What is your thoughts about the group people call "SJW"? What should we do with them? They just don't notice that they are one of the biggest reasons of why the youth is far away from the left.
Sometimes I think this is actually a really well act orchestrated by rightwing groups to make the new generation feel disgust about us.
We're losing people because of them.
What is your thoughts about the group people call "SJW"? What should we do with them...
Other urls found in this thread:
Most furries I see online are unironic nazis.
Oh you mean anyone on the internet this days
Also idpollers are retarded
They're almost 100 percent irrelevant at this point.
One of the biggest reasons why the youth is far away from the Left is because no "real" Left wing movement has emerged to challenge the mainstream neoliberal hegemony in a militant and effective way and instead continue to cede ground to social democrats worldwide.
We should have sex with them.
Irrelevant? SJW is one of the main topics when a youth talks about the leftwing.
Have you ever tried to talk with this new generation?
It's Irrelevant outside the US and the anglosphere
Intersectionality is a clever plan to neuter the Left by making it focus on irrelevant shit instead of economics, and put it in service of capital (creating new internal markets to expand to by manufacturing new identities).
I honestly don't know what to do about them. Feels like we lost already, every leftist space is full of people throwing shitfits at the words "gay" or "retard" and obsessing over meaningless identity shit.
SJW = Lefty they are the same thing. None of you will be spared don't worry
t. mongrel
SJWs are not directly the reason for a turn away from the left. We are going through a phase of reaction and backlash to progressive movements.
Much of the criticism of modern intersectional feminism etc is alike historical criticism of it.
SJWs are not our enemy and despite them often being succdems or neolibs they are prime for being radicalised
When? Just when?
Wake up!
Fucking sure lad.
I don't get it at all, what's that?
English is not my native language, singing only makes it worse for me to understand.
The most effective way to fight them is to just stay committed to dialectical materialism and repeatedly bully the shit out of them if they try to infest any of the new orgs we start. I'm not saying don't let trans people or whatever join unions or orgs just that if they start in with that shit where they try to lecture someone for not being able to read the person's fucking mind and magically say the right pronoun kick them out immediately and let them go cry about it on twitter while you continue to do actual revolutionary work.
I know it's kind of ironic to link Mao in an anti-IdPol thread and I'm not a Maoist at all but Combat Liberalism already touched on this 50 years ago:
Of course Zig Forums is addicted to never doing any actual organizing or praxis at all and the other half think that being anti-IdPol is edgelord shit despite that being the entire reason this board was created so everyone is going to make fun of me for even suggesting that you take action against splitters (who are pretty much confirmed CIA at this point btw but "haha dude ur making too much out of it hahaha who cares if trannies and bourgeoise blacks ruin every single meeting by constantly demanding more and more mean words be banned xD"
Thank you for the link!
Talking about leftwing groups, here where I live the SJW (we just call them postmodern/pós modernos) are the main reason why ANY leftwing group breaks. We can't have a decent meeting without someone trying to push to us someting about trans bathrooms and stuff, like if we care where these people will take a shit. We have a lot to do, a lot to discuss and these people only try to interrupt and distract us with some bullshit.
It has nothing to do with a right wing conspiracy. It is the logical con to a life too easy.
Capitalists are the enemy. SJWs aren't like racist poor people in that they are simply too naive or sheltered from other groups to know better, they are people who choose consciously not to pursue dialectical materialist analysis and even go out of their way to write lengthy diatribes on their blogs and twitters about how "orthodox marxism" or whatever other bullshit they can use to vulgarize the term "Marxist" is actually secretly racist/sexist/incapable of liberating all people/bias towards white men and so on and so on. I've seen these people unironically say that while they "agree with marx" in general they think it's "class reductionist" to place economics at the center. hell they think it's potentially opressive to posit a center or "base" at all in some cases
These people are succdems and neolibs because they CHOOSE to be that way. It's EASIER to be a succdem or a neolib and organize along issues that are either 1) important but would be taken care of if you actually worked towards communism anyway 2) irrelevant 3) completely made-up in the first place (tell me with a straight face you could get all of the fatasses who get off on forcing every single person who has ever made a joke about fat people to self-flaggelate in public over it can actually be "radicalized")
Furthermore the majority of people called "SJWs" or IdPolers are bourgeoise or petty bourgeoise in the first place, they have zero class interest in communism and the pursuit of it. And they aren't "good apples" like Engels was either, they are strictly committed to living their pathetic liberal lifestyles. SJWism is the ultimate way for bougie college kids to insulate themselves from reality. It's why it's hilarious when the Right claims that they're "taking over" because none of these people even want "power' in the first place they just want perpetual comfort and for nobody to ever disrupt that comfort ever in any way (including the dirty, smelly, crass workers who made their daddy his money seizing the means of production)
100 with you, just one thing, some fags don't understand what "anti-idpol" even means, they are so retarded to believe that kicking out identity groups just because isn't idpol in itself and actually are so delusional to think this is anti-idpol
not sure how much of those cancerous posts are just Zig Forumsacks but that shit keeps popping up all the time
If I was you I would just gather all the others who are tired of it (I'm sure there's plenty and maybe they just don't want to speak out on it) and start your own org and just keep it small for a while. The majority of SJW types are basically just modern hippies and their day in the sun is coming to an end the same way boomers did. If you start a group and keep it together for a few more years, doing some work in the progress and maybe gaining a comrade here and there, you'll probably outlive the SJW wave.
Also make people who join pay dues. It's a really good way to weed out people who are serious about pursuing socialism and people who just want attention.
make it proportional to income, and disproportionately higher for big income
that way you keep petty bourgie toilet trolls out
I'm not a leftist but I get the general idea of your ideologies and understand those people aren't the best examples.
t. porky
If it's not something the right did, then they're the luckiest, aren't they? This random thing called SJW just happened, this thing that makes the new generation hate the left, and make the left groups hate each other even more!
I don't believe you.
I found the neocon
I'm feeling the necessity to say that I know that they're not the ONLY cause.
Exactly! The Jews want to undermine us to keep the wealth to themselves
It's all controlled opposition, if you don't have an extreme view these days (Communism, NutSac, Ancap, Nazbol, etc.) you are likely just another pawn unit working for some Jewish overlord.
A group of young football lads. They are singing a football chant (which is Dancing in September by Earth, WInd, and Fire). The song itself is:
Oh-ey-oh, he's Jeremy Corbyn (Major socialist leader in the UK)
Oh ey-oh, He's dancing 'round the tories (our centre-right neoliberal party)
Oh-ey-oh, the NHS is here to stay (the NHS being our nationalised healthcare service).
The point itself is that these are ordinary young people, likely working class, who are supporting a genuinely socialist leader despite of any idpol concerns.
I-is that u naziposter?
Proofes the the top one hundred are jews now soldier
What the fuck is a Proofes ?
No, the Jews want to be on top all the time, *REAL* socialism might work without them but I don't think it'd work it but they do make some good points.
I don't see the reds as enemies, only misguided fighters of freedom.
Die for Israel you stupid Goy or you're a bigot!
good thing leftist and sandniggers are the only people that fight zionism
also american lobbys are not ruling the world nigger
The Jews run the American lobbies and yes they do run the world and they want us all to fight eachother.
no proofs bro
Also i am not even an amerimutt look at the hour
thats why people think you are all capitalists
Yes, the Jews subvert people into fighting civil wars while they lounge about the upper class.
They larp as other ethnicities then go back to being Jewish whenever confronted with
What are your disagreements with our theory?
Nice try mutt
still we cant even understand you
tell your mama to give you your meds
Aaaaaaaa I've failed Mao
I don't think that people has some human right to own just as much as others and I like the idea of hierarchies holding society together where everyone has a job to do and to push forward to the collective. I don't think socialism is inherently a bad or stupid ideology, I just don't see it working unless EVERYTHING is perfect, which it never is.
Nice digits, 1488
get real with yourself faggot, it's really obviously you're a shill attempting to maintain damage control. You Jews have lied to these people for too long, they will wake up and realize that the rich elite are Jews or people who serve the Jews.
You dems really need to try harder.
scizo you cant even speak
were are the rich jews?
You are the ameretard here
Opinion on Eastern Bloc countries?
Well socialism isn't about equality but about workers owning the memes of production. Hierarchies in the sense of the more able earning more and having more social capital have and will exist under socialism, one will just be unable to buy memes of production and start oppressing other workers
you just sperg out on a meme flag and cant awnser anything
I stepped on a lego today. Damn you jews!
dude you just say "jews are evil" while your president supports them
and with not one fucking proof
they're our comrades we should support them
They're not. They hate what we have to say, they try to interupt us with some identitism bullshit that they just made up and they make people think that we're all like them! How the fuck are these people our comrades?
You're one of them aren't you?
Daily reminder to the mind of Zig Forums:
Nothing new
yea cool but not that cool
Anti-idpol is VERY nuanced and hard to get right. There are a lot of former Zig Forums turned Zig Forums and teenagers that took their feels > reals and just made it leftist, beware.
Most people here are very in favor of the goals most SJWs have. But we disagree very strongly on a lot of fundamental shit, including what gives rise to identitarian chauvinism and how to solve it.
Here are some articles you should read. Don't necessarily agree with all of them, can't remember all of them either, and some might be liberal idpol or bad philosophy mixed with eloquent retardedness, but it should paint a wider picture than just 'muh feminists are anti-leftist'.
Essentialism and the Problem of Identity Politics
Lawrence Jarach
Against Identity Politics
Identity Crisis
Identity Politics Is Neoliberalism
Clinton Manipulates Language of ‘Intersectionality’ To Preserve Support From Minority Voters
White Purity
Class is more intersectional than intersectionality
If you're only going to read one thing, read this:
Exiting the Vampire Castle
Videos, because I know you're a lazy fuck.
See all videos that might have anything to do with idpol. Any that contains the words 'hate, racism, idpol, feminism, sjw' etc. (I think she lurks here time to time. I once criticized her videos here almost two years ago and my criticism was retarded, I apologize.)
Zizek on idpol
Don't have any specific videos bookmarked, search on youtube.
Chomsky on postmodernists
I actually strongly disagree with Chomsky on everything he says about this and I would say he is objectively wrong, but interesting nonetheless.
Zero books interviews with Angela Nagle
More ideas on the current state of right and ""left"" idpol. Or just search of Angle Nagle on youtube and listen to a video more than an hour long. Can't remember if I saw this one, but this guy is my next recommendation: youtube.com
Thaddeus Rusell interview with Douglas Lain (of Zero Books)
Interesting insight. I suspect Thaddeus is right wing, but he puts forth interesting ideas.
Unironically watch PregnantU
Ridiculously identitarian, filled with outright lies, and blatantly obvious propaganda.
This is the propaganda being fed by rich right wing fuckers to the masses. Useful to understand why and how the arguments are based on lies (like contradicting wikipedia lies), logical fallacies, feels > reals, etc. The arguments are so shitty, I don't expect you'll have a problem. You will rage that people could be so retarded as to believe that shit.
Don't watch too much or it will ruin your day, just be aware that this shit exists.
Don't comment on the videos, don't waste your energy.
Bookchin on idpol
Search youtube
Some wikipedia articles worth reading.
Also read on the history of LGBT movements and the Civil rights movement. Read about Malcom X, black nationalism, black panthers. These movments have been doused heavily in idpol yet successfully reduced oppression to their identity group. Try to imagine a "class first" approach to (black) civil rights and how that would have worked out. Try to understand what are the similarities and differences of modern identities (LGBT, black, latinx, white, aryan, etc) with that of black people during the civil rights movement.
Finally, check out pics related (and read the shit that's recommended in it as well).
Improve this post or make a new better one.
Repost it in the daily "sjws suck amirite" thread.
Holly fuck they really call this shit "leftist agenda" like we're all a bunch of angry sjw teenagers.
Thank you for this long response and sorry for troubling you. I'll check all the links you just posted, none of this will be wasted.
the thing with idpol is its complete neglect of class
and class first doesn't mean rejection of addressing the peculiarities of class exploitation for each identity
you have some more rights for some groups, but they are essentially meaningless when you are poor
there is no need for black transgender CEOs
CEOs need to die
that doesn't mean we shouldn't emancipate people of all sorts into the movement
both are exclusively idpol and maintain the capitalist system
in that regard they are the same
there's no bakery that rejects white men to order cakes, and if there is it's total bullshit and can be called out
but on what basis? that the bakery owner should be hanged and the remaining bakers get to run the bakery and have to serve to everyone equally
the comic is in that regard dumb as shit
Communist/socialist movement is known for housing compromised liberal movements, compromised under many perspectives not just Not Socialist.
wow, you just proved my point, this is how liberals would solve the problem, by forcing the Right to stop being mean to the poor innocent liberals (compromising the values of the right, because you automatically assume the right believes in bullshit, but liberals don't). You guys say you're against both sides, but you side with the liberals or house them. Even if you're against capitalism, hat's not neutral.
SJWs are idpoler rad-libs, fuck 'em
I know that pic 3 and 4 are on leftybooru, but are pic 1 and 2 there s well?
Feminists is a very broad category that includes many different types of peoples. Some of attention seeking SJW's in name who co opt the movement for attention and acting a victim.
Good feminism, and I'm trying to be careful, is anti-capitalist and includes men's rights. It's advocates gender equality and that includes eliminating homelessness, which is 90% male.
People getting angry at feminism are either scared of the status quo changing or is angry at women for probably real injuries to their psyche but that anger is misdirected at a whole group rather than an individual problem.
I remember I saw that quote posted to a feminist subreddit and the top comment said it demeans women because it implies traditionally feminine things aren't "real talk"
Liberals were a mistake
nazifur and gfur are dominant. often one and the same
you merely prove the point that liberals and right wingers are interchangeable, as i explained in that comment you are apparently incapable of reading in full because you're too delusional to comprehend that you guys really are the same
there is nos special consideration for any of your special snowflake groups and nobody should be able to withhold any products they claim "ownership" over as capitalists
neither right wingers nor liberals
there is no higher price for meany white dudes and no cakes for him either, just as there is no retarded cake discrimination for anyone else
because we're exactly not liberals we don't want some regulations on whom you have to sell a cake to or whether you should be free to reject service
we take the whole fucking bakery and you can go eat mammoth shit in siberia, idpol fag
"facts don't care about your feelings"
Comrades I'm a socialist because I'm too emotional and irrational, much like the same reason most women are left-wing.
btfo epic style
this picture makes more sense this way
Into the garbage it goes
I think he means goals in general, like the equal treatment of all ethnicities, sexes, etc. Not the specific goals which are means for achieving those ends.
Different way of intending equality fam
**You still chose to not only side with the liberal, but also kill the baker, you did more than the picture*
I'm not left or right wing, I'm Christian, Zig Forums would call my ideology Jewish and susceptible to racemixing, communist/socialist would call it oppressive/racist/sexist fairy tales whatever. You're assume a lot things to do a lazy, edgy "btfo" respounce.
Yeah, especially when withholding it from a liberal group your movement houses, since you're willing to kill for liberal.
Leave furries alone, most of them are actively kicking out reactionaries, and half of them are commies
Vast majority of furries are liberals and Nazis and if your first reaction upon reading that was "Well then we should side with the LIBERAL furries cuz le lesser of two ebils xD" you should go kill yourself
On top of that furshit in general is directly a product of consumer culture and literally only came into being through neoliberal hegemony (as opposed even to transexuality, which you can find examples of throughout history) That doesn't necessarily mean every last furry should go to the gulag but "defending" them is certainly not the first task on a communist's plate
Hell yeah, Zig Forums used to have threads like this all the time but then it became cool to pretend like you were above the "idpol vs anti-idpol" dichotomy despite it still being important
Here's a some more resources comrade, hope you can apply them in your future organizing endeavors
Michael Parenti on Identity Politics youtube.com
Slavoj Zizek-"Political Correctness is a More Dangerous form of Totalitarianism"
More Zizek-"How Political Correctness Elected Donald Trump"
Jimmy Dore-"Bernie Sanders Draws Fire after Lefties Misinterpret him on Identity Politics" (more of a succdem take due to Jimmy's lingering liberalism but still applicable to the far left)-youtube.com
Bookchin's critique of idPol (useful even if you aren't an anarchist IMO)
you illiterate dimwit
a revolution would crush you and your liberal idpol friends together
you are the same, you're just too much of a simpleton to grasp the basics as i just tried to explain to your birdbrain, but of course this turned out to be futile
I feel exactly the same way.
It's really odd to see that, because furries are among the gayest fandoms, it really makes you think.
Prove it.
You must be very proud of yourself.
Is that suppose to be ironic?
How did you become so smart?
No problem! Zig Forums was a different animal two years ago and if it wasn't for people speaking out against bigots, I would've never understood the seemingly contradictory anti-idpol yet anti-bigot attitude. We've been getting a lot of new users, and as I said, a lot of them are ex-Zig Forumsacks or just new to socialism, so I think it's important to insist on people reading up on this.
It's not meaningless if a poor woman can sue the shit out of her boss for sexual harassment. I know that you mean that class-derived oppression of poor people is far worse than being misgendered, for example, and I agree. I just wanted to clarify that it's more complicated than just saying being poor is the worst. Fixing minority issues is a temporary fix to a larger, more systematic problem, yes, but people want better treatment now, rather than wait until everyone is convinced that communism is the way to go.
no, do you mind uploading them?
I took both screencaps (and am OP in 1).
Pic 1 is from this thread that is still in the catalog
(user who responded, sorry for not responding back. I was busy and now the thread is too deep to bump. I did read up on some of the things you mentioned)
I meant the end goals, ie. equal treatment and de-spookment of society. Contrapoints is entertaining, funny, and very accessible. She is much more informative than a lot of bad philosophy youtubers I've seen before.
inspired by Marcuse and his gang of degenerate hedonist nihilists
Lmao how did you know I'd be in this thread?
Also your post is good (I might steal it and then reformat it adding some other things) but the problem with this stuff (and this is something I've had a lot of conversations about recently) is that there is no 1 size fits all approach to a really contentious issue like this and that it's difficult to create a convincing narrative against IdPol that doesn't immediately alienate some people depending on what their views are on it, and I think a lot of that is related to how the Left (in American particularly, since this is the locus of this stuff) has really failed to create any sort of mass successful movements; and when you don't have any power you first obviously turn to avenues outside of the political or economic and into the social, but there really isn't much you can do in the social that isn't localized that cannot easily be disrupted and spiral off course without any political or economic power.
Ultimately this localization is not only reflected in the geographical sense, but also within the spaces that we inhabit online becoming insular and cannibalizing (when you have no power you self-crit, harangue, witchhunt, chastise etc and fall into sectarian traps) and even the personal "politics" of individuals becoming more or less entirely affective. And it's this affectivity (idk if that's a word?) that is in itself reinforced by any and every mechanism in a world of capital that is entirely based around personalization of every possible product towards the individual that leads to people solidifying these behaviours as almost instinctive.
This politics of affect arose both from Capital itself but also from the fallout of the movement against it, and really I question how much of the development of it can really be combatted or even attributed to specific forces attempting to dissolve the "Left" as opposed to opportunistically embracing it as a strategy to those ends whether they be in the Market or something as mundane as "SJW Wreckers are being paid by the CIA to destroy us". Both can be simultaneously true, but they are symptoms and not causes. It's just incredibly difficult to break through this kind of Commodification of one's own Alienation that leads to them being unable to arrive at any conclusions outside of how they react to their own personal emotions & worldview. I'm really not sure how you solve this problem with regards to Anti-Idpol in the "Left" but suspect it's part of a larger problem.
You understand that furry subculture is focused around individual people selling their own labor and not megacorps exploiting workers? Nazifurs are largely a meme, and get routinely called out by people with actual praxis.
You, I like you
The furry subculture doesn't exist outside of class society. It probably doesn't have large capitalists catering to it (yet) but it's still dominated by petit bourg fucks who can frivolously spend exorbitant sums of money on fursuits and $1,000 YCHs
When the neolibs finish getting all the mileage out of trans people furries will probably be the next thing they turn to. At that point Baudrillard will roll in his grave because neolibs will essentially be commodifying something which has no origin outside of neoliberalism itself.
Most are just self-employed artists or fursuit makers, but they don't own the MoP and they can't hire other people.
Any subculture will have people spending money and there are people who take it too far but complaining about high prices from the most reknowned artists are a staple of the culture too.
Anthropomorphic animals as a concept have existed thousands of years ago, from wooden carvings of upright animals, to ancient egyptian mythos of animal-headed gods. You don't honestly believe this wasn't a thing until Disney showed up, do you?
Gays, stop talking about furries.
I did not made that image, it's just something that somehow fits what I was about to say. This thread is NOT about which political party the furries are in.
If you make five figures drawing furries in diapers I doubt you have proletarian consciousness even if you do it alone. Same if you're a NEET but have enough daddybux to buy overpriced YCHs of your donut.
Jacking off to antropomorphized animals and being a part of the "furry community" are not the same things and you know it.
sjws are either liberals, hence right wing, or anarchists, hence irrelevant
Thank you for your assumption.
Why does there have to be a "community" about it? Most of us on /fur/ hate the wider majority of socialites on major art sites and just like the characters and artwork. I think you're letting the negative stereotypes cloud you from understanding that everyone is a unique individual.
Furry fandom is a fetish club full of mentally damaged people that can't socialize without a proxy. It lacks any political connotations.
There is also a hilariously large number of them with Zig Forums tier views.
That's not an assumption, furry fandom "socialites" are textbook petit bourgeois and, like it or not, they are the public faces and ideologues of the subculture.
You were responding to posts analyzing furries as a community. I personally jack off to furry porn sometimes and think "yiff in hell" shit is incredibly autistic. If you like furry that's fine. Doesn't change the fact that the fandom is petit-bourg as fuck.