Riksdag election, 2018

On Sunday 9 September 2018, there will be election in Sweden. Who is Zig Forums rooting for? What are your predictions. Are there are any Swedish comrades with opinions?

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Is there anyone worth rooting for?

I'm rooting for the jimmer

Rooting for V, likely leftwing minority coalition or pact, SD will do decently but won't above 20%. Life will continue on in Sverge.

Sorry not leftwing, I mean centre-left: SocDems+Greens+Demsocs.

Hope so!
I really hope pol darling will fail.

even though they sold out ages ago and my economic views probably align more with Vänsterpartiet, i back the SAP.

Voted AFS just a few hours ago. I figured SD will not make a drastic difference unless they get +50% anyway, might as well try bringing a new right flank into the parliament.

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What the fuck?





That's just stupid and never worked. Fascists movements never lead to communists uprising.

Based. Polarizing the public debate by tactically supporting right wing extremism. True 3D chess from a Hegelian wizard, the dialectics are in motion my son.

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fuck Hegel
he's not even the archwizard

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boons to society

SD will win because of you communist liberal freaks

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Wish we had a likeable left-wing politician in Sweden. Half of the shit Sjöstedt says makes me cringe. Guess I'll vote for him anyway.

Hah, that really made me think.


Yes today the left finally loses after raping Sweden completely, bow Sweden only needs right wing death squads

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If I lived in Sweden I would vote for V

But I don't so lol @ Sweden

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big gains for our SD lads

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The Social Democrats are hardly what one would call left wing
And even if SD gains enough seats to be formidable all the Centrist / Neo-Libs will just form a grand coalition anyway

really? any polls or something?

SD is up a bit according to some polling that I've seen mentioned in several articles
official results are a few hours away it seems

F! will win

Polling-stations closes in about 6 hours.
You will know more in 10-12 hours.

Tax cuts ahead
Reds get fuq'd

Voted for the succdems.

Libtards epic btfod.

Absolutely Disgusting.

Amost there!
Don't let 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧right-wing🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 win,brothers!

So they are almost closed?
Still couple hours before the results!

Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard

30 mins left until polling-stations close.

The parties:
Current government:
S - Socialdemokraterna (The Social Democrats). Currently leading the government alongside the Green Party. Social democratic party turned neoliberal. Doesn't privatize social services themselves, but refuses to undo the privatizations made by the right wing. After the immigration crisis they changed their immigration policy to be a lot more restrictive. Has been on a downturn the last decades and are now looking to make their worst performance since modern democracy was implemented, dipping below 30% for the first time in 100 years.
MP - Miljöpartiet (The Green Party) Standard european centre-left green party. They were in a government coalition with the Social Democrats this last term and have seen their numbers drop a lot since. Might not even make it to the riksdag if things go bad for them.

Right-wing coalition (Alliansen - The Alliance)
M - Moderaterna (The Moderates) Right wing party, was leading the government 2006-2014 with their coalition. Biggest party in said coalition. Standard right wing party, leading force in the privatizations that have ravaged Sweden recently. Their 2006-2014 incarnation was liberal on immigration but has taken a much harder stance on this issue recently.
C - Centerpartiet (The Centre Party) Centre-left party that used to be a rural party. Claims to be green but is only slightly less not-green than other parties in the right-wing coalition.
L - Liberalerna (The Liberals) Free market liberals. Really nothing important, like the moderates but slightly more centrist.
KD - Kristdemokratern (The Christian Democrats) Standard right-wing christian democratic party. Seemed like they wouldn't make it into the riksdag this election but have recently had a big upturn. Has also moved rigthwards recently, almost more so than the moderates.

The rest:
SD - Sverigedemokratern (The Sweden Democrats) Far-right anti-immigration party. Have made huge advancements the last decade, and might now become the biggest party if things turn out really bad. Standard european far-right anti-immigration policies. Pretends to favour working class but is for making it easier to fire people, reducing taxes on the rich and privatization.
V - Vänsterpartiet (The Left Party) Self proclaimed socialists but in practice radical socdems. Still further left than Corbyn/Labour though. They claim they want to abolish private property and leave the EU, but are not actually campaigning for these things. Propped up the current Social Democrat government and are hoping to be included in the next one, but the socdems dont want them. has made a big upturn recently and might reach 10% This is the party I voted for.
FI - Feministiskt Initiativ (Feminist Initiative) Irrelevant feminist party. Was close to making the riksdag 2014 but are no longer looking to do so.

What's going to happen:
At 20.00 the voting stops and the poll conducted at the voting booths will be released. This is historically very accurate and will give a very good indication as to what the actual results will look like. After this actual counting starts and gets released throughout the night, usually getting finished a few hours past midnight.

What are the potential outcomes:
Ever since the creation of "the Alliance" in 2004 Swedish electoral politics has been dominated by the two blocks of the Alliance and Red-Greens consisting of S+MP with support from V. Both the blocks are vying for PM and all of the parties in the Alliance claim to want nothing but a government consisting of the Alliance, with no other cooperation. The socdems have been flirting with the Liberals and the Centrists but they have been relucant. SD has been systematically excluded but depending on the results today this might not be possible anymore. I think we're going to see either an Alliance government with support from SD (which would upset a lot of alliance voters since they have consistently claimed they will not cooperate with SD) or a S+C+L goverment, which would be very interesting since it would mean the end of block politics in Sweden.

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Already did
The left and your muslim loving multiculturalism already lost

C is centre-right not centre-left, typo.

Lmao @ Zig Forumsyps

who is that qt on the left

If I've understood it correctly SD want a coalition government with M and KD? How likely is that to happen?

Very unlikely. Both M and KD have been very clear that they do not want to go into a coalition with SD, and doing so would be devastating for their support. It's possible that they would accept their passive support however.

Why? Do right-wingers who support M and KD feel that negatively about SD?

I think they would form a government with SD but i don't think they will get enough for a majority and the rest of the parties wouldn't let them form a minority government. I think a centrist government is the most likely

M and KD is still very neoliberal and pro-eurozone while SD makes claims towards being social democrats but is more ameriburger republican, is euroskeptic and have a generally bad image of barrely being able to clean out their ranks of multiple "Just a single bad example" full-blown fascists.

holy shit
SD: 16,3 V: 9,8 according to tv4's latest poll, that's four per cent less for SD than most of the polls this election campaign

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first results

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b-but muh AfS muh MbS


Notable things:
Alliansen is slightly bigger than the red-greens.
KD made a very big upturn.
MP are very close to the 4% limit.

This means the future of the night is unusually interesting, since we still don't know whether MP will make it and which block will be the largest.

Sweden, Sifo exit poll:

S-S&D: 25.4%
M-EPP: 18.4%
SD-ECR: 16.3%
V-LEFT: 9.8%
C-ALDE: 9.4%
KD-EPP: 6.6%
MP-G/EFA: 5.8%
L-ALDE: 5.7%

Sample size: 5,591
Field work: 09/09/18

Wer hat uns verraten - sozialdemokraten

What happens now? See you in 3 months?

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What will happen in three months? Presidential election?

How are things, lads?

Re-election. This is not sustainable if the numbers are right.

Sweden is a monarchy…

i am laughing

I forgot, sorry. So what will happen in 3 months?


the greens are shit and everything's fucked anyway

another election

What's the end result?

Not done yet

Swexit is on the horizon

Not really.

The swedes are fucked otherwise, will put us brits in a better position ! Newfag here forgive my shitness

Stop reading The Express user.

Okay I was fucking joking but if you are also a bong you legit may have got that from The Express.

Haven’t the time to read shit rags, too busy celebrating our victory over the eu…no deal ! Fuck them

So this shows that V has grown in lockstep with the other GUE-NGL across the EU.
It also shows that the EPP and PES parties have shrank to the point where they cannot to collaborate with each other any more.
They will be forced to accommodate either the fascists or the anti-capitalists into the fold if they want to continue. A similar situation in Czechia saw the centrists choose the Communist Party.
The fall of the Greens is typical, and it means that it is likely that outright anti-Capitalist parties could become the 4th largest parties in most of Western Europe when their next elections come up.

Attached: 2019 seat prediction.PNG (800x660, 48.03K)

In Portugal, the Left Bloc and Communist Party (both GUE-NGL members) were 3rd and 4th respectively in the 2015 election. They made a deal with the center-left to stop the right and now they're getting cucked every other day and can't do shit about it.

reds r cux


Doesn't include V A R O U tho.

What's the result??

o i am laffin

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Not gonna be in until after midnight probably

Only small (and therefore rural) districts are counted, this is not representative of the actual result.

it would be funny though

Yeah, I've read a bit about that. Makes you hate the EU.
Do you have some sources about why they can't enact their policies?

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Better vote the right-wing parties that opened the borders in to the government to own the leftists

Why are you laughing?

Two decent Jacobin articles on that:

I found it funny at the time I guess

They're both extremely shit neolib parties

Bizzaro Sweden


which left-wing party that actually has seats is the most left-wing? is it V?



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I meant to add most left-wing in Europe
not just sweden

whacky coalition incoming?

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