How do we get rid of the brocialist problem?

how do we get rid of the brocialist problem?

… PL would not effectively challenge white working-class racism; it would simply deny that that racism had any real basis. It would also seek to convince white workers to align with blacks on the basis that blacks were fighting the same class enemies that white workers themselves fought. PL thus sought to cover up white workers' long history of helping to construct segregated labor and housing markets and educational and public facilities. The answer to black people's problems, PL argued, lay not with Black Power but with uniting with the white working class and fighting for socialism.

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liberal detected.

found the brocialist

he's right
eat my tranny D you idpol faggot
all conflict is class driven, period.

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do people believe this follows?

yes, and it's not a believe, it's an understanding of basic leftist thought you brainless buffoon
class unites all identities - on class basis, not identity
you are dividing, you are playing the same game as literal fascists
kill yourself, scum

i cant give less of a shit about CEO niggertrannies making life miserable for all workers, blacks and whites, cis and transgenders
fuck your division
not my fucking comrades
eat shit and drop dead

go look at inter-class conflicts and get back to me.

except when it doesn't and is superseded by other identities people care more about. How many people would die for their "class" versus how many would die for their religion or their country or their family or their friends or video game console? You wish people cared about class like some fascists wish people cared about their race above all else.

okay, illiterate too
unsurprisingly, but more confirmation, fine by me

how about you go back to reddit or read any books on leftist theory you libtard faggot cunt shitting up the board with your cancerous retardation, cunt

kill yourself you insufferable imbecile dumbass little shit
what a joke

the problem with retarded people of your kind is that there is no fixing it except putting a bullet in your useless shithead and putting you out of your own misery of being incapable of comprehending how fucking retarded you actually are even if its plain obvious for anyone with even the most basic reading comprehension

vote yes on euthanasia

fair enough. you said enough.
my friend, you've become tolerant to your medication, up the dose!

I'm looking for actual answers, not "flaming" sessions ala 2008 console forums.

This level of assmad is not normal for a simple disagreement over socialist purity. You clearly have some deeply rooted problems that sjws are triggering.

mkay. which ones?

which happens because the ruling class promotes these fragmentary identities. it is fortunate that we have a wealth of examples when people ignored these identities and worked together as a class

This but not even slightly ironically. Pork-chop nationalists and Hoteps pls go.

Not all “black power” folk were hoteptards or other weirdos. The general concept of black power is just blowing the confidence of black people, and utilizing the disproportionate suffering into real anger and action in the struggle that white workers generally were less to feel.

anti-idpol is a reaction the bourg vampire-castle identity. navel-gazing, castigation and segregation are rightly maligned. What precisely is the threat of a Brocialist who already understands the problem and the cure, but just doesn't know or doesn't care about the lived experience of every racial, sexual or religious minority, or recognize their own privilege? intense study of the struggle of overweight POC transwomen is not a prerequisite to organization, nor is required reading for each individual socialist. pseudo-rad "intersectionalism" is built upon a dozen patently false beliefs and strategies, that capitalism can be shamed into changing, that liberation is based on the bourgs recognizing their oppression, that channeling the righteous anger of marginalized people into (frequently commercial) narratives and calling out bigoted speech. These things have never worked and will never work, except to develop and prolong capitalism.

One one hand, yes idpol should be rejected, it clashes with our Materialism, and it is so oftenly co-opted for commercial purposes.
Yet also too should we be wary of the ‘brocialist’ who completely knows about the purpose of racism, a division sewn by the ruling class to divide workers who might otherwise be united in a Marxist universalism, yet he himself will sometimes still act in a racist manner. Being leftist and conscious of it doesn’t mean you can’t possibly be guilty of it. It’s the situation Zizek has described using that scene in West Side Story, “I know what I am doing, yet I am nonetheless doing it”.
This is shown just by how leftists here, and in general online, don’t even speak on the successes of groups like the EFF in South Africa, despite them being obvious important allies. Instead choosing to believe ridiculous Zig Forums and right wing Boer myths about them. Just an example.

BO is over thrown
we get this shit
bring em back

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surprisingly based christcom poster

bullshit. we have South Africa threads regularly and most people are supportive of the EFF

tumblr "tankie" talking out of xir ass again

I’ve made EFF threads several times and always get like four different brainlets calling them racist lol, fuck off with that “heh anyone who isn’t Zig Forums party line is muh tumblr” shit

Read settlers you cucks, race wa.r is coming

But what will happen with the mongrels like you?

Is this the best the reddit has to offer?

I've been looking at a few of the Red Liberal/
anarcho-liberal subreddits recently, absolutely none of them believe in any form of State Socialism.

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ITT Zig Forums pretends to be /r/socialism to piss off Zig Forums.

How do we get rid of the "brocialist" meme? Unironic chauvinist socialists are extremely marginal, even among social democrats it's a rare phenomenon.

You don't, name calling is a cornerstone of liberal feminism.

Get this essentially trash out of here. No "race" should apologize for what people they're being grouped with "did" in some distant past.
Yes. There is a class component to racism. As a way to justify and cement existing class relations. And yes, some of the people who are otherwise not members of the ruling classes will think themselves beneficiaries, and adopt the same racist positions as the upper classes.
But we can acknowledge this without engaging in racial essentialism ourselves.
The hysterical (at times) agitation against "brocialists" or w/e, just falls into the category of (typical) divisive self-flagellating liberal trash.

If you seriously disagree with this you need to fuck off to >>>Zig Forums


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GFY nazifag, back to the shithole from whence you came
>>>Zig Forums

Gender and racial issues mostly deprive one of social cohesion, while class deprive people of absolute need like food and water. This is why class will always supersede race and identity and why it should be the first focus.

Also read marx.

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