Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't abandon all opportunistic partisans and embrace LeftCommunism.
Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't abandon all opportunistic partisans and embrace LeftCommunism
Can't answer that unless you specify what you mean by left communism and explain the reason why you're drawn to it.
Left communism doesn't exist
Nobody cares what you call yourself on the internet.
I care. ^_^
I propose to change the stupid topic OP choosed for this thread on a discussion about if Maoism (and maoists like in Peru in particular) has been uselful in the end as a supposed advancement of Marxism-Leninism, or in the contrary it has been demonstrated it couls only be applied to the Chinese conditions at the time
Go ahead if that's what would make you happy, it doesn't really matter since we are all doomed either way
Comrade Mao Tse-tung is the greatest
Marxist-Leninist of our era. He has inherited,
defended and developed MarxismLeninism
with genius, creatively and comprehensively
and has brought it to a higher
and completely new stage.
I don't really see the appeal of Maoism as a distinct tendency. That said I don't see why some elements of it can't be applied to other countries. That isn't to say I think Protracted People's War, for example, is a universal strategy, but I think it's worth studying and that it can work in SOME countries outside China.
uuh is this a leftypol meme? When I refer to leftcommunism I mean the belief that the communist mode of production is a material inevitability that needn't be hastened and will arrive with the global proletarian uprising. When I refer to leftcommunism I mean the belief that socialism has not existed nor will it ever exist in an exclusive or isolated area, co-existing with capitalism. When I refer to leftcommunism I mean the idea that classes, not ideologies, make revolutions and if you adhere to an ideology you're closer to Gentile than to Marx.
hey! not cool, man!
fanx! :)
well that's depressing
Vulgar, deterministic Marxism fucking sucks. This is just a justification for being completely useless and out of touch and not engaging in politics in the real world.
So you prefer a more "totalizing" (don't know if that's really the correct word, sorry I'm not an anglo) definition of socialism compared to most other Marxists (current and historically). That's totally fine, but why should I, or anyone else, care?
No one actually disagrees with this.
Fucking wild how you make a thread on an imageboard challenging people to refute your special snowflake ideology and then immediately say this shit.
Huh? "Left communism" in 1917 meant nothing close to what it means today.
If you insist on giving up become a capitulationist Posadist, not an ultrasectarian perpetual student.
It's true though. We are utterly fucked. Capital has won.
So your a trot?
It has. America, the country that needs to fall, isn't going for a long time. China, our only hope, is a revisionist shithole. Full automation is necessary, which will happen, but the public won't have control. King Bezos IV will be ruling us all in 2150.
A good armchair is REALLY expensive
Sorry for not linguisticly subbmitting to anglo imperialism
imagine my cock
Because the labor theory of value isn't true. To each according to their needs! Marx's praxis is whack!
haha, very funny. If we had the numbers to win a war we would have the numbers to win an election. Most proles/lumpen don't vote. If we can't even organize well enough to vote, how could we organize well enough to go to war? Marx's praxis can't work in the developed world. It's shit strategy.