Climate change will render most the earth uninhabitable and most of humanity dead within the next few decades and there's no way to stop it in time. It's relieving to know that present political organizing won't even matter in the end. If you're not in a green zone already I'd highly recommend taking a look at pic related and creating a plan to move somewhere.
Defeatism Thread: No Coping Edition
No, fuck off.
well i live in Perth so i could just move a bit more north and i'll be fine, maybe.
either that or i could move to Northern Russia.
Better buy a chalet in the Ardennes…
Why its NO ONE talking about this?
Hate to tell you lads, when Siberia melts all the natural gases that were held in by the permafrost will be released and the Methane will fuck the atmosphere. If we don't stop this soon-ish we will be like Venus.
Humans have had an alright run. Well, the first 185,000 years weren’t bad. I’d imagine we’d be going back to primitive days within the next few decades. Or maybe this gives a good chance for an anarchist communist revolution. Who knows.
I mean, CNN was trying. It’s a shame SO many people buy into this “individuals can make a difference” when it’s so clearly just an excuse for big corporations to continue spewing their carbon into the atmosphere.
At least the United States will be destroyed.
I love how they call it "migration" instead of mass death
Looks like Kerala will be okay though
Even Pentii Linkola and Pol Pot won't be able to save us from a methane apocalypse
why couldn't i have been born in the 50s and lived a comfy life in the USSR and die before all this shit happened
it's not fair comrades
what's worse is no one seems to fucking care and there are so many climate change deniers despite being warned about this for years
"Defeatist" is just a buzzword the online masses like to use when faced with their own powerlessness and impotence to actually affect anything. I've seen this word used by both the left and the right and to me it's an admittance that they have no arguments left against you, just insults. Threads like these aren't defeatism, just realism.
good run boys
tfw you live in spain
this will kick off the global race-war and it will be hella epic
the final climax of the global Darwinian struggle
pretty much
another good read is limits to growth, 2030s is when shit hits the fan in a major way
There's just too many humans on the planet and our style of living is completely unsustainable
This is a meme, even if billions of people died instantly we'd still be fucked because of corporate exploitation of the environment
What are some good books on the effects of climate change? All I've read so far has been very vague.
I dont buy it. If things were that bad ("we are all literally going to die") the actual hardcore scientists who actually, directly, themselves, see and understand the data (not people who just repeat on the internet what they have read in a study) would be doing more than 'being censored because their funding would get cut if they told the truth!'. You dont need funding if you are dead.
As long as there are people trying to profit off of climate change and the elites are moving all this money around with their NGO cronies im going to assume its seen as a way to exploit and oppress the lower classes. The entire current standard situation we have is 'keep the lower classes just comfortable enough not to revolt'. They dont want to risk that model, if they saw something of this magnitude coming they would know they are fucked as well, because the first excuse the masses have to turn on them they are taking.
What can they do? They are just employees for universities and non-profit organizations.
The explanation for this is as simple as it gets: many of the top of the ruling class are old. They will be dead by the time it happens, so it is not their problem.
if capitalists were capable of long term thought, we'd be living under communism right now.
If these are the actual prestigious experts and they all realize we are fucked then i would expect them to group up and arm themselves and storm some political building to make the world take notice. Do something so out of character that people must pay attention. Remember this is it, apparently, we are talking about literal human extinction. If thats really true, and they have unquestionable evidence of it, i would expect them to to any possible means to draw attention to it, after all we are all dead anyway if the entire world does not instantly shift into a whole new societal structure, apparently.
I tend to imagine they realize long term we will end up communism, but just want to have their own lives be comfortable and so delay it as much as they can.
well yeah, the outcome is locked in now, but one of the root issues is population, we've gone way beyond carrying capacity
The problem is that we won't literally be dead within the next few decades, that is only when the point of no return is predicted to happen. Human extinction by AGW will be long, painful, and people will still deny it until the later stages.
theyve been saying the point of no return is the next 5-10 years since the 90s.
You hear about it because they want people to be concerned enough with being ok passing a few laws here and there and allowing money to be funneled around so politicians can give their buddies some. Look at all these humanitarian issues liberals are tied up in, every single one of them is some front for their own profits. Haiti donations go to building hotels, african relief funds go to corrupt pharmaceutical companies that produce drugs that dont even work, and now we have this to fabricate western guilt for a crisis* of problems in the less developed world so their NGOs can rush in, save the day, they look good maybe win a few prizes but in the end its a shoddily constructed facade and 90% of the funding vanishes.
*it is the wests fault of course, but the crisis that will occur is not the one they say it is. They want you to think "we are all enjoying electricity and so you, everyman, must be onboard for anything we say is for the cause of fixing it!". In reality the visible crisis, the one we will see plastered on TV is the fault of the west because the west trapped africa, by providing just the right kinds of aid to cause a population boom but not the kind to make it self sustainable. They have grown humans just for the purpose to starve them to death so they can play footage on tv and collect donations (just text to donate $10!).
Seeing you guys buy into something the liberals push as hard as idpol is unsettling. Yes, corporations are wrecking the environment for their own profits, but all this hysteria is just those same people trying to profit off of it doubly by using government to line their pockets. In the end we dont all die, the world just gets shittier and shittier and the rich get richer.
Everything they say is a lie, if a liberal said it ignore them and shoot the liberal.
This is like supporting New Age alternative "medicine" because porky owns the medical industry. It's pure contrarianism.
As an antinatalist I think that accelerating global warming is excellent praxis.
You see this is the problem, i never said 'everything is fine', in fact i explicitly said corporations are wrecking the environment. But if anyone argues against the hysteria of 'we are all doomed' they are automatically accused of being a 'denier', a 'heretic'.
This is just the apocalyptic story of the modern day liberal religion, this is why they keep pushing the 'point of no return' up further and further, like any religion when its prophecies do not occur they just get shifted.
Ive outlined what would convince me we are actually doomed. Im not a scientist, i dont have raw data nor the expertise to look at it. But i trust if things were really this bad we would get more than articles and papers and more liberal talking points. What i can do is look at how the narrative is handled, and who is profiting from it. That anyone is profiting from it should be an indication something is wrong.
Your problem is that you falsely believe people are inherently rational.
Well then we weren't going to make it anyway.
Not at all, you could just as well make the same point about capitalism as a whole. Capitalism is a failed system that ought to be overthrown yet the vast majority of people are not taking action against it. It all has to do with the hegemony of the bourgeoisie who manage to continuously perpetuate disinformation through the media and all sorts of societal platforms. It's much harder than you might think to go against this hegemonic discourse.
The difference is the left tends to operate under the idea that capitalism will eventually collapse itself. The proper thing to do then is to simply prepare, push for better conditions for the working class in the time being so that when the opportunity arises people are not so oppressed and dejected they lack the energy to take advantage of the situation, and maybe look for opportunities to try and remind everyone we exist. Its already been said, random terrorism is not good praxis. The thing i mention though is not the same, there is already proof that marx inspired ideas can work, and are a real thing.
Further if some leftist terrorist did something it would just hurt the image of the left. If soft spoken well respected tenured professors who are experts on climate go suicide bomb the UN, people are going to go "what the fuck just happened?" and take notice.
LMAO waiting for the next 50 years and see the nothing that happens is the only reason i don't want to kill myself at this point
Is climate change denial considered an American thing? I've seen the assumption (the poster being American) be made over the last few years and have always been curious.
I've seen it pretty much everywhere but it's mostly bootlickers that do it of whom a vast portion are amerimutts.
There's nothig left to do, people are retarded and don't give a fuck, just do whatever you want for 12 years, kill a rich person if you can, stay safe though
I don't see how the comparison doesn't work. Some leftists ARE also taking direct action against multinationals destroying the climate (look up Ende Gelände for example which just happened yesterday) but in general the vast majority of people take an apathetic stance both towards capitalism and towards the effects of multinationals on the climate. They aren't apathetic out of their own fault though, but because porky keeps them like this.
It's a grave mistake to assume things can't really be that bad just because no one is taking radical action. Most people still aren't aware of the necessity of such action, and the ones who are are too isolated and unorganized to do a whole lot about it. I wonder what kind of thing you'd expect to happen if the situation really IS that bad? Literally climate experts suicide bombing the UN?
Because you can convince yourself its ok to do nothing about capitalism because it will collapse anyway. Just sit around and play video games with the promise that when the revolution really happens you will get your gun and go shoot porky.
There is no such comfortable escape if this is true however, no way to tell yourself you will simply make up for it later, if later is too late.
Call me a defeatist all you like. As I said before, you're just admitting you have nothing to actually say and all you have left is insults.
This. Fuck that cunt and fuck all comfortable middle class brats.
Time to face reality brat
Hey m8 I think you dropped your climate realists flag
I will be long time dead by private property while you will be waiting forever to die by global warming.
i read that the melting polar ice could make the atlantic stream go kill and actually lead to an ice age for europe
would be cool, i like it cold
can't wait for better weather honestly
If you know anything about modelling, calculating relevance of a model such as this would be impossible.
Climate change is really simple: it will be a shocking impact to humanity; it won't budge survivability in the slightest, unless we, I don't know, blow up all the nukes - and even then some people will remain and eventually repopulate. As such, it'll change little.
We simply do not have the natural means to do anything about it right now to avoid it, and it won't destroy us and probably make us more adaptable. So what's the big deal?
10/10 Zig Forums boomer impression
One of the root issues is w*Sternoids
Faggot. One of the reasons I am a communist because I like cold weather.
No. Climatic conditions will remain within habitable range for us. This is a much less drastic climate change than Ice age and many others happening through earth's history.
No one who studies climate change or ecology in the general sense believes this.
Cryptocurrency mining may kill Earth faster than coal mining
fuck you soft cunt I'm staying in California even after everyone leaves, I'll desalinate water with the sun and grow gmo- resistant crops,
I'll stick it out
The real kicker is that global temperature change does not matter as much to human survival as ocean acidification killing its oxygen manufacturing.
I agree. Slitting your wrists to MCR is the only way to communism.
If climate change did destroy everything, I would be hopeful, not defeated. It would be Climate-Posadism time. Obviously I don't hope climate change kills people though, most of the deaths are going to be in the third world, people who don't deserve it and didn't cause it.
Dont give a shit. Just need money to get into the ruling class so i can survive this.
So this is kinda strange but I wanna note something.
There is an author named Kerry Bolton who apparently is some O9A guy. He's considered similar to Dugin. He wrote a book about Climate Change, gonna link this for review for people to know about. Reviewed by a Trot whose old enough to remember when Sweden Democrats were Literal Fascists and fought Communists in street battles is into how Che Guarva wasn't a true communist and etc.
I wonder if something is gonna happen
I remember how Gradaffi was involved with people like Tom Meztger and Nick Griffin who created O9A for Combat 18 recruitment is the guy who saved Assad from getting Libya'd.
I wonder if something is planned.