't know.

I would like to point out that developing the Third World is literally the only way for mass immigration to not occur. However this means that the Rate of Profit will reach 0 at which Capitalism dies.

So they will continue to not help it and they will continue to exploit people from the Third World.

When Climate Change hits, it's gonna be hell.

I agree with your points, but climate change is already fucking it up. I was working in a sahel region (one step above desert), and every year the farming villages can grow fewer crops because of desertification. The effect is that more people have to leave the area each year and go to the cities, or to other countries, including ones in other parts of Africa, as well as Europe and the Middle East. This is only going to continue - either there needs to be large scale efforts to improve the situation in those areas, or people need to figure out how to cope with migrating populations.

The only "reality" I was protected from was that I was paid enough that I could buy enough food for myself. Aside from that, I was living and working with people in the villages. You don't know shit, and you are a pussy.

I know more than you know, unfortunately many of us don't have to travel half way across the world to find the authentic Africa experience

Capitalists aren't gonna do a damn thing about it.

And the thing is, people don't actually care. There is gonna be 18 million people gonna be dying in Yemen because of starvation but all the West gives a shit about is ORANGE HITLER, not getting dick wet (incels), MUH anuddah shoah, and fighting those White Nationalists despite the fact they don't have any power (Talking about in America ANTIFA battling Alt-right when the people who should be fought are the Government and Capitalists).

The Capitalists have found how to keep the Proles in their nation 100% devoid of Class Conscious.

What I'm saying is that there is so much distraction going. I think it's on purpose.

lol you were clear - I just don't have a response right away

Have friends who have lived and worked in Africa. They all loved it and take their vacations there. The only ones who had any problems were journalist friends who traveled to active combat zones. (One guy I know was targeted for assassination, specifically via a dude blowing up his hotel but that was in Somalia. But actually, Somaliland in the north is quite nice.)

You're an enormous pussy.

how about we join together against capitalism, globalization and the destruction of the family/culture by materialism and greed?
We agree on a lot of shit, but our solutions are different.
Let me keep my business, let me sell my skills/labour, stop creating animosity between classes and lets tackle the real issues. Usury, fiat banking, consumerism, commodity fetishism, crony capitalism, shitty regulations, shitty trade deals, gay marriage, abortion, feminism, mass 3rd world immigration, transexuals fooling straight men, etc etc.

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I have a few friends from SA, they told me some atrocious horror stories from there. The gangsters are basically sponsored by the Gov and have license to kill whites.

No. That will only keep people looking at retarded shit like race instead of class.

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what's the benefit of class warfare? people in different classes have different ideologies and values and so can't be lumped together

So Capitalism as normal?

I believe the "not real capitalism" fits in here perfect, like right tards think socialism ends in le hungry people, capitalism itself ends in all of that. Also "turd position" is still capitalism killing some Jews dosn't make capitalism go away.
This effecting anything of any importance at all apart from some videogames

Ain't buying it.

You got it twisted, the economy isn't #1. Social values and harmony are #1.
There's no point to have a prosperous society if its values are absolute shit, if its people are overly medicated, depressed and hedonistic, if they kill babies/fetuses out of convenience, and are addicted to drugs/porn/orgies/gay pride crap, if your citizens can't even admit what gender they are and demand others roleplay with them. if they don't value property rights and let people steal and rob at will, etc etc.

jews will corrupt socialism and capitalism,, well any greedy tribe/clique will corrupt an economy and social values once they are given leadership positions or assume public intellectual roles.
The human nature problem is really the crux of catastrophes, and there's nothing in communism or capitalism that teaches people how to be good, how to hold transcendent unchanging virtues/values.
Most will become opportunists and consequentialists, like ⛏️rotsky, who said that any means are justified as long as the desired result/future is attained, which is how we get atrocities and turning humans into mere instruments.

Hmm. Socialism?
No shit. Having said that, people will generally gravitate towards something that they think will help them more.

If you accept this then you can't paint them with a broad brush, you'll have allies across classes and enemies across classes, so the whole classification is kind of silly. And there might be periods in your life where you move up and down class lines.

That doesn't follow. You can have class warfare and no socialism, and I don't see how animosity/violence between classes does us any good, can you be specific?

The majority of people will always pick fascism over real leftism.

Be honest. "anti-semitism" is your only concern. Mobilizing the masses is for your tribes benefit not the benefit of all.

Alienation created by capitalism.
No problem here. It's not like we need them.
At the same time it takes up resources best used elsewhere. Obviously the solution is to make contraceptives widely available.
Lmao. The first few are an issue but that last one has to be a joke.
nice spooks
Absolute strawman

Yep. It's why we gotta get as many people as possible to oppose the capitalist system.
The idea was that once people are conscious of class they'll gravitate towards socialism. I never mentioned class war.

Except when they don't.

Nah mate. It's all for my own PERSONAL benefit.

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Values come from the base of society not the other way around. Commodity fetishism exists because of Capitalism. Not the other way around. Capitalism is the reason for all of that "not real capitalism" and is unchangeable.
muh spooks, muh evil gays, apart from drugs (which mostly come from capitalism's class/alienation poor education etc) none of that stops society working. Go compare California to some meth filled white conservative town and tell me again white conservatives run the best places.
Learn the difference between gender and sex and natural transsexuality 100% exists and is well documented, this is literally agreed on science along with race. As much as you right wing fags think science is on your side Marxism is literally a science and conservatism is mostly based on desert religions coming from a slave base society.
Wasn't even ⛏️rotsky

Spoken like a true capitalist who only things in terms of productivity/profit.

Rest of your post is ignored because of this absolute idiocy ^

things = thinks**

don't quote a philosopher who utterly eviscerated your ideology.

Implying Chad Marx didn't destory Stirner

You're stealing from the people.

Admit it. Antisemitism is your only concern. If the concern is for all people then there would only be one word for it. Racism.

But the "people who shall walk alone" must be a separate and distinct people in contradiction to this boards communist principles.

Marx would fit the definition of a Kulak.

Marx was not a Ukrainian landowner who employed """""""Freed""""""" serfs, so not not really. And that's a pretty poor argument which dosn't make any sense in the first place.

Every other thing trump says is rasict wtf are you talking about?

marx and his family had more wealth than most kulaks actually, so yes they would be in big trouble.

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is that racist?

compare his home to this "kulak oppressor's" house

Kulak family dispossessed of its home during Dekulakization /Udachnoye, Donetsk Oblast, 1930.

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Do you even know what a kulak is? How does Marx having a house even discredit his theories?

Since Stalin was training to be a priest does all his writings not count for anything now? What about Ho Chi Minh who spent time in France being educated as well in the Soviet Union and China. Is he somehow not a Communist because he didn't eat dirt every single day.

Marx was rich but didn't earn it. He was scrub that lived off his wealthy Jewish friend. Not very communistic.

A friend helping a friend out in a mutually beneficial relationship. Not "Communisitic"

that cognitive dissonance

Ugg Grug me right wing use good logic. Gay people make capitalism bad. We live in not real capitalism.

What are you not buying? That he has friends in South Africa, or that whites are being systematically targeted in South Africa?

The difference being none of the Black people actually own any land and are in a similar position to the Kulaks

It also only numbered 47 and is at a 20 year low. The whole w hite genocide in South Africa is totally fabricated and made up by retarded fascists who fall for sensationalist media.

because so many farmers have been slaughtered in the last 20 years. when they kill the last White farmer in South Africa the number of killed white farmers that year will be 1. its kind of how death works.

lol. commies really are THIS dumb.

W hite genocide my ass.


also why did they just so happen to stop taking race based statistics in 2001?

you're not fooling anyone

Imagine if the Holocaust only targeted Jews in the media and banks and left the rest alone and didn't even target Jews but only the banking and media industries which happened to have more Jews in it so they started calling it a genocide and not a bankacide or something like that. That's what your doing but with White people and farmers

yeah that is nice and all, perhaps we should ask malema what his motivation actually is, he wouldn't shy away from it or simply attempt to reduce it to class struggle

also, of the 11 million who died in the Holocaust, only 6 million were jews

There is a very similar event in history, and it involved kulaks,Ukraine and Stalin. the parallels between the two are quite high. Even including a (lol) whiny little bitch population of landowning,reactionary's crying out genocide instead of classicide or whatever a term for targeted killings of certain workers are.

You are inflating the targeting of certain industries as racist. If the USSR just happened to destroy the fuck out of banks and lets say they had a high population of Jews in these banks that is not a genocide. Call me back when Black people start rounding up office workers or the poor white people and start shooting instead of some land owners when the government has made it clear from the start it was opposed to land owning farmers be they black or white.

your apologetics would be half valid if only malema didn't say what he said. not to mention the farms that are being expropriated are not being nationalized but passed off to black porkies who are chummy with the regime. so. you're full of shit. it is not class war, it is ra.ce war. and ra.ce war is supposed to be false consciousness. but you don't care, you're just another pathetic shitskin that wants to see whitey have his comeuppance. like all "anti imperialists".



And your dumb ass forgets Black farmers are also getting their land taken. Come back when only white farmers are being targeted until then it's not a genocide you fucking retard.
And people change, your average USSR industrial workers was far more left then your American one. And guess what buddy? By modern conditions 100% of all men compared to medieval ages are all decadent godless peasants from non god chosen bloodlines who would call your nationalism godless and would burn you at the stake for being against the King and his Jewish advisors.

You mean historically the vast majority of the population have been prissy sheltered faggots who get assblasted over black people in vidya games and on tv?


black farmhands being killed during a farm raid against white farmers != black farmers getting their farms seized

and yeah, nevermind the fact that the farms are not even being nationalized simply sold at a discount to anc cronies who don't know what to do with them anyway


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Zig Forums are armchair larpers. If a honest to god The Turner Diaries-esque Nazi masturbation fantasy started tomorrow in the US, they would say it is a jewish falseflag psyop and do nothing. We all like making fun of their moronic ideas but at the end of the day they are harmless and worthless.

even just humoring the idea of a Nazi masturbation fantasy is retarded, it's a literal fantasy.

wow I had no idea that filter existed lol

The alt right is dead

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The alt right is a meme with no real influence. You need to stop obsessing over them and generic antifascism. Start fighting the real enemy and the new face of the bourgoise;


No matter how hard you try you will never get all of them, and the harder you try the more you will mistarget other groups.

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