Was Saddam /ourguy/...

Was Saddam /ourguy/? He was supported by the USSR for most of the Iraq-Iran war and was the most prominent Ba'athist between Nasser and Bashar Al Assad.

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No, he was a counterrevolutionary deviant from the Ba'ath party, who dabbled in fascism. He later turned back on that and turned against his CIA masters, which was good, but doesn't make him "our guy."

No, the USSR had a questionable policy of moderately arming both sides with the aim of preventing a total victory for either, while working on a diplomatic peace.

Nasser wasn't a Ba'athist, Assad was certainly a truer representative of the Ba'ath movement and genuinely laudable in many respects.

He was an American puppet installed in a coup against the pro-communist Qasim government. He then went around killing communists. Literally the people who killed him by invading Iraq put him into power, there is a video of one of the major Iraq shills in America chilling with him in the 1970s. Qasim was a hero of the proletariat of Iraq, Saddam's coup was a western attempt to end a genuine proletarian movement arising in the country.

This although while Nasser wasn't a baathist, he was a comrade. Fuck Eden.

I appreciate that Nasser was (by far) the best modern Egyptian leader, and that he was important as an anti-imperialist leader, but he really wasn't a "comrade," he suppressed communists.

Stalin and Mao "suppressed communists," you have to give a more detailed and serious analysis than that.

I was under the impression Nasser actively allowed the communist party to operate just like Qasim did, I would be interesting to see some evidence to the contrary.


Nasser wasn't a Ba'athist at all. his party, that of pan-Arabists which more closely aligned with Qaddafi's Jamahiriya, was always at odds with the Ba'athists who were essentially social democrats whereas the pan-Arabists and green flags were always farther left.

Note; ba'athists are still better than anyone else in the mid-east right now.

Really makes you think, Michael Parenti himself has written at length about how Saddam was the least revolutionary person to support in Iraq and that is a man who literally said Milosevic was essentially a modern day Stalin

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Oh c'mon, he didn't say that

Okay maybe I'm going too far but Parenti worked round the clock to be a contrarian on Milosevic and this is coming from someone who likes Parenti. That isn't to say Milosevic was the monster the West made him out to be at all but parenti really gassed him up to an obscene amount just to trigger 90s liberals, which, while admirable, kind of distorted the conflict in a lot of ☭TANKIE☭s minds

Also, the modern remnant of the Iraqi branch of the Iraq aligned Ba'ath Party is run by an autist who literally allied with ISIS to fight against the Iraqi government. He now says that Arabs need to unite in an alliance with Saudi Arabia to destroy Iran.

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let me guess; he's turned the ba'ath party into a joke amongst the people in iraq, right? nobody's gonna actually support that shit.

He also received US support during the same conflict.

I will never understand tanks loving non-communist,most of the time anti-communist, strong men who say mean thing about the US. last year it was Duterte, then it was Erdogan, excetera excetera.

that's a lie though.
you are stupid.

Dawg no ones ever said anything good about Dutyhead and Erdroog unironically, stop with this shit

TBH i think i'm exaggerating a bit here about Zig Forums tanks but most definitely there was a lot of that going around over in Leftybook.

Even if there was, Facebook is for Feds and chumps. Nobody spreading that kind of nonsense can call themselves a ☭TANKIE☭.

that's true.

I have had sex with spicy Latinas

They make my penis burn from the spicy vaginas

I'll admit I've seen a couple of hardcore ☭TANKIE☭s say they like Duterte (since he gets along with China and his opponent in the last election was a US-backed neoliberal), but who the fuck supports Erdoğan?

Duterte is based

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The Iraqi Ba'ath remnant serves the interests of imperialism.
Also, the Iraqi Communist Party is in a coalition with the Sadrist Movement which won a plurality.
Just as the two Syrian Communist parties are in coalition with Syrian Ba'ath.

Attached: hafez iran iraq war.jpg (1080x788 27.74 KB, 648.34K)

Both the Iraqi and Syrian Commie Parties are Literally just Nationalist social Democrats

Literal Tool of Imperialism
Literally Imperialism
Imperial Britain vs fascist Brazil.jpg
Literal IS

whats it like being retarded?

just becuse communists support the struggle of venezuala and assad against us imperialism doesn't mean they are somehow hypocrites or insane.

you must be one of those anarchist types who think both palestinians and israelis are bad because both are technically "states".

Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism, and supporting those fighting against fascism whether they are communists or not is the duty of every class conscious human being

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Unironicly this is the only time that quote was used correctly in this board


Also why does that look exactly like a facebook boomer meme but anti-imperialist

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technically, his party is the "Arab Socialist Bath Party".

Lots of european "socialist" parties are literally just neoliberal parties, and NSDAP obviously wasn't actually a socialist party even though it had the word "socialist" and "worker" in it's name. A party calling itself socialist does not mean it is actually socialist in the way Marxists/anarchists use that word. I hope everyone on Zig Forums understands this.

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I know it's stupid, I'm not arguing that Assad is socialist although if China is socialist than Assad is literally Lenin , but the image isn't wrong, at least on a technical level.

kill yourslef famalam.

SHitler Makes our Glorious Brother Number One Saloth Sar look like Marx compared to him
And Saloth Sar could not even read Marx!

Saddam unironically was for the most part a CIA asset, the USvsupportred him couping the other Bathistt goverment (wich was seen as prosoviet, and had better relations with the Iraqi communist party)
They supported him in the Iraqi-Iranian war
He had really bad relations with the most left leaning Baathist Syrian goverment, as well as with progressive forces like Communists or the PFLP
So no he was certainely not /ourguy/

Still the Iraqi invasion and massacre commited by the US and it's lapdogs was unjustified

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I'm getting really sick of people asking if these random dictators are "our guys" just because they at some point were against the US. Its like Putin and Assad worship, support them because they're against the US, but have no illusions that Putin isn't a fascist who rigs elections to stop the Communist Party of Russia winning.

Our guys are people like Castro, Stalin and Sankara, not these stupid rag-tag dictators only or for themselves.

This, the enemy of our enemy is not our friend.
