What the fuck happened to this board

why was I banned for criticizing literal nationalism? Iran is literally a despotic shithole because communists didn't tackle the religion problem early on. are we all seriously going to ban people for ignoring that or is this board just unironically being astroturfed by nazbols now?

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The baboons are in charge of the zoo

Dumbass, you deserved to be banned. Nationalism is important for national liberation struggles.

Americans are retarded and BO is american.

The absolute state of this shithole.

tbh isn't there a meta-thread to post this shit?

It's not even a shitty take, it's being a retard. Of course not all nationalist movements are good but many third world nationalist movements are progressive forces. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge are an example of a nationalist movement that is shit because it is ethnonationalist in nature.

There's a reason why the userbase of this board has been halved


I got banned for saying I thought it wasn't good for anyone to continue to weaponize the mentally ill, by monetary incentive or indoctrination. I thought perhaps there was some sacred ground here, life it hard enough for them. I was called a schizo and banned for these opinions.

So, uh, moderator supported nazbol gang? What's next, just straight up unironic Not Socialists?

I don't agree with this ban but that was the best thing to happen to this board.
Quality really improved since then

Zig Forums is shit compared to how it was in 2015/16, and the purging of the userbase has very obviously contributed to that.

I don't really remember much from 2015 but I suppose Zig Forums was good in 2015-16, and it turned to shit during late 2016 when the whole American election episode brought a huge wave of shitposters. I wish the split hadn't happened though.

No. Reddit influx with the cat girls drama and charlotteville destroyed this board and not in the way you may imagine

come to >>>Zig Forums we exist to escape this shit

True, and I hope it xould be like back then.
But still is in a much better state that at the point of having the higest userbase.
Also people living to Zig Forums has really contributed to this too

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Can you point to the specific board rule that OP broke which deserved this ban? Unless you have the galaxy brain belief that disliking nationalism is equivalent to supporting imperialism, having a "shitty take" is not a ban worthy offense on this board, and even if it was, who determines whether the take is shitty or not is subjective in the first place. Don't act like there can be no debate on this matter.
Excessive moderation is a cancer to the internet in general and if you deny that, you're simply lying to yourself.

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Yeah, nationalism was good 2 centuries ago.

Just come on over to >>>Zig Forums. Yeah its still kind of shitty since you can still get banned for things and most of the userbase is bluepilled as fuck on moderators still. They think moderators of a certain ideology is the problem and not moderators in general, but at least you wont be getting banned all the time

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Want to hear something really retarded? Responding to ignorance or a misguided position by banning someone instead of convincing them, especially when the evidence is clearly on your side. That goes double for misconceptions like OPs take on nationalism which reeks of a rudimentary knowledge of socialism and its history, indicating he may well be a newcomer to the movement. If instead of educating a comrade on the historical realities you ban them for displaying ignorance, you are a retard. Dipshits like you and the BO are the cancer that is killing this board.

Nationalism IS always a bad thing you drooling marcyite

This place is fucked, I got fucking permabanned for making fun of the US military.

Daily reminder that if you miss the old leftypol, the bastion of anti-idpol and anti-sectarian socialism, >>>Zig Forums is growing by the day, and actually allows free discussion.

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This but unironically.


Will Zig Forums let me post lewd pictures of Alunya getting violated by capitalists? because she deserves it

Noone deserves to be banned.you deserve to be doxxed. Bourgeois apologist.