I'm in love, and very confused. First this , now this. Zig Forums turned me gay, fuck you guys.
*very deebly goncerned*
p-please tell me I'm not gay
I'm in love, and very confused. First this >>2635916, now this. Zig Forums turned me gay, fuck you guys
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If the board made you gay, then maybe the board can make you un-gay?
I dunno man, is it even bad to be gay? A few years ago I would approve muslims throwing gays off buildings. Now I just don't know anymore.
And what does being un-gay mean?
Thanks for anchoring my thread, faggots!
If you're jumping to gay and not even bi then there's clearly been some awakening inside of you which has been repressed, but you don't have to subscribe to labels either, you're not sexual in all moments of your life, so you just like what you like in moments if attraction if it relieves any existential anxieties you have.
Some people get caught up in taboo also and go into the deep end of exploration, in other words, this big feeling you have might just be a phase, but your homosexuality will probably remain, most straight guys never have sexual fantasies about other guys, but maybe an exposure to homosexuality has just socialised you to a deviant lifestyle, such as the bourgeoisie association with homosexuality in past and present due to the freedom of information on this site, I know fetishes are obviously resultant of direct experience.
Your nature is perfect though, fundamentally, how can any feelings be wrong, you don't believe in thought-policing do you?
Psychianalysts and marxists believe a person is shaped through different forces of the society they inherit and so individual choice in sexual orientation is minimal, so don't feel responsible if you feel guilt.
probably for calling contrapoints a guy
This is the insanity of this board.
Zig Forums: idpol is shit.
Also Zig Forums: behead those who call tranny a guy.
The mods =/= the users
The users are literally powerless peasants then.
So much for marxism.
You're definitely gay if you find yourself attracted to a man in a wig. Don't think you can hold Zig Forums responsible for that though.
Thanks for non-shitpost reply user, it really helps. I'm not 100% homosexual, that Olly thread was just shitposting (kinda…). I'm only attracted to women and trans women. But being attracted to trans women is kinda gay I suppose.
Now I'm beginning to accept the difference between sex and gender. At least it helps.
I didn't call him a guy
B-but she identifies as female
You are baby gay
Real gays fap too Jason Unruhe and Jim Profit
Straight people fap to Roo tbf
He is a guy no matter if you chop your dick
Maybe biologically she is a guy, but as a person she is clearly a woman
Being attracted to Contra isn't gay. Tabby is my waifu.
Almost as insane as equating anchoring a ecleb post with beheading.
Anyone else "gay for pay"?
Anyone else suck "cock for cash"?
Anyone else a "bourgeois for rent"?