Great job BO. I know it took a lot of hard work to pull this off. You did it buddy!
Great job BO. I know it took a lot of hard work to pull this off. You did it buddy!
What is it?
hispachan went down so they came here
infuckingcredible. we were really at number 2 for a long time too.
Quality > quantity unfortunately we have neither.
I thought we peaked at third, with a big gap between us and the top two.
nothing good comes from a circlejerk. I thought this board used to be crucial in winning the war of words regarding identity politics and its very liberal roots and consequences. Instead BO and others decided that this should be a place with dumb wordfilters and unneeded bans based solely on if you thought Stalin was 100% blameless or if the Kurds deserved to find a way to live without oppression.
Go fuck yourself. Thinking identity fucking politics is more important than actual fucking wars of imperialism deserves a ban. Don't like it? Get the fuck out.
I did like many others. Good work like I said.
And yet you're still here… Seriously fuck off you will not be missed.
o im laffin
yeah to document what the BO has done to this board
Tbh I'm only here to read news and look for happenings. For the most part this place is a fucking shadow of its former self.
I guess it goes to show that every online leftist community, regardless of affiliation is either trash, or has yet to become trash.
Documentation doesn't require speaking. Also fucking lol at "documenting" the crimes of some unpopular board on a nigerian pottery website.
at one point this was one of the largest online leftist forums
Boo fucking hoo. Find somewhere else to shitpost about how you want to join R0java. Seriously I dont miss any of you fucking retards.
We did. Now this board is dead. How has that helped any of us? Seems like a pretty dumb thing if you actually want to change the world instead of LARPing online. Why don't you post some epic stalin memes?
how to argue dishonesty: the post
I don't have any memes for you kid if that's a problem for you go back to reddit. Tbh I don't know why you're still here.
probably to laugh at you tbh
You were never at #2 for longer than it took to refresh the page.
The only reason /leftycuck/ has ever been above 6 - for any real period of time - was when your board flooded itself with bots in the hope to get to #1.
Everyone who doesnt support assssad and putin gets banned. And then you have puritans who dont want any new members because it would "ruin muh discussion" which was extremely shitty from the start.
That's fine I guess.
That never fucking happened lol
Yeah exactly, if we sunk to 20 and all the posts were good that would be better than ever but instead we have at least as much dip in quality as quantity
you haven't documented anything of what the BO has done
you point at a number and make dumbass assertion while leaving out everything else that'd lead to this point
1. initial growth due to migrations
2. election surge and dropped interest immediatly after
3. liberals not interested in "insensitive" chan culture and putting up with radicals
4. growing exhaustion and dropping out users who don't want to bother with the same old discussions
5. lack of a general happening that'd attract newfags
well i bet if you'd manage to create a new board it'd totally take off then, since you got it all figured out, right?
you can go "expose" our BO all day long there and have yourself and your other 5 friends you'll make there stroke your ego by telling you how smart you are
How the fuck do you figure that quality beats quantity in mass politics? Do you think this is a fucking religion?
this board is dying directly due to the BO's policies. Delusion is normal for pretend ☭TANKIE☭s but reality is hitting you right in the face so it's time to stop LARPing and start to wonder why a popular board has died and what impact this will have in promoting actual leftism instead of the controlled opposition that is popular in other places
The real reason for this board's "decline" is the mainstreaming of semi-leftist thought among first worldists. Back in the day it was hard to find a western site that didn't ban people for hating Hillary and other neoliberals. Now there are now popular communities on plebbit dedicated to first world "leftism" like r/chapotraphouse that are probably siphoning a lot of our potential userbase away.
Wew lad. I know you just showed up here recently, but there were plenty of leftist discussion sites before the fucking chapo subreddit.
This website is dying if we’re being honest with ourselves… so although we can piss and moan about BO, I’m not sure that’s the whole truth.
keep it up like that, yourreplies only prove how right i am, i don't even have to do anything but point out the obvious lack of any sort of validity of your baseless accusations that ignore every other facet of the current development
if it really is all just up to BO
then why has leftpol not taken over? why don't you create the new place that will attract the masses?
bring on the excuses, i'm bet they're just as golden
you're funny, kid
Where have I seen this before
I get your point but why bring this up precisely when the BO and vols are opening dialogue?
I was here from the beginning.
At first we hovered around 300-400. Then we slowly began to grow. We had around 500 active. Then 600. It remained like that until late last year when we began to swell to around 1000, slowly becoming one of the top boards. What broke this trend of growth was BO’s spergout.
Unless you can think of something that happened that just coincidentally occurred at the same time as BO’s spergout. This is a denial of the obvious and readily apparent truth that anyone can see if they’ve been here more than a couple years. I’ve fucking seen what brief spurts of interest inflating the board numbers and then going away looks like. That’s not what happened. The big fucking active user numbers don’t last for months.
Eternally assmad fags, of which a great many fully deserved the bans, sperging out about the past and BO in particular. They were unbanned and now feel justified to piss and shit all over the place. Basically wreckers and possibly CIAniggers
This shitty board dying fills me with schadenfreude.
This to be honest. This board is suffering from the same cancer that killed revleft, namely batshit insane administration. It's really disheartening to the same shit happening to decent communist boards time and time again.
But its jewish imperialism now, so good :).
The difference being that an imageboard can have an effect in combatting idpol but has zero chance of stopping a war of imperialism. Who in their right mind thinks Zig Forums has that kind of influence? Like so many mods before him BO has fallen into the trap of wanting to feel important and fully exercise his 'ownership' of the community, resulting in senseless authoritarianism.
Because a board with high traffic and name recognition has a huge advantage over a newer, slower board.
i named a bunch
it is up to you to get proof for this singular correlation that you claim
not me
and so far all you ever do is cry while dismissing everything else brought up
because you are wrong, you fucking know it, this is just you autists sperging on about that one issue that you are so passionately butthurt over
if you talk about obvious denial look in the fucking mirror and read the thread again
no facts, only accusations
i've been here since '15 too, kiddo, that doesn't mean jack shit to back up your retarded accusations, this is not fucking proof of anything
learn how a fucking argument works, simply screeching assertions over and over again doesn't turn them into truths, you can pull that shit on Zig Forumstards, not here with people around actually capable of reading numbers and not autistically insisting on one interpretation without anything to back it up
that's an excuse for a while, and yet they stagnate just the same
they are constantly talked about here
they are linked in the FAQ sticky
how much more do you need?
and what name recognition are you talking about? you are delusional and simply reach for excuses, just as expected
and that strawman and ridiculous shitty wrong equivalence
we're not stopping a fucking war, we're preventing war agitation and slander, and that's the same it does for identity politics
we're not preventing it from actually effectively working on liberals and spreading
everything you guys spout is nothing but delusional ramblings, get a fucking grip already
sorry for tripple-posting, my eyes are rolling so hard that i keep hitting reply before even being finished
Still BOs idea that by banning 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧imperialists🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 we can stop the left falling by the mutt meme of COINTELPRO is stupid and did lead to the split
Who cares?
This isnt a Popularity Contest
And what impact can that have? As if the people who browse Zig Forums are the sort of people who will fall for that.
That's what it comes down to. If you think 'war agitation' needs to be stopped you must think that this will potentially be the difference between a war happening and not happening.
Yeah but slow boards suck, that's why Zig Forums remains more popular. It's really hard for a board to get off the ground when a faster analogue exists, people will choose the faster board.
Zig Forums is well known on other boards including on 4chan, and on Reddit (even as a bogeyman). Zig Forums is not.
Politics literally are a Popularity Contest
I think the logic behind "posts on Zig Forums can aid imperialism" is that people can be agitated to go fight for Rоjava, however unlikely that is
Posts on this board are the forefront of the global anti-imperialist struggle. Do NOT minimize their importance.
Nah. It's a desperate attempt for an irrelevant cargo cult to feign relevance by laughably overestimating their impact on popular discourse.
Notice that BO's biggest defender is the same autist posting nazi infographs on the board:
notice how every faggot giving BO unwarranted shit is an autist incapable of delivering arguments
what's the point of your greentext? are you retarded?
and again, you guys brought it up but can't explain it
how is banning imperialism apologets and slander against antiimperialist nations so different from banning idpolers? you do realize that includes nazi propaganda as well, right?
you're drawing arbitrary lines and are just an inconsistent butthurt whiner
what impact does it have to ban Zig Forumsacks shitting up the place with "muh Autism Level"?
could it be to keep the place free of their shit so we can talk about leftist topics? imperialism apologets are not leftists, deal with it.
by that logic how did Zig Forums ever take off when we had Zig Forums? according to you spergs everyone who says anything here gets banned for wrongthink, so where are the masses that migrated to Zig Forums, which even get's it own promo in the FAQ here?
you're not thinking your shit through and it's really obvious if you bothered to get past your "muh BO!" screeching fit
so is Zig Forums known to anyone who comes here and bitches about bans
it's funny how you can't make a single point that doesn't burst like the bubble it is into thin air by just poking it
I was thinking about how some celebs ,like mr metokour and that guy that reviews might&magic games, can sell to chaners with retarded memes
I was also thinking how poltard humor is shit and based around hinting about mutt stereotypes like rich people are jews etc. The 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧gamer🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 dude actually did use the stirner meme ,that maked me realise that leftypol ,despite its shitty sectarianism, can make some forgoten theorist memes giving them a chance to shine again
So leftypol can be influencial sometimes(tho the bans are retarded)
Lmao no you’re not. BO more often than not bans people for legitimate criticism of certain regimes, not advocating intervention. People have gotten banned for criticizing Iran or Hezbollah’s Islamist ideology, Assad’s neoliberal economic policies, Maduro’s total reliance on oil, etc. People were getting banned for pointing out the fact that it’s literally illegal to be a communist in Iran under penalty of death, and for taking the Tudeh line which is explicitly anti imperialist. BO’s definition of “condoning imperialism” is basically anything that could lead somebody to not be 100% behind some right wing third world regime. Nobody likes the BO apart from a handful of schitzos like you, and even the mods think he’s batshit insane.
As long as you did not talk about Syria or venezuela you were ok dude
Many anons post both here and in leftpol
For some time i could say that leftpol was better for some time in early 2018
Also leftypol exist as the evil(or good?) pol so communist camed here
**are you are typical stache or another retard""
don't forget wall street banker Slobodan Milosevic
I don't think anyone was banned for criticizing Milosevic
I don't think anyone thinks that he was in any way socialist
Perhaps they were banned for crying Muh Srebrenica and other nonsense though.
i'm growing really tired of this thread since you guys are not discussing anything but merely keep throwing up the same bs again and again after i adressed it and you have nothing to even come back with
except further repetition
this really is just the Zig Forumsacks screeching "muh Autism Level" by now
i criticized maduro and gave him shit, i shat on putin and all that, everyone does
what you do, again, is make accusations without context and act as if i'd deny any issues at all
what i say is that you dips have not proven any correlation with board numbers you throw around, got nothing to back up any other claims and really just screech at BO because that's the one thing you autistically obsess over without even putting any thought into or past it
we had this discussion elsewhere, not here, where i already said myself that i very much see issues, you just pushed the topic away from all the crap we were concretely talking about here and make up my position on a whim just so you can pretend to have something to say
if that's how you wanna do that then just go choke on a dick you massive faggot if you can't take your own head out of your ass for a second and look at what's actually said or happens on the board in general you fucking dumbass cunt
i'm done here you fucking illiterate mongs.
Zig Forums is pretty much a living example of how leftist regime spans out.
But then they chose capitalism and US backing.
what you do, again, is make accusations without context and act as if i'd deny any issues at all
That illustrates part of the problem actually, mainly that there is wildly inconsistent moderation, since it’s obvious that the BO bases their bans on wild mood swings and not any consistent interpretation of the rules. Also if you recognize the problems we’ve mentioned then I’m not sure what you’re defending exactly. Plenty of people here are fine with shilling imperialism being a bannable offence, myself included. Our problem is that BO’s definition can be ridiculously broad at times, and is also all over the fucking map and never consistent. As for the BO being responsible for the drop, obviously we can’t be certain to what degree they are. However the trend is clear, literally years of slow growth, followed by a huge boom, followed by a drop off to levels that predate even the board’s steady growth. A drop that just happens to coincide with BO’s spergouts. While I doubt that the BO is the sole cause of this, he’s clearly a major part.
this isn't a fucking popularity contest. suck it the fuck up and post theory.
Politics literally is.
is it tho
Politics is literally about getting people to support you ideas. Its not called a "popular" or "populists" movement for nothing.
Don't deflect. The original point was that it was necessary to combat imperialism. But now it's about stopping it impacting board quality? As if there was a flood of imperialist spam comparable to what Zig Forumstards do (which is tolerated far more in any case).
Zig Forums does not cater to the same need as Zig Forums. Note that I said 'faster analogue' - Zig Forums is just an analogue of Zig Forums with a different mod team and a more anarchist attitude. Clearly Zig Forums and Zig Forums are far more different and Zig Forums had a greater reason to exist. Leftists only used Zig Forums when there was nowhere else for them.
You didn't even bother to read my post properly and you keep spazzing out with your double-posts, so fuck off. You're the one not thinking things through.
So? Zig Forums is where people from outside will come first. They will only move on to Zig Forums if BO pisses them off enough.
Tldr; petite-bourgeois and upper-class "leaders" once again bring sectarianism and power-politics into the movement. The more we grow, the easier it is for the left to fracture. Truly a dialectical contradiction, but just like dialectical materialism, both have been decades of failure. The left won't be anything viable until we expel ruling class ideas and individuals from the movement, particularly:
Isnt marxism in itself western?
Fuck off, this isn't a western as in European enlightenment or something. Read the Wikipedia page on western Marxism if you really want to know.
Well excuse me for not knowing all the knowledge in the world and justifyably assuming its just another "fuggen westerners, anti-imperialism now praise xi" phrase.
My bad, I thought you were jestering with me. And that's another thing that the left needs to abandon, praise of one-party mixed economies.
BO has admitted that he is responsible for much of the drop in traffic in the char count thread. You're a fucking retard.
if you weren't such a retard seeing one person behind a flag and actually could read you'd know that i'm very much aware of that thread as i've posted in it myself and i know what post you're refering to, if you don't grasp the difference to the retarded accusations thrown around in this thread that i responded to then there's nothing that can fix your retarded little shit head, punk
suck on that, faggot
Zig Forums is a forum of discussion, not a vanguard party.
There is a spectre haunting infinitychan - and its not Zig Forums.
8pol is filled with ameretards even in european hours
Fuck that
I don't think you know what the word "spectre" means.
Just came by to lurk a little bit, not really a leftist but you still have my sympathy. This is sad, I'd hate to be in this position.
The joke is on you
tbh Zig Forums was quickly dying until chodemonkey removed imkampfy. Zig Forums fell from a peak of like, 3500, down to under 1700 for a bit.
Ron aka Codemonkey, the site admin.
"Imkampfy" the alleged board owner of Zig Forums.
To basically everyone IIT
If you think that Zig Forums ever had an effect on the real world your just as Autistic as Zig Forums in 16
muh six gorillion
Checkmate atheists.
you are the worst poster on this entire website and your increasingly obvious presence is a remarkably efficient indicator of how far we've fallen, you slithering tapeworm.
yeah communication and sharing of knowledge has never achieved anything
pol is wayyyyy down too. They've been banning over really trivial things like mentioning "Q" (in any posts) or creating threads that are remotely positive toward Trump (Trump is a "kike," and loves "niggers," according to pol ownership).
That's not a real op. For it to be a real op you have to get the news to start bitching about it, like they did with "It's OK to be White".
< saw through
It was organic. It wasn't arranged in some cabal with the locals.
It doesn’t need to be. Right-wingers are duplicitous by their very nature. Inventing and getting behind disingenuous and manipulative schemes comes as naturally as breathing for them.
You don't say.