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The best anarchist book is god and the state by bakunin
All the othets are trash


The Conquest of Bread is also good

The conquest of bread reads like a hippy wrote it.
Like we need cooperation man, like look at nature man.

Even if that is so (which I would personally disagree), the way it is written / the tone does not dilute the good content. CoB does feature a lot on cooperation but it goes beyond that. Kropotkin talks about abandoning the wage system, against the division of labor, why the means of production are the collective property of mankind and why expropriation must be total. For someone requesting books for those new to anarchism I think it would be inappropriate to not read Kropotkin

Skip the clowns, start reading Marx.

Some people here say Malatesta and here you got some hella lit anarchist music

Just look at crust, powerviolence, thrashcore/crossover, and grindcore in general

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look into d beat as well too

At least we can discuss good extreme music

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How many use "Anarcho-" as a shorthand for "no authority check on what I am doing, which is whatever I please"?

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>>>Zig Forums

Look up council communism baka
Its the grown up version of anarchism

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Roastlord detected, 2D>your 3dpd ass
Anyway time to post more grindcore/crust/powerviolence/thrashcore

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Stirner. Just the one book.
Proudhon. He's uneven and admits to being wrong often enough, so it's not necessary to read too deeply

Next level:
Bakunin. Short and sweet
Kropotkin. Long on theory, collectivist's balance to the seemingly individualist of Stirner. Meld the two ideals like Emma Goldman

Everyone else. I like a lot of them, but I need to get on some Bookchin fairly soon

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Red for the collective, and black for the individualist. A solid black flag isn't much of an anarchist. And a teal "egoist" flag is just as unnecessary. Purple too, as feminism is built into socialism.
The technophiles in blue and black my be at odds with the primitivists in green and black, but both they and the white and black pacifists need not be extremists for their chosen angles. Living naked in the woods on raw meat or just berries and dying of a pestilence. They would more likely just live more simply in a cabin like some Amish. And who could keep from defending oneself from an attack, no matter how peace loving we are? Christian-anarchism (as I'm sure they'd prioritize it) would be more into that.

Honestly does anyone know if that Kropotkin quote is real? Because it makes Lenin sound cool as fuck.

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If you're into individualist anarchism check out the ego book

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Anarchism might work in a tiny area like catalonia but it's not suitable for large landmasses.
Besides if there was one socialist superpower they'd be more likely to help fund anarchist uprising.
By the end of the soviet union it allowed each country more liberties on how they ran things.
You got to see the bigger picture.

States are not suitable for large landmasses. Can't you see this?
Anarchism works in both small scale and large scale ways when necessary.
"Funding" has to stop. Then all things will be possible.

Christianity was a mistake

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Ridding ourselves of the fiction of law will turn the lambs into humans.

Since I'm desperate to move out of this hellhole, have some anarchist anti-landlord music:

you only need the one user

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Shame there's not an Indigo flag, almost the whole rainbow lmao. Tealbabbies don't reply to my posts.

There's a big diff between Troonposters from Weeaboo ERP Discords and animeposting in general, one predates the other by at least a decade lmao, chill the fuck out.

bread book is a must-read but a clever anarcho-communist knows to supplement his theory with some marxism
don't bother with proudhon

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Oh just one

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read marx tbh

Michael Huemer, George Woodcock, David Friedman, Benjamin Tucker, Lysander Spooner

Why does that cover look like a white person and a black person performing 69?

They're mutually aiding each other


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I support anarcho-capitalism because it is the fastest route to anarcho-primitivism.

Read Hegel.

And Marx.

And then you wont fall for the dumbest meme in all of political theory. The most anarchism is capable of doing is starting isolated communes that get funded by larger entities until they become obsolete.
Anarchism has no possible solutions for dealing with large-scale issues like climate change, disaster prevention, and long-range resource allocation. What, do you think we will just spontaneously hold hands and walk the earth helping everyone in need? Either that or you think that your ratchet-ass commune can take on global super-powers with your Kalashnikovs. Never going to happen.

I know these seem like typical talking points against anarchism, but it's the truth. It is a fantasy and will never accomplish any real global change, I promise you.

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No, that would be neo-posadism

How does your shabby little state build a toaster? You don't even have any toast. Statism always fails.

looks like you don't understand how anarchism works either.
Otherwise you'd know it'd be a government made up of workers councils.
If you're referring to anarcho syndicalism.
That's why I prefer the term council communism, it's less confusing.

I thought neo-posadism was 30 more ways to make a hat out of tinfoil.

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