Recovering Zig Forumsak here. I've been taking another look at 9/11 but I still can't help but see Jewish fingerprints all over it. Does Zig Forums agree with this analysis that Israel and America were behind the attack? If not, please guide me through it (without being a jerk, I've bought into this theory for over 10 years and I'm not an asshole).
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I don't know about 9/11, but in general it seems pretty obvious that Israel is an enthusiastic ally of US imperialism, not some ringleader. If the US fell they wouldn't be able to do shit.
You might want to present why you believe this since some of us including myself may not know a lot about 9/11 conspiracy theories. I personally never looked into it much except on a basic level.
What about when Israel has acted solely on its own initiative without US input? Like the USS Liberty attack.
I've seen this video. How is this different from the Kalergi plan? Same countries.
And as for Africa and the oil reasoning, it's equally realistic if not more so that the reason for targetting wealthy Muslim countries is because they're a threat to Israel.
Israel is a primarily European and American settler-colonial project. It’s a proxy state, effectively a new Kingdom of Jerusalem for the modern era.
You'd think they'd learn.
I dont now shit about the rest of those SucDem's but thats bullshit
whoever made this is a shill. The Liberal Democrats are not anti-Israel. Respect party are. I really doubt any of the pics related are anti-Israel.
Idk I am burger and knew most of it was correct didn't bother to personally check each one. LibDems aren't leftists at all anyway so not sure why they were thrown in.
Why is Israel and not the Saudis and the deep state?
Socialdemokraterne is definitely not anti-israel, most of the socdems on that list aren't.
If you want an anti-israel Danish political party refer to the most left-wing one which is Enhedslisten.
Idk, I could tacitly say "yeah, Israel and the US are buttbuddies in gangbanging the middle east so prolly" but after looking into it again this year I realized that some of the multiple pieces of intelligence (which America's leadership ignored) came from Mossad. Mossad actually gave them a list with several of the hijackers, including ringleaders, on it before the attacks. I'm sure Israel played a role in the aftermath, but it's quite possible they weren't clued in at all beforehand and genuinely thought the US would use the info they provided (which ftr was from spies they had in the US) to prevent an attack.
OP did you happen to watch this video?
pssst palestinian here. i got the inside scoop on 9/11, cause i'm arab:
9/11 was done by pissed off wahhabis because america had been colonialising the home of mecca or whatever. its kind of a shotty excuse to attack america because when america fought saddam hussein osama bin laden wanted to help and offered his resources and mujahideen to go fight alongside america because saddam was a kaffir or someshit. also they helped him out during the afghan war against the soviet union. so really osama's priorities were all fucked up, because america helped the shit out of reactionary islamists trying to fuck up socialism and secular democracy in the middle east. some say america dick sucking israel was his excuse but he could give two shits about palestinian national resistance.
jews had nothing to do with 9/11 , but it was definitely in zionisms best interest for 9/11 to happen. 100%. look at the middle east now.
communism will win
Mossad and The CIA undoubtedly executed 9/11
Lmao'd at that second pic
Israel can act up because there isn't really anything the US can do about it. They're a valuable asset to US intrest so they're free to do whatever and sugar daddy usa won't do shit. The only thing Zig Forums got right about the situation is that jews can be used to deflect criticism.
Their somewhat "anti-israel"(plz stop killing palestinians and do a two-state solution so we can support you and still be good guys) policy is the only thing that keeps the swedish socialdemocrats somewhat okay actually.
Israel is nothing more than a pawn of the USA so no, it's not "Jewish fingerprints" as Nazis say to cover up the crimes of their beloved USA, but the fingerprints of the American booj.
There isn't actual evidence that the entire attack was orchestrated by the American government. There is certainly reason to believe that 9/11 was in favor of the USA and its ME associates (including Israel of course), but nothing that would prove that they planned it.
There is certainly evidence, however, that American intelligence was aware of at least a threat to the WTC beforehand. It is impossible to say whether their inaction was the result of conspiracy or criminal negligence.
That's all there is to it. You can go ahead and post low res political cartoons about jews fleeing the WTC in the nick of time and blah blah blah but that proves literally nothing. You will get absolutely nowhere if you base your politics on the assumption of conspiracy based on circumstantial evidence rather than science and proven theory.
My personal opinion, and what I believe is most likely, is that the attacks were performed by reactionary Wahhabis with a massive (though somewhat paradoxical) bone to pick with US imperialism. Like all Wahhabis, they were of course linked with and perhaps indirectly funded by the Saudi Arabian state and royal family (this actually has been proven). I think the thing that pisses me off most about 'truthers' is that they seem to care more about the attack itself then how the US reacted: why do these people obsess over possible inconsistencies and circumstances surrounding the attack itself (which led to near 3,000 deaths) while apparently ignoring the glaring hypocrisy of invading Iraq and Afghanistan (resulting in about a million total deaths, civilian and military, violent and indirect) and not only allowing Saudi Arabia to get away scot free but actually increasing sales of weapons. Literally no one of afghan or iraqi origin appears to have been directly involved (yeah, even Osama was Saudi. It's amazing how many americans are genuinely surprised by that).
Israel has certainly pulled some shit, but the fact that Zig Forumsacks seem willing to just gloss over the fact that Saudi Arabia unquestionably played the major role seems grossly ignorant if not outright hypocritical. They seem much more willing to bitch about jews in the abstract than support real policies against Saudi Arabia and the Israeli state, which essentially makes them useful idiots for American liberal/conservative foreign policy.
Israel is behind ISIS, I think most know this.
It'd be naive to think they weren't pulling al-Qaeda's strings. I don't think they actually did it themselves, not their style, they guide and manipulate others to do their bidding. They were even behind the creation of Hamas to counter the PLO.
Israeli operatives were shadowing the hijackers in the US, as handlers do.
Osama even said he didn't do it around the time that they cut him off from MSM because he "could be sending hidden messages". That's right the "death to America" guy denied responsibility.
Remember the "terror sleeper cells"? What happened to that narrative? In retrospect, it looks like projection. The narrative was discarded after it served it's purpose.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. If Israel was an american pawn then why did they knowingly attack the USS Liberty?
From a political perspective, the fundamental problem with 9/11 conspiracy theories is that they are wholly unnecessary, because only neocon warhawks think the mainstream narrative about 9/11 justifies American imperialism, which to everyone else is completely retarded. Is it technically possible that 9/11 was an inside job? Sure, but so could have been many other seemingly straightforward historical events. What matters is evidence, and as it is, the idea that al-Qaeda got lucky with a hijacking operation is not really that hard to believe compared to the briefly tempting but ultimately meaningless counterpoints.
What matters, and is more open to debate, is what happened as a result of 9/11. It is easy to see how it ended up being a perfect excuse for the US and Israel to start raising hell in the Middle East, but it ultimately does not matter whether the tragedy was plotted or simply exploited to the Burgersphere's own ends. Even if the former were true, it would not be any better than the latter.
It was the CIA, Saudis, and Mossad. The USA controls Israel, not the other way around.
Remember when Obama went and spoke to the Israeli version of congress to oppose Netanyaho?
Then there's all the American PAC's in Israel influencing policy
Or, is it the other way around?
israel is fully dependent on burger weapons and money, which they only get because their existence is an excuse to maintain presence in the middle east. the US would drop them like a rock otherwise
Well you can trust some idiots on Zig Forums, or you can trust Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, the most powerful militia fighting Israel. Your choice I guess.
9/11 was "Occupy Wall Street" done right.
I think in all of those cases, Saudi Arabia is the more fitting culprit. The evidence is much more clear with their meddling then the Zionists even if there were inadvertant reasons that contributed to the development of events.
Corrupt Israelis, Saudis, and CIA were probably all in on it together. Down around the flight school there were Moroccans, a German instructor, and a Russian lawyer. It was a team effort that multiple agencies had eyes on. Zig Forums can't see past the Jews.
Down with the islamo-judeo-christian alliance against the forces of materialism!