There needs to be a large scale philosophical reconsideration of all post-Marx Marxist philosophy to see if it compatible with a globalized late stage capitalist world. If it’s not new ones need to be created.
Unpopular opinion thread
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These threads are shit and we only just had one.
I think that if there was a quantifiable way to measure automation it'd make a stronger case for socialism.
The socialists in America should use entryism in order to obtain power, but use the Republican party instead of the Democratic one.
I don’t like Jews, not in a conspiratorial way but Jews, liberal and porky Jews especially, really grate on my nerves
Organization of an actual party is possible in the US but it should draw more from this country’s own roots and past labor movement rather than Soviet Marxism (while still following the theories of Marx, Lenin and Engels)
Internet politics are a complete LARP and waste of time and memes are stupid
Name one time in history that entryism has EVER worked. You’re not going to magically change the two ruling class, pro-status quo parties in American politics into anti-capitalist, anti-system, anti-imperialist parties because these two parties ARE the parties which stand for the power of capital. The working class needs an independent party where it can shape its own platform and fundamentally disconnect itself from the American status quo. Those parties are corrupt and entrenched
I was just fucking trolling mate. I wanted to have the most stupid take possible at the beginning of the thread.
I certainly have controversial opinions, but "entryism into the Republican party" is clearly a shitpost.
It's more likely for Cuba and the DPRK to go back to proper socialism than it is for China. Hell I would go as far as to say a revolution in a western country is more likely as well.
i don't know about that.
The chinese communist party cares first and foremost in staying in power.
If it felt like capitalism was threatening its grip it would go back to regular marxist leninism.
Thx for copying my thread shithead
I'm gay and I don't even know what the "LGBTQ community" is.
Well i am bi and i mean lgbt+ people
It was a bad term from the very beginning, and now it's become a joke. "Queer" means the same thing, essentially non-heteronormative identities that seek social recognition, and it's a good thing that it was reclaimed from a slur. Academic works use Queer regularly and it's immediately obvious what they mean. LGBTIQ is beyond awkward at this point.
Every online leftist community, is either trash, or has yet to become trash.
What did he mean by this?
Entryism isn't to run as a Communist in the Party, it's to pretend to be that party while being a Communist. And set up a network that will lead to the overthrow of the bougerious democracy.
My unpopular opinion is that 90% of Zig Forums users do not know what they are talking about, and are just rad-radlibs. They harp about automation, historical certainties, and any number of """"""philosophical"""""" or """""""marxist""""""" ideas, but they actually know nothing and are, functionally, not revolutionaries in any sense of the word, because they perpetuate misinformation and thusly perpetuate failing """socialists""".
Take your thread for example. "There needs to be a large scale philosophical reconsideration…"
By who? A crack Zig Forums squad? All of those totally Marxist professors? The 10 trillion """socialists"""? A distributed group of Anarchists attemtping to come up with a philosphically decentralized viewpoint? Who?
And furthermore (and more importantly), why? Why does the philosophy need to be "reconsidered"(whatever that means)? I mean, if you have read the philosophy and found it needs to be reconsidered, tell us the reconsiderations! If you have read the philosophy, and found it doesnt need reconsideration, then why in the hell did you say this? But here, the third option, you havent read the philosophy, you do NOT know what you are talking about, and you are just uselessly navelgazing about the potential incorrectness of the philosophy, probably because someone argued with you once. You are, almost certainly, 90% of idiots on Zig Forums who say this useless, inane shit that is just so utterly and completely without use.
But here, let me get dialectical. What if, you arent one, two, or three? What if you are, in fact, one, two, and three!
I think it is likely that you are perspective 1, in that you think you have some great take on society (fit for reconsideration of past philosophy). You are perspective two, in that you """agree with""" some "Marxist"(?) philosophy. (This is where the most ebin of genius socialist critics exist.) But, in fact, you have these incredibly mangled "theories" to disseminate.
And finally, you are the third perspective, because, even though you have not read the philosophy, you act like there is need for some(?) sort of "reconsideration".
Zizek is one of the, if not the most, important thinkers to Marxism in the modern world, and he consistently pokes holes in and exposes the issues that make up the pathetic modern left as it is. It’s grating to the mind that anyone can call themselves a Communist, yet not engage with the history and tradition of what that means, that is study and try to fully understand the philosophical framework that allows one to reach Marxist conclusions, and to even reinterpret them correctly in the modern context.
I stand corrected, a good post in this thread.
Zizek is neither Marxist nor thinker.
Ahahahahahahahahahaha, oh boy. I think you're actually referring to pic related
Why would they ever feel this though? Capitalism is the reason there are like 800 billionaries in China and of those probably more than half are party members.
Very unpopular opinion:
I don't give a shit about boycotts. Any asshole can boycott Nestle or whatever. It doesn't make you principled, since 99% of the products you would boycott aren't things in which you depend upon anyway. It's really just a means of narcissists to look self-righteous.
We have to live in capitalism, we might as well use it to fight.
lol jk they almost always fail, the people with the most power are least likely to join.
Think of it this way: the Alabama bus boycott worked because that's how the black population got to work every morning. It hit the buses where it hurt. However, who the FUCK depends on Coke or Nestle or whatever?
Zig Forums memes are madlibbed versions of Zig Forums memes which means it's unfunny because it will project a right wing mentality.
Phil Greaves is unironically correct about pop culture, since it reinforces bourgeois ideology.
TBQH, we need more 100% unironic people such as Phil, and Cockshott. I'm fucking tired of memetards, such as Bat'ko, Xeixzy, SSchintz. Us Leftists need to present ourselves much more seriously, more brendanmcooneys, less anarchojokes
You're comparing serious scholars who have dedicated a life time to socialism with kids trying to get famous using capitalist communication platforms. Hardly a fair comparison.
This, liberal compliant "revolutionaries" like Chapo Trap House, Weird Twitter Democrat Cops of America et al need to be pushed out of the left space.
Not to mention Muke, Batko, and even Roo can't read.
no one here even likes these people
bat'ko has become a left twitter idpoler and has left us in the dust, and no one here has ever liked muke.
took down his youtube and social media a while back
okay who cares
we can have professors and shit like cockshott without becoming a bunch of "no fun allowed" retards.
let us enjoy memes while we still can before global warming tanks this earth.
I'm sorry, but he is not Communist, not even Socialist. He fails to grasp the idea behind Capitalist mode of production (i.e. wage labour), and focuses of moralistic memes instead.
what even does this mean
This is straight up bullshit. I disagree with the way Cockshott defines capitalism, but you've misrepresented his position to an incredible degree here.
You are correct. Yet here you are posting on an imageboard. The medium is the message in this case; we do not need mire serious youtubers. Rather, the very fact that we are left to communicate via these channels circumscribes the potential for any serious discussion to take place.
Psychological manipulation and money-grubbing/extremely ruthless methods of fundraising are necessary to even have enough resources in our day and age to be remotely some kind of threat to the enemy.
He's a former professor that's done a ton of research.
I think he's opinion is as valid as lenin's.
And just like lenin interpreted things from a 20th century lens, cockshott has interpreted things from a 21st century lens.
Foucault had little to nothing of value to say, most of which was a deliberate move to the right by embracing Nietzsche and moving away from Marx, so he could preserve his celebrity philosopher status in France, and all his theories have deeply hampered the left wherever they’ve gained popularity. The left would be well served to leave his legacy in its entirety to the dustbin of history.
these are opinions
this is retarded, baseless wild speculation that doesn't have a shred of evidence
China is socialist.
It’s also the truth.
Forum are a better suited platform for actual serious discussion than imageboards, if only because of the compulsory registration. The next Revleft can't be an imageboard. Somebody needs to just go and create a forum specifically for that purpose and advertise it.
I don't think it's that unpopular of an opinion, but you should pretty much not use Twitter, at all, ever. Nor Facebook.
Nietzsche is compatible with the left. This picture gives a good beginning of an answer as to why.
That's not really an opinion, more like doubts, but I'm afraid Cockshott's approach is reductive and I'm not convinced that all you need for socialism is just computing power, and that it could have radically changed the USSR's history.
I agree, boycotts are useless and are unable to ever amount to anything meaningful.
good argument
Forum discussion is awful for most part, and unless people actually put in effort in it, it's only little better than discord or reddit.
On an imageboard, someone will probably read and cap your ten page essay.
On a forum it will be slid within 10-20 posts, and no one will care even if the thread goes on for 500+ pages.
While Revleft could be interesting (thx Rafiq), it was generally awful, and never felt it really had the sort of vitality leftypol has. And having to register already puts people off.
Are you really the original Naziposter? What made you a Dengist? I mean I see the advantages of Chinese state capitalism, but….
so is imageboard
those are garbage, we agree.
posts and threads gets slid and forgotten here too.
and on an IB the thread just disappears if you didn't read it in time and whatever effort was put in is lost forever.
with more posts automatically comes more low quality posts.
not effortposters, which is the point. and you can still have it be readable without an account, which still allows to spread discussion, arguments, etc.
I thought my point was self-evident. You have any proof that idealist was staying true to Marx?
i remember a forum where you could post as a guest in one section
but i don't like forum, unless it's created by people i already agree with, since they will dominate the discussions and keep it a rather tight community
while it's higher quality, only people already sympathetic or interested to those guys ideology will ever bother to join
even though you have lower quality with the speeds of an open board like this, it attracts more people interested in the general political orientation who'll read up on anything posted while lurking and take something out of it
repeated arguments aren't a bad thing either, it's good when a discussion eventually dies and falls off the cliff and someone knew can start it up again, even if it's tiresome, it's good exercise and brings in fresh arguments rather than having one thread set in stone, with people replying to old ones being called thread necrophiles and dismissed for not reading a 500 page discussion because what they say was already adressed
imageboards are preferable, imo
*and someone new can start it up again
I don't know if he read Marx or not, I'm saying your speculation about wanting to "preserve his celebrity status" is ridiculous.
France, at the time, had a real culture around celebrity philosophers. And I mean celebrity, they would be on the radio and TV, they’d even be hosted on game shows and shit. It wasn’t like Zizek today where he’s he’s mostly “famous” in a very niche circle, they were actual celebrities and household names. It’s not completely beyond the pale to suspect that, with the Cold War flaring up, many of these philosophers probably did their best to put a comfortable distance between themselves and Marx to maintain their status.
It's complete speculation. And it sounds like a dumb cartoon villain plot which just assumes he would have completely, entirely discarding his opinions, or maybe just "faked them" the whole time, and just actively deciding to lie through his teeth day in day out, just because "ohhh I'm famous!". It's ridiculous.
If you're gonna argue that he kind of gave up the main crux of Marxism, political economy (to put it simply), in favor of secondary considerations, and that it's not necessarily a good thing, I agree, but the picture you're painting is stupid.
The only incentive for progress is profit.
I don't like the left's obsession with environmentalism. Don't get me wrong, I recognize the danger of global warming but our only solution to it is socialism. Until we have that, I don't see a reason to care since we won't change anything. Also the hippie movement was a psyop, political veganism and worship of nature for its own sake are reactionary, and green parties are liberal. Fuck trees tbh. Marxism puts the self-actualization of the working class before the "needs" of nature.
Agreed, although most of it comes from liberals.
I think left should really delve into transhumanism.
Do it
Not even science under capitalism functions that way. Most researchers just work for a fixed wage and the company owns their patents
This is an unpopular opinion?
If you're not, go and post your critiques in the Cockshott thread instead of acting like a spastic in multiple threads whenever he's brought up.
How many of you had read Marx?
I'm not one of the people you were arguing with, I can't speak for whether others have read Marx, the point is that you clearly have an avenue that is more appropriate to engage and yet you choose not to take it, why is that?
Here I'll make it easy for you, you'll actually be able to have a discussion with people who you'll find it harder to pretend haven't read Marx, because your critiques I think do have merit, but instead of shitflinging, perhaps a more structured discussion would achieve more.
Marxist french philosophers did more damage to marxism than the CIA.
Are you the same user who made a thread about that topic? The one who demonstrated, resolutely, that you had no idea about what was versus wasn't part of Marxist thought in the continental school - then resorted to accusations of postmodernism (of course, without knowing what that is, either)? Are you that user?
I'm not, I wasn't even aware that thread existed but I just think these guys were just a bunch of hacks tbh.
Sure, maybe it's "speculation" in the same sense that pondering the motives of anyone is "speculation". Capitalists are motivated by profit? Speculation. US militarism is primarily motivated by the need to maintain an empire? Speculation.
I already tried arguing with supporters of Cockshott several times. I consider persuading them to be impossible, as they never argue honestly. Hence, I leave them to their thread.
I believe that there may be some truths in occultism and that we should research it.
Capitalism is private property, generalized commodity production and capital accumulation and reproduction. Where does Cockshott fail to grasp this?
I used to be into that stuff, but most occultism/western esoterica is even more idealist than mainstream religion, it usually relies on totally renouncing the world. It's cool if you're an adolescent and want an alternative interpretation of Biblical lore or something, but I can't reconcile jt with anti-capitalism
>>>Zig Forums
I'm not into it per se, I'm trying to discern whether it's all hogwash or if there is some kernel of truth in it with an skceptical with open mind.
He specifically quoted Marx, Lenin and Trotsky and was talking about the importance those things have under each system. Rewatch the video. He didn't just say "socialism is when electricity does things."
Personally, I think forces which we call "magical" could very well exist, but if so then every esoteric school is blindingly groping after them and we don't understand their rules at all. Also, to postulate a "secret knowledge" that one needs to discover in order to know the workings of magicka/salvation/etc. is a pessimistic outlook in the end, since you have no way to know if you've discovered it or where even to look, or if it's been "supressed" and hidden from historical sources. Obviously every magical school claims it's the true one.
I could tell you about my experiences with ritualistic magic which led me to think it might exist, but you would have absolutely no reason to believe me, nor would I have any reason to believe someone else's approach. So either way you get an impasse, ultimately I have to hope the scientific method discovers something about it.
However, I do like learning about it from a historical and philosophical perspective, I'd recommend reading "The Western Esoteric Tradition" by Goodrick-Clarke if you want a decent introduction. As for actual occult texts, I've reaf some Eliphas Levi and find him pretty fascinating.
I dislike African Americans, and their intellectually vapid materialistic culture. I don't see a future where these people can go on operating in society the way they currently do, and that somehow magically being compatible with state socialist regime. These people are going to disproportionately fill our criminal reform/re-education facilities, and corrective labor settlements.
Black culture is literally just an offshoot of white Southern culture.
Marx writing about two different stages of communism was a mistake. He should have just described the communistic mode of production and tried to describe the motions it may take from an undeveloped communism to more fully developed communism. The two stages thing really laid the groundwork for a lot of confusion and misinterpretation.
So…two stages?
Conscription is a good thing, it means more proles get useful military training. It's probably even more useful that individual gun ownership - it's easier to arm trained men in a hurry than to train armed men.
What he should have done is just describe the lower stage of communism in more detail, and disregard the higher, it was the remaining utopian in him who imagined a quick transition.
In reality there is no reason to think we would ever get better than the society described in Gothakritik. It would be up to the people living in developed socialism to think ahout abolishing the commodity form etc.
No students should ever be admitted into any communist party worth it's salt with the exception of those who really, truly understand the theory.
No, a fluid movement. People get too caught up on first stage, second stage and take them to be wholly separate modes of production. Then the merging of DOTP with first stage communism that a lot of people do now. I just think that it's done more harm than good in understanding communism for most people.
I pretty much agree here, maybe comments on motions that may take place as it develops. Lower stage already abolishes the commodity form though.
Some burning takes
Workers are capital read Marx and therefore open borders for migrant labor is a form of open borders for capital. The two concepts aren’t in opposition at all but are in fact the same but leftists should support this as we should support most movements of capital development because they bring us towards the abolition of private property
I thought it was generally agreed that commodity production exists as long as you need to regulate production without resource abundance?
batman is fascist
the cultural revolution was the most autistic event in history
I really dislike wolff.
He criticizes trump for tarriffs which bernie was also in favor for and he claims China is an example of successful socialism yet he claims that we need a new type of socialism…
Seriously what is that guy on about.
That wouldn't be an unpopular opinion if westerners weren't pseudo-fascist retards.
nick land was right
capital has already won
politics is dead
not even the bourgeoisie are captaining the ship anymore
the alien is eating its way out of our chests
nothing human makes it out of this century
Joachim Peiper did nothing wrong.
I dunno.
Getting spotted by P-47 Thunderbolts while caught out on a road and spread out in a column just as the weather cleared was a pretty big uh-oh spaghettios
I feel the same, however, I don't feel that way about blacks outside of America.
I guess it would just be easier to say I do not like Americans.
This is my unpopular opinion
Nah it's not really like that. Well, African-American youth / rap culture is a trashfire and it's heavily exploited by the culture industry, but start hanging out in wine bars that play live jazz where older black guys hang out. A lot of the nonsense you see on YouTube's trending music videos or wherever else is stupid shit for kids. Adorno is also a dumb idiot who doesn't know anything
Isn't it the other way around? Black people invented most American "culture" then whites appropriate it and commodify it.
Anyway my unpopular opinions