This thread is for making fun of the funny little retards in far right politics.
nice find
Honestly I think threads like these are really fucking dumb but I just wanted to share that one in particular because I've personally run into him before and happened upon that page he wrote about himself the other day.
Wait that's a real image and not just a fake quote or joke like pic related?
Maybe not what OP wanted but this just made me laugh so much. Easily the funniest shit I've ever seen on pol.
No it's real, he wrote it on his personal Encyclopedia Dramatica page.
And here's the Zig Forums thread he linked in it, from 4 years ago:
Zig Forums in 2014 seemed much more useable. It’s surprising to see this autistic get pushback and made fun of too
Wow, the autism's strong with him
Has anyone got a webm (or even a yt link) to that one Captain America larper getting into a fight with a pack of rednecks at some alt-right rally. Dude literally wraps himself in the flag and tries to exit with his head held high after getting a bloody nose, but they keep after him.
Redneck White Nationalists are Third Wordlists Gang
Made by NazMao Gang
Naw, I mean they were MAGA hat white trash.
i don't have the webm but here's the video
does this count
THAT'S IT! Thank you!
Someone should put some of that into a webm. Comedy gold.
>wearing one of my fav nazi uniforms
fucking transvestites
oh look, a nazi that doesn't grasp quotes and never read the context to help him with it either
how special and unique
so... not having a nation is good just out of your price-range?
I didn't remember how funnily hard that fat fuck tries to lick up to the cops at 1:26. Absolutely pathetic.
So if I understand correctly in this video pro-trump american nationalist is fighting against pro South Nationalist?
it's one of those civic nationalist types that supports everyone under one america so all the stormfags were mocking him calling him a communist especially since he said his daughter was bi racial
It's weird that I'm gonna say it but the roman larper dude almost looks cool and reasonable compared to the subhuman neckbeard goblinos attacking him. That said, I can't wait until alt-lite and alt-right start killing each other in the streets over phrenology, it'll be a spectacle for the ages. The night of the long dildoes
Never forget tbh
I wanna see some Union vs. Confederacy LARPers street fighting instead of this tired Antifa vs. thinly veiled fascists thing we've had going on for so long
making fun of mentally challenged people is idpol, I love how ironic that "muh gays" "muh wimmens" and "muh minorities" is cause for concern but making fun and even encouraging euthanasia towards people with disablities is somehow ok. but I forget how the modern left works. selective outrage. you guys are no better than nazis you claim to mock. go to S-21, urbanite cosmopolitan faggot scum.
You are retarded my dude
Jeez. I don't know which one is worse.
the stormweenies since at least captain america isn't a dumb confederate fag
You're right. But since fascism is entirely reliant on bullying and making fun of the intrusive other, turning this practice back on them can be understood as a form of "immanent critique." We undermine their position on its own grounds.
He has aspergers, autism, or some other mental illness that doesn't allow him to adjust to society. His parents probably support him in it because they're happy he found something and isn't throwing fits and screeching all the time. Obviously he doesn't have very many friends and spends a lot of time alone (judging by all the model tanks and the stack of unopened boxes of model tanks). I feel sorry for him actually.
that room is kinda comfy looking tbh
i'd probably do the same thing but instead of reich flags i'd hang up all my soviet shit
i wish i had the autism powers to make model kits too
LOL I'll take it ;)
This. It's their hypocrisy that makes them contemptible. Their entire ideology is about victimizing people more vulnerable than them, so I think pointing out their own weaknesses is justified, since they'll advocate for violence against other people for theirs.
lol wow, I honestly feel a little bad for the gladiator guy. I hope that experience woke him up to how toxic that movement actually is.
The Dixiefags by far. I would unironically intervene to help Yankeeman even though he’s a faggot.
We're no better than Nazis because I insulted some people by calling them "retarded?"
You're right, I was insensitive and wrong to use that term. But your idea that calling them retarded makes me a Nazi is completely fucking retarded.
A second american civil war could save humanity.
Is this an ironic shitpost? I really can't tell
no its not, its actually true of most political movements and their "muh eugenics" crap.
if I said euthanize the gays or blacks you would throw a temper tantrum, admit it.
I came up with rule of thumb. Is someone is far right it's OK to make fun of them.
False equivalence, because no one called for euthanizing the mentally handicapped. I just used the word as an insult, which was insensitive. Are you really this fucking stupid?
lol good point
not necessarily. what is Brazilian Integralism?
not to play devil's advocate here but was the bullying of the kulaks necessary? Stalin put gays in the gulags. was that necessary? people don't get to office in ANY country without cut throat tactics, whether in your speeches, dealing with your opponents (what are debates?) or eliminating the opposition as people like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Kim Il-Sung, hell even Pinoshit etc did.
not an argument
Pic on the far right (ha funny) of the guy roman saluting is interesting. I want to know more about him. why is his door and dresser so dirty? why doesn't he scrub this stuff off?
His name is Michael Mazzone, Jr. He got some attention for donating a little under $3,000 to David Duke's last presidential campaign. I honestly think he's just deeply mentally ill. He's a big flat earth conspiracy theorist. He got doxxed by some antifa activists a couple years ago I think, but he still has his job as a near 20 year mail sorter for UPS in Palatine, IL, which is a suburb of Chicago.
Here's to hoping he realises that those are the sort of people he's hanging out with. There's no discourse to be had, just monging around with flags and getting angry.
Whats so funny about that, right wingers really exist. Jews everywhere too.
that's tuff
Why are CUMSKINS so mentally ill?
Death to all commies
very normal and not at all upset
"Death to all commies"? Request accepted, let me see what I can find on that subject… One moment.
There you go. You asked for it.
And they say the left is full of orbiters.
she looks so uncomfortable
can't blame her
also jesus christ what is this creature
we need another war
Roblox Nazis are serious business
Imagine Odin having to see that hideous amerimutt enter his realm.
… thats not how it works?
You aren't looking at it from their perspective. "Cuck" has nothing to do with infidelity or fetishes, it's an intentionally annoying term for a person willingly relinquishing what rightfully belongs to them. These retards care so much about authority and tradition because they think they are entitled to pussy and social status without having to actually work for it.
t. Brazilian user
That's falseflag, idiot. As a /cow/boy I can say it, some user there love to larper as Zig Forums butthurt or some retard /trannypol/ sometimes just for low quality and dumb lols. He's always creating those threads, sometimes really cringe ones larping as one of your commies retards.
nothing says christian like vulgar imagery and profanity
jesus would be proud
Is that a Mr Hyde version of Justin Beiber?
This just screams insecurity.
Im sure they do.
Show, don't tell, because telling just makes you look like an insecure little bitch
I would key that guy's car tbh
leftists making fun of people with autism who cant help their situation
i guess if we increase gimmies mental illness will disappear :)
The woman with the stuffed animal looks genuinely mentally challenged. Probably put up to hold that sign by a brother or something.
"gimmies" is something capitalists do to compensate for their exploitation and pacifying people into submission
there are no "gimmies" in socialism, since there is no "takies" by the bourgeoisie to begin with, and further no alienation and rise of mental illness
Why the fuck does street politics look like such a circus nowadays? I feel like they care less about the issues but more about going out and dressing up and screaming about non-existent communists
this guy is a treasure
For some it really is just a grift. The pics on the right are people who make a meager pittance asking for donations on Patreon and so on for livestreaming. Both live in California. The one on the right is a pro-Trump trans person who ended up beating up a Proud Boy in a melee because she got confused. The guy dressed up as a Spartan is some ex-con who was the subject of a Vice film. He doesn't seem to have any actual politics which is why his symbols are this weird mismash. It's like if you combined California hippie stuff with right-wing internet memes in a blender and put it into a single person. I think that's his daughter next to him.
I think the daughter was also kicked out of college because they accosted some Palestinian children and called them "stupid raghead cunts" or something like that. Just nasty and bigoted, but also broken people who have latched onto this internet pro-Trump thing. If there's anything to say it's that they've only been able to keep doing it because the society is sicker than they are.
I think the issue with the white nationalist movement is that it's extremely disenfranchised, weak people being manipulated by the leaders, who suffer from their own issues and are profiting from the movement. So you get people who suffer from mental disorders like autism and bipolar disorder (not to attack people with those - I know great people with them), who are also disenfranchised in different ways, whether it's poverty, lack of education, a criminal history, or whatever, and then they're easy prey for these leaders who are egomaniacs, con men, sociopaths, or have any number of other issues, who offer them explanations for why their lives suck that are easy to understand, and put the blame on an easy scapegoat. tbh, the whole thing is just sad.
I can't fucking tell if he's ironic or not, and that makes me incredibly uncomfortable
He's right, to a degree. Climate change will present a challenge, one likely to destroy "systems of oppression" and capitalism – or at worst lead us to barbarism and/or extinction. His refusal to acknowledge its existence and blaming "neo-marxists" is irrelevant and inconsequential, however.
why icecube trays?
I will tell you I spend a fair amount of time keeping tabs on active white nationalists, and by that I mean the more serious white-power neo-Nazi types, and the hardened core of the movement is more akin to a a lot of small, loosely-organized network of criminal gangs than a political movement. And I'm referring to the "political" groups here too and not even the white-power prison gangs in the U.S. which is a whole separate thing.
You'll sometimes see these pics of Discord teens turn out for a rally here and there dressed up in meme costumes, but if you look closer in the pics you'll see these smatterings of genuinely dangerous, older men with criminal records and such. Drug and firearms trafficking, terrorist plots – all kinds of stuff. And sometimes these kids have wound up getting involved in these people and it's just a disaster. It never ends well. Same also goes for some of these minor internet celebrities who go to rallies to livestream. I believe that Spartan guy attended rallies with members of the Rise Above Movement which is a neo-Nazi fight club (i.e. gangsters) based in southern California. That's the guys in skull masks in the picture. I think the blonde masked guy in that photo was recently scooped up by the feds on conspiracy charges. Anyways, according to that Vice film, the feds had visited the Spartan guy to try and get information and I bet that's why.
So take this ^ guy. He's a joke but this guy has a record of kidnapping and aggravated assault (stabbed an ex-girlfriend). He's currently facing other charges for beating up another ex (who was also in the white-power movement) and choking her until she vomited, and for being a felon in a possession of a firearm… which a friend of his used to try and murder somebody. He was also charged a few years ago for firearms trafficking but that charge was dropped.
Didn't he find out later who he was really rallying with and was horrified?
I think so but I think he's still doing it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There was also some buffoonish rally his crowd pulled in San Diego in the barrio where they were outnumbered 10-1, and I think Spartan guy got into a fight with some other pro-Trump guy who didn't realize he was walking into a clown shot full of tweakers.
It's always funny how groups founded on things like "anti-degeneracy", turn out to be massive scum fucks. I wonder if these are the true lumpen of today.
P much
Perhaps he's referring to the ICE? You know, deportations and stuff. Pretty fucking vague to be honest.
Why are these people such internet tough guys?
lol same reason they become white supremacists in the first place - they desperately want attention, because they feel irrelevant and powerless.
Well the proud boys have just been kicking everyone's asses right now. I guess the left is the real paper tigers, even if we aren't even fucking tigers? I fucking hate being on the loseres side. It's fucking maddening, seeing the future sink into madness
good jerb
The right isn't even getting charged for assault. Fuck the proud boys actually get fucking money FOR ATTACKING PROTESTERS. How the fuck can the left win? How are we all not fucked? How is there not any fucking salvation for any one of us? The world fucking hates us. I think the world should just drown in reaction, because the proles FUCKING LOVE THE RIGHT. THEY ARE RIGHT WINGERS. THEY WANT TO BE FASCISTS BECAUSE TRUMP IS SO FUCKING POPULAR WITH EVERYONE.
Honestly, climate change is a great opportunity for capitalism.
these psyops are getting lazy, fam.
Go back to larping
Face it asswipe. The left is an extremely vulnerable position. We have zero popular support. We are basically fucked, and WE WILL GET KILLED. Do you not understand that? The proud boys can just march up in fucking NEW YORK and attack people and have the people who were attack ARRESTED. Do you not see how serious that shit is? We are transitioning to full on fascism, without any fucking brakes or stops. We have no fucking hope you fucking faggot.
We are F U C K E D. Everywhere. Even the UK is fucked with fascism. May will be president for life, Europe will fall to fascism. DO you think the proles are educated enough to be leftists? Fuck no! They want to drink the liquor of fascism.