South Korea Thread

In summer 2017, there was a big thread in here about South Korea, conditions there, and how weak leftism is there. There was an user there posting a lot (made the post in the pic) who I think was from South Korea.

I thought that it was all very interesting and if the user still lurks/posts here I would love to get in touch with you and speak (as well as learn more about South Korea and capitalism's effect on it) and potentially produce a documentary on it.

Or, if you were in that thread and took screenshots or archived it, or just remember it…

Otherwise people can just talk about Korea in this thread.

Attached: 9f672e03-808c-4dd5-8820-194e2c16ea6a-1413x2040.jpeg (711x799 332.89 KB, 105.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


More importantly, this is why it's better that the DPRK does not unify with the capitalist Republic of Korea.

You are fucking lucky because this is the first time I check Zig Forums in months.
I'll gladly help you.
Thread is archived here. Tell me how you are gonna contact me.

thank you breh

email? or do you prefer something else?

Are you the South Korean? Can I also ask a few questions?

Nah man. I'll make a throwaway and post here.

I guess I'm not anymore since my passport expired and never went there since I left. That said I spent the childhood there so if you interested ask

Here fam
[email protected]

What is purchasing power there? Can average worker rent two room flat?

Is it true that a lot of people life in very tiny flats?

South Korea has negative things like suicide rate, alcoholism and ageing, but at the same time it is rated as one of the most innovative places in the world and companies like LG and Samsung have massive monopoly on the whole world. What's with the contrast? How can two such things be possible?

imagine passing this contact around irl

Well yeah but
That's the reason you can afford it.
Things are getting more fucked for the younger generation as the times goes on, same as the rest of the world. It's still better than the life old people do.
It's also true that for starters a lot of help (economically) comes from parents. Basically most people can afford it at the price of being really small. Could be worse, small and really shitty.
It's a strange mix of old school confucian thought mixed with ultra developmentalism ideology that creates this situation. There is a lot of hate for the poor and people who didn't "make it". These multinationals can create a lot of money and such but they got no obbligation in investing outside of their toys and zones. And even if they do this wouldn't wash away the main cultural contradiction in society (how to reconcile confucianism with greedy capitalism?) this creates a lot of tired and broken people who overwork themself for whatever reason. Truth is that technology won't save nothing if it's not used to make standards of living better

Literally a throwaway.

What about food? Is average South Korean well feed?

What is urbanization like? Is it well planned?

How is pollution?

Less fast food shit than most countries and people don't starve. Beyond this I wouldn't know what to say tbh because having lived most of the rest of my life in italy my concept of well feed is kind of fucked up and based on what my granny says when she tries to force feed me.
Yes. This I can't talk shit about because Koreans like Japs know how to plan shit. I'd even say overplanned in a certain sense because you end up with shit like pic realated (samsung appartments, they work like projects but instead of state it's the corporation that gives them to you with easier access if you work for them). It's beyond tidy and inhuman. Same goes for public transportation.
It's when you go outside of god samsung area you are gonna find some nasty shit, getto tier. They are planned but are not taken care of.
Posted in the archived thread it's shit

How does purchasing power compares to Italy?

So South Korea has a lot of good things going on including planing. Apart capitalism what is the reason for some bad things like pollution?

What are some bad things about South Korea and what are the reasons behind that?

I'd say italy is worse. But that's not saying much as italy is a shithole too.
Public transportation is for plebs and car culture. This and overcrowding. Basically standard capitalist stuff.
They are racist as shit and it's not a meme. Pro american and mass produced hypercapitalist culture, standard stuff if it was not mixed with borderline reactionary stuff. Not in a fascist sense (not since the 80's) but the cyberpunk/brave new world aestethic is hardly comfy is that's the only choice besides being a beggar. I think it's just scary, it brings up the worst aspect of alienation. In the rest of the world people explode in korea people collapse.

What are some good and bad things about Italy?
Why is origin and reason behind good and bad things about Italy?

Thank you for the answers.

Italy is totally different as in contrary to korean division (which is recent) was always divided up and constructed in such way that unification would he extremley hard. Throw that mixed with modern history and what you get is basically a place that is different culturally and materially from city to city never mind from region to region. There is no welfare and there is a dog eat dog mentality augmented by american influence and media manipulation by the bourgoise (the even had a secret club for this: read P2) and basically you get a state that bordelines on falied every decade with people in power position that abuse it to the point of putting whores in the goverment and the highest level of functional illiteracy in europe.

The day I'll find a good place to live in will be the day I die. Lmao.

JDB? that you?

Damn, I remember that thread like it was yesterday.
Do you ever plan on visiting the DPRK? Do you know if it is difficult to travel from Italy to there?

Yeah I wish to go there someday
No, I don't think that's the difficult part. I think the fact that I lived in south korea will give me problems tho. Idk. Anyway I don't have money right now so.

Cuck philosophy did a video on it, but yeah, it is what happens when you are run by an ex-imperial japanese army officer.