The Problem of rape in the US military

32% of women in the military report being sexually assaulted. A 2012 Pentagon survey found that approximately 26,000 women and men were sexually assaulted that year. Of those, only 5,334 cases were reported. Of these reported, however, only 484 cases went to trial, and only 376 resulted in convictions.

Notable cases of sexual assault:

What can be done to foster a military attitude where soldiers are comfortable reporting rape?

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The first part of the solution would be to post this in the American general

Not sure how to feel about this one.

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How about the ones your boys rape that are not in the army?

Lmao, you really think it's that prevalent? In the military, feminazi standards for what is qualified as sexual assault is very real, especially in non-infantry units. It's better to avoid women entirely, because if you don't you'll get a SHARP (Sexual Harrassment And Rape Prevention) complaint. Talking to a woman the wrong way here when there are no witnesses around to stand up for you in court will get you JUSTed.

And that's bad because?
As much as I can't stand femminists if they get a couple of soldiers arrested they did nothing wrong in my book

Rape is the quintessence of fascism.

These, I don't support sexual violence but I really can't bring myself to waste time caring about imperialists raping each other

Are you admitting to being a troop?

And therein lies the reason why the left always fails. There is no standard application of principle, but all is relative and selective.

As if any man would fuck, such a fat bitch, you cocksucker xD

Name one thing that isn't relative or selective.

I said this before, and I’ll ask again.

How exactly to you gauge the number of ‘’unreported’’ sexual assaults?

Also, did Zig Forums change it’s formatting? ‘’ ‘’ used to create italics.

Or is the fact that it isn’t working simply another example of the excellent programming that serves as our website’s foundation?

Literally this tho

They give you a gun and show you how to use it, c'mon. Smith and wesson made them equal and all that. Better yet don't join the baby murder force don't get raped by them.



It's basically like joining a gang and being surprised that they ran a train on you or jumped you.

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Let me rephrase then: I think soldiers raping other soldiers is wrong. I think may other things in the world are also wrong. As I cannot focus on every problem in the world, I choose to focus on situations where the victims are not themselves perpetrators of imperial violence.

The enemy is raping each other? Excellent, the only thing that would be better is for them to kill each other as well. If you disagree, you're an imperialist, seriously.

This is the real tragedy.

Meme tier responses in this thread.
Like no, no one should be raped.
And to say
Would be fair, except I think the point of this thread is how this fact is useful for us to further condemn imperialism and joining the military. Burgers don’t usually care unless it’s “OUR BOYS OH OUR BOYS ARE DYIN FIR NOOO REASON”. You also show em “OUR GUUURLS WE’RE SENDING OUT OUR GUUURLS TO BE RAPED BY OUR OOOWWSWN BOOOYS TOO???”, and you defintely decrease the number of citizens in that imperialist nation who support imperialism happening more, you get enough, and we all benefit from it. But then again, that’s my assumption of the post’s intention.

Like scoob, it just don't work like that maaan. Flower power isn't real. The suffering has barely started and it's far from over.

If you don't want people to join in the first place the best thing to let them no the only thing waiting for them when they get back is a cold shoulder. Get raped bitch.

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Zig Forums style statements nice



Good, it's not like you're getting convicted for all those brown women you rape so just think of it as poetic justice

As opposed to the right, who feigns an application of principle and then violates it at every conceivable turn?

That's ridiculous, nobody should be shot either, but we are glad when the enemy gets shot. Nobody should be traumatized, but we are glad when the enemy gets traumatized– just read a bit of Mao on guerilla tactics, much of it is focused on how to fuck with the enemy's head and scare them shitless.

Of course WE should not rape the enemy, as there is no justifiable use, but if the enemy is raping each other, it means their morale and conduct will suffer, which is a win for communism.

there was a thread a few months back about US soldiers fucking/raping korean girls, is there any more info on that

There was also a korean who lived near a military base who told some stories about that stuff.
Also I'm pretty sure there are curfews on some bases but it's still fondamentaly fucked up. Korean autorities try to sweep this kind of shit under the rug everytime.
It's impossible to know how often it actually happens

Boohoohoo. I'm not their army therapist.
You know the world exists outside of imageboards right?