What does leftypol think about neets?
Are they bourgeois are they lumpen?
Why do soc dems support these non working class.
What does leftypol think about neets?
They're just the reserve army of labour.
im pretty sure 'neet' has become one of those sneaky liberal neologisms which obfuscate the meaning of a term which has become too negatively received, in this case the unemployed
Depends on where their neetbux come from. Usually it's from petit-bourg parents.
Neet isn't just simply unemployed. They are either willfully and comfortably unemployed (backed up by parents money) or psychologically unemployable. It's a state that is completely unhealthy, but you can understand their revulsion at the wage system, meaningless jobs, soulless interviews.
NEET is just a term the Japanese, South Korean and UK governments use to try to build a hatred for people not helping sustain capitalist industry. Also just about everyone takes at least some time off from studies and work whether intentional or not. Everyone is a NEET at some point.
That isn't true. A child of a petite bourg would likely be the heir of their parent's business or own their own chain of it or they would be going to an elite university and then blowing it on partying instead of studies. They wouldn't be a NEET for very long if ever.
I just feel too alienated by capitalist businesses to have any motivation to get a job with them. I don't like being under someone elses authority. That and depression and anxiety and OCD.
I think those unwilling to work should be required to attend counselling sessions every week, and be placed into a job preparations program of some sort. Military programs too. Provided they are fit. I don't see a downside to this at all.
How dare those proles sustain capitalist industry, right? Fucking reactionaries.
Petit-bourg kids don't go to elite universities. A petit-bourg isn't a capitalist who only owns a little means of production, they're what's called "comfortably middle-class". Managers, small businessmen who buy labor power but do not own MoP etc. They're called petit-bourgeoisie because they share in bourgeoisie ideology and aspire to become bourgs.
You keep using that word…
I know a lot of professionals who went to one of the Ivy leagues. Many I would classify as petite bourg as well (lawyers who own firms for instance.) You don't have to be super elite to go. You sound a bit petit booj yourself. Whining about how poor they are is one their biggest hobbies. The other is wage theft.
I guess I should've been more careful with my wording, yes some well-to-do petit bourgs go to ivy schools but much of the "middle class" in the first world is generally petit booj. American suburbia is petit booj as fuck and that's what spawns the most r9k types.
The problem with these threads is that they tend to devolve into some kind workerist nonsense (Workers are the only revolutionary class and others cannot ally with them, all who are not Workers are not worth discussion, Workers in and of themselves are virtuous and a moral good etc. etc.), with many espousing borderline reactionary positions about "NEETs" without ever really establishing a proper definition of the word, nor a distinction between the underemployed, unemployed, reserve army of labour etc and how they all relate; whether they constitute a seperate class, whether they are lumpen, what lumpen even is etc. It's all an ideological hodgepodge and something that is severely lacking any real Materialist analysis.
There is a weirdly pernicious stereotype about NEETs that seems to be entirely couched in memes about the children of Japanese & American Boomers who are comfortably petit-bourg and can afford to support "leeches", but the reality is that this isn't the majority of NEETdom (If we define such in the literal sense of not Employed, being Educated or Trained) and this projection of this type of person onto a sort of Underclass as a whole often carries Vitriol above and beyond that of the Capitalist Class itself, who are by far and beyond greater parasites, and I'm concerned that a lot of this is kind of a mutation of the sentiment that outlined as an idealogical symptom of modern Liberalism.
If we want to have a solid analysis of NEETs, first we should develop an empirical understanding of those that fall under the umbrella, which varies significantly even amongst the 1st world nations, before we attempt to demonize them in the wake of a worrying development in Capitalism which further blurs the line between the Worker and these aforementioned subclasses. For example, in many European countries following the last Financial Crisis, as many as half of young people were forced into NEETdom in Countries like Italy & Spain, and yet we'd be foolish to paint these people as Basement Dwelling Petit-Bourg Failsons.
I'm writing this kind of off the top of my head so I apologize if it sounds incoherent but it's something I've thought about a couple of times in the past, I genuinely think that NEETdom plays very heavily into the "discourse" around Undemployment, Temporary Employment, "Self-Employment", Zero-Hours contracts and should be considered in Totality as part of those conversations and that it simply cannot be relegated to a group of deplorable manchildren.
Learn terminology
From the image OP posted I assumed he is talking about the kind of NEET who posts comfy pepes and not everyone who is chronically unemployed. "NEET" has kind of taken on a specific meaning in the imageboard sphere.
Yeah and the reality is that outside of a tiny sliver of predominately Americans & East Asians, NEETs as they are defined don't exist anymore, and this small group isn't conducive to any actual discussion, it's just a shitpost thread for acceptably hating on a group of people who are irrelevant at worst. You stopped being able to get NEETbux for "autism" in the late 90's & Early 2000s, all you're really doing is hating on marginalised (and I mean this in the literal sense, not the #woke sense) people who are maladjusted if not outright mentally ill for the most part. Imo there's no real place for this kind of Vitriol that should instead be targeted at those truly deserving of it rather than the powerless in the absense of our own power.
there is no evidence that people or the majority of them who these threads are NEETs themselves.
I think you should go fuck yourself you control freak weirdo work fetishist
The issue with NEETism is that under this system you can't be a NEET without being a parasite of someone else (almost always the parents), unless you won the lottery or something. This is why they're trash.
NEETs are the revolutionary class of the 21st century
I am one, my particular situation kind of sucks but I honestly think I would even be more miserable being wage slave. At least I managed to get a 2 man blackend power electronics/industrial/doom metal project going so I can put my mind to something.
I wish I was a NEET. Work is death.
literally the state of this board is full of neets hoping that their laziness will be justified by communism
I was mostly having managers in mind but was sloppy with my words. I don't see why you can't consider small business owners who don't make much more than a normal wage if there is very few workers and if they actually do work along side them.
Ayn Rand is that you?
Why be a wage slave? Most aren't lazy just out of luck or have a disability. Capitalism doesn't give a monetary value to many things of value. A person who does anything of value for free while having an income from elsewhere is obviously working or otherwise contributing to society just not a wage slave. The value of what someone does is not determined by how much porky pays them or how much they themselves charge.
NEETs have just found a way to make money without being complicit in their own exploitation, they are basically homeless beggars, workers generally make more money than NEETs anyway so their is no unfair advantage in being lazy, and if there was, then why work at all? all work is instructed through unjust authority without there being the dignity of the full value of your labour in return.
Working for the sake of it is just a way capitalists make slaves feel like they are better than those who see the fiction in these games we play. If you have no income from work, you don't have to pay taxes to fund NEETs either.
Us leftcom NEETs are waiting for other workers to stop having to pay income tax so that the state will implode under the amount of interest they owe to banks to fund the unemployed, and if no one is working, capitalists won't make profit, this is the armchair revolution to destabilise capitalism through non-violent, decentralised means.
Im simply doing my part for the effort of global general strike
20 year neet here. I don't think you guys comprehend how difficult it is to get a job when you can't drive, there is no public transportation and the few jobs that you can actually get to are all cashier jobs. You give me a job I can actually do and work isn't that big of a deal but I just don't have the social skills to deal with people like a cashier has to. Just saying hello to random people to me feels like being asked to blow a big black guy in front of your parents.
Theres always jobs for giving blow jobs
Were you never in school?
Imagine being this autistic and socially inept
To the dipshit socially inept weirdos in this thread: I grew up in a tiny rural California town of less than 3000, went to school with a graduating class of about 70 people. I, too, am hideously socially inept and terrified of crowds and other people. However, even my sister thinks I'm just naturally outgoing. How is this possible? By constantly forcing myself to go outside and to talk to people, no matter how much I just want to be alone. TBH smoking cigarettes is great because its a socially acceptable reason to be alone (or with just one or two people) for about 10-15 minutes during the work day or at an event without everyone thinking you're insane.
I don't blame people who have the privilege to NEET out for doing so given how bad the economy is. I feel like a lot of them could find ways to contribute in a less alienating society, and as for the ones who are too autistic "to each from each" I guess
Theyre not rentiers and everyone is employable. Full employment policy = no neets. Complaining about neets is blaming the victim, something like blaming homeless because "free market" doesnt offer them housing they can afford.
I don't really care about them in capitalism, but in socialism, you have to work.
Fuck around with my disability checks for autism and we're no longer comrades, mate.
Why though? In socialism welfare for the genuinely misfortuned should be more affordable with the bourgeois parasites gone and society creating less waste.
How about we dont force the elderly and the disabled to work
I can, trust me.
Different tank, the disabled will participate in testing and experimentation for fixing the disabilities.
I don't smoke. I just tell people I need to catch some air and simply vanish for as long as I need. I've found that being level with people on the need to be alone is the single most important step towards happiness as introvert.
As long as it follows strict ethical guidelines I guess
Jesus Christ what is wrong with some of you. Plenty of Disabled people are not only willing to work; they're also capable of doing so; and with the reduced working hours afforded by advances in production they'll likely be able to contribute as workers even if they aren't capable of as much. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with you; do we also "experiment" on the elderly after they've retired or on children as well since they're not expected/able to work? If such programs existed for medical research they should be wholly voluntary.This is a terrifying comparison between those in Society who don't have the ability to Parasites such as the Capitalists. The surplus that your average porky appropriates is equivalent to that of thousands of the sick, disabled & elderly. Not everyone who cannot work is required to contribute to the social good; many are not capable and we should be very careful going down anything resembling a path to "useless eaters". We will democratically decide to what degree we can afford to provide for these individuals. From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
NEETs = either lumpenproletariet or reserve army of labor
Some subgroups lumpenproles have revolutionary potential.
This is proven by the activities of the Black Panther Party, which extensively recruited from lumpenproles, especially gangsters.
Under even early socialism there should be a safety net of sorts for the disabled, the elderly, and the sick. I don't see how this could be contested except under the absolute worst of economic circumstances.
I'm NEET and that's why I put myself on the front lines.
I won't be missed if I die, because I don't do anything to help society.
stupid neet we kill u all in the revolution i can already see me with my strong hands raping your bellybutton was a human and the only one that was ever in the same path that you are the most based in your heart that i am not the only person you are in my heart that ur xool.