You know, I keep thinking that conservatism couldn’t possibly get any more disingenuous as an ideology, and conservatives keep proving me wrong. I thought at least burger conservatives were at least loyal to their two century old document and muh founding fathers, but nope, they’re the primary force behind getting the constitution rewritten if the opportunity arises. After half their propaganda was George Washington weeping over the evil libs not letting orphans starve or some shit, now the founders can go fuck themselves. It’s not just burgers, too, I’m reminded of former conservatives in the CPSU after the fall of the Soviet Union where these reddest of red Marxists who had worked their way up the CPSU and the Soviet bureaucracy and managerial class all formed fascist and reactionary parties the moment the red banner was hauled down. Conservatives are the surest sign of social rot. Wherever there is oppression, conservatives worship it, wherever there is injustice, conservatives defend it, and wherever there is some corrupt hierarchy, conservatives will spill out of the woodwork, tongues outstretched to service any footwear or orifice that might present themselves. The ideology of the state they inhabit means little to them, they will take on the garb of liberalism, Marxism, anarchism, etc, as they suit their need, and will discard them just as easily. They are the best argument for a red terror.
Conservatives call for constitutional intervention last seen 230 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
Eisenhower 1954:
"“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”
Republican """Conservatives""" 2018: Just watch us :DDDD
How many amerimutts on this board even own guns? The lefty Zig Forums threads always die really fast. Y'all need to arm up.
uh why do they wanna get rid of it
Like the red guards faggots (and other similar groups) would be able to do this.
Reminder that these are the people that have power in the USA
I'd say we're going to become a fascist if not Nazi dictatorship but that may be to optimistic
Alternatively though this could be the spark that sets off the powderkeg so who knows
Fascism is always a reaction to leftist populism in response to diminishing material conditions for the working classes. Leftists in the US should get armed and continue agitating and educating the populace.
I wish this is true.
#Resistance fear mongering. Republicans can immiserate and terrorize people just fine under the current setup, no sense in overplaying their hand with a blatant power grab like a constitutional convention. The oligarchs and corporations that actually run the Republican party won't let the true believers ruin their scam.
This is just fear mongering, there's always claims that there's a constitutional convention around the corner and that it'll be used to pass X or block Y and ergo you need to come out and vote for your party today to stop it
Even if it is just fear mongering, the point remains that there's a will within the conservative movement to actually do it. Something which shows just how depraved and unprincipled the conservative movement really is when it comes to just about anything other than bootlicking.
I assume youre joking but if you believe that something like this is even remotely possible in the US right now you are completely out of touch. If somehow some decent sized well trained armed leftist group (which doesnt exist to begin with) were to try something like that it would only justify actual military dictatorship in the minds of 90% of Americans who would then believe in the mythical communist menace conservatives blather about.
It's definitely exaggerating the potential for this happening anytime soon but I dont think the possibility should be ignored. Trump being President and John Bolton being National Security Adviser was absolutely absurd fantasy talk two years ago. Just because there's a conflict of interest between the bourgeosie doesnt mean the reasonable side is going to come out on top. I wouldnt put it past Trump to call a new convention as an executive order and then leave it to the conservative dominated supreme court to decide if he's allowed to do that.
Please nuke this country, I don’t care if I die too, it will be worth it to cleanse the Earth of these retards
actually this would be pretty believable under most GOP presidencies, this notion that he was some crazy outcast wacko was never true, he's been a major power player in DC for a long time and will continue to be so after the trump presidency
Republicans have all the power they could ask for right now and they can't do anything with it. Instead they're in complete disarray because the radicals, the same people who want a constitutional convention, are sabotaging the moderates at every turn. Wrecking coalitions in the Rube Goldberg machine that is the federal government is pretty easy, actually governing is hard. Radical conservatives are fantasizing about a constitutional convention because it provides an end around to every intractable problem they face, kind of like liberals fantasizing about Mueller arresting Trump. I just don't believe the radical right wingers are disciplined enough to pull off a feat of political organization as titanic as rewriting the constitution.
The Republicans actually straight up don't have the numbers to legally call for a constitutional convention even if the party was in complete lock step, but they ARE basically within spitting distance of that point with how much they dominate state governments, which is why this is a conversation they're having.
I was more appalled that they would even consider it, not because I have some great love of the US Constitution, but because I thought loyalty to the constitution was one of the principles they genuinely did have, but nope. Not even that.
They don't give a shit about Christianity or any other religion, they don't give a shit about families and the supposed values that go with them, they don't give a shit about "small government", they don't give a shit about any of the enlightenment principles, they don't give a shit about any standard of social norms, they don't about democracy, and they don't give a shit about the goddamn constitution. They're scared of everything and boots sure are tasty, that's their whole fucking ideology. Jesus fucking Christ, what a bunch of absolutely depraved goblins.
How do you explain the growing reactionary movement then? Sure there is burgeoning socdem movement but that is more in reaction to trump than the other way around
Way too many meme arrows.
An article V Convention of States is not a constitutional convention. A constitutional convention (concon) is where delegates meet to draft an entirely new constitution. That's not what a convention of states (consta) is. A ConSta is where state delegates meet to vote on amendments to the constitution.
Whatever gets decided on at the convention has to be approved by 3/4ths of the state legislatures. Keep in mind, about 60% of states have purely GOP-run state legislatures, so the idea that anything other than neocon policies will arise from a ConSta is delusional.
Jesus Christ
The upsetting is that a lot of Americans actually believe that type of drivel. We just need to fall like Rome.
China or Russia plz invade
naw, replace it with Settlers
I wonder if classical libertarians in the US still hold on to the constitution?
Unironically made me lau–
Made me laugh even harder