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But we hate ⛏️rotsky
Doesn't really make sense tbqhwy. Leon didn't choose to be murdered.
Did BO remove the 100char rule?
or did he?
Trotsky has always been the right-wing scapegoat for gommunism, being Jewish and seen as "more internationalist" than Stalin and others. To the point where some rightists ironically accept ⛏️rotsky's analysis to be correct (Stalin was a nationalist bonapartist and it was a good thing)
Make me you red f ascist totalitarian scum
I do want to make it down to Mexico City at some point and go to the ⛏️rotsky museum while I'm there and visit his grave.
December 23, 1922
Taken down by M.V.
December 25, 1922
Taken down by M.V.
Taken down by L.F.
January 4, 1923
RIP Lenin, RIP ⛏️rotsky.
Lenin and ⛏️rotsky argued all the time but near his death Lenin was clearly wary of Stalin. You can choose to live in ignorance even though Lenin literally wanted him removed from power and called ⛏️rotsky "the most capable man in present C.C"
And Stalin systematically killed off all those whom Lenin deemed great within the party. But it's cool cause dictators fill the void of daddy figures that Stalinists never had
This is your brain on ⛏️rotskyism
Lol, I showed you where. In his testament before he died. What's your justification for the killing of Bukharin, Pyatakov, Zinoviev, literally the best generals in the red army at a time of approaching world war, etc. Lenin and ⛏️rotsky clearly underestimated just how power hungry Stalin would be and the fault is on them for not removing him sooner. But that doesn't change the fact that Stalin was a retarded dipshit who killed off the best talent within the communist party and his army
We will.
you're retarded
trotsky was a faggot, so are you
it was fun having an argument going by your own standards, but i can't help myself and actually step as low so i also linked you something actually debunking your retarded screeching
as for my own immediate contribution in reply to you, namecalling suffices going by the "quality" of your posts
now go and be a faggot somewhere else you useless little shit
Lmfao. If you expect me to listen to their bullshit might as well read the wsws' response to Koptkin's fabricated narrative in which in tries to make stalinsm the highest form of Marxism I order to discredit Marxist analysis.
so convincing, this is serious quality discussion right here
step it up or kill yourself
adress the arguments in the video for a change, faggot
and yeah that's totally not requesting an exercise of you to actually look into shit that you already are set on because the good guys told you what to believe already
as if i wouldnt know that you don't give a shit
just spare me this pathetic display of what you believe to be a valid dispute
i'm really just here to mock how you put no effort and go for the lowest hanging fruit without even giving a shit
fucks like you are a complete waste of time, we had these discussions hundred of times, you have been btfo every fucking time, there's no fucking need for this shit anymore you tiresome dumbfuck moron
read this you insufferable faggot:
“There are increasing signs the Russian trials are not faked, but that there is a plot among those who look upon Stalin as a stupid reactionary who has betrayed the ideas of the revolution.” –Comrade Einstein speaking against critics of the trials of traitors within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Joseph Davies
"[T]he best judgment seems to believe that in all probability there was a definite conspiracy in the making looking to a coup d’état by the army — not necessarily anti-Stalin, but antipolitical and antiparty, and that Stalin struck with characteristic speed, boldness and strength.’”
“Had a fine talk with Litvinov. I told him quite frankly the reactions in U.S. and Western Europe to the purges; and to the executions of the Red Army generals; that it definitely was bad… Litvinov was very frank. He stated that they had to ‘make sure’ through these purges that there was no treason left which could co-operate with Berlin or Tokyo; that someday the world would understand that what they had done was to protect the government from ‘menacing treason.’ In fact, he said they were doing the whole world a service in protecting themselves against the menace of Hitler and Nazi world domination, and thereby preserving the Soviet Union strong as a bulwark against the Nazi threat. That the world would appreciate what a very great man Stalin was.”
"The Attorney General [Vyshinsky] is a man of about 60 and is much like Homer Cummings; calm, dispassionate, intellectual, and able and wise. He conducted the treason trial in a manner that won my respect and admiration as a lawyer."
"From reports of the previous trials the present case differed in the opinion of many observers here in that there was practically unanimity of confessions here, also greater corroboration, and a more general opinion on the part of disinterested observers that an actual conspiracy was shown to exist against the Soviet government. With an interpreter at my side, I followed the testimony carefully."
"Naturally I must confess that I was predisposed against the credibility of the testimony of these defendants. The unanimity of their confessions, the fact of their long imprisonment with the possibility of duress and coercion extending to themselves or their families, all gave me grave doubts as to the reliability that could attach to their statements. Viewed objectively, however, and based upon my experience in the trial of cases and the application of the tests of credibility which past experience had afforded me, I arrived at the reluctant conclusion that the state had established its case, at least to the extent of proving the existence of a widespread conspiracy and plot among the political leaders against the Soviet government, and which under their statutes established the crimes set forth in the indictment…. I am still impressed with the many indications of credibility which obtained in the course of the testimony. To have assumed that this proceeding was invented and staged as a project of dramatic political fiction would be to presuppose the creative genius of a Shakespeare and the genius of a Belasco in stage production. The historical background and surrounding circumstances also lend credibility to the testimony. The reasoning which Sokolnikov and Radek applied in justification of their various activities and their hoped-for results were consistent with probability and entirely plausible."
"The lesser accused, who were merely tools, amplified in great circumstantial detail their chronicle of crime, and in many instances gave indications that what they were then stating was being uttered for the first time. These and other facts, which I saw, compelled the belief that there may have been much redundant embroidery in the testimony, but that the consistent vein of truth ran through the fabric, establishing a definite political conspiracy to overthrow the present government."
"On the face of the record in this case it would be difficult for me to conceive of any court, in any jurisdiction, doing other than adjudging the defendants guilty of violations of the law as set forth in the indictment and as defined by the statutes."
"I have talked to many, if not all, of the members of the Diplomatic Corps here and, with possibly one exception, they are all of the opinion that the proceedings established clearly the existence of a political plot and conspiracy to overthrow the government."
"The circumstantial detail, apparently at times surprising even to the prosecutor as well as to other defendants, which was brought out by the various accused, gave unintended corroboration to the gist of the charges. The manner of testifying of various accused and their bearing on the stand also had weight with me. The dispassionate, logical, detailed statement of Pyatakov and the impression of despairing candor, with which he gave it, carried conviction. So, too, with Sokolnikov. The old general, Muralov, was particularly impressive. He carried himself with a fine dignity and with the forthrightness of an old soldier. In his “last plea” he said:… 'I refuse counsel and I refuse to speak in my defense because I am used to defending myself with good weapons and attacking with good weapons. I have no good weapons with which to defend myself…. I don’t dare blame anyone for this; I, myself, am to blame. This is my difficulty. This is my misfortune….'"
As expected of unironic ☭TANKIE☭s. Here's what your beloved heritage foundation shill Koptkin has to say about Lenin.
Koptkin's entire book is a falsification of facts in order to make Stalin out to be the creator of the party bureaucracy rather than a creation of the party bureaucracy as analyzed by ⛏️rotsky.
The evidence that Koptkin gives directly contradicts this because during that time Sverdvov was largely in charge of the party apparatus.
When Stalin moved to remove the left opposition from ⛏️rotsky by removing him from the party, Lenin was undergoing treatment for his illnesses. When he had heard of what happened here is what he had to say:
"I think exaggerations can be avoided. ‘(The Central Committee) is casting or is preparing to cast a healthy cannon overboard’, you write. Isn’t that an immense exaggeration? To throw ⛏️rotsky overboard—for you are hinting at that, there is no other interpretation—is the height of absurdity. If you do not consider me to have become hopelessly stupid, then how can you think of such a thing???? Bloody children in my eyes…. (endnote 14)". Of this Koptkin has nothing to say besides "Lenin reacted sharply to efforts by Kamenev and Stalin to reduce ⛏️rotsky’s position.”
As for "Lenin's Testatment" which you seem to think a hoax., Koptkin argues that Lenin was too ill to have written those documents….therefore its likely fabricated. In saying this, Koptkin has to turn the following people into liars: ⛏️rotsky, Krupskaya (Lenin’s wife), Fotieva (one of Lenin’s secretaries), Volodicheva (another of Lenin’s secretaries), Maria Ulyanova (Lenin’s sister), and at least some of the doctors attending Lenin. He also has to overturn the accounts given by the following historians: Carr, Deutscher, Daniels, Lewin, Volkogonov, Rogovin, Nazarov, Khlevniuk, Naumov, and many others. He also must dismiss Valentinov, Bazhanov and Avtorkhanov.
Lenin was incredibly resilient through his illness. According to Valentinov “Kramer, one of the doctors treating Lenin, always said that Lenin’s vitality, the strength of his resistance to the illness, were a phenomenal occurrence in the history of this illness” [Valentinov, pp. 38-39]. There were times when Lenin would be frozen in his bed and there were times when he was able to speak and move. Kroptkin relies on speculation that Lenin was unable to speak at the time when there isn't proof to support that claim. This is on par with holocaust denial even though there are numerous credible witnesses and historians that attest to the legitimacy of the document
You know its like how the Nazis reject any evidence of the holocaust.
great "argument", you evolved quite a lot, faggot
imagine me just textwalling whatever you might find by your own looking up "testament, marxism leninism" and autistically screech some more
let's say i drag it out over like 5 posts length
now have fun debunking this you lazy cunt
Lol. Gave you an answer and now you're just autistically screeching.
ok bud
got me there, i'm exposed
cant recover from that one, better kms i guess
except, maybe if you just…
i guess i just won, i rate this 10/10, we finally broke down the holy testament argument once and for all
tough luck
That testament was proven to be fake, tr*t. Kill yourself
Trotsky died surrounded by friends who tried to help him.
Stalin died being treated by doctors who were afraid to touch him for fear of what either Beria or Stalin would do.
Stalin's reputation and intra-party politics got in the way of him getting the help he needed for what could have been a survivable stroke.
The moral of the story they both ended up dead because of politics.