Christopher Cantwell just launched a web store called to supplement his dwindling income, as he's no longer able to process credit cards on his main site. Please contact the web store provider @woocommerce on twitter or send them an email through their website. If we can keep the pressure up for a few more months he is sure to crack.
Why is the alt shite made up of so many unironic ex-cons and blatant grifters?
David Miller
Never heard of this guy before. Who is he?
Jace Sullivan
why is the alt left made out of people who get $100k patreon checks from the Jewish controlled dnc
Dylan Green
because we are better at organizing, whereas you all fell apart after 1945 and formed prison gangs. also your love of the pigs set you up to be easily infiltrated by the fbi
Leo Nguyen
chapo are literally the only people that get any sizable patreon bux and the people who pay them money isnt the dnc but the 20k followers they have
I wish I did, I spread the big trans and make a handful of frogs gay every week but I never get those Soros bux™ in my venmo
Jack Murphy
lmao it’s two flashlights and a walkie-talkie
Hunter Gutierrez
Rolled 5, 2, 3 - 4 = 6 (3d6) unfunny redditor
Cameron Moore
even as a nationalist myself, I cannot respect him for being a free market zionist puppet. Pinoshits are gay.
Luis Robinson
I also remember getting into with him over economics. bitch just post "I'm gonna throw you out of a homocopter" and then blocked me like a bitch. at least Anglin is funny.
Nathaniel Adams
jesus, he still has a "Sample Page" up on his site, what a fuckin tool
Robert Foster
So is he going to go join Atom Waffen and get arrested after trying to blow up a dam like that one polyp who used to post here did?
Carson Howard
Ethan Sanchez
A while back in some thread about Aut-Right school shooters or whatever this Zig Forumsyp went on about how Bazed AtomWaffen (Recognized terror group) was and talked about "How Bazed and easy it would be for him to blow up a Dam" and to quote "Kill a couple hundred thousand niggos at once"
Surprise Surprise next day he was perma banned for some reason and all his posts got killed Never tryed to evade or post again