Today, 51 years ago Che Guevara was executed in La Higuera. He was arguably one of the most influential marxist revolutionaries to have ever lived, especially in Latin America. To think he could've just stayed in Cuba after their revolution and lived a comfortable life as a cuban citizen but he chose to keep fighting where a fight was needed, like in the Congo and later Bolivia where he would end up dying. Let's remember him today, as one of the bravest and determined men to have ever lived.
Che died today
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it's a shame that capitalism has just made him into another pop culture product to put on shirts
he wouldn't have wanted this
Not just him, the guy that took that picture was also a communist and he was the first to see what they were doing to his image after he was used in some vodka advertisements, iirc.
RIP to a real one, even if I'm not a fan of foco theory
Gives these a listen, these two songs are amazing
Hasta Siempre Comandante
choke: liberal with a che shirt
broke: mourning che's commodification under capitalism
woke: committing revolutionary terror and war wearing a Heroica Guerilla shirt
*Guerrillero Heroico, but yes comrade. Let us commence the culling of liberals
Rest in Power and Have Fun in Heaven!
Hope he's having fun drinking whisky and smoking cigars with Fidel, Camilo, and Allende.
I don't get it, why do liberals even like Che when he stands against everything they support?
I know liberals are theoreticaly incoherent, but how the fuck do you justify this?
He doesn't stand against *everything* liberals stand. They like him as anti establishment, anti sexist and racist figure.
Brainwashing by burger tv
Tbh I prefer the first one I posted compare to this one but this is still some lit shit.
They like the word "revolution", but it's the kind of revolution that people like Bernie Sanders and John Lennon talk about.
July 26ers have a good PR team dog
He had literally nothing to do with Marx. At best was a Blanquist, at worst a Bureaucratic Socialist.
isn't he the t-shirt guy?
Why didn't anyone ever tell him to shave?
That facial hair is disgusting.
The hell you talking about, he looks hella lit.
Felix Rodriguez was the best CIA officer there ever was. Love him or hate him, but he did his job well.
I suppose you can say that, but he kind of acted on behalf of bolivian orders and not american. After all, the bolivian president ordered to kill Che, the americans wanted to take him to Panama to interrogate him.
He was too busy guerillain'