Have you guys seen this yet?
It's kind of a light weight melodrama, but it's fun. Especially fun for the anarchists, since Proudhon, Bakunin, and Stirner all make appearances.
Have you guys seen this yet?
It's kind of a light weight melodrama, but it's fun. Especially fun for the anarchists, since Proudhon, Bakunin, and Stirner all make appearances.
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Pretty bland tbh.
I can't argue with that, but I really enjoyed it. I guess I found it pleasant.
Yeah it's not shit. I just don't tend to like these period dramas. I find a lack of substance in them.
That said I would sell my fucking organs for a movie about Young Stalin with Michael Mann directing.
That would make one hell of a badass crime movie.
lol sounds good
Why the fuck do you guys have to keep expanding my To-Watch list?
This is fun too, speaking of lefty cinema
I really want to see this one too but it's not online anywhere as far as I know. And my country's not airing it. :s
Haven't seen it but an old country dude showed up at the Democrat Cops of America meeting interested in socialism and asked if anyone saw it so it's working on some people.
Even WSWS had nice things to say about it, and they hate everything.
WSWS is trash tho, fuck them
Honestly didn't get this part.
Of all the things to disagree with Marx about, it seems like Stirner wouldn't have a problem with him supporting people stealing wood.
It's a movie. It's quite boring and it isn't detailed and correct enough to keep me interested.
The conflict is about the practicable medium for them to critique the extant order. Marx challenged the Prussian authority and burgeoning bourgeois class in a direct and accusative manner, while he contends that the reason the paper had persisted for as long as it had was precisely because the security forces were willing to tolerate the effete and inaccessible theorizing of his colleagues, which he, of course, abhorred. So Marx is calling Stirner and all the other Young Hegelians pussies for not properly engaging in agitation, for fear of reaction by the auxiliary forces.
The director is a socialist, sort of. At least I have only seen leftist stuff from him. So yeah, it's a good movie if you want to have some light entertainment, of course it's a period drama first and foremost so you gotta accept it for what it is.
There is this weird British TV drama "Hitler: The Rise of Evil" if libshits ever try to pull this off with Stalin they will accidently make him look more cool than abhorrent.
0/10, fuck this movie.
Maybe that's the point they were trying to make, but it would make more sense if Stirner were in direct opposition to agitation, but he was more of "a-do-as-thou-wilt" type of guy. Also, the Prussians banned "The Ego and His Own" and cracked down on a few of the other Young Hegelians, so it wasn't like they all feared retaliation.
It's a good film, but the historical portrayals of other philosophers sometimes feel off in service of story telling.
Tbf Robert Carlyle is a damn good actor, and he got the energy just right.
Give it at least a few decades, comrade
wait, what
Definitely in agreement on that
hard pass
I already covered his meme jobs
fuck off Zig Forums
there's a sort of pseudo conspiracy (it might just be another Zig Forums meme for I all know) that "Stirner" wasn't actually a real person, just Engels' edgy alter-ego. After all, the iconic Stirner drawings were made by Engels.
That would own bones.
Also whatever that heist he pulled in Tblisi (I think) where they jacked a caravan full of imperial treasury notes using a combination of firearms and TNT is a scene straight out of Heat.
Brainlet tier
You are all babby's.
Watch this
Plato was Socrates.
It's like if the Big Bang theory was about dialectics.
Didn't mean to sage
I want to write the novel where Stirner is Engels tulpa and he torments him.