Kavanaugh's confirmation has the liberal "left" more pissed off than I think they've been at any other point in the last two years.

Every time a socialist revolution has succeeded, it's because there was just enough openness and outrage for socialist ideas to become popular.

Should we be seizing this moment to get the ball rolling on picking up supporters for the revolution?

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More pissed off than anything in the last two years huh?
Doubt it.

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When I say that, I'm referring specifically to the context of the Trump presidency. His victory was met more with disbelief and anxiety. People are seething over this.

We must wait until the skies turn dark and the smoke chokes us all halfway to death, until then Socialism in the United States is not quite possible.
Give it a year, when the economic bubble pops.

Highly doubt youll get anyone who isn't already a socialist revolutionary to join. Ah yes this man may have raped a woman 30+ years ago, would you like to hear about Marx because, uh, feminism? C'mon dude, use the almonds a little more before posting next time.

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The fuck is KAVANAUGH
He sounds like a nazbol god or some shit

I'll wait to see any of you actually organizing anything other then your book collections.

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He's just some neocon "constitutionalist" (reminder the left supports the american constitution more than corrupt corporate lobbyists do) that triggers the democrat libs epiclly.

and how did he revolt?

America will likely go fash in the event of a geniune depression. Its proles are still attached to imperialism and require it to sustain their standard of living. Socialism can't restore their share of the super profits. Fascism can. The future looks very bleak for amerifats. Fortunately the rest of the world will likely prosper once America is out of the picture.

Lol. Pretty socialist message you have there, no wonder the masses don't like you since you clearly don't like them.

What about other w*Stern imperialists? What about Chyna becoming more and more imperialist?
Mr. Based Christcom Poster, I love you and I hate am*Rifats as much as you do, but I don't think that the collapse of am*Rica will fix everything

So you're saying Kavanaugh is like the American Rasputin?

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lol that's an interesting comparison - I guess so!

I can see the US giving more support to Trump if that happens. The interesting thing about what's happening right now, though, is that it's moral outrage over what's happening in Washington - I think that discontent can swing things in the other direction, if people are mobilized enough.

The economic bubble may burst in a year's time because of Trump's trade wars, among other things. That may push the US into a post-world power phase, and ideally that would eventually lead to the US concentrating on improving things for the people. But before that happens, there's obviously going to be a vulnerable point at which authoritarianism could potentially take hold - I'm hoping to avoid or minimize that to whatever extent possible.

Reminder the left is now officially less relevant than Hentai.

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And /pol isn't any better to be fair.

Same position leftypol was in early 2016 before the Trump happening

who is kavanaugh and who did he rape?

pol has fallen as well
They are really just ameretards now

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Literally more bought opposition than an actual interest group. On the other hand…congratulations to hentai games, you deserve it.

Fighting the good fight right in between kike propaganda boards. That should count for something.

Supreme court nominee, if he gets passed say goodbye to roe v wade and probably brown v board of education later

Go back to your containment board

If anything you could get liberals to question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, which would be progress of a kind.

Liberals still love the supreme court because of their 50s and 60s rulings

That's a good point. That seems like the most solid potential benefit of the Trump administration in general - it's so absurd that it shows what a sham federal politics are on many levels

Most people with leftist inclinations in the US have outright given up on American politics, seeing it as an impenetrable farce. Political "outrage" in the US is between different members of the ruling class trying to get their investments favored over others'.

True, which is why them losing faith in the court would be a big deal.

Right. But this cuts at the credibility of liberal institutions. For liberals to have any trust in the system requires them to accept that the rule of law, separation of powers and so on are operative and legitimate. We have something of an institutional legitimacy crisis in the United States.

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This happens whenever anyone loses in democratic politics.
You lose, boo hoo.
You win, yay.
You lose again next year, oh no, politics is rigged.

This pendulum has been swinging for hundreds of years

Yeah you're probably right

Liberals still buy into the belief that they can vote their problems away (despite holding the contradictory believe that the elections are being tampered with), and that a Democratic controlled Legislature will make it all better. The liberal echo chamber has convinced itself that its victory is inevitable and the only way they can lose is if the entire electoral system is rigged. It's not really possible to radicalize them as long as the illusion of an electoral path to victory exists.

What are those?

You know gringos have their own containment board, id rather leftypol not get flooded by dozens of minute gringo courtly scandals or whatever

Roe v Wade made abortion legal and Brown vs Board of Education made racial segregation illegal

So is the achilles heel of the preservation of desegregation and education rests on the fact that he raped someone? Gringos are the most cucked race.

Yeah American boomers and gen xers are the worst people in the world

Yep, it's fucking depressing. I've been pretty far left for a while now, but I still had some illusions from when I was a kid, like that segregation, anti-abortion laws, fascism, etc. were things of the past, and that we'd developed past all that. Now all that is coming undone.

The Kavanaugh accusations are grotesque, but they're also completely credible - allegations of him being a gang rapist, literally. The reason the Trump admin wanted him so badly is because he was the person they most trusted to overturn Roe V. Wade (the law legalizing abortion).

The glimmer of hope is that many people think, probably accurately, that this recent resurgence in the far right in America is the last gasp of the white majority in America. Things are becoming more equal as demographics shift, religiosity declines, and people become less racist, so the far right is scrambling to get whatever benefits they can.

I honestly think the far right has much more of a future in Europe, especially Eastern Europe. I'm just hoping things don't continue to get worse here.

I'm going to unmask myself as a lawfag for a second. You guys should all really care about the Supreme Court. I know you're very cool for not understanding bourgeois politics. Nothing makes my boipussy wetter than someone not understanding the country they live in, but hear me out. Don't worry about hooking people mad at Kavanaugh now, wait for the court to fuck over everyone.
A right wing court is going to absolutely shred labor and employment law. Sure they might try to fuck with Roe, and they'll probably push through some white affirmative action cases. What they really want to do is go after commerce cases (2ez for a right wing court) and bring back freedom of contract. If that doesn't destroy any constitutional basis for labor and employment law, it will seriously damage it. Federal statutes will be history. If they do well, even state minimum wage laws could become unconstitutional.

Attached: kill all the rich Barack HUSSEIN Obama.png (881x400, 326.3K)

Unions have proven to be counterrevolutionary anyway

So being in a union will be illegal and cool again?

Comrade Kavanaugh paving the way for class consciousness

as if, they're certainly not going to go back on that nor is the pro-life movement that strong anymore

Labor across a lot of the country already got gutted by "right to work" and most of the influential unions are in porky's pocket, just look at the strikes of the last few years

He didn't get confirmed, the vote got delayed a week so an FBI investigation can take place

Zig Forums and /v/ trade #1 and #2 back and forth daily. You're just a mad kike faggot.
Probably a nigger.

I made this image months ago, good to see it used!


Political analysts say he was nominated specifically so that Roe V. Wade could be overturned. They will repeal it as a federal law, arguing that it should be up to the states. This will allow conservative states like Alabama and Oklahoma to outlaw abortion as fast as they can.

The pro-life movement is huge, and it's the key reason why evangelicals turned out to vote for Trump in huge numbers. It's their #1 issue.

The vote will only be delayed if Mitch McConnell and Trump both agree to delay it. That's extremely unlikely. Otherwise, it will go to a senate vote tomorrow.

Not him, but go back to your containment board, Nazi faggot.

Trump was raked over the coals for his earlier statements on abortion. The fact is, like this post, ~80% of the outrage over Kavanaugh comes from cool wine aunts paranoid that the SC is going to reverse Roe v Wade, which it probably won't. As the other user said, a Kavanaugh court is much more likely to take an axe to labor/commerce regulations than refight old battles like Roe and Brown

Repubs have made empty promises to repeal Roe v Wade for decades. The religious right are a captive demographic at this point - really, who else are they going to vote for? The urban liberal party?


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Hope so. Can’t wait for Russians in 80 years to make a Disco song about Kavanaugh.

Unions will have to be wildcat again. Which is good.

Roe v. Wade is nothing but a tool conservatives use to drawn in the evangelical vote, if they actually overturn it the GOP will lose one of the most important political weapons in their arsenal.

Labor now is crippled. That's not far enough for right wing lawyers. They want basically two things:
1. Make working conditions shit and make any sort of action that would improve them illegal or unconstitutional
2. Shrink the administrative state
And they want to do this in a way that doesn't even allow for the illusion of democracy. If they fuck the administrative state up enough, socdem would be even more of a pipe dream than it looks like now.
This isn't some "any day now" bullshit like waiting for the next financial crash. Not only is the Supreme Court going to move very far to the right asap, the lower courts have been filled to the brim with far right judges.

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1. What you see on Twitter is representative of only a small segment of the American general population. It is a filter bubble.

2. The liberal "left" wants to ban guns for civilians. If these women started stocking up and carrying guns and threatened violent protests en masse against the US government and the right-wing, then MAYBE they could have a sliver of a chance to prove Maoism-Third Worldism ( >>>/mao/ ) wrong. Instead they're doing the complete opposite and proving Mao and Jason Unruhe right.

3. If Kavanaugh overturns Roe vs. Wade, I predict the liberals will whine loudly for a bit but eventually come around. They'll be okay with gaining a few Democrat seats in the upcoming midterms and act like they achieved enough. There is absolutely no revolution potential amongst first worlders. First worlders, especially liberals, have been made complacent with their Tinder, iPhones, WhatsApp, Big Macs, Kardashians, Beyonces, selfie sticks, skinny jeans, pornography, marijuana, Hollywood entertainment etc. etc.

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Liberals don't have revolutionary potential.

Stop this stupid american memery. You have your own general

You really are gringo

gas the christcoms now.

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What is christcom opinion on abortion?


Worker can be assholes themselves, you know

I know the US has become a symbol of imperialism and capitalist oppression, but it does have a very worthy and important labor history. Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Murray Bookchin, the IWW… all are from here. There's always been a strong discrepancy between what the United States has been, and what it's symbolized to its citizens. To American leftists, it symbolized democracy, and for them that extended to the work place. There were general strikes, important unions among coal miners and other labor groups…

To make a more trivial point, lots of political rock and hip hop groups (Rage Against the Machine, MDC, Dead Kennedys, Panopticon, Public Enemy, dead prez, Algiers, Boogie Down Productions, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, MC5, Fugazi…)

These are all good things

Its really great, im enjoying watching liberals having mental breakdowns, and if they get completely eradicated and their welfare bribes and identity politics die out an actual left might pop up.



This. Any attempt at building a revolutionary movement will have to utilize redeeming positives of the past and rallying around figures of some revolutionary importance in the U.S., and any other western country. Figured like John Brown for example.

These are all liberals.

Either you don't know who those people are, you don't know what liberalism is, or you don't know what socialism is. You must choose at least one.

I choose the fact they are democrat voting liberals.

You're literally retarded.


Self-evident. The IWW is one of the most important socialist organizations in modern history. Murray Bookchin is one of the most important left wing theorists, and Howard Zinn is possibly the most important left wing historian, at least in the US.

None of the outrage is economic or class based, but purely ID POL garbage. If you want to recruit fat feminists and abortion enthusiasts, go ahead.


You might want to broaden your horizons a little bit when it comes to left wing theory and organisation. Looking beyond burgerland would be a good start.

Poltards spell like african american gang members with all that nigger kike oh vey
I can't understand you people

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wow what a surprise, let's try to get a few lesser evil geezers in instead of just ending the system

Why is the hazard signs on the American’s uniform red and black?

pretty sure it's a division insignia

The entire point of the post was to point out who the valuable Americans were.



Where are the pizzagater's who wanted to expose the rapists in the government now? Where are the mra's?

This, but America will never be out of the picture. The geography along will see that never happens. I think we in for a prolonged unprecedented War that will be more intense the the Cold War, but not as bad as any of the World Wars. Kinda like Starship Troopers, and that fighting will out last anyone’s lifetime lurking this board right now.

*The geography alone

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Kek. This is peak character assassination akin to what the KGB did on the fucking daily to political opponents. The left is fucking pathetic.

Kek, no different than socialists on twitter with the fucking red rose emote, their preferred pronouns and having a William T. Sherman avatar.

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I think a split would be good for the nation. The right can have their right wing nationalist union of states, while the left can have their socialist union.
1 year grace period to expel the left from the right wing union, and the right from leftist states before facing serious consequences.

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user please

Civnats get the bullet too my man. White only state.

The absolute state of liberals. I could care less if these accusations were true. The goal of politics is to destroy your opponents and promote your own preferred policies over theirs. There is nothing else.

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Absolute state

Are you replying to the wrong guy or did you not read his post?

I did. I think it's pathetic and petty that the left has to engage in character assassination every time.

Civil War 2.0, here we come.

Are you 13 or something? This is basic politicking. Do whatever works. Also it helps to embarrass Trump, which demoralizes his petit bourg base.

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Kek this is getting more people to unite against you fags and vote in November. When you are so petty the only way to destroy someone with an exemplary record as a judge is to cry MUH RAPE, like the sjw faggots you are.

How is that any different from what the right does? I'd understand if you were a Normie who was disgusted with politics after seeing what was under the hood for the first time but you aren't that.

The right got Hillary laughing about defending an actual rapist yet they lose to these bullshit accusation, it is like they are fighting with half strength.