Political Hackers

Who strikes you as the most important political players in the technology sphere? From what I have read, weev actively develops some of the more radical and press-worthy "right of center" websites on the internet, namely The Daily Stormer and Hatreon. To that effect, Cody Wilson owns Hatreon but I think weev does a lot of the programming and Wilson has garnered a lot of attention in his own right. Read: Defense Distributed and the recent 3D printed gun hysteria. Who am I missing? Are there leftist radicals in tech who aren't hired by some of the major companies like Google and just sold their souls? I feel like those companies are so liberal (not leftist) that they attract some of the power players who care about identity politics shit. Chelsea Manning is definitely left of center but honestly I have no idea what she is even doing. Probably just trying to avoid being assassinated by CIA niggers. And that begs the question whether Julian Assange is left as well? He seems fairly independent from ideological trappings (inb4 Putin's suckbuddy). Snowden is just a good person. Jake Applebaum seems left but he was exiled when rumors spread of him being a pervert or something. The problem with the Western "Left" is that they have so many witch hunts that they expel anyone worth a shit before they can do anything substantial. Amir Taaki is left I suppose because he served in the over a dozen US military bases in Syrian army, but he is more anarchist in the vein of right-wing libertarians/ancaps such as Cody Wilson.

Attached: minimal_apps.png (702x962, 153.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


mostly ancaps and anarkiddies, and a lot of informants

It seems quite a few on the left or against those with power are chased out with unsubstantiated rape/abuse allegations.

As an aside, it's odd that much of the press engages in what was once deemed tabloid behavior. Petit bourgeois moralism combined with reverence of the mainstream press and conformism work then to destroy the lives of those identified as "bad" like left figures in tech.

Russian Intelligence
user has been banned for this post

I think this guy is our biggest enemy

Attached: MenacingEveryBighornsheep-max-1mb.gif (226x320, 878.17K)

It's always seemed to me that many political hackers are terrible at politics. There just seems to be no understanding of the subtleties of theory, which take a long time to understand, critique and even remember. Putting that alongside programming (easy scripts don't tend to work for the most delicate and new things, kids!) seems nightmarish even if Cockshott isn't doing too badly.

Journalism as we know it has its roots in the yellow journalism of the Gilded Age. Anything more civilized than that is merely an aberration.

I'm curious what you mean by this. Of course there are NSA niggers snooping on our every post, but are there people like Assange doing meaningful work in the tech sphere? Excluding entryists joining run of the mill anarchist squats.

Based Hammond


Attached: Jeremyhammond.jpg (406x606, 167.05K)

lol his truecrypt password was his cats name 123

Preet Barhara has so much better shit to do like throw billionaires in jail. Low point for preet.

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Forgot about this guy. He's vanned to eternity and beyond, but rest in peace my dude. He was a good boy h\who dindu nuffin.

Attached: minimalism_rankings.png (500x2000, 352.09K)

What's the meaning of that pic?

Just looks like a recommended minimal OS/software list to me.

Those are Linux distributions that practice software minimalism. In computing, minimalism refers to the application of minimalist philosophies and principles in the design and use of hardware and software. Minimalism, in this sense, means designing systems that use the least hardware and software resources possible.

Richard Stallman, Paul Cockshott.

Attached: srug.gif (500x281, 500.85K)

Not true, none of those listed practice software minimalism. Maybe Linux from scratch if you use a legacy kernel and some insane use flags.
t. Gentoo user

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Most actual programmers/developers I've met/talked to are socdems or vaguely progressive. Granted, yeah - a lot of them make their living working for other people. But a lot are actually working for smaller companies than Google or Yahoo! or any of that, and it seems like I run into a good few who actually lead companies of their own. But a lot of them are pragmatists - which is understandable if one of your foremost interests involves keeping the government and monopolies from immediately fucking up information technology, and both of those groups are constantly trying to do it. But it's a consistent problem - actual existing politics is Sisyphusian.

i think you mean our biggest friend.

Attached: 1411502353982.png (584x137, 24.43K)

He's the one being keeping God from destroying us all.

what a meme!

Terry is our comrade

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