The "BEZOS Act" would tax corporations for every dollar that their low-wage workers receive in government assistance.
The "BEZOS Act" would tax corporations for every dollar that their low-wage workers receive in government assistance.
love this. great job Bernie, calling it the Bezos act and everything.
Amazon is a fucked up company. We really need to start doing some trust busting and break up these tech and retail monopolies.
Lol no. Monopolization is good and marxists should hope for the trend to increase. That way there's organizations with the most efficient production of goods available for the workers to take over and for the economy to be easily controlled by the state in order to effectively allocate resources in benefit of the masses.
Don't worry. CenterDems to the rescue with expert concern trolling…
Monopoly stage of capitalism lays the groundwork necessary for a planned socialist economy. Monopolies through economies of scale are able to produce good at the cheapest cost and are most efficient. Wasting the huge productive capacity of monopolies is myopic
Here's why I think accelerationists should support this: right now the state carries this burden for large corporations mostly by taxing workers who are slightly better off than low-wage workers. But, this means subsidizing a low-wage economy and that is a drag upon technological progress, the move towards centralization, and intensification of class struggle.
If they do this they will likely be hitting companies of all sizes and not just Amazon, and the result will be only the big companies will be able to afford to either pay the taxes or raise wages. Let's say that they only target big companies, this is the ultimate regressive situation for a true accelerationist–if that is the case, it seems likely these companies will raise their wages instead of paying the tax. What will be the result of this? When big-time employers like Wal-Mart and Amazon raise their wages it puts upward wage pressure on the whole economy.
That's why starting wages in many places go up even in red anti-union states as local companies must compete with big corporations who have changed their starting pay either in response to union activism and/or changing local/state regulations in more "progressive" parts of the country.
It seems to me that both might be valid concerns
Bernie hasn't achieved a damned thing other than renaming some irrelevant post office
I'm sure that congress will rally behind this any day now
t. some retarded Maoist probably
t. Lenin
Not that guy but the formation of monopolies is inevitable under capitalism and quite naturally lays the foundations for future seizure of production. I do think this act is a good idea as an immediate short-term goal.
and bombing yugoslavia
As revolutionaries, we should recognize the importance of the progression of capitalism to centralize and monopolize, and that this continuous process is part of the inherent instability and self-destructive nature of capitalism.
if bernie hasn't achieved anything that's a reflection of the material conditions in the united states
why the fuck don't you have a labour party get it together guys
>index-linked government assistance also goes up to meet the increased cost of living, which means the tax goes up until they get bored or an inflationary spiral results in a shift in material conditions and a moment of potential / OR it only hits the middle-middle class and above (inb4 some pseud going "thur is no muddle class!!!" [the pseud is from new zealand in my head this time.]) so who cares anyway they're living comfortably.
Even if this were to pass, the monopoly can still form, it'll just take longer. Leaving the subsidy may be 'accelerationist' but monopolisation will happen regardless.
While I don’t doubt that the Dems are going to use those as excuses to not back the bill, those are still good points imo.
Because any movement that defends workers (as opposed to "all oppressed") is seen - by supposedly "Left" Americans - as a slippery slope towards Right-wing, something inherently amoral.
Which is why any labour movement easily gets hijacked by Liberals (they can easily sway "Leftists" to replace anyone deemed "chauvinist", "homophobic", or "sectarian"). And then masses get easily dispersed by Right-wing shills who - rightfully - point out that movement is no longer about workers, but minorities.
There’s also another aspect of this : the US electoral system is a winner takes all system that basically precludes a multi-party coalition government in the European style. It’s basically the worst nightmare of “mob rule” as conceived by Enlightenment liberals come to life. The 50%+1 aspect of the system means everything gets consumed by the two big parties.
Unless people are convinced that the democrats cannot get them what they want or need then a third party really has no chance. Everyone left of Clinton gets accused of being a spoiler and the mantra is that the Dems will go further left next election cycle so please have faith…
Does it? Aren't Dems and Reps, essentially, a coalition of smaller parties and factions?
The real problem is that you can't get movement off the ground.
not really, neoliberals completely dominate all aspects of the parties. While there's sub-groups of libertarians, progressives, and evangelicals and the so on, they're not important for the actual party decision process
a) isn't valid because the bill doesn't vilify benefit receipt in general, it only applies to people in work, who wouldn't need benefits if they were paid properly. And b) doesn't make sense because why would one potential employee be more likely than another to need in-work benefits? The need is determined by the shittiness of the wages, not the individual doing the work.
Unpopular opinion: Accelerationists are shitty leftcoms with no idea of how to do revolution in practice and just hope for spontaneous action of people because of worsening of material conditions
That’s the vulgar interpretation of what it means
Not really, the system was designed to actually be pretty anti-democratic with that in mind. First off you have the Senate where each state gets the same amount of representatives despite population differences and originally you didn't even get to vote for your senator. Then you have the electoral college elect the president instead of the popular vote. Then you have have Supreme Court which appointed for life and can knock down any legislation it deams unconstitutional. It's not even mob rule it's just oligarchy
This is all well and great, until he can start pulling other strings to compromise for income loss, because this bill does nothing to prevent bourg dictatorship.
I was referring to the actual outcome of the system rather then what it was designed to be. If you notice, monarchical parliaments do a better job of representing the electorate then the American system despite later adoption dates of Universal suffrage.
The European system allows for a plurality of representation whereas the American system means you can only have two big tent parties because of things like the electoral college and the winner-take-all system in place.
My point was it actually is working as intended. We don't have mob rule we have an oligarchy, which is really what it was designed for.
Lol one this shit isn't gonna pass so Sanders is just doing theatre to gain popularity. And two, even if it does pass all it's gonna do is raise the US governments tax revenue which will be used to pay for imperialist war. The worker gains nothing and Sanders fags should kill themselves for being an embarssment to the working class