Chinese are being targeted by US elites

Hi all, I want to talk about some issue that's been on my mind lately.

Many elements of the US elite have recently taken an aggressively anti-China stance, but this aggressive stance does not focus on the CCP. Instead, this anti-China rhetoric attacks Chinese workers, researchers, students and citizens living in western countries. This rhetoric comes using anonymous national-security sourcing and disingenuous framing to spread a fake narrative of dangerous foreigners and foreign goods in our midst. I don't think there is any purpose to this kind of propaganda campaign except to fan flames of racism.

More than specific fictions being spread (the non-actually-existing-in-China "social credit score", dubious microchip hacking stories), what bothers me is the force of the flood of these stories coming simultaneously from major outlets. The acutely racist, or nationalist or fascistic climate they are being promulgate with the seeming intention of instilling anti-pathy towards people based on their race is the issue.

You can see another major newspaper (Washington Post probably, because this reporter is on the WaPo china hawk beat) is going to drop a "bombshell" about Chinese espionage– this one targeting all Chinese students abroad. I think we have to start considering what we will do to protect Chinese-Americans from an all-out racist assault from elite US institutions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is just classic Sinophobia redressed for a new era of competition with China on the world stage

wait social credit score isn't real?

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I recommend reading this blog post from china law translate:

It' only a few minutes to read, but it's too long to copy/paste here directly.

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I had incognito mode on lol

While these stories are targeting Chinese students and such, I think the end goal is to prepare america for war with China. Iraq, Libya, Syria, even Russia are stepping stones towards attacking the real threat and each step has honed america's totalitarian thought control media apparatus. China is larger than, for example Iraq, so the media will need to spend a longer time dehumanizing them before the public can stomach a war whether military or economic. I think the attacks on the legitimacy the UN and other international organizations are also part of this campaign to allow america to take action against China without being hindered by treaty obligations. It also helps that any anti-foreign power sentiment can be used to increase oppression in america itself. Truly an win-win for the american state in the sickest form.
The media will want us to believe that Chinese and their government both want to destroy american freedom but also at the same time america must bring freedom to the oppressed Chinese people. The doublethink would be hilarious to observe but sadly we're talking about confrontation between nuclear powers.

Suck my cock

Bye bye

American elites know that their time is up. They are desperate.

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It's true that this sinophobic offensive is part of the US greater foreign policy goals, but it's also essential to them. If we want to oppose a catastrophic (and easily avoidable) conflict one of the best things we can do is refute the sinophobia being sown from war-mongering elites on a grassroots level.

It's mostly China hawks who are basically ignorant of the country, but just know they hate it that are driving this. There's no particular reason that the US and China can't create a stable diplomatic framework if the relationship was reset. This stuff comes from, as far as I can tell, the Navy and some old Taiwan gaurds that have married themselves to a specific foreign policy framework that was fresh twenty years ago but is curdled milk now.

Here in Australia we're in full Yellowperil panic propaganda at the moment. "Chinese are buying up Australia", "Chinese influence everywhere!!!"
Despite China aren't even in the top 5 of foreign ownership or foreign political donations in Australia. It's just US propaganda to get Australians to be used as a base for a conflict in the South China Sea.

This is a good thread as well:

It mostly involves high-income people who default on their debts or defraud people and punishes them by limiting their market activity. They can't take on positions at state-owned enterprises, be a member of the Communist Party and so on. And yeah, you can't buy a first-class plane ticket. Basically a means to deal with white-collar criminals.

And the reason the restrictions are harsher on plane tickets is because China doesn't want these people fleeing the country.

Good. Nanking will have nothing on what we're going to do to you subversive, bug eyed, pan faced subhumans.

lol sure

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How angry will amerifats get when China starts sinking America's carriers?

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great bit

china wrecking the U.S. in a war would be fun to watch and an interesting historical irony. china before the century of humiliation were known as being arrogant closed-off bastards who thought they were the center of the universe until foreigners went and stomped all over the place, and then when the japanese showed up with battleships, the mental mindfuck was just too much.

imagine if the U.S. had been occupied by various foreign interests for awhile, and then the dominican republic invaded with laser guns and robots and annexed florida. think of the burger nationalist mental breakdown that would happen and that is like what happened to china at one point. so this means that the U.S. is probably gonna get wrecked because god has a sense of humor and wills it.

I think there are some problems with this extremely common view of China. For example, when the western powers invaded China, China was already conquered by Manchu invaders.

Dumbass bombers don't want to face the fact that China is ages more advanced than us, lmao.

Manchu are Chinese though

Why are you sucking china's dick and taking their side over your own fucking country? This is something I will never understand about liberals. Taking the side of totally foreign, hostile countries and cultures over their own.

If china is so great move there and stop being a fifth column.

Nice idpol you got there.

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It has no benefit to the US. The trade war, for example, is not openly and explicitly intended to leverage US economic pain against Chinese economic pain to achieve a geopolitical goal that I could not care less about. It will not "fix trade". "Moving supply lines out of China" just means moving them to India, or Vietnam or Thailand of Malaysia. The Chinese offered during the first round of trade negotiations to immediately reduce the trade deficit by increasing US imports, which was rejected because the trade negotiations were a sham.

But the fact that I get no benefit at all from the US navy being forward deployed in the south china sea has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, which is the US elite targeting innocent people for racist attacks by nationalists and fascists, who just want to beat up foreigners.

By the way I don't agree that it is hostile. It's just foreign. It's extremely far away, they speak a different language and have marginal cultural penetration, and in general even the most extraordinary events in China have no affect on your life whatsoever. China will not start a war or invade the US. It poses to military threat to the country at all and never will for the forceable future. All wars that involve China involve the US launching an attack or creating some Gulf of Tonkin style incident as a pretext for an attack.

Why on Earth should I think some dipshit like Max Boot or John Bolton or the Washington Post Editorial Board is doing the right thing for Americans. These motherfuckers are the fifth column. The should fuck off for all time.

If you don't believe me just image for a second that the United State did not invade Iraq,

If there is no Iraq War, there is no ISIS
no ISIS, no refugee crisis.
no refuge crisis, no terror attacks, no cultural marxist propaganda, pure bavarain europe etc.

Just stop trying to make everyone in the world miserable and they will just stay in their home countries and never immigrate.

Nah, fuck you and your retarded ass imperialist state owned by capitalists masquerading as American.
go to zoo.

No, all of those things would still be there. The was majority of "refugees" are not form Syria, Iraq or the Levant in general. The "refugee crisis" is a mass migration movement planned and orchestrated by oligrachs and leftist NGOs

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Nice opinion you got there. Too bad it doesn't reflect reality.

What can we do to defend Chinese socialism from American imperialist aggression?

What can we do to defend America from Chinese people? Simple: Expel all Chinese-Americans, FOBs, and anyone else that is a subversive cunt.

Forward observation bases? I'm somewhat down with that. Anything to destroy american aggression.

We would have to take Canada and Mexico down to the Panama Canal (perfect choke point). The results would have to be molded until we could have several ethno-states all around that could live exactly as they wanted to under "city-state status" (region would have meaning). I wonder how many lives would be sacrificed for such a wonderful take on North America as a United Continent?

I don't care that much about that, I'm worried about the Washington consensus whipping up Americans into a racist frenzy against other Americans *at a time when they are already in a racist frenzy.* It's obvious that neo-nazis will fall in lockstep behind any actual elite media conspiracy that tells them they are ridding the nation of traitors. Maybe the NYT, Washington Post, WSJ, and scho on, still think fascism is something that can only exist in far-flung places, and that is why they are cavalier about the extremely dangerous environment they are cultivating!

Fuck off Amerimutt, it's fucking hilarious the absolute meltdowns you chauvanist faggots have when you might not be able to throw tantrums and get your own way all the time. Consequences for Americans acting like they own the fucking world would be poetic.

Lmao what is up with this anprim fag. Has Varg started shitposting on Zig Forums?

Ohhhh you make-ah me so mad. Listen I kick punch you face after I make fuck with your lady ok yes?

Stirner would be ashamed smh

FOB is “fresh off the boat”, a term for foreigners who aren’t yet adjusted to American society and haven’t learn proper english/English accents.

Stirner is a spook

What would be so wrong with allowing Chinese foreign students to speak (anonymously) about their government's involvement in student societies at foreign universities?
Why should we have a problem with it?

Well this journalist has been working hard on a campaign to accuse Chinese student organizations and cultural groups in the US and Australia of being fronts for Chinese espionage and wants to have them shut down.

One of their favorite targets is the Confucius Institutes, which are frankly benign organizations (I have been a part of one) set up to develop Chinese language programs and cultural centers on US universities and provide scholarships to students who want to study abroad in China, which this journalists wants to destroy. She has indicated that this is incredibly urgent by pointing to events where Americans who had gone to China on a CI scholarship returned to the US speaking positively about China.

There are also strong forces within the US government, especially lead by Marco Rubio, that appear to want to dismantle all organizations in the US that are meant to advocate for Chinese-Americans or overseas Chinese, while at the same time stirring up racisms against them and implying that the existence or defense of these organization constitute a form of treason called a "fifth column", which was used in this thread by a violent fascist.

I also want to say that at the the Confucius Institute I go to a Chinese student had come to complain about the professor who taught an overview of china humanities course she was taking, on the grounds that the course material was overwhelming biased against China. That was the moment where I became the most concerned, because this students complaint was well-founded but if the CI went to the university in response to the students complaint it would be seen as a terrifying intervention of the CCP onto the freedom of American universities. That's when I became convinced too that the situation for Chinese students was precarious and the institutions in place to protect them from racist attacks were very weak.

Ah yeah, fuck that. When I first started studying Chinese I'm pretty sure it was through a program that was funded by a Confucius Institute lol. I'm aware that there is the underlying suspicion that because the centers are Chinese "soft power" primarily attracting students, that a lot of the foreign staff (Chinese profs) are connected with the Chinese security state in some way. Not only them, but other Chinese national professors I've had have been "interviewed" by the FBI simply for being Chinese and thus suspected for being spies.

On the other hand, it's also known that the Chinese government wants to watch and police what its abroad students do on foreign campuses, which obviously can have a chilling effect on dissidents. I'm not sure if pressuring journalists to drop a story that promises to anonymize the students is a good idea.

How can we be sure (You) aren't a spy though.

I'm sure it had everything to do with their ethnicity and nothing to do with the fact that China claims to be socialist and is run by the CPC.


Good, the more aggressive it gets the less inclined they will be to settle in the US permanently. Their education is only valuable if they return to the PRC. I'm pretty sure there is little lost in skipping the mutt diploma mills by now.

99% of the "shocking news" you hear about China is made up in Washinton D.C. or from homecomputers of fat ugly anonymous virgins and 98% of it isnt true
