Why is the left so big on censorship?

If someone is wrong, why not offer a counterargument instead of trying to censor them? You can make a fool of them as well as make your agenda more credible.

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Those are not leftists, those are liberals unable to comprehend that anti-free speech laws are useful only for bourgerious.

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What the hell has this board come to

You can't reason people out of positions they were never reasoned into in the first place.

The Antifa (English: /ænˈtiːfə/ or /ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] movement is a conglomeration of left wing autonomous,

Just google "antifa left" and you'll find a fuckton of results that disagree.

First antifascism is not inerenthly leftist or communist in anyway.
Second it's not a hivemid

So I'm imaging this censorship taking place? The antifa tool is fake, and I suppose Nobita made up the threats to his family.

It's not limited to antifacism. Antifacism was just an example. The threats to Nobita were another.

Yeah it was born as a leftist thing but people on the left complained about it since god know when. In 2018 it's more complicated and depends from group to group

You aren't and eventually I'd like there to be much more.

Who? But again you have to understand that "left" is a generic as fuck term. There are some liberals and some communist that are absolutley pro censorship, there are some that are not and there are some who are against it until they get power.
I can't speak for the people who are against free speech because I'm not one, but I think that for some it's just damage control seen how impotent the movement got in the last 20 years

Because rightists aren't actually interested in debate, and it's absolutely tiresome to try to explain to them over and over that, no, ethnic cleansing won't get them a girlfriend, the Jews aren't evil masterminds controlling the world, and the ebul gommies aren't out to starve them all and replace them with niggers.

Don't be fucking retarded and use words like rightists.

Yes, because you're utterly oblivious to all the censorship employed against the left and only care now that your ideological butt buddies are being inconvenienced. You are living in a fictional narrative and each one of your posts is evidence of that.

Die choking on your mom's rancid shit you brain damaged retard.

It's not so generic as to be ambiguous as you're implying.

Actually they are. The right is the one spouting statistics, and the left simply shrugs and denies the facts. I did fact checking on Nobita's black people in Japan video, and the statistics I checked were correct. The only fallacy I saw was the fact most of the dregs of black society won't be coming to Japan.

You fucking annihilated those strawmen.

A Doraemon character is anti-black now? Is that show even still running?

Because politics is power and there is no failsafe mechanism built into the marketplace of ideas to prevent destructive ones from becoming popular.


Here is the mirror. It will be flagged and removed eventually.

I don't get why censoring this is so upsetting

>>>Zig Forums
Why amerimutts are can't into politics?

Some people believe in the exchange of ideas on an open platform.

There are also concerns. Nobita's concerns are that black people would bring this to Japan with them therefore blacks aren't welcome. Censoring him does nothing. Explaining the odds of these people ending up in Japan are slim might alleviate concerns. The service is their best bet. In such instances, many of the thugs would be weeded out.

So fear of the truth is the justification.

If the "truth" is massaged figures and xenophobia then the hell with it

The left is censored much harder in most of the world than your silly culture wars shit. "Boo hoo liberals made an app to block my meme video about how blacks are bad". Meanwhile in the US the left lies destroyed by decades of mccarthyism and psyops that gave rise to SJW liberals, labor activists casually get beaten up and thrown into prison in Eastern Europe etc. Get out of your echo chamber and realize there is more to the world than 4chan vs tumblr.

Why? Not all destructive ideas are true, in fact most of these destructive ideas are perversions of the truth.
Let's take racism for example, It is true that black people have higher crime rate but that does not mean that being black is what causing them to be more criminal, it's actually their status of poverty and lack of education, employment among other things that's causing them to be more criminal rather than their skin color, Racists here would simply like to confuse correlation with causation.

Because leftists are already censored and ignored by the MSM. If we don't get platform then fascists should not get one either.

Also fascists are like demons. They don't argue to persuade but to recruit and intimidate. The best way to respond to them is mock them for being weak and then dox them.

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It's true the Jews are .2% of the population yet are 10% of the world's billionaires. It's also true blacks commit a disproportionately larger share violent crime in America. It's seems to offend many when one suggests our differences aren't limited than our genitals or the melanin in our skin.

Talking about it triggers ideas. Remaining silent means nothing is done but the cycle continues.

Many have noticed the sucessful ones leave the ghettos, which results in few positive role models for the youth, which increases the chances of youth being exposed to negative influences. Racism is not the only factor. So much work has been done for the current black communities, so blacks have some degree control.

What takes place in eastern Europe is not justification for what happens in the west.

Were in the year 2018. The Third Reich collapsed over 70 years ago.

The "left" are SOCIALISTS.

They don't identify with those terms because those were bad words in my country for the last 50 years.

For good reason!

Now, the new generation doesn't understand why Socialism cause genocides and mass poverty.

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Ever heard of motte and bailey?

Conveniently ignoring the part of my post talking about the US

CNN talking about genders and weed or whatever isn't leftism idiot. Genuine leftism has no public platform in America.

Jesus fuck I wish people would lurk for at least FIVE MINUTES before bringing their hot opinions to this board.

Daily reminder that censorship on Youtube is only possible because of the institution of private property which is obviously never critiqued on the right. If you want to be pro-free speech you have to start by being on the left.

Because it's ok to do so.
Censored by the people's administrative censorship headquarters.


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I have noticed that there is a trend in usa going which will result in liberals and leftists to become synonyms and virtually the same. A lot of liberals of democrat party are getting woke on capitalism, while those who identify as 'classical liberals' like carl benjamin or jordon peterson are turning to the fascist right.

The biggest prof of that are turning point USA which calls both leftists and liberals left, or prager us which thinks that democrats are communists.

This is a very good thing, because it will shift a lot of people to the left.

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How is challenging censorship hypocrisy?

I just googled it. Discussing the hard points that can't be argued is not going after the low hanging fruit. It's going after what is relevant.
I don't see the truth in that statement.
Leftism is subjective; IE you alone cannot define it. The left does have platforms. Facebook, youtube, NYT to name a few.

No it doesn't.

Does this plugin block all the fucking pragerU, Jordan Peterson and all the "SJW owned by logic and FACTS part 139" kind of videos that keep coming in my recommendations even tough I always mark the "not interested" flair? If so I really need it and this isnt about muh freezepeach its about youtube being stinking pile of shit when it comes to political content since all the big political youtube celebreties are reactionary dirtbags

Dystopian-Socialism for the wealthy…. The Socialists want to Confiscate the wealth of rich people below the Ultra-wealthy status. The Extremely wealthy don't have to pay Taxes like normal people….

You are hypocrite because the right is the one that engages in censorship, while you whine about an app that does not censor anything on the website, but just removes content FOR THE USERS THAT USES IT.

That is the problem with leftists….
They believe ANY "Objective" evidence no matter their own opinion.

The leftists firmly believes that they can tell the difference between fake propaganda and true propaganda.

Nobody has any sort of special immunity to the methods of a predatory sociopath.

Who becomes king of Socialist-Idiotville, the predatory sociopaths who talk and kill their way to the top.

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Nice troll.

That's the way it is. I was just branded a facist, and a hypocrite which I have no idea where that came from.

Things like censorship, rioting, damaging property, welcoming barbarians, all are making some people shy away from the left. Like me for instance.

I never tested it. First Evalion, then Alex Jones, Nobita, and then this tool. I see a censorship trend.

"Help us report hateful fascist content on YouTube. You'll get a few videos each week curated by a team of researchers that you can report to YouTube in one click."


I don't engage in censorship, and the app is for reporting, not a mere filter as you imply.

Some can tell the difference. is an example. they don't want the truth to be misconstrued.

Because if they attempt to debate people they disagree with they'll be faced with the fact that they're wrong and have tiny benis.

Because the liberal left hates anyone with a different opinion, because intolerance and hate are core liberal values. Their actions are very clear on this.

It's called counterattack.

What did he mean by this?

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They call themselves Anti-fascists so that when you oppose them, they can say you're a pro fascist. Intelligent people don't fall for this, but they do it anyway because they don't want to recruit intelligent people. They want useful idiots who conform religiously to their autistic cartoon like version of how the world works.

Someone is getting nervous here

Censorship is only used by people who want to hide their own crimes.

Because the left knows it can't prove anyone wrong, so censorship is their only option. That and hiding the truth.

Good news Americans!!!!!
This is a federal felony!

It is explicitly felony illegal offense to conspire to prevent somebody from having free speech.

U.S. Constitutional law trumps all other laws.

If this site is set up to get persuade people to conspire to censor people who are not breaking any laws, the makers of this app are criminal felons int he U.S.

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as an example, east germany had higher birthrate than west germany and during last few years even growing population. modern germany is still in decline.

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You know, kings used to help their Peasants procreate so that they would have more slaves.

It wasn't about the well being of the peasantry.

Those people were living off of stolen money. Composers were censored for "not sounding communist enough".

Masses of people fled Communist Russia. Not just the evil greedy people.

Why is it that there aren't masses of people fleeing any capitalist nations?

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You're the type that should follow only. Don't try to think.

This is terribly far fetched and untrue.

Don't underestimate masses of idiots….

How many people did Stalin personally rape though?

Because capitalist nations are the dominant force in the world, keep communism down, and is the best thing people have today that doesn't prove that capitalism is superior to communism.
Also nice false equivalency

Oh? Nobody tried to flee CCP, USSR, NK?
China doesn't have millions of Muslims in concentration/reeducation camps right now?

20,000,000 people didn't starve to death in the USSR?

Where to? But you can bet your ass that once (if) space travel becomes a thing, the amount of humans who want to leave earth will be incomprehensible large.

How do you come up with those numbers
Do you use a random number generator, or just smash your keyboard?

LMAO, for every one rocket full of people we send to space, 1,000,000 people could have been saved from starvation for life.

We're about to play with outrageous amounts space travel in a era that has massive energy shortages. The space travelers are going to be Communists, and they will all die from radiation and starvation. The last survivors will be rapist cannibals.

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That is the well documented unanimously agreed upon estimate of the soviet death toll.I don't even have to cite a source for that. Anyone who is worth talking to already knows that number. I'm just putting it out there so that some retard communist will try to repudiate it. So that we can all blatantly see how retarded communists are.

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That's why I put …(if)…in my post.

It's actually not well documented seen how every single author who ever wrote or studied the ussr came out with a different number everytime


It will become a thing. Socialists will put billions of tax dollars into it. They will make sure that we spend large percentages of our GDP on space travel, and people will thunderously plausible.

They will send a bunch of 150-175 I.Q. imbeciles in to space who will then all go crazy and murder each other.

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This post is a fantastic example for you kids on why "debating" Nazis is a waste of time (at best.) They don't care about reason they just want you gone.

major boomer vibes from these posts

That isn't what m&b is about. Motte and bailey means taking an obvious, easily defensible statement and using it as proof that a more controversial, harder to prove statement is true. For example:

Are you saying that the red scare, mccarthyism and alphabet soup infiltration of leftist orgs in America all didn't happen? I don't know what to say, you are deluded.

Who gets to define it? For centuries in most of the world leftism meant opposition to capitalism and private property. Defining "leftism" as sexual and racial identity politics is an extremely modern phenomenon that has been contained to the American political microcosm until a couple years ago. So excuse me for sticking to the actual definition, by which CNN, NYT and twitter are not leftist platforms because they don't advocate for abolition of capitalism.

It looks like the EXACT same thing from our perspective.

We read in highly credible academic books that communist starved millions of people in the rural regions to feed the people in the city who were reaping the benefits of the dictatorial regime.

The 20,000,000 death toll is used to help warn people about what happens if they support communism.

That death toll isn't even to debunk communism. It is to show people that if they hand over their 1st and 2nd amendment, even to humanitarian socialists, they won't be able to prevent 20,000,000 people from being slaughtered or starved like cattle.

I'm pretty sure I saw that movie.

Often, fiction writers are renowned geniuses who know how the world works. Their point of view ends up in their work more often than not.

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The Black Book is not credible btw. The authors literally confessed to fudging the numbers in order to reach 100 million worldwide "victims of communism".

You are also not taking into account the slave toll.
How many people who had lots of calories and children were forced to not peruse their dreams. My cousin fled from a communist nation because they were forcing him to be a carpenter. He and his wife were going to run. His wife changed her mind at the last minute because of her uncle. She reported him and he was going to get a long prison sentence, he managed to escape, barely, and then moved to the U.S. to become a pianist.

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My grandfather had to leave the USSR too.
My best friend's dad had to flee Cambodia. He was a Cambodian communist for many years until saw that they put him and his whole family in a camp.

Because of the people dieing of starvation, he carried his mother on his back and ran with guns and even a grenade int he background.

You young pieces of shit then tell me I've been lied to. Go fuck yourself. I hope your nation become communist. Remember this conversation.

Friend, don't believe the communist lies.

You are also not taking into account the projected birth rate of non-existant people.
And all who got triggered by le communist regime through consumtion of media.
So actually 260 trillion victims of communalismzs

We believe you. Like every rightist who comes here to tell an anecdote about his uncle from a communist country who got raped personally by Stalin. After all, statistics and facts only matter when you are proving blacks are inferior right?

Very good point. All of the people who were ruthlessly murdered by their "benevolent" masters would have had children whom we might have known personally at this very moment.

You're suggesting that because I don't agree with your fake bull shit I'm some sort of racist skinhead?

Brainwashed moron….

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The right aren’t interested in any kind of dialogue and they only care for free speech to the extent that they see themselves as targets of censorship.

You’d have to be a particularly dim witted fool to play by rules your enemies told you to follow (which they have absolutely no intention of following themselves.)

If someone refuses to contribute towards common good, then they should be free to leave. In fact it is better for society if they leave.

In current capitalist society, the only measure of contribution is paying taxes and I am glad that I pay taxes. I certainly would not adopt a petty-bourgeois attitude towards taxes, because I know what surplus is and how it relates to service sector or non-productive yet necessary labour.

While you resort to listing anecdotes, unable to make an analysis of the pattern that is not a strawman, the people here usually know why people were leaving communist countries. In short, it is because the system failed to reach certain goals it set for itself, revisionism and opportunism.
Here the eastern bloc gets its well deserved criticism, while of course the lessons on what it did well are also mentioned. Let me guess you go by the motto of Zig Forums: Nuance is the biggest faggotry of all.

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People should be allowed to leave, but they aren't allowed to leave in communist systems because all of the capable people leave. Leaving behind the sick, stupid, week, imprisoned, or indoctrinated people.

These people don't leave on a grand adventure. On the contrary, they have been forced out of their homes. They have to brave a racist foreign world. Because people in their old home towns sold them out. They demanded that the government take their hard earned wealth.

Literally no system allows for everyone to be full time artists, capitalism least of all, at least he got a job instead of a mountain of debt.

The communist system FORCES people to do things at gun point.

Someone wants to be an artist instead of a carpenter, they are FORCED to be a carpenter. That is the difference between slavery and freedom you dumb fuck heads…

Someone failing to be an artists who is them forced to become a carpenter at least got a chance. They then learn carpentry and have a piano at home that they can use to play music for their children.

I would like to intervene here and clarify two things.

1) all the bullshit about "highly credible academic books" (>>2625712) is provably false. For example, in quite a few regions of Soviet Union (Belarus, for example) mortality was higher in urban areas - as opposed to rural areas. Probably, even in some regions of Ukraine, but I don't remember specifics.

2) none of this matters, as all the gloating about "hundred gorillion" is not and never has been based on reasoning and facts. It always had - ultimately - only one objective: to justify murdering that much people (as well as permission to do everything else, from robbing to tortures and rapes). You can't persuade his kind, as this kind of creatures is not human. They are not even animals. They are a biowaste that needs to be disposed of.

literally hasn't happened anywhere in the history of ever

You don't know what you don't know. The depth of your ignorance knows no bounds.

It's not censorship, it's quality control. The lack of censorship in modern society is precisely why everything in culture is trash;
Movies are thoughtless, mindless CG garbage or liberal bullshit
Games are mindless shooters or otherwise some other unintelligent fallacious life simulator
Books are boring repetitions of far better older stories or are just fanfictions and fetishes being published
Music is just screaming plugged through auto-tune.

Why? Because quality control is 0, due to the "magic of the market" delusion.

Again, strawman. Plenty of capable, educated people stayed. Only those who could not continue their living based on extracting wealth from others were protesting.

Those who earned wealth through cooperation with others stayed. Those who used institutions like private property to extract wealth in non-productive manner were justly ousted.

There was also distortion. It was wrong to persecute small farmers who lended small piece of land while they were working themselves. Only those who earned their entire living from non-productive extraction, like rent, were in a minority and were naturally thought of as vampires.

I hope it served them a lesson in humility and put them towards productive life, when they viewed in the same way they used to view their local countrymen.


I’ve heard this line before, but only from older burgers. From what I’ve heard from people who actually lives in the eastern bloc, it wasn’t that different from anywhere else, where you essentially choose a career path in school and where you end up is based on how you score.

It's PERSUE your dreams you moron.

What country was this exactly? Force to become a carpenter my ass. What year, what country, what age were these people? CONTEXT motherfucker, your story is less than anecdotal.

I know you're hoping that you can conveniently explain me away so that you can go back to your socialist echo chamber, but Freedom is ethical. Slavery is not ethical.

No, communism isn't slavery. They Citizens all work for each other and they all have an economy, and we take the "toxic" access wealth they've accumulated and appropriate it for their own good.

They whole communist explanation of how the world works is like an over simplified cartoon.

"Greedy people are using you to earn money!"

It is a toxic negative falsehood. There are freaks in our population that are extraordinarily productive. They aren't 10,000 more time productive than the common person. No, there pay isn't proportional to their actual work value, but these people are rare. They do things like gather genius computer nerds together to create a tech company. Was Steve Jobs some predatory Sociopath?

There is a difference in being an artist on literal 9 to 5 and being a bohemian artist because of passive income like rent or surplus from private property.

People were studying at art schools in plenty of communist countries to do 9 to 5 making paintings, designing artworks for public buildings, designing new buildings. Industrial design, design of common places like railway stations, creation of art for the common places and so on. It also takes an artist to design and make wood carvings or plaster ornaments on buildings.

And again the nuance here is that when the system was failing, it got distorted and it was wrong to deny someone chance at doing something they want and be productive just because of their background and ancestry. It was clearly wrong how many were told to not study what they want because of what their parents did.

Agreed upon by whom? I keep hearing that it's agreed upon (mostly by liberal college professors) yet I have yet to see the same numbers in any one source. Not to mention that it statistically makes no fucking sense, and historians who were dedicated to studying these "victims" stated that these numbers are far too excessive, see Zemskov, Naumov, Getty etc.
*fixed it for you
Argument level 90 right there.

*pursue actually.

Why did the Soviet Union collapse?