Hey Zig Forums, I am an European Jew and I've recently noticed a growing amount of antisemitism among leftists. Most of it stemming from Israeli policy, of which I am a big critic of.
There seems to be a growing number of people unable to set aside the difference between Israelis and Jews. This number is also growing due to immigration from the area surrounding Israel.
How do we go about fixing this? I've already volunteered at organizations in my country that help improve Jewish and Arab refugee relations.
Left wing antisemitism
It gets hard to blame things on Jewish bankers when there are no bankers of any sort.
I think it's in the nature of Chan boards to bring up taboo questions user. I am also annoyed by threads asking "what does leftypol think of the JQ?". Personally I just try to block it out. I think any decent leftist knows that capitalists that control our lives isn't limited to one group.
I hope you're not one of those dumbasses who think Corbyn is an anti-semite and you're just voicing your concern about what you've seen in here. I haven't seen any blatant anti-semitism in leftists spaces outside of here (it's also worth mentioning that some of those people posting those threads are Zig Forums trying to appear like leftists asking questions in good faith).
Yeah it is a problem. If it's able to be corrected it will have to be part of the same correction that stops ranking certain groups like whites and jews that historically (and to a significant extent contemporarily) were treated relatively advantageously as literally ontologically more privileged, as if there is something essential about white skin being tied to colonialism or slavery. Jews are in a tough spot because theyre on average better off than most whites (at least in the States, cant speak to Europe) but also much more heavily targeted. Straddling the line of being white also draws a ton of suspicion since it has an uncanny valley effect on racists where through the ambiguity of the jews race they see the tangential, nonessential nature of race in general.
Non existent problem. The fuck are you talking about? How it's possible to be called extremely PC by one side and antisemitists by you? Fuck off
Stop falling for neolib propaganda, nobody thinks jews are all pro-israel.
The only ones shouting about Muh antizemitism is english right wingers who seek to demonize corbyn.
I rarely do. I see them spout all kinds of racial theories about americans; their stupidity, their ignorance, their greed etc, lots of cartoons and media that depicts them like this as well, but almost never about jews.
But americans are all mentally retarded though.
Not because of genetics (though it does play a part I bet) but because of all the lead in their water and the chemicals in their food.
Their culture also promotes anti-intellectualism.
More books are written in America each year than there have been in the middle east in the past thousand years. This goes similarly for science and technological advancement. So while you might not be wholly incorrect, aren't you barking up the wrong tree, aren't the africans, the muslim's and the mexicans far more retarded and anti-intellectual than the americans?
Americans run a global empire and benefit from a trillion dollar economy built on exploitation of all these other groups.
Good job proving him right. This is a fucking retarded argument.
Don't worry about it mate, the antisemitic leftists are the least likely to do anything.
Americans are not a race. A muslim and an african can be American. America is an ideology
You mean
They're not antisemitic comrade, no need to worry.
2nd pic aren't real books… right?
All nazis look like that
The american is unleast fit
But i guess tatoos are degenarate or some shit
This is a non-problem being made into a hyperbole by anti-leftist reactionaries to discredit antizionism. Wanting the complete dissolution and destruction of Israel as a state doesn't mean I'm antisemitic but zionist organizations will always state that I am because apparently apartheid genocidal ethnostates are good if you are Jewish.
it is impossible to be anti bourgeoisie without being anti semitic
also every single jew on the planet benefits directly or indirectly from the criminal fascist mafia state of israel
Not bad for a nation of retards.
What is anti-intellectualism and why should it be noted as particular among Americans when the intellectuals feats and occupations of other peoples are far lesser?
That depends on the context.
Yeah, but that's not what have you in mind when speak disparagingly of americans.
Reactionary piece of shit. There is nothing inherently bourgeois about being Jewish. There is something inherently imperialistic and reactionary with being a zionist.
I'll post it again for you.
the Jews are overwhelmingly bourgeois on every corner of the earth they inhabit, the jewish working class in so much as it even exists in terms of statistics mostly exists in Israel and they are the benefits of the Zionist apartheid fascist slave state of Israel
every single jew is bourgeois
Hating on Israel state is correct, as it becomes increasingly fascist (oh the irony), hating on finance crooks is correct, since they're class enemy, but antisemitism is idpol and has no place on the left.
I have yet to find proof of modern jewish bunkers and bouj's dominating any industry internationaly
Booj jews exist but not to any extreme amount
it is high time this board filters idpol to "just politics"
You are delusional. There are many Jews who are antizionist, anticapitalist, and do not benefit from Israel.
for you and your breed, cultural degenerate
Well the issue at the end of the day comes from a lack of theory. Antisemitism as "The Socialism of Fools" comes from blaming the problems of the proletariat on the ruling elite rather than capitalism itself. Since historically a significant part of the ruling class was jewish (though not the other way around, prior to the holocaust the vast majority of European jews were proletarian) this transferred onto "the jews run capitalism": cue how fascist rhetoric came into being. Now post-war this transferred as most european proletarian jews that remained left for Israel (why the fuck wouldn't you: free land. your neighbour just tried to kill you, your house is gone, your entire community is doing it ect. ect.) so those that remained in the west (outside of the USA) would be upper class since they were protected from the economic impacts of WWII. This is what happened in the UK. As such suddenly you have an imperialist state that calls itself the jewish state, and most of the jewish minority in your country is upper class. Yous see where this leads.
As such, several things are required. Criticism of Israel is not enough, because that is actually kinda meaningless to the average bloke. Like Finkelstein existing doesn't stop wanks believing in blood-libel (Yeah I'm from the UK, a Labour cllr got caught posting that shit). So what can you do? Organise. In effect, be a noisy leftwing jew. This will help for a few reasons
- It helps others come out the woodwork
- Jewish criticism of Israel is always useful
- It allows for the organisation of the jewish proletariat, whoa re normally horrifically underpresented in modern orgs
- It challenges existing narratives over jewish people being rightwing
- I fucking love leftwing Klezmer music and I want more
Now how to do this? Well I propose a three wing strat:
- Form exclusive leftwing jewish orgs
- Infiltrate mainstream jewish orgs although NOT zionist orgs, you want to turn the general jewish orgs away from zionism to at-least post-zionism, anti-zionism is possible (to return to my case of the UK I will go with join the Jewish Labour Movement, but not Labour Friends of Israel, you get me?)
- Engage in pro-Palestinian orgs, although avoid the islamist ones.
If you're a britbong (I have a feeling you might be) I would also recommend Jewdas purely because the sheer level of bants that eminates from them is top tier. If you're a yank, JREJ looks pretty dank.
I'm pretty sure the whole "americans are 100% tards" thing is hyperbole and meant to be provocative.
I said in mind, I didn't say in memefolder.
Thanks for the advice, I'm a Dane not a brit though
Are you trying to imply that im more disgusted by white america and make apology for black america?
No, I hate everyone no matter the colour
What is capitalism then, if it exists prior to and independently of its generators?
It is precisely in hyperbole and in irony, where people are the most honest.
You know what, I believe you.
Lmfao, modern day jews are allergic to any criticism of anything related to jewry. Zionism can go fuck itself, that is all
You're absolutely right. Americans are only 99.9% retards. If you nuke us, you can save the good ones on an inflatable raft. Please do, I don't want to die with these people. :(
Yes they are. Behold the intellectual might of the american people.
Pic related are some of its amazing works of art. Truly an enlightened, intelligent people.
325k people is going to need a big raft, still.
No I'm fucking serious. I hate you. I don't want you anywhere near me
I'm in the middle of reading Machovers works on the Subject. I think he seems reasonable with his views. It goes against most of the Arab leftists (at least during the 1960s) when it comes to Israeli national self determination and establishing a Socialist federated republic between the Palestinians and possible other nations in the region.
Not sure what you mean by this but I can give you some.
Intel, Kaspersky, and probably a couple others. I'm not sure about the dominance of old families like the Rothschild being that dominate any more though.
I am not antisemitic, i'm just against Israel and generally against religion. This might seem antisemitic, but it in fact isn't
Judaism is also an ideology and a disgusting ideology at that.
Any woman is forbidden to them if she is age three and a day or above. A grown man who has sex with her is liable to death, karet, or lashes and she is exempt unless she is an adult. If she was younger than this, both are exempt for her intercourse is not intercourse. Similarly, a grown woman who has intercourse with a minor child of nine years and a day is liable to karet or death or lashes and he is exempt; if he were nine years old or younger both are exempt.
If a man has intercourse with a man or a man has intercourse with him and both are adult, they are stoned, for it is written “Do not have intercourse with men,” be he the penetrative partner or the penetrated. If he is a minor of nine years and a day or more, the man who has intercourse with him is stoned and the minor is exempt. If he is a male of nine years or less, both are exempt, though it is appropriate for the court to subject the adult to lashes for rebelliousness, for he had intercourse with a male, though he was under the age of nine. (Maimonides, Laws of Forbidden Intercourse 1:13-14).
Tosaphot wrote in Tractate Avodah Zara 3a, s.v. sh’afilu, and Maimonides in The Laws of Kings, chapter 10, halacha 9, writes: “A Gentile who engaged in Torah is punishable by death.[2] He should not engage in anything other than their seven commandments alone.”
“One who kills a Jew or kills a Cannanite slave is put to death for this. And if he killed unintentionally, [he is] exiled.A Jew who kills a ger toshav is not put to death for this by a Beit Din, as it is said: ‘But if a man comes upon his neighbor with intent.’ And it need not be said that he is not put to death for [the killing of] a Gentile.
a ger toshav (and all the more so a Gentile) who killed a Jew, even unintentionally, is put to death,
This is also what is written in the Tosephta, Avodah Zarah chapter 8, halacha 5 (in the Zuckermandel edition; in the Vilna edition it is chapter 9, halacha 4): “…Regarding theft — a thief, a robber, one who takes a [captive] beautiful woman, and the like — these are things it is forbidden for a Gentile [to perpetrate] against a Gentile, or [against] a Jew, but it is permissible for a Jew [to perpetrate] against a Gentile.”
The funniest thing about this image is the implication that Euro cities are vibrant, colorful places.
There's nothing more depressing than a Euro city. Even the weather over there seems to be depressed. Though, this isn't really a bad thing, the melancholy atmosphere is a part of the appeal. This is just going to hilarious extents to try to make America look bad.
Israel is an illegal settler state that is maintained only because of the USA which is determined to stop communism at all costs.
The Northerner parts of Europe like Anglo land Danes, Northern Germany, Sweden, etc. tend to be foggy a lot of times but places like Northern Norway and Finland is where you can find some really beautiful northern lights in some nice, desolate, places. and down south during in the Mediterranean like Spain, Sicily, and northern Italy where you would find some really nice whether at times, any more south and one will experience boiling days and unsafe days to go out. Einstein had some nice recollection of his days traveling to northern Italy on bike from Switzerland. It really depends on where you go in Europe and tend to differ during the different times of the year. Same could probably be said for America. It's almost always foggy in Boston but the uninhabited places out west are pretty beautiful.
Some groups certain leftists organizations associate with are antisemitic and reactionary. Leftists overwhelmingly aren't though, and the only "evidence" for racist behavior seems to come from news trying to push an agenda. No one save for the Nazis perhaps, would claim that being anti Third Reich or anti Japanese imperialism would mean being racist towards Germans or Japanese, after all.
I would hope that most of the stuff about Corbyn is untrue though. Allying with religious reactionaries is a terrible idea.
Some groups certain leftists organizations associate with are antisemitic and reactionary. Leftists overwhelmingly aren't though, and the only "evidence" for racist behavior seems to come from news trying to push an agenda. No one save for the Nazis perhaps, would claim that being anti Third Reich or anti Japanese imperialism would mean being racist towards Germans or Japanese, after all. Though the theocratic left might espouse antisemitic behavior, depending on their religion.
I would hope that most of the stuff about Corbyn is untrue though. Allying with religious reactionaries is a terrible idea that tends to create problems for socialist reforms later.
the jew continues to jew. the only thing left and right agree on is that you kikes fucking suck.
The middle east is famously communist, user.
Not saying I disagree with you tho