Ideology Thread

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"Queer Neo-Fascist"
so, it's just Zig Forums really


Let's do three takes…

The society reverts to pre-biblical times and goes full Sodom & Gomorrah on purpose, to make god angry and bring the end times closer. Alternatively most people live in primitive biblical communes but a small theocratic elite hoards the modern technology to accelerate the Apocalypse (nukes, sabotaging stock markets etc)

USSR if Bukharin won

Like what libertarians say about medieval Iceland but for real

This but unironically

So just any maoist group

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So, ⛏️rotsky 2: Icepick Boogaloo with dolphins and kibbutz

Cool ideas, user. isn't that Christian Paleo-Accelerationism kinda like those weird American Evangelists?


Shadowrun where American Indian tribes retake the interior of the U.S.

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everyone is now a member of the gig economy, if you start a company, all your workers are simply hired via an iphone app who then work for you and you give them a rating out of 5 to let other knows how hard they worked. Government subsides are given exclusively to >30 year old minority software engineers who are looking to revolutionize they way out iphones can communicate with the world. Our entire education system is no run via a twitch stream that stimulates competitions, if a kid likes a teacher, they can donate and subscribe for bonus lessons and extra credit, this has allowed our society to improve education ten fold, capitalism makes everything better!


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Qasim > Saddam

So Pol Pot after he was ousted by the actual commies. Cool, I guess.

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Heh, some crazy stuff right here. Hard to think what they would look like, but I guess you could imagine that the 1st one would be a sort of safety-net for capitalism to avert its own destruction but only a temporary one that will de-generate into something more exploitive capitalism. The 2nd would be, like, free market and stuff, but people wouldn't care about the environment and do everything to maximize profits.

Pretty wacky if any of this was real lol

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Pol-Pot only joined in an alliance with the Monarchists / Right-Wing After the invasion of Kampuchea by the Vietnamese Shell Milita FUNSK
Once the Vietnamese troops pulled out in 90-91 the Anti-Imperialist forces splintered once more between the KR and the Monarchists
the Monarchists would obviously reform the Monarchy after allying with the CPP (Leftover Vietnamese collaborators) while the KR began a new rebellion in the South-West of the Nation that lasted till the late 90s


can't argue with that tbh

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Pan-sexual orgies now!!!!

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Red Guards tear down suburbs and exurbs and plant trees in their place. Beef and pork production are cut by 75%. Cars are all but eliminated because everyone will live in new green urban areas, these new buildings will be made of high grade wood instead of brick or steel. Everything you need to get to, the party headquarters, the grocery store, the offices and factories, are all within a 20 minute a biking distance. Windmills in the gulf stream and solar farms power everything. Monoculture farming is gone, every farm has a variety of crops that rotate and keep the soil healthy.

literally Chavismo

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I know this one might be hard for you guys to wrap your heads around, but just for a moment try to imagine Marxism-Leninism with non-cringe characteristics.

btfo xd


Just be a Jew tbh

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People live a calm rural lifestyle culturally, but with high tech equipment and fully automated small-scale communal nano-manufactories providing refined goods and items. Most advanced things are tended to and operated by priests, who know the sacred languages and rituals to handle the mavine spirits.
The machine and all knowledge around it is treated as sacred magic, which must be treated with restrained respect.


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So like, Socdems that try really hard to hide that they actually support capitalism
Keynesianism but with ghosts and believing in the natural order or some shit
So just Maoist Israel

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Man this one is so bizarre, i don't even know

Ancient Arab nationalists supporting a feel-good society
Only through expanding our homosexuality can we bring about radical change
St. Francis of Assisi

No idea about that, but have a fitting flag

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So regular Israel

I’ll take it

Cutting the pretense and just straight up enslaving all of sub-saharan Africa under a small group of megacorporations while treating them humanely (and giving them free access to tranny pills and gender neutral bathrooms) but completely crashing the fuck out of the world economy (and the world itself) with fucking ultraprofits.

Bolshevik Afro-Strasserist

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Islamic Zionist
Muh two-state solution.

So basically Zionism

This sounds really great.

This is pretty fun

100 years after the nuclear apocalypse some Russians find old Putin propaganda, decide all of it is true and Putin was a neo-Soviet nazbol. They create a commune based around a Putin personality cult and Soviet aesthetics. Pic related

This one is just funny

Some kind of "we should go back to pre-Enlightement living and values but those values akschually include gay sex and feminism and singing kumbayah in wiccan orgies"

In 1917 the Bolsheviks decide Russia needs a proper bourgeois revolution before a proletarian one can fully succeed so they destroy all industry and revert to early feudalism

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You got me i don't know what the fuck to think.

Nazbol with gay marriage

We must employ LGBTQFNPS community to deterritorialise the capital!

Love how only the propaganda section is fixed and painted while the rest of the house looks like it's about to collapse. Depicts the current state of Russia really well.

Its like syria, except assad really did do all those chemical attacks.


Abolish Israel and expel all the Jews to some other place.

Some more

ATM machine

Silicon Valley


Pol Pot



Collectivization in Zimbabwe but with religious characteristics.
Socialism in one house and there’s pansexual orgies.
Get rid of all nations by combining them into one and also it’s gay.
Basically just Kemalism itself.
So progressive, it ‘’accelerates’’

A state based on pre-schism Christianity
Literally Deng

Violent revolt to pillage all local assets to sell for profit so you can reinvest in mom and pop financial sector communes.

Through the willpower of creative nothing magic becomes real. The spooks of others manifests into actual ghosts and do my bidding

We must secure the ancient jewish homeland of Ethiopia.

Modern KMT
So, a platformist?
You're not even trying.
Pan feminist?
Pretty sure a few of these helped Castro into power.
What happens when the fash admit they are gay.

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Tito and Deng

Nazis, asserists, and nazbols

Literally Hitler, see also the retarded bullshit "research" the Nazis did

I don't know what to make of this, but if it's ⛏️rotskyist then pic related


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This nigga ain't even jokin', yo.

Even hunting-gathering, language and primitive tools are too civilized. We should de-evolve ourselves to literal scavenger monkeys. Wonder if anyone has ever actually argued this?


NRx hellscape where proles are converted into human bitcoin mines

no idea about this one sounds crazy

Instead of unions people should organize into guilds and initiatory lodges based on practices of medieval hermeticists and mystics

Leo Tolstoy Gang

making the dudes wear the burkas is pretty revoutionary

Found it:

Gulags were TOO compassionate tbh, next time we'll fix that

Pretty based and redpilled poster though

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:DDDDDDDD what is it about yugoslavs and aviator sunglasses :DDDD

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This sounds amazing.

sounds scary

pic related

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I don't know how to describe these but I'm listening to anyone that knows how to

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Radical Feminist Stalinism

fuck yeah

Strasserist economics without s.ocial conservatism

Mao-Spontex or Gadsden flag rednecks waging protracted people's war against da gubbermand, depending on how you interpret libertarian

No idea

NEP but with Georgist characteristics

Ba'athism but for jews

this sounds like something that would happen in Burgerstan

Imagine if Zig Forums's strawman of the US Democratic Party became an actual ideology

US Tea Party Movement

Cybernetic, Ecological, Libertarian, Marxism Leninism.

The economy is cybernetically planned with the goal of keeping carbon emissions as low as possible while reducing working hours to bare minimum needed to sustain the system. Socially we are as Libertarian as possible without going to the retarded extremes of AnCaps.

Bladerunner but with sharia law.
Women had equality in the 1980s, have lost it and must regain it.
First United
Mugabe did nothing wrong
Anwar Sadat
Анархия-мама Сталина любит
Maybe he was killing the sparrows to bring back pterosaurs.

Soon brother.

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I've done a bunch that I found fun.
The world must join in a grand cybernetic bisexual cyborg-orgy, uniting humanity into a single conscious mass of sex toys, microchips and pulsating human flesh.

Race mixing should be encouraged in order to create the perfect brownish human being. This person will contain all of humanity's spirit energy and be in direct contact with the divine.

Want to engineer Robocop to hunt down kulaks.

Can be someone who is against monarchism, can also be monarchism in reverse. All of society gets to rule over a single person called the 'gnik'.

A crusader that wants to unite the heathen Muslim lands under glorious Christian Socialism.

Return all lands to the earliest known people to inhabit it.

Creates an Islamic international banking system that gives out loans on the condition that countries implement Sharia law.

Middle-ages are best ages.

Muslim believes the holy land is overrated and should be left to the Jews.

Believes people should mass-rape other ethnic groups to create the perfect brownish human being.

Jew prefers Stalin's early work.

We gotta bring back dinosaurs and shit.

If the dinosaurs want to, I mean.

Liberal tries to use anarchist rhetoric to get into office. Doesn't realize anarchists don't go out to vote.

The Jews secretly want to stay in the Union, but they don't say so explicitly.

The USSR did the right things for the wrong reasons.

Jesus was black and lived in a hut made out of shit. We should emulate Jesus.

Wants to reverse evolution until we're just rocks and shit.

Wants to get rid of everything even remotely primitive.

Wants to augment human capacities only using technology that already exist. Has a smartphone in his ass that he operates with his sphincter muscles. If you call him he farts at you in morse code.

Black Panther Party

Ancient Greek Jews participating in the black market counter-economy to bring the government down, but since CP and bestiality is already legal we instead trade insurrectionary illegal philosophy texts
Stressing gay christianity to as many people as we can
As it turns out, Stalin is his own ethnicity, everyone who isn't Stalin deserves to be expelled from the Holy Land of Russia. And then expel all depictions of Stalin because that's idoltry which is against christianity. Russia becomes a massive unused landmass, no one is ever allowed in.
Anarchism with Nick Landian characteristics.


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I'm in.

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It would basically be NazBolism with more fun.
Society would be function the way the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧elites🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 want it to function.
It would be Vox Day-style neoreaction, with strict gender roles, strong religous values and physical removal of leftists.
The same as normal society, but with more nanomachines.
Basically a more globalized Saudi Arabia.
Straight forward conservative society, like America during the 50s.

I got Islamig Gommunism :DDD and humanist, just humanist.

If we actually said "not real socialism" as an argument

Basically Erdogan

The Spectacle, but it's more openly intentional and ironic

The "We Wuz Kangs" meme fully realized

If Stalin was actually ebil

If you consider that Ireland is part of the British Isles both geographically and politically

A non-hierarchal welfare state

Aldous Huxley's ideal society

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This really makes me thonk

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Escape this human zoo, move to Mars and have observation instruments watching the next capable species develop, watch history in motion as ascended Gods.

Fulfill the state of ancient aliens.

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(Shuffles the deck and pulls out three cards)

Transethnic nationalistic marxism

[Evola intensifies]


In this system flat tax is fully established, healthcare and transport is privatized. The police will be supplied with armed or spy drones. They also get electrocution beating sticks for suppressing protests by prole scum and the like. Ah, colonial crimes also are officially ignored and the state ignores all responsibility to the countries they invaded, occupied and robbed.

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Half-Life 2?

Essentially… yes

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baste UwU

Isn't that just Spike Lee?

Occupy Wall Street
Unified Christian nationalist state that aims to claim the five episcopal sees.

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Basically r/socialism

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pretty fucking spot on

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Post-Colonial Orthodox Transhumanist


Radical Anti-Globalist
turnin the freakin frogs gay

Christian Crypto-Transhumanist

Christian Anarcho-Fascist

The state builds gas chambers for the heathen atheists, but relinquishes all other duties.