Can we have Zig Forums memes thread...

Can we have Zig Forums memes thread? My folder is running a little bit dry let's show nazis and Zig Forums that left can meme and we will destroy them!

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hi Zig Forums


isn't Zig Forums a real trot board?

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could you be more obvious?

i didn't post that

Attached: look out nazis.jpg (510x525 699.82 KB, 40.36K)

OP there dont post this obvious garbage……

oh my bad

Guys Im so excited we're winning the meme war against the evil nazis!
The future is communism!

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The problem with lefty memes is that leftists actually try to communicate a cogent ideological point through them, while for righties the meme is valued by itself for its aesthetic value and emotional charge. The best meme to come out of Zig Forums was nazbol gang precisely because it was just stupid shit instead of agitprop.

This meme obsession is still pretty retarded though.

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fuck off to Zig Forums

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The split was the worst thing to happen to this board.
For once, reunification is a good prospect.

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But this is a righty meme


The left can’t meme. In fact they can’t do anything right.

Cringe-tier False Flag

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Pretty much. It's old now but the stupid-ass Posadist thing was another one. It was funny but no one seriously wanted to nuke the planet so the aliens would finally come and give dolphins the vote.

Cool as it may be.


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Who is posting all this facebook-tier agitprop garbage?

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Just to be clear, meme threads are not disallowed per se.
OP was false flagging, baiting, or needed to lurk more.
Thank you for reporting.

This whole thing is a Zig Forums psyop. Delete it.

Shitty memes gets you gulag comrades. The mod vanguard has spoken.

I like this one.
See, it's a combination of the capitalist pig, and Zig Forums's soyboy meme.
It makes people think that owning a business is unmasculine, so they won't want to own businesses.
I think it's pretty subversive.

Attached: leftist memes.png (576x566, 280.53K)

holy shit everything they say is true. are you guys fucking retarded or just not trying?

muh pol

Attached: you.jpg (645x729, 41.21K)

Some of these are probably false flags, but it's pretty much impossible to tell them apart from the unironic ones.

that's the saddest part

Lmao. Shouldn’t you be defending a militantly anti-communist regime from legitimate criticism somewhere?

>>>Zig Forums

Attached: assad vs liberals.jpg (891x536, 76.53K)


I think Horsey's leftists memes are spot-on. There's no reason why Americans should need 50-round clips.